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1、丑小鸭童话故事英文版及翻译丑小鸭童话故事英文版及翻译 一只天鹅蛋在鸭群中破壳了,但因为这只小天鹅长得很丑,不但没有被鸭群接受,挨啄、被排挤、被讪笑,而且在鸡群中也是这样。他因此觉得很自卑,因为自己长得那么丑陋,成了全体鸡鸭的嘲笑对象,连他的亲人们也排挤他。无奈之下,丑小鸭飞过篱笆逃走了。有一次,他遇到了一只猎狗,但那只猎狗只是闻闻他,并没有把他抓住。他暗自庆幸,“我丑得连猎狗也不敢咬我了!”他为自己逃生而庆幸,同时为自己长得丑而懊丧。在这以后,丑小鸭遇到了很多磨难。后来,对美好大自然、美好生活的向往与追求驱使着丑小鸭不再依靠别人生活。有一天,三只美丽的白天鹅从树阴里一直游到他面前来,小鸭认出了

2、这些美丽的动物,于是心里感到一种说不出的难过。小鸭感到自己要游向他们,就算他们把自己弄死也没关系,因为他有一颗追求美的心。但他在水里看到的是什么呢,不再是那只丑陋的小鸭了,而是一只美丽的天鹅! It was so beautiful out on the country, it was summer- the wheat fields were golden, the oats were green, and down among the green meadows the hay was stacked. There the stork minced about on his red leg

3、s, clacking away in Egyptian, which was the language his mother had taught him. Round about the field and meadow lands rose vast forests, in which deep lakes lay hidden. Yes, it was indeed lovely out there in the country. In the midst of the sunshine there stood an old manor house that had a deep mo

4、at around it. From the walls of the manor right down to the waters edge great burdock leaves grew, and there were some so tall that little children could stand upright beneath the biggest of them. In this wilderness of leaves, which was as dense as the forests itself, a duck sat on her nest, hatchin

5、g her ducklings. She was becoming somewhat weary, because sitting is such a dull business and scarcely anyone came to see her. The other ducks would much rather swim in the moat than waddle out and squat under the burdock leaf to gossip with her. But at last the eggshells began to crack, one after a

6、nother. Peep, peep! said the little things, as they came to life and poked out their heads. Quack, quack! said the duck, and quick as quick can be they all waddled out to have a look at the green world under the leaves. Their mother let them look as much as they pleased, because green is good for th

7、e eyes. How wide the world is, said all the young ducks, for they certainly had much more room now than they had when they were in their eggshells. Do you think this is the whole world? their mother asked. Why it extends on and on, clear across to the other side of the garden and right on into the p

8、arsons field, though that is further than I have ever been. I do hope you are all hatched, she said as she got up. No, not quite all. The biggest egg still lies here. How much longer is this going to take? I am really rather tired of it all, she said, but she settled back on her nest. Well, how goes

9、 it? asked an old duck who came to pay her a call. It takes a long time with that one egg, said the duck on the nest. It wont crack, but look at the others. They are the cutest little ducklings Ive ever seen. They look exactly like their father, the wretch! He hasnt come to see me at all. Lets have

10、a look at the egg that wont crack, the old duck said. Its a turkey egg, and you can take my word for it. I was fooled like that once myself. What trouble and care I had with those turkey children, for I may as well tell you, they are afraid of the water. I simply could not get them into it. I quacke

11、d and snapped at them, but it wasnt a bit of use. Let me see the egg. Certainly, its a turkey egg. Let it lie, and go teach your other children to swim. Oh, Ill sit a little longer. Ive been at it so long already that I may as well sit here half the summer. Suit yourself, said the old duck, and away

12、 she waddled. At last the big egg did crack. Peep, said the young one, and out he tumbled, but he was so big and ugly. The duck took a look at him. Thats a frightfully big duckling, she said. He doesnt look the least like the others. Can he really be a turkey baby? Well, well! Ill soon find out. Int

13、o the water he shall go, even if I have to shove him in myself. Next day the weather was perfectly splendid, and the sun shone down on all the green burdock leaves. The mother duck led her whole family down to the moat. Splash! she took to the water. Quack, quack, said she, and one duckling after an

14、other plunged in. The water went over their heads, but they came up in a flash, and floated to perfection. Their legs worked automatically, and they were all there in the water. Even the big, ugly gray one was swimming along. Why, thats no turkey, she said. See how nicely he uses his legs, and how s

