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1、GRE考试常考词汇总GRE考试常考词汇总gre词汇的常考词有哪些呢?今天准备了GRE考试常考词,快来一起看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE考试常考词总结 introspection examining ones own thoughts and feelings invective abusive language, curses inveigle trick by using flattery, deception inveterate deep-rooted. long-established irate angry ire anger irksome tiresome ir

2、relevant not relevant, not connected irrevocable final and unalterable itinerary plan for a journey, details or records of a route jabber talk excitedly; utter rapidly lackluster (of eyes) dull lag go too slow latent present but not yet active, developed or visible laudatory expressing or giving pra

3、ise lavish giving or producing freely, liberally or generously leakage the process of leaking lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid limp lacking strength, walking unevenly loll rest, to sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dogs tongue) loquacious talkative lubricant substance that makes work ea

4、sier lubricate put oil to make work easily lugubrious dismal, mourful; lull become quiet or less active luminary star, light-giving body macabre gruesome, suggesting death maladroit tactless, clumpsy malapropism misuse of a word (for one that resembles it) malign injurious, speak ill of smb, tell li

5、e martial brave, of associated with war massacre cruel killing of a large number of people matriculation be admitted, enter a university as a student mature come to full development, to a state ready for use mendacious false mercurial lively, quick-witted; inconsistent, changeable meretricious attra

6、ctive on the surface but of little value mischievous harmful, causing mischief miser person who loves wealth and spends little missile smth that is thrown or shot moderation quality of being limited, not extreme mollify make calmer or quiter molt moult, lose hair, feathers before new growing morbid

7、diseased, unhealthy (eg. about ideas) mortuary place where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial mundane wordly, ordinary, dull negligent taking too little care noisome offensive, disgusting (smell) GRE考试常考词总结 noxious harmful numb without ability to feel or move numbness without ability to m

8、ove a finger obdurate stubborn, impenitent obsequious too eager to obey or serve officious too eager or ready to help, offer advice opprobrious showing scorn or reproach ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy ostentatious fond of ostracism shut out from society, refuse to meet, talk ostric

9、h fast-running bird unable to fly outset start overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition overwhelm weigh down, submerge palpability can be felt, touched, understood palpitate tremble, beat rapidly and irregularly parenthesis sentense within another one, smth separated parsimonious too

10、 economical, miserly peccadillo small sin; small weakness in ones character penchant taste, liking, inclination penury poverty peremptory not to be disobeyed or questioned perennial lasting for a long time (eg. a year) perfidious treacheres, faithless perfidy treachery; breaking of faith perfunctory

11、 done as a duty withour care perjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful act pernicious harmful, injurious persevere keep on steadily, continue pertain belong as a part, have reference pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance petulant unreasonably impatient pied of mixed colors pinch be too t

12、ight, take between the thumb and finger pious dutifull to parents; devoted to religion pique hirt the pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity) pitfall covered hole as a trap, unsuspected danger pith essential part, force, soft liquid substance placate soothe, pacify, calm plaque flat metal on a wall

13、as a memorial plea request plead address a court of law as an advocate plethora glut pliant pliable, easile bent, shaped or twisted plod continue doing smth without resting plummet fall, plunge, steeply plunge move quickly, suddenly and with force poise be ready, be balanced, self-possession pondero

14、us heavy, bulky, dull posture state, attitude; adopt a vain poverty state of being poor precept moral instruction precipitate throw smth violently down from a height precursory peliminary, anticipating predilection special liking, mental preference preempt obtain by preemption or in advance prematur

15、e doing or happening smth before the right time presage warning sign pristine primitive procrastination keeping on putting off prodigious enormous, wonderful GRE考试常考词总结 profundity depth proliferate grow, reproduce by rapid multification prolix tiring because too long propagation increasing the numbe

16、r, spreading, extending prudence careful forethought prudish easily shocked, excessively modest prune dried plum, silly person prune cut away part in order to control growth pugnacious fond of, in the habit of punch strike with the fist; tool for cutting holes; alc. drink pundit pedant, authority on

