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1、高考完形填空练习及解析整理(完整)高考完形填空练习及解析(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)高考完形填空练习及解析(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整)高考完形填空练习及解析(word版可编辑修改)的全部内容。完形填空(一)There

2、are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama _16_ from ritual。 The argument for this _17_ goes as follows。 In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world - even the seasonal changes a

3、s _18_, and they _19_ through various means to control these unknown and feared powers. Those _20_ which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated _21_ they hardened into fixed rituals。 Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites。 As time

4、 passed some rituals were _22_, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama。 Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites _23_ the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used. _24_, a s

5、uitable _25_ had to be provided for performances and when the entire community did not participate, a clear _26_ was usually made between the “acting area and the “auditorium. In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to _27_ mistakes in the enactment of rit

6、es, religious leaders _28_ assumed that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they often _29_ other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect - success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun as an _30_ might。 Eventually such _31_ representations were separ

7、ated from religious activities. Another theory _32_ the theaters origin from the human interest in storytelling. According to this view, tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually _33_, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through the

8、_34_ of each of the roles by a different person。 A closely related _35_ traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds。 16。 A. evolvedB。 differedC. datedD. resulted 17. A。 choiceB. viewC. principleD。 suggestion 18。A. u

9、nfavorableB。 unpredictableC。 unspeakableD. unreliable 19. A. demandedB。 affordedC。 soughtD. swore 20。 A。 decisionsB。 themesC. traditionsD。 measures 21。 A。 afterB. untilC。 becauseD。 although 22。 A。 heldB。 enrichedC。 abandonedD。 preserved 23。 A。 containedB. replacedC. expandedD。 altered 24. A. However

10、B. InsteadC. ThereforeD. Furthermore 25。 A。 siteB。 tool C. galleryD。 hall 26. A。 fenceB。 gestureC。 optionD。 division 27。 A。 makingB。 avoidingC。 correctingD. discovering 28. A。 usuallyB。 seldomC. neverD. occasionally 29. A. discussedB。 mockedC。 impersonatedD. contradicted 30。 A. authorB. interviewerC

11、. employerD。 actor 31。 A。 politicalB. dramaticC。 realisiticD. imaginative 32. A。 protectsB。 separatesC。 tracesD。 removes 33. A. fixedB。 forgottenC。 elaboratedD。 highlighted 34。 A。 selectionB. observationC。 recognitionD. assumption 35。 A。 theoryB. planC。 eventD. possibility完形填空(一):16. A.考查动词辨析。本句意为:一

12、个最普遍为人接受的理论假设认为戏剧从仪式演化而来.evolved from 由演化而来,differed from与不同,dated from追溯至,resulted from由引起。17. B.考查名词辨析。choice选择,view观点,principle原则,suggestion建议。此处的view与上文中的theories属于近义词复现。18。 B。考查形容词辨析。本句意为:人类把世界上的自然力量,甚至季节的变化都看成是不可预料的。unfavorable不利的,unpredictable不可预料的,unspeakable难以说出口的、不可说的,unreliable不可靠的。19。 C。

13、考查动词辨析。demanded要求,afforded 经得起,sought试图、谋求,swore 发誓。20. D.考查名词辨析。decisions决定,themes主题,traditions传统,measures措施。此处的measures与上文中的means亦构成同义词复现.21。 B。考查连词辨析。本句意为:那些似乎带来了满意结果的手段就被保留下来并且重复直到这些手段固化为不变的仪式.22。 C。考查动词辨析。本句意为:随着时间的推移,一些仪式被废弃了,但这些后来被称作神话的故事流传下来并且为艺术和戏剧提供了素材。held 举行,enriched丰富,abandoned抛弃,preser

