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1、新概念英语第二册笔记第43课Lesson 43 Over the South Pole飞越南极 How was the plane able to clear the mountains? In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a

2、 great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was the

3、n able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. 参考译文美国探险家 R.E. 伯德在飞越北极3年之后,于1929年第一

4、次飞越了南极。虽然开始时伯德和他的助手们拍下了飞机下面连绵群山的大量照片,但他们很快就陷入了困境。在有个地方,飞机似乎肯定要坠毁了。只有在飞至10,000英尺的高度时,它才能飞过这些山头。伯德马上命令他的助手们把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉,于是飞机可以上升了,它在离山头400英尺的高度飞越了过去。伯德这时知道他能够顺利飞抵300英里以外的南极了,因为前面再没有山了。飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色原野!一、 单词讲解New words and expressionspole n. (地球的)极flight n. 飞行explorer n. 探险家lie v. 处于serious adj. 严

5、重的point n. 地点seem v. 似乎crash v. 坠毁sack n. 袋子clear v. 越过aircraft n. 飞机endless adj. 无尽的plain n. 平原pole n1)波兰人Poland波兰2)(地球的)极,极地the North Pole 北极the South Pole 南极Pole-star /the North Star北极星3)电极,磁极the positive pole 正极the negative pole 负极4)杆,棒,柱a flag pole 旗杆a telephone pole 电话线杆flight n1)飞行,航班eg: This

6、 is his first flight over the North Pole.这是他第一次飞跃北极。All flights have been cancelled because of the fog.因为雾的原故,所有的航班被取消了。flight recorder飞行记录器,黑匣子2)(飞鸟的)群,(飞机的)一队a flight of wild geese-群飞雁goose gu:s鹅 geese gi: s (pl. )3) 一段楼梯a flight of stairs一段楼梯in the first flight(英)站在最前头,一流的fly-flew-flownexplorer n

7、探险家explore v探险,勘探explore the North Pole 探索北极explore the virgin forest考察原始森林例: We explored the newly discovered island.我们去探测那个新发现的小岛。explorer n探险家explorer n勘探者,探险者例: Columbus was one of the greatest explorers.哥伦布是最伟大的探险家之一。a polar explorer 极地探险家polar a(近)地极的;磁极的;正好相反的liel)v.说谎 lie-lied-lied-lying例:Sh

8、e lies about her age 她就年龄说谎了。2)n谎话tell a lie 说谎话a black lie 恶意的谎言a white lie 善意的谎言live a lie 过骗人的生活,虚伪做人live a cat-and-dog life 过天天吵架的生活3)v,平躺,位于lie-lay-lainlie on one s back 平躺着lie on one s stomach 趴着lie in bed 躺在床上例: Let sleeping dogs lie.别惊动睡着的狗; 别惹是生非;别自找麻烦。Beijing lies in the heart of China.北京位

9、于中国的心脏地带。lie (说谎) -lied-lied-lyinglie(躺,位于,)-lay-lain-lyinglay(放,置于,下蛋)-laid-laid-laying例:Taiwan lies in the east of China 台湾位于中国东部。Lay the book where it was 把书放回原处lay the table 放桌子lay the egg 下蛋serious adj.1)严肃的,正经的a serious conversation 一次严肃的谈话a serious person 一个严肃的人例:I m serious this time. 我这次是认真

10、的。2)重大的,危险的(grave),(疾病,伤痛等)严重的a serious problem 严重的问题a serious mistake 一个严重的错误a serious accident 重大的事故a serious trouble, 重大的麻烦例:Take it easy. Nothing serious别紧张,没什么严重的。seriously adv.认真地;危险地例:Dont look at me so seriously.别那样一本正经地看着我。He was seriously injured in the traffic accident.他在交通事故中受伤严重。point n

11、1)尖端,尖头a knife-point 刀尖a pencil- point铅笔尖2)点(几何中)例:AB and CD intersect at point PAB与CD交于P点。3)小数点,句号2. 6读作:two point six4)要点beside the point 离题的get to the point 言归正传5)地点,位置a particular point 某个地点a point of departure 出发点a turning point 转折点at one point 在某个地方,在某一时刻或瞬间strong points 优点weak points 缺点seem看起

12、来(不用于进行时态)appearseem to be看起来是例: it seems to be the best answer.这看起来是最佳答案了。seem like看起来像例: It seems like a disaster at this moment.在此刻,这看起来使一场灾难。It seems that 一看起来是例:It seems that she is right看起來她是对的。It seems as if/as though看起来就像一样例:It seemed as if he would win。起来就像他会赢一样。crash1)v突然倒下,撞击发出声响,哗啦一声地沖撞(

13、毁损)例: The dishes crashed to the floor.餐具稀里哗啦掉到地上去了。The wall crashed down 那面墙哗啦一声倒塌了。2)V猛撞,撞毁例: The plane crashed in the mountains.飞机在山脉里面撞毀了。He crashed his car into the wall他的车撞到墙上去了。A China plane crashed in Korea recently.前不久一架中国飞机在韩国坠毀了。3)n相撞,(飞机的)坠毁、迫降,哗啦声,轰隆声例: All the passengers were killed in

14、the plane crash.在飞机失事中所有的乘客都丧生了。a crash of thunder雷声轰鸣sack n1)大口袋,大袋子a sack of rice 一袋大米a sack of food 一袋食物put flour in the sack 把面粉装进口袋去2)(美)(超级市场等供给顾客的)购物袋a paper sack纸袋3)(口)解雇,革职get the sack 被解雇give a person the sack 解雇sack(v)sb解雇4)床,睡袋hit the sack (美口)就寝睡觉hold the sack 背黑锅,被留下来负担全责clear1)adj清楚的,

15、明白的,明显的例: Are you clear? 你听明白了吗?I can hear you loud and clear 我听得非常的清楚和明白。2)V移走clear the table 撤桌子,拣桌子clear ones throat 清嗓子clear snow from the streets 清理路面积雪3)V经过或越过(get past or over without touching it)例: The horse cleared the fence easily.那匹马很容易的越过栅栏了The plane cleared the mountains at last.飞机终于越过山脉了。clear up 天空放晴例:The sky cleared up just after the rain 雨过天晴了。clear away消除clear away obstacles消除障碍aircraft n.飞

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