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Unit 3 Life in the future 阅读课.docx

1、Unit 3 Life in the future 阅读课Unit 3 Life in the future 阅读课 第二时 阅读第一步 检查作业并引入话题1 As 2-3 grups t reprt their researh t the hle lass 2 Evaluate the students r and give the pint f vie3 Present se pitures abut the prbles that peple are aing tda, inludinghusing, ppulatin, pllutin, glbal aring, traffi, hun

2、ger, et Then sh a piture f the tie tunnel t lead in Reading第二步 快速阅读 FIRST IPRESSINS,思考以下问题:1 hse the best anser t the questin The passage is ainl abut _ A h Li Qiang as transprted t the futureB h Li Qiang gt t the future and his first ipressins f it hat the life as lie in the futureD the intrdutin f

3、 the “Future Tur” pan(e: B)2 True r False1) Li Qiang as relaxed hen he traveled t the ear AD 3002) Li Qiang suffered fr “tie lag” at first3) The “Future Tur” pan transprted Li Qiang int the future in a tie apsule4) It t the a lng tie t travel t the ear AD 300) Li Qiang and ang Ping alas ept in tuh i

4、th eah ther during the tie travel6) During his tie travel Li Qiang fund that the huse f the all as brnes: (F T T F F F)第三步 细读,回答问题,以帮助学生进一步理解:1 Did Li Qiang feel frtable at the beginning f his first tie travel?(e: N Beause it as his first tie travel, he rried abut it and he as unsettled, as a result

5、, he suffered fr “tie lag”)2 H did Li Qiang get t the future? (e: In a tie apsule)3 ere the still n the earth after the ere transprted int the future?(e: es)4 hat did ang Ping give Li Qiang hen he gt a headahe?(e: A as) h did Li Qiang lse sight f ang Ping?(Beause there are s an hvering arriages flin

6、g in all diretins that ang Ping as sept up int the enter f the and Li Qiang as arried up t the tp f a high building nearb )6 hat as the all ade f? And hat is the funtin f the?(e: The all as ade f trees, the leaves f the trees uld prvide the huse ith uh-needed xgen)第四步 阅读欣赏1 Diret the students t unde

7、rline the rds, phrases, and sentenes that desribe Li Qiangs first ipressins in the text2 As the students t pare the ansers ith eah ther第五步 句子释义练习,鼓励学生用自己的话解释下列句子,进一步检查学生对的理解。(这一练习答案比较灵活,只要学生理解句子的大意就可以)。1I have t nstantl rub ees t reind self that I have traveled t the ear AD 3002 rried abut the urne,

8、 I as unsettled fr the first fe das3 nfused b the ne surrundings, I as hit b the la f fresh air head ahed4 There ere s an arriages that I lst sight f ang Ping and b bending and pressing dn n the driving sti ne an ve siftl6 Trr u ill be read fr se visits rganized b the pansuggested ansers:1 I have t

9、rub ees repeatedl t ae self reeber that I have traveled t the ear AD 3002 As I as rried abut the urne, I didnt feel relaxed fr the first fe das3 Beause I uldnt adapt t the ne envirnent, I felt there asnt enugh fresh air and I gt a headahe4 I uldnt see ang Ping beause there ere s an arriages Peple an

10、 ve fast b perating the driving sti6 u ill tae part in se visits hih ill be rganized b the pan trr第六步 听录音,组织讨论1 Listen t the tape f the text ith their bs lsed2 Disussn:(Grup r)Finish prehending Ex1 Si the fr and read the text again, then have a disussin in grups f 4, as the leader f the grup t ae a nte and reprt it t the hle lass after the disussin2 Debate: (prehending Ex2) Divide the 12下一页

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