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七年级上册英语Unit 4集体备课教案.docx

1、七年级上册英语Unit 4集体备课教案七年级上册英语Unit 4集体备课教案 Unit 4 heres shlbag? 一 教学内容 本单元的主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品和学习用品的单词,以及方位介词in, n, under,等的用法;学习并掌握here问句的问答,一般疑问句提问并用方位介词回答;学习名词单复数及人称代词the 的用法,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。 二 教学目标 1知识目标:A 掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, base, sfa, hair,d

2、es , r,hat , radi, l, tape plaer, tape, del plane, et; B 熟练运用in, n, under, 等介词; 熟练运用here问句和一般疑问句及其回答; D 掌握名词单复数及人称代词the的用法。 2能力目标:A学会用英语准确描述物品所在的位置; B 学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置; 能够合理地描述和设计房间。 3情感目标:A 培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯; B通过小组对话、讨论、调查和设计等一系列的堂活动,培养学生的合作精神。 4学习策略:A 交际策略: 学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去; B资策略:学会

3、利用一切可利用的学习资,如词典,音像资料,网络等获取更多的学习信息; 认知能力:积极思考,及时反馈; D调控策略:在反思,顿悟和自醒中不断调整自己的学习策略。 三 教学重点、难点 1 重点:A 方位介词: in, n, under, (add:behind, in frnt f, next t可以自己增或删)等的用法; Bhere 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the in/n/under the ?的肯定、否定回答; 新单词:table, bed, base, sfa, hair,des , r,hat- 2 难点:A 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置; B能够运用here问句找到物

4、品的位置。 四 教学方法 采用任务型语言教学,实施情景教学法、交际法、情感激励法等教学方法。 五时安排 第一时:Setin A 1a, 1b, 1 第二时:Setin A 2a, 2b, 2, 2d 第三时:Setin A Graar Fus, 3a, 3b,3 第四时:Setin B 1a, 1b, 1, 1d, 1e 第五时:Setin B 2a, 2b, 2 第六时:Setin B 3a,3b,self- he 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第 1 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学 目标 1e vabularies and phrases

5、 2 Target language: here is the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the plants? There in/n/under the- 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the things are 2Ss an design rs b using the prepsitins 教学 难点 1能够用here引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式找到物品位置 2如何准确运用方位介词in, n, under描述物品所在位置 教学 方法 inds f ethds 教学 用具 A tape rerder, a pret

6、r, se bets 教 学 过 程 集体备稿 个案补充 Step1 Greeting and aring-up Hell, everne! H are u tda? Step2Revisin hats this/that? hat are these/thse? B using PPT t revise the rds that e learned Step3 ne teahing Learning the ne rds n Page19(table bed base sfa hair shlbag bs es plant et) having students tr t sa the in

7、 English Setin A 1a 1Fus students n the rds (table, bed, sfa, hair, bs, es, shlbag ), sa eah ne in English, and as students t repeat 2Sa, L at the piture Have students find the bets in the piture 3“Lets find the at ” using the pitures t teah “innunder” 4pratie in pairs Setin A 1b This ativit gives s

8、tudents pratie in regnizing speifi vabular rds in spen nversatin (1) Have students read the rds in 1a as the l at the bets (2) Pla the rerding fr the first tie Students nl listen (3) Pla the rerding fr the send tie This tie sa, N listen again, and nuber the things in the piture hen u hear the (4) he

9、 the ansers Step4 nlusin(Setin A 1) (1) Learn and aster the vabular rds (2) aster the target languages heres bapa? Its under the table here are bs? There n the sfa Step Her 教学 反思 改进 建议 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第 2 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学 目标 1e vabularies and phrases 2 Target language: here i

10、s the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the plants? There in/n/under the- 3 Student an as and anser:Is the b n the table? Are these bs n the sfa? 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the things are 2Ss an design rs b using the prepsitins 教学 难点 1能够用here引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式找到物品位置 2如何准确运用方位介词in, n, under描述物品所在位置

11、教学 方法 inds f ethds 教学 用具 A tape rerder, a pretr, se bets 教 学 过 程 集体备稿 个案补充 Step1 Greeting and aring-up Hell, everne! H are u tda? Step2Revisin 1 Sh se pitures (table, bed, sfa, hair, bs, es, shlbag ) t the students Have the sa the in English and tr t spell the 2 As students t ae nversatins: heres ?I

12、ts herere There Step3 ne teahing having students tr t sa the in English A: Is the n/in/under ? B: es, it is/N, it isnt Its in/n/under(b/penil bx/shlbag/ath/puter ) Setin A 2a This ativit gives students pratie in regnizing speifi vabular rds in spen nversatins 1 Pint t the things in the pitures Have

13、students sa their naes in English2 Pla the rerding fr the first tie Students nl listen 3 Pla the rerding a send tie This tie students nuber the things 1-6 hen the hear the in the nversatin 4 he the ansers Setin A 2b (1) Have ne student read the nuber and sa the nae f eah ite in 2a(2) As students t l