17、 a subject pungency sharpness pyre large pile of wood for burning quack person dishonestly claiming to smth qualm feeling of doubt, temporary feeling of sickness in the stomach qualms feelings of doubt, sickness in the stomach quell suppress, subdue quixotic generous, unselfish raconter person who t

18、ells anecdotes rancorous feeling bitterness, spitefulness rapacious greedy (esp for money) recalcitrant disobedient recast cast or fashoin anew reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similiar recitals a number of, performance of music recluse person who lives alone and avoids people recupe

19、rate become strong after illness, loss, exhaustion redeem get back by payment; compensate refine make or become pure, cultural rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearence relapse fall back again relinquish give up reluctant unwilling or disinclined renovate restore smth to better condition r

20、ent regular payment for the use of smth, division or split repine at be discontented with reproach scold, upbraid requite repay, give in return resilience quality of quickly recovering the proginal shape restive refusing to move; reluctant to be controlled resurrect bring back into use resuscitation

21、 coming back to consciousness reticent reserved, in the habit of saying little revere have deep respect for rift split, crack, dissension GRE考试常考词总结 roll call calling of names rope thick strong cord made by twisting savant person of great learning savor taste, flavour smth sawdust tiny bits of wood

22、scabbard sheath for the blade scent smell (esp pleasant) scurvy diseased state of the blood caused by eating too much salt seal piece of wax, lead, etc stamped on the document sedulous persevering sequence succession, connected line of serration having a toothed edge servile like a slave, lacking in

23、dependence shaft arrow or spear, smth long and narrow shallow little depth; not earnest shard piece of broken earthenware sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool shove push shrill sparp, piercing shun keep away from; avoid shunt send from one track to another; lay aside; evade discussion si

24、destep step to one side skiff small boat skit short piece of humorous writing slate king of blue-grey stone; propose; critisize sluggard lazy, slow-moving person sluggish inactive, slow-moving soar rise, fly high sober self-controlled sobriety quality or condition of being sober soggy heavy with wat

25、er solvent of the power of forming a solution somatic of the body soot black powder in smoke sophisticated complex, subtle, refined sordid wretched, comfortless, contemptible spear weapon with a metal point on a long shaft specious seeming right or true but not really so squalid dirty, mean squander

26、 spend wastefully steeply rising or falling sharply stickler person who insists on importance of smth stigma mark of shame or disgrace stingy spending, using unwillingly stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition strands smth twisted together into a rope, line of development stray wande

27、r, lose ones way GRE考试常考词总结 stygian hence, dark, gloomy subdue overcome, bring under control submerge put under water, liquid, sink out of sight suborn indice by bribery or smth to commit perjury subpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court sullied to be stained or discredited

28、superfluous more then is needed or wanted supersede take the place of supine inactive, lying flat on the back susceptibility sensitiveness sustain keep from falling; maintain; suffer; give a decision synopsis summary or outline taciturn saying very little talon claw of a bird of prey tamp tap or dri

29、ve down by repeated light blows tarnished lost brightness taunt contemptuous reproach, hurtful remark tedious tiresome temperance abstinence from alcohol, self-control, moderation tenuous thin, slender terse brief and to the point thrift care, economy, thriving, prosperous timid shy, easily frighten

30、ed tolerable fairly good tonic smth giving strength or energy topple be unsteady and overturn tortuous full of twists and bends tout person who worries others to buy smth, to use his service touting act as tout toy think not seriously, handle absent-mindedly tractable easily controlled or guided tre

31、nd tendency, general direction trepidation alarm, excited state of mind turbulence being uncontrolled, violent underbid make a lower bid then smb else undermine weaken gradually, at the base, make smth under unfeigned not pretended, sincere unscathed unharmed, unhurt untoward unfortunate, inconvenient upbraid scold, reproach urbane polite, elegant vacillation being uncertain, hesitating vain without use, value or result valiant brave valorous brave veneration regard with deep respect v

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