14、ved保存。此处的abandoned与下文中的persisted存在转折关系。23. A。考查动词辨析。本句意为:认为戏剧从仪式演化而来的人们还认为那些仪式包含了戏剧的基本因素。contained包含,replaced替代,expanded使变大,altered改变.24。 D.考查副词辨析。前后存在递进关系。25。 A.考查名词辨析.site场所,tool工具,gallery展览馆,hall礼堂.26. D。考查名词辨析。本句意为:如果不是整个社区共同参加演出,经常在“演出区”和“观众席”之间划分出明显的分界.fence围墙,gesture手势,option选择,division分界线。27

15、. B.考查动词辨析.making使出现或产生,avoiding避免,correcting改正,discovering发现。28。 A.考查副词辨析。本句意为:宗教领袖通常承担演出任务,因为在仪式的执行中避免错误的发生被认为有相当大的重要性。29。 C。考查动词辨析。discussed讨论,mocked嘲笑、嘲弄,impersonated扮演,contradicted反驳。30. D。考查名词辨析.author作者,interviewer采访者,employer雇主,actor演员。31. B。 考查形容词辨析。本句意为:最后这些戏剧性的表演从宗教活动中分离了出来.political 政治的,

16、dramatic 戏剧性的,realisitic现实主义的,imaginative富于想像力的、运用想像力的。32. C.考查动词辨析。protects保护,separates分离,traces追溯、探索,removes 移除.33. C。考查动词辨析。本句意为:根据这个观点,故事(关于狩猎、战争或者其它伟绩)是逐渐丰富起来的.fixed 固定,forgotten 遗忘,elaborated 发挥,详细阐述,highlighted 强调。34。 D。考查名词辨析。selection选择,observation观察,recognition识别、承认、认可,assumption承担、担任.35.

17、A.考查名词辨析.本句意为:另一个与之紧密相关的理论将戏剧的起源追溯至舞蹈,这些舞蹈大体上是有节奏感的和体操式的那一类,或者是对动物动作和声音的模仿.theory理论,plan计划,event事件,possibility可能性.完形填空(二)People appear to be born to compute. The numerical skills of children _16_ so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of _17_ maturity guiding their g

18、rowth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with _18_ one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs。 Soon they are _19_ of noting that they have placed five knives, spoons and forks on the _20_ and, a bit later, that this _21_ to fifteen pieces of silverware

19、. Having _22_ mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost _23_ to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could _24_ a secondgrade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual _25_。 Of course, t

20、he truth is not so simple。 This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has _26_ the subtle forms of daily learning on which _27_ progress depends。 Children were _28_ as they slowly grasped - or, as the case might be, _29_ into concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instanc

21、e, to _30_ that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one。 Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to _31_ the pencils in a pile, _32_ report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be _33_ into finding the total。 Such studies hav

22、e suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered _34_, and with effort. They have also _35_ that the very concept of abstract numbers the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding th

23、an setting a table is itself far from innate. 16. A。 disappearB。 developC。 deteriorateD. decline 17。 A。 mentalB。 physicalC. mathematicalD. linguistic 18. A. accuracyB. prideC. confidenceD。 caution 19。 A. afraidB。 capableC. ashamedD. tired 20. A. plateB。 bowlC。 tableclothD。 table 21。 A. amountsB。 add

24、sC. happensD. adapt 22。 A. otherwiseB. thusC. alreadyD. basically 23。 A。 ridiculousB. unbelievableC。 reasonableD. impossible 24。 A. teachB。 enterC. manageD。 form 25。 A. assessmentB. examinationC. classificationD。 adjustment 26。 A。 revealedB. ignoredC。 affectedD。 adopted 27。 A. emotionalB。 psychologi

25、calC。 intellectualD. academic 28. A. observedB。 controlledC. raisedD. separated 29. A。 brokeB. lookedC。 bumpedD. changed 30。 A. admitB. confirmC。 declareD. deny 31. A. gatherB. distinguishC. sharpenD。 count 32。 A。 delightedlyB. reluctantlyC. loudlyD. readily 33. A。 frightenedB. coaxedC。 persuadedD。

