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1、英语作文20篇1、Ho o ba god larner?【题目】为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,中学生英语辅导报举行了一次以ow tbea ood lanr?为题的征文比赛活动,请写一篇8词左右的短文谈谈你的看法。【优秀满分范文】o to be a ood rn?Asa good leaer, we shold hvegod habtsand ways f learni。Weneedt treadyfo or lessons befor clsaday lstn carefully class。 s oo t studi grups and helpeach othe. We shud d m

2、ore readi in ou f time。 I weavesomroblms, wd bet ask thrsfrhelp。 Asastdnt, wrig hard s importnt, utnt foge todosportan eephelthy。Ithink al tse bve will be lpfu tu。、My English Sudy【题目】亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了,请你以“Myglish tudy”为题,谈一下三年以来学习英语的心得体会要求:要点包括你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决的方法以及学习感悟;2。词数0左右。【优秀满分范文】y nglish S

3、tudyow time fles! My heeyear middle shool life willbe over on。 ookin back,I have ma emorie of my Englishst。WhnI entered the iddeso, ha man difficltis wth m Englsh。 I was ot able to undrstand theteache in clss, ad I couln maer theword a phrae. For a tmI wntd t gve up。Later, th the help ofthe teaer nd

4、mclasmates, I lisened the teacher areful nclss, kept n readig Englsh everdy ad sok asuch ossible。 Stepb te I maegretprogss n Engish.In wd, nyeno eelop interest n udying Eglis ca you larnit well。3、athers Day【题目】父亲节马上就要到了,但是有些同学不知道送什么礼物给父亲。请根据下面的提示进行适当扩展,并向同学们提出一些建议.80词左右,开头和结尾以给出(不计入总词数)提示:1如果有足够的零花钱

5、,可以为父亲买一些使用单不贵的东西,如领带等:2.还可以为父亲做些力所能及的事情(o smethin hat yuand),如为父亲准备一杯茶等他下班后饮用等。【优秀满分范文】Fates ay is coming dyou ut be thinking o givinga reent to yor fath Diffeentpeop lie differetknd o gift。 y ha nogpocket oney,youcan buyausefu bu not exensive thi, li i。 I ink ourfaer will e it。 But if yu otaveeogh

6、 pet mone, yo cado soetitat y a do, or exaple, yo ca prpar cup f tea。 When your ahe coes b from rk, he candrnk i。N attr atyou d, te mst importnt thnsto ae or fater appy n FahD. Don yu ink?、The pringFetival【题目】请根据提示以“Th Sng estiva为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文.提示:。春节是中国最重要的节日;.人们大多回家过年,家庭成员团聚;3.家人一起吃团年饭、看电视、拜访亲朋好

7、友(frnds an relives);4.孩子们喜欢春节.【优秀满分范文】TheSpring FstvaTherin Fetivalcome n wenter。 It isthe most iprant raditional festival n Cna.People usally g hoe tospd festivl wth thir fmiy。 The hae a biailyget-gehr Th Chnee eopl ei alsa watchTV durig he Sping estiva。 Theaso iit their fiens and elatve。Childrnie

8、te Spig Fetval vey muh becausehe nedgo toschl nhey have a loo time o play。5、t riend【题目】假设ina是你的好朋友,你们两年没有见面了。上个星期她从国外留学回来,你们很高兴见到彼此。请根据提示,简要介绍Lina的变化。提示:1.外貌:以前个子矮,短发;现在个子高多了,长发。2.爱好:以前喜欢打乒乓球、看电视和聊天;现在喜欢弹钢琴、看书和散步。性格:以前外向;现在有些内向要求:。不要逐字翻译,适当发挥;2.层次清晰,语言流畅;3。80词左右.【优秀满分范文】inda is ybestfriend.Se has ha

9、nged o lo th past wo ea。eused to be sort and hve shrtha. owevr, oshe s muh talertan re。he has on air。he used to playing pingpog,wating TVan cattigwith friends。 B she ikes payint piao, rading ooksand takna walk now。She s tob outgng。 N she is a ittle qute。Ithkeple e cange s me ges y。Eventouheas change

10、 aot, we will be the betfrins alle tim。、hometown【题目】背景设定:最近,康敏的加拿大朋友cael给他发来电子邮件,想了解康明家乡的变化。假如你是康敏,请根据以下提示,给iachal回一封电子邮件。提示:过去生活条件差,道路狭窄,车辆少,住不好,吃不饱,联系不便.。现在生活条件优越,道路宽,车辆多,住得舒适,手机普及.。要求:。围绕以上内容进行合理表述;.所表述的内容必须包含表中的所有方面;.词数80词左右,开头语以给出(不计入词数).参考词汇:livin cndiions,arrow, bcrowdedt, ommuniction(通讯),ele

11、r, thnks to,pidl, me phone, polic【优秀满分范文】Dear ichael,Yowant to now she hane aut mhometow。 Yukno, great chageshae tae place sice 60 ears ao。In thepast, the liing coniios were vyoor。 Thre wee otmaybueso cars,n the rads ere narrow。 Ualy, abig famiy was roed ito a smll,darkhuse。 Most falis count getnouo

12、d e ommunications weresimp slo eole keptn touchwith thir frendareles farawamainlyby lett ortlgrmThankto th goermt, urhomwn has veloedrpdlyin rcn years. The livin nditins are mu btterand ore comotble. Th roadsae de。Som peopl v teirown crs. t of te eopleave lived in bign us. Quite fewadults have mobil

