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1、中学生英语词汇学习策略分析研究中学生英语词汇学习策略研究Research on theEnglishVocabularyLearningStrategiesforStudentsin junior SchoolsXu Jing (许靖摘要词汇是语言的三大要素之一,语言习得都是从词汇开始的。本文认为,搞好英语词汇学习对英语语法和听说读写的提高有举足轻重的意义,同时认为词汇学习对英语文化知识的提高也大有好处。在英语教案中,特别是中学英语教案中,只有重视并强化词汇学习,才能解决英语教案中的“费时低效”的问题,因为,学生拥有了相应的词汇量,才能扫除听说读写教案中的最大障碍。学生在开始阶段掌握的词汇越多


3、问卷调查法,研究调查以下三个问题1初中生英语词汇学习观念2)词汇学习策略运用情况3)高分组与低分组在词汇学习观念和策略方面是否存在差异。采用SPSS软件分析数据,结果表明: 1)在词汇学习观念方面,大部分学生仍然认为词汇来自背诵记忆而不是从上下文或通过使用获得的2)初中生能运用包括元认知策略、认知策略和社交情感策略在内的多种策略来进行词汇的学习,但各策略的运用处于中等水平。3)高分组和低分组在学习观念与元认知策略方面存在显著差异而在认知策略和社会情感策略方面差异不大。 针对以上现状,结合自己所学的有关理论和教案经验,从改变词汇学习观念,培养训练词汇学习策略两个方面提出了改善初中生英语词汇学习的

4、几点具体措施。 总之,词汇学习就像整个语言学习大厦的基石,要想大号根基,既要学生在英语词汇学习中能合理地运用多种学习策略,同时又要求教师转变观念,不仅做“知识的传递者”,还要做“策略的指导者”,将策略的指导贯穿于日常的教案之中。 关键词:词汇,词汇学习策略,词汇教案,英语教案AbstractVocabulary is one of the three elements of a language. What more,language learning begins with vocabulary. Of course it plays animportant part in language

5、 study. In this thesis, it is argued that learningEnglish vocabulary makes great contribution to the development ofgrammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing, and to the enrichmentof English culture knowledge. Vocabulary even has effect on being moreintelligent in students life as well as in

6、education. In English teaching, especially in junior schools, if vocabulary iscentered and emphasized, the problem of time-consuming and poorly-efficient English teaching will be solved because qualified learning ofthe vocabulary of students absolutely wipe off the biggest obstacle-vocabulary. The m

7、ore vocabulary students acquire at primary stage ofEnglish study, the more easily and faster students develop other aspectsof English study in future years. This way, it is easier for teachers toconduct classroom instructions if students reach the level of vocabulary.Emphasis on vocabulary is reason

8、able and feasible. However,vocabulary study has long been ignored both by students and schools.Teachers think it is impossible and unnecessary to give vocabularyteaching and students themselves should be responsible for their increasein vocabulary. Students put it aside because they are not scoredac

9、cording to the amount of vocabulary. This practice causes to make slowprogress in English learning. Based on the classification of the foreign language learning strategies,the vocabulary learning strategies this paper tries to study include beliefs on Englishvocabulary learning, meta-cognitive strat

10、egies,cognitivestrategies and social/ affective strategies. According to the factors that influence the use of learningstrategies and the facts of English vocabulary teaching and learning injunior school, this research focuses on thefollowing research questions:1)What are the general beliefs of voca

11、bulary learning strategies held by junior school students?2)What vocabulary learning strategies are used by the students in theirlanguage learning?3)Are there differences on beliefs and strategies using betweenthehigh-score students and the low-score students in English studies? Then the writer used

12、 SPSS 13.0 to analyze the data and drew the conclusion:1)The vocabulary learning beliefs wordsshould be memorized is more preferable than the belief words should be learned through context” andwords should be learned through use among the investigated students. 2 Thecurrent situation of using vocabu

13、lary learning strategies by those juniorschool students is not satisfactory,with the mean rangeof 2.06-3.87 (on a five-point scale,which suggests their use is at the medium level.3 Beliefs and meta-cognitive strategies were different significantly betweenthe high-score and low-score groups. But ther

14、e are no significant differences on cognitive and social strategies between the two groups.Finally,according to the results of the present study and writers experience, some suggestions are made.Key words: vocabulary, vocabulary learning strategies, vocabulary teaching, English learning and teaching