15、traight he holds himself. Hes my very own son after all, and quite good-looking if you look at him properly. Quack, quack come with me. Ill lead you out into the world and introduce you to the duck yard. But keep close to me so that you wont get stepped on, and watch out for the cat! Thus they salli

16、ed into the duck yard, where all was in an uproar because two families were fighting over the head of an eel. But the cat got it, after all. You see, thats the way of the world. The mother duck licked her bill because she wanted the eels head for herself. Stir your legs. Bustle about, and mind that

17、you bend your necks to that old duck over there. Shes the noblest of us all, and has Spanish blood in her. Thats why shes so fat. See that red rag around her leg? Thats a wonderful thing, and the highest distinction a duck can get. It shows that they dont want to lose her, and that shes to have spec

18、ial attention from man and beast. Shake yourselves! Dont turn your toes in. A well-bred duckling turns his toes way out, just as his father and mother do-this way. So then! Now duck your necks and say quack! They did as she told them, but the other ducks around them looked on and said right out loud

19、, See here! Must we have this brood too, just as if there werent enough of us already? And-fie! what an ugly-looking fellow that duckling is! We wont stand for him. One duck charged up and bit his neck. Let him alone, his mother said. He isnt doing any harm. Possibly not, said the duck who bit him,

20、but hes too big and strange, and therefore he needs a good whacking. What nice-looking children you have, Mother, said the old duck with the rag around her leg. They are all pretty except that one. He didnt come out so well. Its a pity you cant hatch him again. That cant be managed, your ladyship, s

21、aid the mother. He isnt so handsome, but hes as good as can be, and he swims just as well as the rest, or, I should say, even a little better than they do. I hope his looks will improve with age, and after a while he wont seem so big. He took too long in the egg, and thats why his figure isnt all th

22、at it should be. She pinched his neck and preened his feathers. Moreover, hes a drake, so it wont matter so much. I think he will be quite strong, and Im sure he will amount to something. The other ducklings are pretty enough, said the old duck. Now make yourselves right at home, and if you find an

23、eels head you may bring it to me. So they felt quite at home. But the poor duckling who had been the last one out of his egg, and who looked so ugly, was pecked and pushed about and made fun of by the ducks, and the chickens as well. Hes too big, said they all. The turkey gobbler, who thought himsel

24、f an emperor because he was born wearing spurs, puffed up like a ship under full sail and bore down upon him, gobbling and gobbling until he was red in the face. The poor duckling did not know where he dared stand or where he dared walk. He was so sad because he was so desperately ugly, and because

25、he was the laughing stock of the whole barnyard. So it went on the first day, and after that things went from bad to worse. The poor duckling was chased and buffeted about by everyone. Even his own brothers and sisters abused him. Oh, they would always say, how we wish the cat would catch you, you u

26、gly thing. And his mother said, How I do wish you were miles away. The ducks nipped him, and the hens pecked him, and the girl who fed them kicked him with her foot. So he ran away; and he flew over the fence. The little birds in the bushes darted up in a fright. Thats because Im so ugly, he thought

27、, and closed his eyes, but he ran on just the same until he reached the great marsh where the wild ducks lived. There he lay all night long, weary and disheartened. When morning came, the wild ducks flew up to have a look at their new companion. What sort of creature are you? they asked, as the duck

28、ling turned in all directions, bowing his best to them all. You are terribly ugly, they told him, but thats nothing to us so long as you dont marry into our family. Poor duckling! Marriage certainly had never entered his mind. All he wanted was for them to let him lie among the reeds and drink a lit

29、tle water from the marsh. There he stayed for two whole days. Then he met two wild geese, or rather wild ganders-for they were males. They had not been out of the shell very long, and thats what made them so sure of themselves. Say there, comrade, they said, youre so ugly that we have taken a fancy

30、to you. Come with us and be a bird of passage. In another marsh near-by, there are some fetching wild geese, all nice young ladies who know how to quack. You are so ugly that youll completely turn their heads. Bing! Bang! Shots rang in the air, and these two ganders fell dead among the reeds. The wa

31、ter was red with their blood. Bing! Bang! the shots rang, and as whole flocks of wild geese flew up from the reeds another volley crashed. A great hunt was in progress. The hunters lay under cover all around the marsh, and some even perched on branches of trees that overhung the reeds. Blue smoke ro

32、se like clouds from the shade of the trees, and drifted far out over the water. The bird dogs came splash, splash! through the swamp, bending down the reeds and the rushes on every side. This gave the poor duckling such a fright that he twisted his head about to hide it under his wing. But at that very moment a fearfully big dog appeared right beside him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his wicked eyes glared

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