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1、五年一贯制专转本英语翻译练习填空1Dont _(嘲笑)the people in trouble.2_(她信守承诺)to visit her aunt regularly. 3He studies music _(在他闲暇时).4Harriet is lost and her parents are really _(为她担心). 5I walked as fast as I could,but I couldnt _(赶上他). 6You must leave here_(尽可能快).7His dream _(实现)at last with his great effort.8We talk

2、ed about how to _(解决)the waste.9The old traditions are _(正在消失).10_(不要担心),everythings under control.11Are you still _(保持联系)your old friends? 12It is helpful to_(养成好的习惯) of reading in language learning.13The ground _(被大雪覆盖着).14In mountain areas, _(同我年纪相仿的儿童) cant afford to go to school. 15_(我不相信)in th

3、ese so-called health foods. 16Even worse,_(车坏掉了) on the way home. 17It is known to all that _(知识始于实践). 18Im sorry,Mr white!I _(忘记带我的家庭作业). 19I will _(尽我最大的努力)to help you.20_(许多的人)have realized the importance of saving food.21It is difficult for me to _(做出决定).22Youd better _(看医生)about your cough.23I

4、was so happy that I _(情不自禁地鼓掌) my hands. 24They got up late and _ (匆匆忙忙地去了学校). 25Has your father left Wuxi for Shanghai?Yes. He _(离开已有两天).26He always _(积极采取行动) protect the wildlife. 27Jim,do you know Lu Xun is a great Chinese writer? Yes,I have just_from Mr.Wang.(借了一本鲁迅写的书)28He is good student. He i

5、s always _ (总是在前五名).29His parents has been ill and he has to _ (照顾他们). 30Have you _(听说过这个故事)before?31The new star was _(是一位中国科学家发现的)32Dont watch TV in bed.Its_(对你的眼睛有害)33What he has done has_(增加了我们的困难)34My little daughter wants to be a policewoman _(当她长大后)35Project Hope has_(筹集许多钱)since 1989.36I _(听

6、见她在唱歌)just now. 37He was_(甚至更成功)than his father. 38It is our duty to_(保持我们的环境干净整洁)39Dont _(失去信心)in face of difficulty.40Its difficult for me to _(做出决定).41I always_(练习使用计算机)every day.42Hainan Island is_(中国的第二大岛屿).43Regardless of the size of the team, _ (我们都乐于为你服务).44Because the _(水对环境非常重要), he encour

7、aged everyone to participate in the protection of our river, river, lake, sea and so on.45It is said that some people_(在事故中丧生).46In many countries,_(英语被用作第二语言).47The ancient bridge was_(石头制作的).48He was_(据说已经离开了车站)when the policemen arrived.49_(强烈建议)that strict measures should be taken to reduce the

8、ever-increasing road traffic accidents.50_(无论这份工作多么有吸引力),the lady will not take it.51Full advantage_(应该充分利用科技)to help people live a better life.52The head teacher _(忍不住笑了)when she spotted the ridiculous scene in class.53 _(简单来说),she is not exactly fat,but rather well built for her age.54Many kinds o

9、f animals are believed to have_ (从地球上消失).55You will be admitted to the cinema after they _ (检查你的票).56Hardly _(她刚一出门)when a friend came to visit her.57How he wished that he_(牢记)what the teacher said in class.58I fell in love with Amsterdam_(我第一次参观这座城市).59I cant stand_(人们在我周围抽烟).60_(没有什么区别)to soldiers

10、 whether it is safer there, because their duty is to protect people and their property.61Fred discovered that he had _(有音乐天赋).62Get onto my shoulders and _(看一看)over the fence.63Shakespeares plays are seen by_(数百万的人)every year. 64Whenever I see the birds,Ill _(梦想在空中飞翔).65He _(既不说英语也不说法语).Instead,he s

11、peaks German.66I will use the prize money to help_(支付学费).67It is hot_(而不是暖和).68Conor did not _(返回)Ireland until 1937.69_(快睡吧)Its late.70Peters wife always _(要求他不要吸烟).71This machine _(用来切割东西).72Jane,your bedroom is so dirty.Sorry,_ (我马上去打扫).73My father spends much money on books,_ (尽管不富裕).74He sat_(面

12、对面)with me.75He doesnt run _(像他姐姐一样快).76She has thought up _(一个好主意).77Jack will _(相处的很好)his classmates.78Mary wants to _(买个礼物给lily).79Most families _(只有一个孩子)in china.80Kate and Ann dress themselves up as adults._ (实际上),they are only 13 years old.81He is even _(更成功)than his father.82_(在老师的帮助下), I can

13、 work out the maths problem.83Since 1989, project hope has_(筹集了很多钱).84Scientists _(试图去解释)the reasons for their disappearance.85The PRC _(成立于)October 1,1949.86The city has a history of_(近三百年).87My sister has _(感冒了) for five days.88_(他们是穷人), but they are kind.89Dont praise him, he will _(骄傲).90You hav

14、e to_(支付你的吃喝费用).91Ten people are_(仍然下落不明)。92Leaders in America have generally _(支持军事行动).93They have_(用光了所有的钱).94The meeting_(进行)at 8:00.95Great changes have_(发生)in this area since 2010.96_(你最好少吃东西)before you go to bed.97Do you know the girl that is_(站在树的前面)?98Id never seen the woman before_(在我的一生中).

15、99No one knows what kind of cars we will have _(在未来).100_(事实上),he is afraid of making a speech in public.答案1laugh at2she keeps her promise3in his spare time4worried about her5catch up with him6as soon as possible7came true8deal with9dying out10dont worry11keep in touch with12develop a good habits13i

16、s covered with snow14lots of children of my age15I dont believe16the car broke down17knowledge begins with practice18forget my homework19try my best20a number of people21make a decision22see a doctor23Couldnt stop clapping24were in a hurry to go to school/ went to school in a hurry /hurried to schoo

17、l 25has been away for two days/since two days ago 26actively takes action27borrowed a book that was written by Lu Xun28always in the top five29take care of them30heard of this story31discovered by a Chinese scientist 32bad for your eyes33added to our difficulties34When she grows up35raised a lot of

18、money36heard her singing37even more successful38keep our environment clean and tidy39lose heart40make a decision41practice using the compute42the second largest island in China43we are happy to serve you44water is very important to the environment45killed in the accident46English is used as a second

19、 language47made of stone48said to have left the station 49It is strongly recommended 50however attactive this job is51should be taken of technology 52couldnt resist laughing 53to put it simply 54disappeared from the earth55check your ticket56had she going out 57Had kept in mind58the first time I vis

20、ited the city59people smoking around me60It makes no difference 61a gift for music62have a look63millions of people64dream of flying in the sky65speaks neither English nor French66pay for my education67rather than warm68return to69Go to sleep70Asks him not to smoke71Is used for cutting things72Ill c

21、lean it up73even though hes not rich74face to face75as fast as his sister76a good idea77get along well with78buy a gift for Lily79have only one child80In fact81more successful82With the help of the teacher83raised a lot of money84try to explain85was founded in86nearly three hundred years87had a cold88They are poor89be proud of90pay for your food and drink91still missing92supported military action93used up all their money94took place95taken place96You had better eat less food97standing in front of the tree98in my life99in the future100In fact

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