15、I. Introduction1.1 Importance of Vocabulary LearningIn the trend of globalization, internationalization of language is unavoidable.English will undoubtedly play themost important role.The better mastery of English at earlier ages has become thecommon concerns of linguists,teachers,parents and studen

16、ts in China.Researcheson language teaching and learning are now blooming.As the researches further,themastery of vocabulary is attracting more and more attention of all levels ofresearchers. As we all know, language is the instrument of communication. A language involvesthree elements: pronunciation

17、, vocabulary and grammar.It is obvious that vocabulary is the most essential and liveliest part of the three elements.The famous linguist Wilkins (1978:111 comments: Withoutgrammar, little can be conveyed。 without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.Word knowledge is an essential component of commun

18、icative competence, and it isimportant for production and comprehension in a second language (Coady&Huckin, 1997.Onthe importance of vocabulary in communication, M. McCarthy(1990 indicates, No matter how good ones grammaris and how beautiful ones pronunciation is, but if one has no adequatevocabular

19、y to express ones own feelings or to understand othersopinions, one still cannot communicate with others in this language.As an essential and fundamental building block of language, vocabulary learning is a keyaspect of language learning, whichever curriculum or syllabus we are following, and whiche

20、ver model of language we are applying. The four traditional basic language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are all based upon the studentsvocabulary knowledge.1.2 Current conditions ofvocabulary learning in juniorschoolIn China, English is a compulsory subject for middle school st

21、udents, andexpanding English vocabulary knowledge is one of the fundamental goals for Chinese students learning English.According tothe New Standard onthe English Course of JuniorMiddle School (2003, the students are expected to master about 1500-1600 words, 200-300phrases productively, and 100-400

22、extra words receptively after graduating from junior school.Besides, a great increase of vocabulary in the new English textbookGo for it! has made learning of vocabulary a moreimportant role in English learning and teaching in junior school. However,present vocabulary teaching and learning generally

23、 follow the traditional pattern of wordlists. Vocabulary learning becomes the most difficult part for most language learnersand hinders the improvement of other language skills. Many junior schoolstudents feel it is difficult to learn and remember vocabulary. They often feel frustrated inremembering

24、 the pronunciation, spelling and meaning of English words.And they often forget the words quickly again. Even though they are able to remember some words, they often use themincorrectly or inappropriately. This results in their weakness in listening, speaking,reading and writing. Some even give up E

25、nglish learning because of difficulty oflearning vocabulary. Why do students have problems with vocabulary learning? Whatvocabulary learning strategies are they using and are their strategies effective andappropriate? Teachers should help students to be aware of the vocabulary learningstrategies and

26、 develop more suitable and effective vocabulary learningstrategies. It is also useful for the teacher to be aware of the variety of methods usedby students to cope with words, to introduce some of these through teaching and to encourage students to apply effective strategies.1.3The purpose of the st

27、udyThe current study is concerned with the question: Why do students haveproblems with vocabulary learning? These learning problems may result from a lackof adequate and effective vocabulary learning strategies.When studying vocabulary learning strategies as a unified concept, however, it should not

28、 be forgotten that they are for the benefit of the learner. Thus, we must consider ourstudents feelings, and take note of what they think of the various learning strategies(Horwitz, 1988。 Wenden. 1987. In addition, Hosenfeld(1976 notes that, “Too oftenour focus has been on what students should be do

29、ing。 we must begin by asking whatstudents are doing”(p. 128. Before we tell students what to do with their vocabularylearning, we must know what they are doing, that is to say, which vocabulary learningstrategies they are using. The current study is undertaken for this purpose. Theresearcher tries t

30、o find the reason why students have problems with their vocabularylearning by investigating the strategy use of students in junior schooland discussing the characteristics in their strategy use. The researcher also tries to getsome information about vocabulary learning strategy use of junior schools

31、tudents in order to make some suggestions about vocabulary strategy training in junior school. 1.4 SignificanceofthestudyVocabulary is the basic component oflanguage,and a fundamentally importantaspect of language development.Evidence indicates that the early development of anextensive vocabulary ca

32、n enable students to“outperform their competence”(Nunan, 2001.So,to someextent,the improvement on vocabulary can activate the whole language learning.To students, effective learning strategies can not only maximize their vocabularysize to make learning meaningful, but also enhance students learning autonomy.Consequently,students build up self-confidence and self-study ability,which isbeneficial to their life-long study capacity. To teachers, results of the present studycan provide teachers in middle schools with data on students vocabulary learning. It is far better to spend time on st

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