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1、届高考英语考点精析复习题3命题点2 人物故事本类考题解答锦囊人物介绍也是高考完形填空经常选用的题材。作者所选的人物都是非常具有特点的,这些人物往往具有独特的品质或经历,值得人们学习或从中吸取教训。因此把握这些人物的特点和品质是做好这类完形填空的关键。 高考最新热门题 1.(典型例题)Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese American writer. But her writing 1 was something she picked up by herself. After her first 2 , teaching disabled children,

2、she became a part-time writer for IBM. 3 , writing stories was simply a 4 interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher (出版商) . 5 , they immediately sug gested that she put them together to make a single one long 6 and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. A pretty money, said the publisher, for

3、 7 writer. 8 Tracys characters (人物)are in teresting, her stories sometimes 9 readers uneasy: those about the supernat- ural. My mother believed I could 10 the afterlife world, she told a close friend. She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago. Can I? I dont think I can,

4、Tracy said with a laugh. But I do have 11 when things come to me 12 . Once, she was wondering how to complete a 13 set in ancient (古代的) China. 14 the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese 15 . It cawithout her having 16 it.Though she has published 10 books, Tra

5、cy has remain 17 by her fame. She lives in the same 18 , she lived years ago although in a more comfortable home. Theres mc room for 19 in her life-and it wasnt just 20 .1. A. skill B. experience C. practice D. method 2. A. duty B. effort C. job D. task 3. A. Instead B. Normally C. Certainly D. Then

6、 4. A. general B. deep C. personal D. lively 5. A. Interested B. Anxiously C. Seriously D. Encouraged 6. A. film B. story C. program D. article 7. A. a foreign B. a popular C. an unusual D. an unknown 8. A. Now that B. Even though C. Just because D. Except that 9. A. find B. turn C. leave D. hold 10

7、. A. make up B. connect withC. control D. explain 11. A. events B. chances C. feelings D. moments 12. A. for no reason B. from a distanceC. by accident D. as gifts 13. A. description B. pointingC. scene D. talk l4. A. Surprisingly B. SuddenlyC. Expectedly D. Fortunately 15. A. cooking B. history C.

8、play D. medicine 16. A. known B. sent C. realized D. ordered 17. A. unchanged B. excitedC. determined D. unmoved 18. A. life B. city C. house D. way 19. A. success B. work C. joy D. variety 20. A. writing B. reporting C. luck D. fun命题目的与解题技巧:此文是完形填空中的人物故事题材,考学生对文章的整体理解,文章记叙了TracyWong从最初把写作为个人爱好到出版了许

9、多书,最后取得成功,做好此类题型的关键是把握好人物的特点和品质。答案: 1.A解析:她的写作技能是她“偶然学到”的,pickup当“偶然学到”讲,可以说pick叩alanguageaskill等。本题干扰性最大的是experience,“经验”只能是慢慢“积累”而不能是“偶然”学到;practice意思是“实践”,与pick叩也不搭配;method可以跟pick叩搭配,但此处不是指写作“方法”,而是写作“技巧”。 2.C解析:空后的teachingdisabledchildren是前面内容的同位语,教残疾儿童应是一种工作,且后文有part-timewriter (业余作家),也说明她有一份工作

10、。 3.D解析:此处指“当时”她成为IBM的业余作者时,写作仅仅是个人爱好,故用thenatthattime其他选项没有把握好上下文的逻辑关系。 4C解析:全句意为:在当时,写作写故事不过是她的一项个人兴趣(不是工作或谋生的手段)。 5A 解析:此空选A,是因为他们(出版商)感兴趣,此处interested与主语是被动的主谓关系,如不感兴趣,他们便不会提建议了。此处出版商不可能是“着急”“严肃”或“受鼓励”。 6B解析:出版商(或编辑们)建议她(把三个故事)放在一起,组成一部长篇小说,所以此空填B由语境可排除其他选项,她写的不是“电影”“程序”,也不是“文章”。 7D 解析:出版商人预付了Tr

11、acy 5万美元,且说:对一个不出名的作者来说这是一笔不小的数目。此处的pretty近于 alargeconsiderablesur sum of,意为“挺不错、够多了”,从逻辑分析看,5万美元对于外国的受欢迎的/非凡的作者就可能显得少了。 8.B解析:此处构成的只能是让步关系,表示“尽管”她小说中的人物非常有趣,但有时却使读者感到不自在,故用even thoughif now that既然”,引导原因状语从句;C是原因状语从句;D是介词后的宾语从句,意为“除了”。 )9C 解析:leave意为“使处于某种状态”,即“她的故事有时候使读者处于不安状态中。“uneasy”是宾语补足语,符合lea