14、 at the piture arefull Sa, N ull rite these nubers n the piture in 2b(3) Pla the rerding the first tie Students l at the piture as the listen(4) Pla the rerding a send tie This tie students listen and rite the nubers() he the ansers Step4 Setin A 2d (1) Learn and aster the vabular rds (2) aster the

15、target languages Step nlusin (Setin A 2) Step6 Her 教学 反思 改进 建议 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第 3 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学 目标 1e vabularies and phrases 2 Target language: here is the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the plants? There in/n/under the- 3 Student an as and anser:Is the b n the tabl

16、e? Are these bs n the sfa? 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the things are 2Ss an design rs b using the prepsitins 教学 难点 1能够用here引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式找到物品位置 2如何准确运用方位介词in, n, under描述物品所在位置 教学 方法 inds f ethds 教学 用具 A tape rerder, a pretr, se bets 教 学 过 程 集体备稿 个案补充 Step1 Greeting and aring-up Hell, everne! H are

17、 u tda? Step2Revisin 1heres the?Its n/ in/ under here are the ?The are in/ n /under the Is it n the table?/N, it isnt Is it under the table?/es, it is Are the n the sfa?/N, the arent Are the in the base?/es, the are 2Setin A 2d,listen and read tgether tie Step3 ne teahing Setin A3a L at the pitures

18、and plete the nversatins 1Have the students t finish ith grups 2he the ansers Setin A3b As and anser questins abut the things n the right 1Sh the pitures, as and anser 2Students r in pairs Setin A3 Student A, l at the piture n page 19 Student B, l at the piture n the right As and anser questins t fi

19、nd the differenes Step4 nlusin heres ?Its herere There A: Is the n/in/under ? B: es, it is/N, it isnt Its in/n/under Step Her 教学 反思 改进 建议 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第 4 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学 目标 1e vabularies and phrases 2 Target language: here is the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the

20、plants? There in/n/under the- 3 Student an as and anser:Is the b n the table? Are these bs n the sfa? 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the things are 2Ss an design rs b using the prepsitins 3listening 教学 难点 1能够用here引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式找到物品位置 2如何准确运用方位介词in, n, under描述物品所在位置 教学 方法 inds f ethds 教学 用具 A tape rerd

21、er, a pretr, se bets 教 学 过 程 集体备稿个案补充 Step1 Greeting and aring-up Hell, everne! H are u tda? Step2Revisin 1heres the?Its n/ in/ under here are the ?The are in/ n /under the Is it n the table?/N, it isnt Is it under the table?/es, it is Are the n the sfa?/N, the arent Are the in the base?/es, the are

22、 Step3 ne teahing Setin B1a L at the piture ,ne rds teahing(radi l tape plaer del plane tape hat) 1 ath the rds ith the things in the piture 2he the ansers Setin B1b L at the piture in 1a fr three inutes Then lse ur bs and rite dn all the things u reeber Setin B1 Listen and irle the things T ants fr

23、 his r Setin B1d Listen again here are Ts things?rite the dn Step4 Setin B1e As and anser questins abut the things in Ts r Step nlusin heres ?Its herere There A: Is the n/in/under ? B: es, it is/N, it isnt Its in/n/under Step Her 教学 反思 改进 建议 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学

24、 目标 1e vabularies and phrases 2 Target language: here is the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the plants? There in/n/under the- 3 Student an as and anser:Is the b n the table? Are these bs n the sfa? 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the things are 2Ss an design rs b using the prepsitins 3 Setin B2b 教学

25、 难点 1能够用here引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式找到物品位置 2如何准确运用方位介词in, n, under描述物品所在位置 教学 方法 inds f ethds 教学 用具 A tape rerder, a pretr, se bets 教 学 过 程 集体备稿 个案补充 Step1 Greeting and aring-up Hell, everne! H are u tda? Step2Revisin 1heres the?Its n/ in/ under here are the ?The are in/ n /under the Is it n the table?/N, i

26、t isnt Is it under the table?/es, it is Are the n the sfa?/N, the arent Are the in the base?/es, the are 2Setin B 2d,listen and read tgether tie Step3 ne teahing Setin B2a rite the rds u n fr the things in the piture Setin B2b Read the passage and anser the questins: Is ate tid? Is Gina tid? 1Ne rds

27、 teahing 2As and anser Setin B2 plete the hart abut the things ate and Gina have and here the are Step4 nlusin 1heres ?Its herere There A: Is the n/in/under ? B: es, it is/N, it isnt Its in/n/under 1 在桌下面 _ 2 在沙发上面 _ 3 在书包里 _ 4 在书柜里 _ 在椅子下 _ 6 在房间里 _ 7 在图片里 _ Step Her 教学 反思 改进 建议 英语时授计划 授时间:2012年 月 日 执教者: 题 Unit 4 时 第6 时 型 新授 教学设计者 王玄军 教学 目标 1e vabularies and phrases 2 Target language: here is the shlbag? Its in/n/under the- here are the plants? There in/n/under the- 3 Student an as and anser:Is the b n the table? Are these bs n the sfa? 教学 重点 1Ss an tal abut here the th

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