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1、高一56单元5-6单元效果检测题1. He is studying while my brother is interested in at school.A. law; computer B. laws; computersC. a law; a computer D. the law; the computer2. Did she regret the choice that she had before?A. worked B. asked C. looked D. made3. The train runs a speed of 70 miles an hour when it cro

2、sses the desert.A. with B. in C. at D. for4. Will you go to the ball? No, even if .A. inviting B. be invited C. invited D. to invite5. New ideas have to wait for years before .A. being fully accepted B. fully accepted C. fully accepting D. to fully accept6. Francis Preston Blair, Jr. born in Kentuck

3、y, lived and worked in Missouri.A. was B. he was C. although D. who he was7. Where do you believe ? We cant find him anywhere.A. has he gone B. he has gone C. has he been D. he has been to8. In he began to learn English, when he was in .A. 1970; the 40s B. the 1970; his 40sC. the 1970s; his 40 D. 19

4、70; his forties9. There are books in our library than in theirs.A. many more B. more many C. much more D. too more10. Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we had no but to take a taxi.A. way B. choice C. opinion D. idea11. She is such a student as can quickly the friendship of others.A. make B. seize

5、 C. catch D. win12. After from high school, he went to college and studied very hard.A. graduated B. graduate C. graduating D. to graduate参考答案:1-5 ADCCA 6-10 CBDAB 11-12 DC跟踪练习21. You look tired. It seems that you yourself a good sleep.A. owe B. give C. spend D. have2. I owe to you that Im still ali

6、ve.A. this B. that C. what D. it3. Something has gone wrong the experiment.A. for B. to C. with D. at4. I found a of socks in the bedroom, but they didnt make a .A. pair; couple B. pair; double C. couple; pair D. couple; twice5. What do you want from the grocery store? Oh, I just need some toothpast

7、e and .A. a little bit of other things B. a couple of other thingsC. a few of some other things D. some other little things or two6. My idea is the mountain from the north.A. climb B. climbing C. climbed D. to climb7. I can not help the box for you, as I am too tire.A. carrying B. carry C. be carrie

8、d D. being carried8. I dont thing Professor Jones meant to be funny this morning, do you? No, although I couldnt help at some of his remarks.A. from laughing B. to have laughedC. laughing D. to laugh9. How long him? For five years.A. did you know B. have you known C. did you get to know D. have you

9、got to know10. The road to the airport was very busy and we were the plane.A. afraid to miss B. afraid of missing C. worried to miss D. anxious to miss11. The girl was so shy that she never speaks until .A. she is spoken to B. she speaks to C. speaking to D. spoken to12. We owe many thanks our teach

10、ers their help.A. to; for B. for; to C. for; with D. to; with13. Take the medicine three times a day, and youll soon better.A. look B. go C. get D. keep14. His rich knowledge of computer him a job in a big IT company.A. won B. took C. cost D. give15. During his stay at home, he received 30 letters .

11、A. at all B. after all C. in all D. above all参考答案:1-5 ADCCB 6-10 DACBB 11-15 DACAC跟踪练习31. Which city in England do you think may be called Shanghai of West.A. a; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; the2. Though Shakespeare is a great writer, people dont know much about young Shakespeare.A. / B. a C. the

12、 D. its3. They looked at the news.A. excited; pleased B. exciting; pleasing C. exciting; pleased D. excited; pleasing4. The grown-ups had coffee but the children wanted milk coffee.A. instead B. in place of C. take the place of D. take place of5. Not only I but all the others tired of having one exa

13、mination after another.A. is B. are C. am D. be6. His work was by his boss.A. highly thought of B. high thought C. a good thought D. well spoken7. My son told a lie again today. Well, what action are you going to .A. make B. take C. come into D. go to8. It was three to nine and all the family were w

14、aiting before the TV set to see the broadcast of the CBA basketball game.A. live B. lively C. lovely D. living9. He was so poor that he could not afford his son to college.A. send B. sent C. sending D. to send10. I was follow their advice.A. determined B. determining to C. determined not to D. deter

15、mining not to11. He left his homeland, never back again.A. determined; to come B. being determined; to comeC. determined; coming D. determining; coming12. Tom says he really cant to wait one more week.A. afford B. spend C. waste D. cost13. He sent me an E-mail, to get further information.A. hoped B.

16、 hoping C. to hope D. hope14. Not only us grow up tall and strong but it also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.A. playing football makes B. playing football make C. does playing football make D. makes playing football15. Can you tell me where he once lived? Oh, its the very house you ha

17、ve just visited.A. what B. that C. where D. in which参考答案:1-5 CCDBB 6-10 ABADC 11-15 AABCB走进高考1. Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? Yes. He had never praised him he became one of the top students in this grade.A. after B. unless C. until D. when2. She will tell us why she feel

18、s so strongly that each of us has a role in making the earth a better place to live.A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing3. When , the museum will be open to the public next year.A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed4. It is not rare in that people

19、in fifties are going to university for further education.A. 90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their5. She cant help the house because shes busy making a cake.A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned6. While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying something they don

20、t really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded7. Im very with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. Mm. It does have a smell.A. pleasant; pleased B. pleased; pleasedC. pleasant; pleasant D. pleased; pleasant8. Not only interested in football but beginning

21、 to show an interest in it.A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself ; are all his studentsD. is the teacher himself; all his students are9. After living in Paris for 50 years he returned to the small town he grew up as a

22、 child.A. which B. where C. that D. when10. The film brought the hours back to me I was taken good care of in that far-away village.A. until B. that C. when D. where参考答案:1-5 CBADA 6-10 CDDBC第六单元跟踪练习11. Will you be able to get a taxi to the theatre? , sir.A. No necessary B. No problem C. Im glad D. T

23、hats OK2. I hear youve bought a new watch. Please .A. show one me B. show the one for me C. show it to me D. show me it3. Have you finished all of exercises? Yes, completely. is left.A. None B. Nothing C. No one D. Neither4. The teacher apologized late.A. to his students to arrive B. to his students

24、 for arrivingC. for his students to arrive D. for his students for arriving5. He in his homework.A. made a lot of faults B. did a lot of faultsC. did a lot of mistakes D. made a lot of mistakes6. He has tuned on all the lights in the building. Thats waste of electricity. Its not his . He just did wh

25、at he was told to.A. mistake B. wrong C. fault D. shortcoming7. Would you please ?A. introduce me your friend Tom B. introduce your friend Tom meC. introduce me to your friend Tom D. to introduce your fiend Tom to me8. , can you tell me how to get to the Disney Park?A. Im sorry B. Its sorry C. Excus

26、e me D. Beg your pardon9. A bridge made of stone lasts longer than made of wood.A. it B. one C. this D. that10. He has lost everything in the fire. Youd better him the debt.A. give up B. forget C. forgive D. throw away11. Ask Tom to come at once, for the train is starting .A. in a moment B. in the m

27、oment C. at a moment D. for a moment12. Did anyone know the truth? .A. No B. None C. No one D. Not any13. Could you lend me some money, Tom? Im sorry. Ive at hand.A. no B. no one C. none D. few14. Have you found your pen? No, I havent found . But I bought yesterday.A. one; it B. it; one C. that; one

28、 D. it; that15. China is a country to the third world.A. developed; belongs B. developing; belonging C. developing; belongs D. developed; belonged16. The language for speaking on the telephone is similar to that of ordinary conversation.A. is used B. is using C. used D. using参考答案:1-5 BCABD 6-10 CCCBC 11-16 ACCBBC跟踪练习21. It is bad to speak with your mouth full of food .A. manner B. manners C. way D. methods2. How about this cloth? I dont like it and, i

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