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1、湖南省浏阳三中届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题最新学习文档湖南省浏阳三中2019届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题(无答案)时量:120分钟满分:150分第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ( )1. Where does Lucy come from?A. Canada. B. Australia. C. New Zealand.( )2. What is t

2、he time now? A. 5:35. B. 6:15. C. 7:55.( )3. What does the man mean?A. He didnt have enough film. B. He was not good at taking pictures.C. There was something wrong with his camera.( )4. What has happened to Bob? A. He has retired. B. He has fallen ill. C. He has gone on a business trip.( )5. What d

3、oes the man suggest the woman do?A. Ask John to join the band. B. Help him with his stuff. C. Quit the band. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。( )6. Where does the conversati

4、on take place?A. In the Sunshine Hotel. B. On the phone. C. In a shop.( )7. How much should the man pay in total? A. $ 30. B. $ 60. C. $ 90.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。( )8. Who likes to wear Italian-style clothes? A. Young women. B. Career women. C. Rich women.( )9. According to the man, how can Italian fashio

5、n become more popular? A. If they are made more comfortable. B. If they are made more practical.C. If their prices are reduced.( )10. In which country does this conversation probably take place? A. The United States. B. Italy. C. France.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。( ) 11. How does the woman feel about the man

6、s plan?A. Surprised. B. Satisfied. C. Excited.( )12. How long does the man plan to stay in Japan?A. One day. B. Two days. C. Four days.( )13. Why does the man want to stop in Singapore?A. For shopping. B. For the scenery. C. For the food there.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。( )14. Whats the relationship between t

7、he speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Employer and secretary. C. Friends.( )15. How does Jenny feel at the beginning of the conversation?A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Disappointed.( )16. What does the man give Jenny?A. Post cards of Hong Kong. B. A plane ticket. C. A Christmas card.( )17. Where will Jenny spen

8、d Christmas? A. In her own home. B. In the mans home. C. At school.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。( )18. What did the speaker and his girlfriend decide to do? A. Eat food from different countries. B. Make a different dish every day. C. Travel around the world in a van.( )19. How long did it take them to fulfill

9、the plan?A. 85 days. B. 90 days. C. 102 days.( )20. What does the speaker say his website is about?A. Restaurant reviews. B. His experience of eating. C. Funny stories about menus.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AFor many, college is a means to a good job. For Hollywood stars, college is a

10、n opportunity to be like everyone else.Jodie FosterBy age 14, she had appeared in two dozen television series and 10 feature films, including Taxi Driver. Yet, she stepped away from the film business at the height of her career to attend Yale University. It paid off. Foster graduated in 1985 with a

11、degree in literature, and she was later awarded a degree in fine arts. Her career didnt suffer, either. She went on to win two Oscars, for The Accused and The Silence of the lambs, and to direct several films.Jerry OConnellActor Jerry OConnell made a name for himself at age 11 as the star of Stand b

12、y Me. After a few more projects, he took a break from acting to attend New York University. Now he is finishing up his law degree at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. He enrolled(注册) in night classes in 2009 before playing a lawyer in the television series The Defenders.Brooke ShieldsActress B

13、rooke Shields basically came of age on screen, playing in Pretty Baby, The Blue Lagoon and Endless Love. Later, she went for her bachelors degree at Princeton University and it was the degree, in the end, that served her.“Without those four years of learning and growth, I would have never survived m

14、y industry, a business that eats its young. I would never have been able to adapt and to reinvent myself from movies to television, to stage, to author,” Shields told The Washington Post.21. According to the text, Jodie Foster_. A. won two Oscars when studying in college B. had directed some films b

15、y age 14 C. began her acting career in 1985 D. got two degrees in college22. The Jerry OConnell once attended_. A. Yale University B. Harvard University C. Princeton University D. New York University23. What can we learn from Shields words? A. She never dreamt she could be a star. B. She became famo

16、us due to her degree. C. She greatly benefited from her college study. D. She hated the competition in the film business.24. What do the three people mentioned in the text have in common? A. They are all Oscar winners. B. They majored in psychology in college. C. They went to college in order to get

