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1、人教版七年级英语语法练习题第一课 冠词 一、单项选择。 ( )1.Heoftenhas_eggandsomemilkforbreakfast. A./ ()2.-Whatsthetroublewith Lingling? -Shedoesntgoto_schoolandstayin_bednow. A.a;/B.the;theC./;/D./;a ( )3.-Doyouhave_dictionary? -No,butLucyhas_newdictionaryonthebookshelf. A.a;theB.the;theC.the;aD.a;a ( )4._earthi

2、sround. A.AB.AnC.TheD./ ( )5.Thereis_“L”intheword“LUCK”. A.aB.theC.anD./ ( )6.Ihopeyouhave_happydaytoday. A.aB.anC.theD./ ( )7._Whitesarehavingdinnertogether. A.AB.TheC.AnD./ ()8.Thereis_orangeandsomepineapplesinthebasket. A.theB./ ( )9.Lisahas_hat._hatisverybeautiful. A.a;A;AC.a;

3、;/ ( )10.Imwatching_movie.Itisabout_interestinglovestory. A.a;an B the the C a, the D the an ()11 This is_egg. _egg is big. A. a; A B. an; An C. a; The D. an; The( )1 2 There is_ “M” in _word map. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; the D. a; the( )1 3 Here is basket. _ basket is mine. A. a; The B. the; An. C.

4、 a; A D. the; A( ) 14 There is_ bridge over there. _ bridge is made of wood. A. the; The B. a; A C. the; A D. a; The二.句子改错。每句中有一个错误,请改正。 1.Julyisaseventhmonthoftheyear. 2.Wewaithereforhalfahour. 3.Studentsoftenplaythefootballafterschool. 4.Its an useful thing. 5.Theyoftenhaveasupperinat home. 6.Smit

5、hsaretalkinghappily. 7.AreyoufromtheChina? 三。用a ,an,the 或者 填空1) There is _ water on the floor. 2) There is _ orange on _ desk. 3) What do you know about _ dogs? 4) I want to have _ chicken for dinner. 5) There is _ fish in the bow. Look! It can swim very fast.6) There is _m in climb and there is _ u

6、 in country.7) I dont like _oranges ,but I like _ apples. 8) My brother is _English teacher, and my sister is _ student now. 9) I dont like _math. Its boring. 10) _ Jennys birthday is Nov. 12th.11) -Lets go and play _ soccer.-Sorry, Im afraid I cant. Its time for me to play _ piano.12) He usually ha

7、s his _ breakfast at 7:00am and goes to _ school at 7:30.四;在需要的地方用a .an 填空。_ruler_ phone_ head _orange _eraser _ apple_English car _old man _armhour_ boy_ desk介词一介词填空。 Could you tell me something _ WWF? I am really interested in animals.2. Cindy usually goes to school _ eight oclock.3. Marcias grand

8、mother is _ ninety years old. She is very healthy now.4. Can you help me_ my math? Its too difficult for me.5. The picture of my family is _ the wall.6. There are two big windows _ the wall.7. Many students write their homework _ pens.8. My good friend Tonys birthday is _ January, 26th.9. There are

9、many pears _ the tree. They look nice.10. Whats this _ Chinese? Can you tell me?11. My family often buy clothes _ HuaXing store _ weekends.12. Can you help the children _ English? You may come _ our club.13. Im looking _ some presents. These shops may have many kinds _ things _ sale. Save your money

10、 till then! 14. How many cities are there _ China? -I dont know. 15. Look, the birds are _ the tree! 16. When is her birthday? I cant rememberIts _ January.17. Mr. Green always goes to work _ bus. He has to get up _ 6 oclock _ the morning. 18. Come on! Im hungry. What do we have _ dinner?19. Dont ea

11、t and read _ night. That is bad _ you20. Come and see _ yourself _ Wendys store!21. We live _ London. How about you? Where do you come _?22. _ Sunday morning, I usually sleep late _ home. 23. Jack is shorter than Sam, but Jack is sitting _ Sam.24. Here is a photo _ your family. 25. There arent many

12、people _ the car _five oclock _ the morning. 26Do you watch TVthe evening? 27We need helpour school trip28Can you help memy math,Li Ming? 29breakfast,I goschool by bike30Thanksyour help31I usually get upsix oclock every morning32In the afternoon I play footballmy friends.33. A fish cant live _ water

13、. A. with B. at C. inD. without 34.Christmas Day is _ December 25. A. at B. on C. in D. by35.My teacher often helps me _ my English,. A. with ,B. of, D. under, 36.There is a bookstore (书店) _ the other side of the street. A. in B. on C. for D. at37. The basket is full _ vegetables. A. about B. o

14、f C. with D. on38. _ my way home, I met an old friend of mine. A. In B. By C. On D. At39. Hurry up, or well be late _ class. A. at B. of C. to D. for40. The sun rises _ the east and goes down _ the west. A. in, in B. on, on C. from, from D. at, at代词一:人称代词和物主代词。(用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空)1. This is my uncle. W