12、ve的用法。findsb意思是“发现某人”不合题意;其他动词不合搭配。 10B 解析:根据后句SheusedtOyearsago(她过去常常让我同已死去多年的祖母说话)可知,母亲相信作者能和人死后所去的世界沟通。故选amakeup“编造;构成比例”,不合题意;control控制”;explain解释”都不合逻辑,因为没有人能够控制或解释人死后的世界。 11D 解析:此处是说她生活中有些“时刻”非常奇怪,令人难以置信。 12A 解析:Tracy认为自己不能与阴间沟通,但她的确遇到过无缘无故就发生了事情的时候,后文无缘无故得到的那本书便是例子。所以此空填fornoreason(无缘无故、不知为什么

13、)。fromadistance从远处”;byaccident“偶然地”;asgifts作为礼物”均不合语境。 13C 解析:空后的“set in ancient China是过去分词作定语,修饰空内要填的词,意即:(时空)设定在古代中国的 ,据此填scene最好。全句的意思是:有一次,她正不知道怎么样完成一个设定在古代中国的场面。此时她在写作。B项和D项均不妥,她不是在绘画或交谈;A项description(描述)肯定会有很强的干扰性,但与后面作定语的分词短语搭配不当。“一个设定在古代中国的描述”肯定不妥。 14B 解析:门铃突然响了,合乎情理。门铃响应不是令人吃惊的事(排除A),但也不是意料

14、中所指望的事(排除C)fortunately多指危险中出现了转机或好事,用于此处有些夸大,且fortunately多被逗号同句子隔开。 15B 解析:Tracy写古代中国的场面时遇到困难,一本书中雪中送炭,帮了大忙。这本书应该是关于中国历史的,如这本书是关于其他方面的,就帮不上忙了。 16D 解析:她没订购这本书,这本书就在需要时刻来了,正符合上文的“无缘无故就发生了一些事的时候”。 17A 解析:本句中的though是关键词,下文的sallie也给提示。全句意思是:尽管她已出版了10部著作(应该名利双收了),但盛名之下,她并没有改变。后文的“She lives in the sameshe

15、lived 27 yearsago”也说明她没多大变化。 unmoved的意思是“没有被感动”,用在此处不合语境。 18D解析:空后的Shelived 27yearsago”是定语从句,修饰所填的词,只有先行词是way才合理,句意才能通顺,与上下文相符合:她的生活方式仍与27年前一样。如选其他三项,空后应有一关系副词,且与下文不符。 28C 解析:此处是说她“快乐的事情”很多,不仅仅是写作。 此处作者强调这位女作家很会享受生活,这样可排除其他干扰项。 20A 解析:此处是说除了“写作”,她还有很多其他的爱好。把握好人物的身份和职业可排除其他选项。题点经典类型题 1. (典型例题拟) I am

16、my mothers third child. When I was born, her doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was 1 , below the elbow(肘部). Then he gave her some 2 : Dont treat her any 3 from the other girls. Demand more And she 4 ! My mother bad to work to 5 our family. There were five girls in our family and

17、we all bad to 6 .Onee when I was about seven, I emne out of the 7 ,Mom, I cant peel (削.皮)potatoes. Ionly have one band. You get back to peel those potatoes, and dont ever use that as a(n) 8 for anything again! Of course I could peel potatoes with my good band, while holding them down with my 9 arm.

18、There was always a 10 ,and Mom knew it, If you try hard 11 ,shed say, you can do anything. Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bars (高抵杠). When it was my turn, I 12 my head. Some kids 13 I went home crying. After work the next afternoon, Mom 14 me back to the

19、school ground. Now, 15 up with your right arm, she advised. She stood by 16 I practiced, and she 17 me when I made progress.Ill never forget the 18 time I was crossing the bars. The kids were standing there with their mouts open. It was the way with everything, when I 19 I cant handle (处理)things, I

20、see Moms smile again. She bad the hear to 20 anyting. And she taught me I could, too. 1. A. missing B. broken C. diseased D. short 2. Pt. warning B. medicine C. help D. advice 3. A. badly B. differentlyC. well D. normally 4. A. did B. refused C. cried D. was 5. A. care B. help C. support D. feed 6.

21、A. pay attention B. work out C. carry out D. help out 7. A. kitchen B. bedroom C. house D. schcol 8. A. idea B. change C. excuse D. explanation 9. A. lost B. other C. next D. longer 10. A. chance B. way C. time D. success 11. A. enough B. too C. again D. often 12. A. hurt B. nodded C. shock D. turne

22、d 13. A. cheered B. whispered C. joked D. laughed 14. A. drove B. took C. sellt D. carried 15. A. pull B. jump C. stand D. rise 16. A. before B. as C. after D. until 17. A. helped B. raised C. praised D. protected 18. A. first B. last C. wonderful D. next 19. A. admit B. fear C. find D. realize 20.