13、e phone. Becaus mn good olices, inkour ives wil eome better and beter.SicryKan n7、hopinonline【题目】随着网络的发展,人们消费观念转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变化。“网购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到网购群体中。请你根据以下表格的提示,写一篇网上购物的文章。优点1 足不出户;节约时间;避免拥挤、劳累。价格通常比较便宜.3。可供选择的范围广,品种多。缺点1只能看到图片,看不到商品本身。 容易购买大量不太需要的东西,造成浪费. 注意:.所表述的内容必须包含表格中的所有方面;。8词左右,开头文章已给

14、出,不计入总词数.参考词汇:网购hopinnlin;避免做某事avoid di sth;商品oods;导致caue【优秀满分范文】Wit te veomntf te tne, mny peple res shopng online。 t hasbo a foin our dilyle。Some ous sdentssojoin the group.Spnonle has mayavntages。Just bya likf he mose, yu can uywat oue nterestd in without gong outors.You cn avoid ettig tired and

15、beng trappedin thecrowdedpopeand cs and sae time. Wen shoppn onine, you can hose from mor varieie ofgos, whs prie are gnraly loer.Evry on has to sids。 Its isvanaesareobious, too.ntheone hand, is vey esyfor yo to buy goods different from the pictrs you seeo theIntenert。 On the othr hand,hpping olne m

16、ay cause pople buy odhtr notbadly needed Tas a waste ofmone.All inal, I ove shoping in.8、My life【题目】假如你是李华,今年上初三了,现在的生活和以前大不一样了.请你根据自身的情况写一篇文章介绍一下自己的变化。词数:080。【优秀满分范文】I L Hu。 am in Grade Ni tis ye. Mylife hs hane a l in thept fwwek。I used to get up at seen ie mnig。 Butno e upatsix andra nlshfor hlfa

17、n hou very morig。I usdtowath Tan go t e a 9:3intheeei. Butnow haveto kep doin homewk ntil 11:0 intheeveing。 I used to pay tiinmy free time。But now hve t snd all y ree ie studying。I realy ms my old das。9、latnsip wit prents【题目】某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为Howto kpagood elationshp wih prent的征文活动.请你根据以下要点,写一篇

18、英语短文参加此次活动。要点:1。父母规矩太多,过于强调学习成绩,不理解自己等问题;2你对这些问题的看法;3。你与父母保持良好关系的做法。【优秀满分范文】Hw t kee a od relaonship thparentsIn myopinion, I have to my rles ho. My parentsr lwme to out with my fiendsa nit。 They dont allow me o coose own hes, eith。And tey ytoouhtenin tomy exam resus。 I think mypaents dont uiudersta

19、nd e。Hwev, r my besttounderstan them。 lhoughthy dot alow meo akemy own decisions and g m to muc esure, know tat itis becasethey rly lve mea wan meto hav a big fur.In rderto keep g reationship with m parets, I sty hd and listento them. I talk it them as fins,and alway tel tem m toble. lso help thmdso

20、mehusework。10、oters Dy【题目】今天是母亲节。假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友Jon写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与母亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下:1。表述你与母亲间的情感;.为母亲制作一张卡片;3.帮助母亲做点事;4。陪母亲散步等注意:1。词数80左右;2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。【优秀满分范文】Dear Jo,Its Mothrs Day tod. Its a specil ay, isnt it?Ithn we should o somehing toshw o ovetoumotes o this speci day

21、. My mt nI are god rieds. Whnever I eet with diffitis,e ialways ther, reay o hlp me.odayI will aebeautiu card for her, with my th and bes wh on i。 Then wll hep er ah ter thisaftrnoo dook hevurte fodn theevenng。 Besides, Il ak a wl wihher aterdier adthn pla cess wit er, fo she lkes t ry mh。 sureshelb

22、 vey hpyWhas yo pln frMotrs Day?Im lookig oward toheingfom you。Yous,Li Ha1、考试试卷【题目】英语课代表分发试卷的时候发现了一份没有署名的试卷,成绩为满分。请你帮助课代表分析它会时谁的.要求:。设想当时的情景,适当扩展细节;.书写工整,100词左右。参考词汇:top stdnt优等生;hawitg笔迹;fu marks满分【优秀满分范文】wehad aexm yetdayadnothapers are beighne ot. Theres apr witu a name n iand th sudet full marks

23、。Womanitbng to? tantb aoys,ecauenone of tem i cssa be so oo and tidy。 heapr ms beong to a irl becuetshandwritingivrytidy. Thee arol thre rlwho aregood athandwriing- Ros, ay and Lcy.It iht blong to Rose, but notsureeause se is not so goodat Enli。 It at b Marys。Altough she i top tunt in English, sh as

24、aladhad he in had。 S it mtblog o Lucy.Toda she is il at homean se does well in Enish, too.Wel,it mus blong to her。1、ongs【题目】现在很多中学生都喜欢流行歌曲.请你根据下面的调查结果,写一篇词左右的短文。【优秀满分范文】wada mre and moreidle schol student like pop songs。 fewo themikequitmsc cs tetikquiet usic aesteeecomforale.Mny ofthe studnts ie us

25、icins h rite heirw lyics。 Why?The hink t cool to prsstheir n fligs Mtof the tdets ke c t then dac to They think he iis fll oenergy Whn theyre tired or bore,tey canane to uc13、回信【题目】假如你是郭佳,你的美国笔友Lnda给你写了一封信,说她想给自己的汉语老师送一份礼物来表达自己的感激之情,但是她不知道中国的送礼习俗,所以请你给她一些建议。请根据下面的提示,用英语写一封回信给她。提示:1.要根据个人喜好选择礼物;.礼物的包装不要使用白色或者黑色包装纸(rapngpape);3。不要送钟、鞋或者梨。要求:.语意通顺,条理清楚;2.80词左右。(信的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数)【优秀满分范文】Dar Ln,I amgla t giv ou av nthe cutomsof gvinggfts inmy cntry。Firstly, I thkyou eed to ind out t ou

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