15、e often visit _ (he).2. _ (We) math teacher is very kind to us. 3. What day is _ (it) today?4. My coat is blue. The red one doesnt belong to _ (I).5. These new shoes are so nice. I like _ (they) very much.6. Hey, boys! Did you hand in _ (you) homework yesterday?7. My cousin is a lovely girl. So I lo

16、ve _ (she) very much.8. Lets ask Jane. _ (she) is very clever.9. Tom lost _(he) keys on the way to school.10. Our school uniforms are more beautiful than _ (they).11. Hello, Sandy. What are _ (you) doing now?12. The monkey is putting the apple into _ (it) mouth.13. This dictionary is not Ginas. _ (s

17、he) is on her desk.14. Where is my English book? _ (I) cant find it.15. _ (I) bag is on the desk.16. Their Chinese teacher is a woman and _ (we) is a man.17. My name is Ann. Whats _ (you)?18. _ (We) classroom is brighter than _(they). 二填空1.Could_(你)ask_(他)to call_(我)back?2.Dont forget_(我们)on Sunday.

18、3._(我们)would like to buy_ (他们).4.Could_(你们)help_(她)out?5. Theres one dollar on the floor. Pick_(它)up.6._(他们)are friendly to_(你们).7._(我)like_(她)a lot.8._(她)brings_(他们)to_(我们).9.Does_(他)give_(它)to_(他)?10._(他)does_(他的)homework ay home.12._(她)looks after_(她的)grandmother.13.This is_(我的)pen. (她的)is white.

19、14.These coats arent_(我的). I think theyre_(你们的)。15._(他的)jacket is blue._(他们的)are over there.16.-Whose bike is this? -Its_(他的).17.Those are_(我们的)desks.18.- Are these TV sets _(我们的)?-No ,theyre_(他们的)TV。三;指示代词。(选择 it, this, that, these, those, one 填空)1. Hello, Tim. Let me introduce my new friends to yo

20、u. _ is Mike and _ is Jack.2. I dont like this bicycle. _ one over there is better.3. Someone is knocking at the door. Who can _ be?4. The teacher punished the boy and said to him, “Dont do _ again.”5. Look! _ are the books he bought yesterday.6. _ students are more active than _.7. I prefer the pin

21、k school bag, the _ with a Mickey Mouse on it.动词一:一般现在时1写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。have study do play teach watch fly like pay be say buy 2.选择括号中的动词的正确形式填空。(1)Tom_(like; likes) playing basketball very much.(2)I_(didnt; dont) like talking with him.(3)_(Playing; Play) computer games is my favorite.(4)Nobody can_

22、(live; lives; living) without water.(5)_(Do; Does) anybody know this word?(6)There is little water in the bottle, _(isnt there; is there)?(7)_(Come; Coming) to my birthday party, will you?(8)Tom is a worker. He _(work; works) in a factory. I _(work; works) in a hospital.(9)Who_(speak; speaks) Englis

23、h best in your class?(10)Mrs. Brown_(cooks; is cooking) for her family every day. 3. be 动词 (用be动词的正确形式填空)1. _ your grandmother thin or chubby? 2. Where _ your book on snakes? 3. Where _ my pencil case and my notebook?4. There _ nine people in my family.5. -How much _ the exercise book and the magazi

24、ne? -That _ ninety dollars.6. Ben _ a middle school student, and his parents _ architects. 7. Scott likes action movies best. His favorite actors _ Jackie Chan and Jet Li.8. - What color _ your shoes? - Black.9. - Hello. My name _ Jack. This is my friend. His name _ Tom.- Nice to meet you. I _ Rick.

25、10. _ you still a librarian? No, I _ an accountant now.11Where _ Ann? She _ here.12How old _ you? I _ thirteen.13_ you Mr Read? Yes, I _.14What _ your name? My name _ Fang Fang.15What grade _ you in? I _ in Grade Two.16、- _you Michale? - No,I_. 17、What_ Janes phone number?18- Where _she from? - She

26、_from the USA.19.、- Where _Lily and Lucy from? - They _from the USA.20.- _those apples?- No, they _. They _cakes.21. -_that cap red? - No, it_. It _yellow.22、The girl in green _Lisa.23、- How much_these apples? - 10yuan a kilo.24、- How much_this salt? One yuan a kilo.25、There_twelve people in his fam

27、ily.26、There_ some vegetables on the desk.27、There_ some water in the bottle. There _(not be) any milk. 4用动词的正确形式填空1. You _from India. Brian _from Korea. And I _ from China. (be)2. I _ Chinese and English. Brian _ German, Chinese and English. (speak)3. George _from Italy but he _spaghetti very much. (come, like)4. Penguins _ in Antarctica. Its cold, so no people want _ _ there. (live)5. The movie i

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