26、cheated 34。 A。 quicklyB。 purposelyC。 graduallyD。 accidentally 35。 A。 presumedB. suggestedC。 protestedD. insisted完形填空(二):16. B。考查动词辨析。disappear消失,develop发展,deteriorate恶化、退化,decline衰落、衰退.17。 C。考查形容词辨析.本句意为:孩子们使用数字的技能发展得如此之早和如此必然,很容易让人想象有一个内在的精确而成熟的数字钟在指导他们的成长。mental精神上的,physical身体上的,mathematical数学上的,l

27、inguistic语言的、语言上的。此处的mathematical也跟numerical存在对应关系。18. A。考查名词辨析.本句意为:孩子们在学会走路和说话后不久,就能以令人惊叹的准确布置桌子五把椅子前面分别摆上一把刀、一个汤匙、一把叉子.accuracy精确、准确,pride自豪,confidence信心,caution谨慎、小心。19。 B.考查形容词辨析。afraid害怕的,capable有能力的,ashamed羞愧的,tired厌倦的。20。 D。考查名词辨析。本句意为:很快地,他们就能知道他们已在桌面上摆放了五把刀、五个汤匙、五把叉子.plate盘子,bowl碗,tableclo

28、th桌布,table桌子。此处的table属于原词复现。21。 A。考查动词辨析.amount to 总计、共计,add to使(数量)增加、使(规模)扩大,happen to遭到、遇到,adapt to适应。22. B。考查副词辨析.本句意为:如此这般地掌握了加法之后,他们又转向减法。23。 C。考查形容词辨析。本句意为:有一种设想几乎顺理成章,那就是,即使一个孩子一出生就被隔绝到荒岛上,七年后返回世间,也能直接上小学二年级的数学课.ridiculous可笑的、荒谬的,unbelievable难以置信的,reasonable合情合理的、适当的,impossible不可能的。24. B。考查动

29、词辨析。teach教授、教导,enter进入,manage管理、负责,form组建、形成。25。 D.考查名词辨析。原句的基本意思是孩子能直接上小学二年级的数学课,而不会碰到任何智力调整方面的大麻烦.assessment评估、评价,examination 检查、检测,classification 分级,adjustment调整。26。 A。考查动词辨析。本句意为:本世纪认知心理学家的工作已经揭示了智力发展所依赖的日常学习的微妙形式.revealed揭示,ignored忽视,affected影响,adopted采纳、采用。27。 C.考查形容词辨析。emotional情绪上的,psycholog

30、ical 心理上的,intellectual智力上的,academic学业的,学术的。此处的intellectual属于原词复现.28. A。考查动词辨析。本句意为:observed 观察,controlled控制,raised抚养,separated分开。29. C。考查动词辨析。broke into闯入,looked into调查、审查,bumped into(偶然)碰到、遇见,changed into变成。30。 A。考查动词辨析.他们观察到孩子们缓慢掌握那些成年人认为理所当然的概念的过程,或者是孩子们偶然遇到这些概念的过程。他们也观察到孩子们拒绝承认某些常识的情况。比如:孩子们拒绝承认

31、当水从短而粗的瓶中倒入细而长的瓶子中时,水的数量没有变化。admit承认,confirm证实、证明,declare宣布、声明,deny否认、否定。31. D。考查动词辨析。gather收集,distinguish,区分,辨别,sharpen使变锋利,count计数。32。 D。考查副词辨析。delightedly欣喜地、高兴地,reluctantly不情愿地、勉强地,loudly高声地、吵闹地,readily快捷地、轻而易举地。33. B。考查动词辨析。本句意为:心理学家们而后又展示一个例子,即:让孩子们数一堆铅笔时,他们能顺利地报出蓝铅笔或红铅笔的数目,但却需诱导才能报出总的数目。frightened恐吓,coaxed诱导、哄劝,persuaded说服,cheated欺骗.34. C。考查副词辨析。本句意

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