17、 better jobs. D. They were child stars who became college graduates.BTo my Charley on his wedding day:I know you think these notes are silly. I have watched you wear a long face over the years when I give them to you. But understand that sometimes I want to tell you something and I want to get it ju

18、st right. Putting it down on paper helps me do that. I wish I had been a better writer, I wish I had gone to college. If I had, I think I would have studied English and maybe my vocabulary would have improved. So many times I feel I am using the same words over and over. Like a woman wearing the sam

19、e dress every day. So boring!What I want to say to you, Charley, is that you are marrying a wonderful girl. I think of Catherine in many ways like I think of Roberta. Like a daughter. She is sweet and patient. You should be the same with her, Charley.Here is what you are going to find out about marr

20、iage: you have to work at it together. And have to love three things. You have to love1) Each other.2) Your children (when you have some).3) Your marriage.What I mean by that last one is, there may be times that you fight, and sometimes you and Catherine wont even like each other. But those are the

21、times you have to love your marriage like a third party. Look at your wedding photos. Look at any memories youve made. And if you believe in those memories, they will pull you back together.Im very proud of you today, Charley. I am putting this in your tuxedo pocket because I know how you lose thing

22、s.I love you every day!Mom25. Why did the mother write the letter to Charley?A. To congratulate her son. B. To give him some advice.C. To show her pity. D. To talk things through.26. What kind of feeling is mainly revealed in the letter?A. Regret. B. Pride. C. Care. D. Complaint.27. What is implied

23、about Charley in the letter?A. He is forgetful. B. He is patient. C. He is boring. D. He is worried.CMy daughter went to see The Wild One recently and she commented that Marlon Brando was wearing jeans so long ago. Of course he helped set the trend, so that got me thinking about the link between fil

24、ms and trends in fashion. Fashion and films have gone hand in hand for long. The Wild One is a good example: it appeared in 1954, starring Brando. Dressed in a black leather motorcycle jacket, leather cap and jeans, he created a look which is still considered “cool” today. Everyone from Madonna to m

25、iddle-aged men is seen wearing the classic leather motorcycle jacket.Another strong influence on fashion trends was Breakfast at Tiffanys, starring Audrey Hepburn. She made famous the simple black dress that looks perfect at either a cocktail party or just standing around an expensive department sto

26、re like Tiffanys with a pastry and coffee in your hand, as Audrey Hepburn does in the film. She looks so elegant, wearing simple but beautiful dresses, big dark glasses and a string of pearls around her neck. Audrey Hepburn still influences womens fashion with her “Tiffanys look”.In more modem times

27、, the film star Uma Thurman created a major fashion trend when she appeared in the film Pulp Fiction, made in 1994. Her style was very simple. Her black trousers, crisp white shirt and hair style was copied by women in the world.Influencing fashion trends can often be about timing. The movie Memoirs

28、 of a Geisha came just in time to start a trend in Japanese fashion. It starred the Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi, who wore beautiful silk kimonos (和服), and it won an Oscar for Costume Design. Many travel companies picked up on the trend and ran “geisha trips” to Japan. The film has also led to a regai

29、ned interest in kimonos. It is now quite common to see young Japanese women wearing kimonos not just on traditional occasions, but at various social events. The fashion is also beginning to spread to Western countries.28. What is the best title of the passage?A. Films and fashion. B. Stars fashion.

30、C. Influential films. D. Film cultures.29. Who will people associate Madonna wearing the leather motorcycle jacket with?A. Zhang Ziyi. B. Audrey Hepburn. C. Uma Thurman. D. Marlon Brando.30. What is implied in the film Breakfast at Tiffanys according to the passage?A. One can be active by wearing bl

31、ack. B. One can be elegant by dressing simply.C. One can be famous by looking perfect. D. One can be stylish by eating at Tiffanys.31. What does the film Memoirs of a Geisha lead to?A. The popularity of the Chinese actress. B. The worldwide reading of Geisha stories.C. The recovery of interest in ki

32、monos. D. The “geisha trips” to social events.DHave you ever found yourself in this situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child-a bit of nostalgia(怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationshi

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