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1、办公室英文大汇总办公室英文大汇总会议室 Meeting Room董事长办公室 Presidenfs Office总经理办公室General Managers Office副总经理办公室Deputy General Managers Office总工程师办公室Chief Engineers Office总工程师 Chief Engineer人力资源部 Human Resources Department(缩写)人事部HR Dept财务部 Financial Department(缩写)财务部Finance Dept.行政部 Administration Department(缩写)Admin D

2、ept.行政人事部 Administration & HR Department(缩写)行政人爭部 Administration & HR Dept.如果光是行政部:Administration 人事部:Human Resources在国外都把这两个概念分开。行政是决定公司或者机构重大问题的部门,我想 你多半指的是人事部,因为其实在国外的Human Resources也有调配人员, 分配事务的工作。关于办公部门英文翻译:管理高层:总公司:Head Office董事室:Directors Office董事长室 Chairman Office执行董事助理:The assistant of the

3、executive director总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM)财务总监 CFO=chief finanical officer开发部 Development D即t财务部 Finance Dept.财务部经理 Finance Dept. Manager,人事行政部:The Personnel Administratio Department人事行政部 Personnel & Admin Dept.秘书室 Secretary Room策划部 Planning Dept预算部 Budget Dept.市场部 Marketing Dept.工程设计部

4、Construction & Design Dept.设计开发部 design development departmentVIP 贵宾室-VIP room副总经理Office of the general assistant manager 助理室“the office of the assistant 经理室the office of the manager 会议室the conference room 档案室the file room 签约室Reception Room one 签约室二Reception Room Two 签约室三Reception Room Three 更衣室Dres

5、sing Room 办公室office 储藏室closet 财务部accounting department 策划部strategy department(division) 副总室 the office of vice president 营销部the sales department 丁程部一engineering department总师室“the office the general engineer 经理室oftice of the manager 物业管理property management 促销部 sales promotion Dept.总务部 Gernal affairs

6、Dept.策划部,启化部.drafting barracks营业部 Business Offices公共关系部 Public Relations Dept.W.H.PIanning是指华盛敦的计划W.H.PIanning Architect是指华盛敦的计划策划者. 行政部 administration department 经理室 managers office 销售部 marketing deparment 电脑室 computer center业务部 business department经理室 general managers office客服部 consumer service dep

7、artment洗手间 restroom 主任室 directors office档案室 muniment room工程部 engineering department策划部 scheme department办公室秘书office secretary畐U经理室 Assistant manager room销售部 sales department培训部 training department釆购部 purchases department茶水间tea room会议室 conference rooms接待区 receptions areas前台 onstage弱电箱 weak battery ca

8、ses员工区work areas董事长 Board chairman 或者 Chairman of the board营销总公司 sales general company综合办公室主任 Director of Administration Oftice对外销售部经理 manager of Foreign sales department 或者 Foreign sales manager电子商务部经理 manager of electronic commerce department 或者 electronic commerce manager电子商务部副经理 deputy/vice mana

9、ger of electronic commerce department 或者 electronic commerce deputy/vice manager市场策划部副经理 deputy/vice manager of Marketing Department 或者 Marketing Department-Deputy Manager 客户服务部经理! manager of customer service department 或者 customer service manager 办事处主任 director of office 副总经理室 vice general manager

10、网络市场部 networks marketing room 技术质检部 technique and quality checking room 会议室 meeting room 多功能厅 multi-usage room 国际贸易部 international marketing department 国内销售部 domestic sales department 洽谈室 chatting room 贵宾洽谈室vip chating room 生产部 production department 供应部 providing department 男女洗手间 woman/man*s toilet

11、男浴室 mans washing room 女浴室 woman*s washing room 总经办 General Administrative Office 复印室 Copying Room 会议室Boardroom 机房 Machine Room 信息部 Info. Dept.人事部HR Dept.财务结算室Settlement Room 财务单证部Document Dept.董事、总裁 President Office董事、副总裁 Director Office Vice-President Office总裁办公室 Presidents Assistant Office总裁办、党办 P

12、residents Assistant Office General CommitteeOffice资产财务部Finanical Dept.关于办公部门英文翻译:管理高层:总公司:Head Office董事室:Directors Office董事长室 Chairmans Office执行董事助理:The assistant of the executive director总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM)财务总监 CFO=chief finanical officer开发部 Development Dept.财务部 Finance Dept.财务部经理

13、 Finance Dept. Manager,人事行政部:The Personnel Administratio Department人事行政部 Personnel & Admin Dept.秘书室 Secretary Room 策划部 Planning Dept. 预算部 Budget Dept.山场部 Marketing Dept.工程设计部 Construction & Design Dept.样殆室 Sample Room会议室 Meeting Room保卫室 Safe-Guarder Room/Guard Room策划部主管 Supervisor/Director of Planni

14、ng Department 传达室 reception room食堂丁作间 Canteen workshop值班室 Room on-duty质量安全部 Quality Safety Department部门经理办公室:Section managers office 质量和安全部 Quality & Safety Department 商务接待室:Business anteroom 会客室 Meeting Room发行部Publish Dept.技术部 Technology Dept.行政部 Administration项目部 Project Dept. 设计部 Design C

15、afeteria保安室 Guard Room储藏室 Store Room技术质量部 Technical quality department,市场运行部 market movement department,设计开发部 design development departmentVIP 贵宾室-VIP room副总经理-Office of the general assistant manager助理室the office of the assistant经理室the office of the manager会 议室the conference room档案室 the file room签约室