23、A. face B. teach C. learn D. solve1A. 解析:联系下文我们可以得知,出生时,“我”左胳臂肘以下的部分缺少。从下文可知,作者的胳膊不是断了(bro ken),也不是生病(diseased),而是没有。 2. D 解析:从空后的句子我们得知,这是医生给“我”母亲的建议,要母亲像对待一个正常的孩子那样对待“我”。此处医生给我母亲的不是“警告”,也不是“帮助”,更不是“药”。 3B 解析:从下句demandmore可以得知,医生要“我”母亲不要因为“我”的残疾就把“我”与其他孩子区别对待。从后面的介词from可排除其他选项,不合搭配。 4A 解析:did在此相当于d

24、emandedmore,此处强调母亲确实照医生的话做了。B、C不合题意。D用于替代句中的系表结构,而此处demandmore是实意动词。 5C 解析:support在这里是“支撑,养活”的意思,说明母亲要工作来养家糊口。从母亲的艰辛这一点可排除其他动词; care关心”feed喂养”。 6D 解析:从下文“我”剥土豆皮的经历可得知“我们”姐妹几个都帮母亲的忙。help out当“帮助”讲pay attention注意”;workout解决问题;出现结果”;carry out执行(任务等)”,都不合题意。 7A 解析:从空后的Mom,Icant peelpotatoes”看,“我”从厨房走出来。

25、从作者削土豆这具体的语境可排除其他选项。 8. C 解析:空前的that指代“我”所说的Icant peel potatoes,I only have one hand母亲认为那是借口,故用eXCUS“主 意”“变化”“解释”在此都不合逻辑。 9B 解析:用右手剥皮,用左胳膊把土豆握住,myotherarm 指失去肘部以下的那只胳膊。lost失踪的、丢失的”,往往指整个东西,而此处作者的胳膊仅仅缺少了半截;next下一个”指次序;longer不合逻辑。 10B 解析:从下文if you try hard 11(enough),you can do anything”我们得知,“我”认为办法总是

26、有的。此处指的是有“办法”,其他选项不合题意。 11A 解析:enough在这里做程度副词,修饰前面的副词hard题意为:假如你足够努力,你什么事情都可以做。100表示两种两样的情况;again表示动作的重复,都不合题意。 12C 解析:从下句我们知道,这次“我”没有做,因此当老师要“我”做的时候,“我”摇头拒绝,因此用shock从下文以及作者是残疾人这一点可排除其他选项。 13D 解析:在这里作者是说有几个孩子嘲笑“我”,用laugh at sb A、C有较大干扰性,cheered多表达因为成功、喜悦而欢呼庆祝,而joke指开玩笑。14B 解析:take sbt。a place意思是“领着某

27、人去某地”。drivesbt。意为“开车拉送某人到什么地方”;send sbTo a place意为“派某人去某地”;carry sbt。意为“携带某人去某地”。 15A 解析:pull up在这里指把身体拉上去。在这里母亲要“我”用右手把身体拉上高低杠。pull表示“拉,牵引”。因为后面有“用你的右手”的信息限制,因此排除其他选项。 16B 解析:as在此相当于when或while,在我练习的时候,母亲站在一边。此处表示两个动作同时发生,因此排除其他选项。 17C 解析:在“我”有进步时,母亲表场“我”。由前面“进步”信息提示,可排除“帮助”“抬”“保护”。 18D 解析:thenext t

28、ime指自那次以后的下一次;the firsttime“第一次”;thelasttime上一次,最后一次”;thewonderfultime最美好的时光”都不合语境。 19B解析:不能够处理事情是“我”的担心,故用fear,相当于beafraid其他答案均有一定干扰性,联系上下文我们知道,母亲一直鼓励“我”不要把自己看作残疾人,她要求“我”做正常人所做的一切事情。admit“承认”,realize意识到”,此处都不合语境。 20. A 解析:“她用心去面对一切事情”。D项有一定干扰性,从空前的heart我们得知,母亲从心理上能勇敢面对一切困难。 新高考命题探究CIoze 1 Many chil

29、dren may be fond of animals, but few ever think of making the study of animals their career (职业). Even fewer will be 1 by the whole world, 2 the title of United Nations Messenger (使者)of Peace. 3 one woman has achieved all that. She has lived with chimpanzees(黑猩猩) in the African forest for more than

30、20 years and made great 4 . This woman is Jane Goodall. She was born in London, England, in 1934. Goodalls lifelong 5 in animals began at an early age. By the age of 10 or 11, Goodall 6 going to Africa to live with animals. This was quite a strange dream in those days, as young 7 didnt think of havi

31、ng such wild actions. But she was 8 by her mother. She told her that if she really wanted somtehing, she should work hard, take advantage of 9 and never give up looking for a way. When a close friend invited Goodall to Kenya in 1957, she readily 10 within a few months of her arrival she met the famous anthropologist (人类学家)Dr. Louis Leakey, who soon decided that Goodall was the 11 person he was looking for to begin a 12 of wild chimpanzees on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. In July 1960, Goodall arrived at Combe National

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