16、一Reception Room one签约室二-Reception Room Two签约室三Reception Room Three更衣室Dressing Room办公室office储藏室closet财务部accounting department策划部strategy department(division)畐U 总室the ottice of vice president营销部the sales department工程部engineering department总师室“the office the general engineer经理室office of the manager物业管理

17、property management促销部 sales promotion Dept.总务部 Gernal affairs Dept.策划部,启化部.drafting barracks营业部 Business Offices公共关系部 Public Relations Dept.W.H.PIanning是指华盛敦的计划W.H.PIanning Architect是指华盛敦的计划策划者.行政部 administration department经理室 managers office销售部 marketing deparment电脑室 computer center业务部 business de

18、partment经理室 general managers office客月艮部 consumer service department洗手间 restroom 主任室 directors office档案室 muniment room工程部 engineering department策划部 scheme department办公室秘书office secretary 客户服务部经理 manager of customer service department 或者 customer service manager 办事处主任 director of office 畐U总经理室 vice ge

19、neral manager 网络市场部 networks marketing room 技术质检部 technique and quality checking room 会议室 meeting room 多功能厅 multi-usage room 国际贸易部 international marketing department 国内销售部 domestic sales department 洽谈室 chatting room 贵宾洽谈室vip chating room 生产部 production department 供应部 providing department 男女洗手间 woman

20、/man*s toilet 男浴室 mans washing room 女浴室 womanfs washing room 总经办 General Administrative Office 复印室 Copying Room 会议室Boardroom 机房 Machine Room 信息部 Info. Dept.人事部HR Dept.财务结算室Settlement Room财务单证部Document Dept.董事、总裁 President Office董事、副总裁 Director Office Vice-President Office总裁办公室 Presidents Assistant O

21、ffice总裁办、党办 Presidents Assistant Office General CommitteeOffice资产财务部Finanical Dept.公司部门的英文缩写Inc表示了公司的性质。Company Limitid通常缩写为Co. ltd.或是精简为Ltd但是这只是指从公司的 性质上说,该公司是一个有限公司不是什么其他的公司。公司名称后而与Co. ltd 之间不应再出现company,因为Co.已经包含了公司的意思。再说回来,Inc.的原形是Incorporation意思是指:组成公司/注册/合并。如果 加在公司名称后面,多是它的分词形式,但是已变成一个固有的形容词汇:

22、 Incorporated 使用这种用法,多是美国式的用法,不要加什么Ltd. 0但是它 的含义却是:某某股份有限公司,重点在性质是股份制的有限公司,意 味着按股分公司组成的、组成(股份)公司的。在英国用法中,直接将Limited加在公司名称后即可。表达的是和Inc.同样一 个意思。Co. abbreviation CompanyInc. abbreviation. Incorporated (used after the name of a company in the US)Ltd. abbreviation. Limited (used after the name of a Briti

23、sh company or business)Pic. abbreviation. Public limited company (used after the name of a company or business) (British English)总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office营业部 Business Office人事部 Personnel Departmont人力资源部 Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department财务部 Gon oral Accoun ting Departm e

24、nt销售部 Sales Department促销部 Sales Promotion Department国际部 International Departmerit出口部 Export Depart men t进口部 Import Department公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Dopartment企划部 Planning Department产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Depeirtment (R&D)秘书室 Secretar

25、ial Pool采购部 Purchasing Department工程部 Engineering Department行政部 Admin. Department人力资源部HR Department市场部 Marketing Department技术部 Technolog Department客服部 Service Department行政部 Administrat ion财务部 Financial Department总经理室 Direcotor, or President副总经理室 Deputy Director, or Vice president总经办 General Deparment

26、采购部 Purchase & Order Departmcnt匸程部 Engineering Deparment劝f发部 Research Deparment生产部 Productive Dopartment销售部 Sales Deparment广东业务部 GD Branch Deparment无线事业部 Wireless Industry Department拓展部 Business Expending Department 物供部 Supply DepartmentB&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing市场部Sales销售部HR人力资源部Ac

27、count会计部PR people relationship 公共关系部OFC (Office,但不常见)/ OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室 Finance财务部MKTG (Marketing)市场部R&D (Research & Development)研发部MFG (Manufacturing)产品部Administration Dept.管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office / Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经 理办公室Monitor

28、 & Support Department 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部夕卜销部:0verseas Department, Inter national Sales Section, Export Section 财务科:Financial/Fiscal Department党支部:Communist Party Office会议室:Meeting Room/llal 1/Auditorium,或 Conference Hal 1/Auditorium 或直 接Auditorium,视其大小而定了。会客室:Reception Lounge/Room/House, rJc

29、 Meeting Room 或 Guest Room 质检科:Back-check Section/Dopartment, Qua!ity-inspoction/Quality Control Department内销部:Domestic Sales Section/Depcirtment厂长室:Mi 1 ler/Director/President* Office (这很取决J:你们丿的类型和规 模)行政科:Administration Section/DcpEirtnient, Service section技术部:Technology Section档案室:Archives (Offic


31、科:MANUFACTURE SECTIONBOMBill OfMaterial物料淸甲PSPackage Specificati on包裝規範SPECSpecification規格DWGDrawi ng 圖而部類PMCProduction &MaterialControl生谨和物料控制PPCProduction Plan Control 生產計劃控制MCMaterial Control物料控制MEManufacture Engineering製造1:程部Project Engineering 產品工程部A/CAccountant Dept 會計部P/APersonal & Administration 人爭行政部PL) Product Department 生產部LAB Labora

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