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1、Bunit7译林 学员姓名: 刘靖彦 年 级:六 课 时 数:3 授课日期: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:严会敏授课内容1. 掌握Unit7 词汇、短语、知识点2. 做与知识点相关的例题教学目标1.熟练掌握本课所有词汇,短语,能够在各种题型中熟练运用2.掌握一般将来时be going to和will的区别与用法3.提升与课题相关的阅读理解的做题方法个性化教案结构:一.错题汇编二.个性化简案内容三.一对一出门考 授课教师评价: 准时上课:无迟到和早退现象(今日学生课堂表 今天所学知识点全部掌握:教师任意抽查一知识点,学生能完全掌握现符合共 项) 上课态度认真:上课期间认真听讲,无任何不配合老师的情

2、况(大写) 惟学作业完成达标:全部按时按量完成所布置的作业,无少做漏做现象 学生签字:教师签字:备注:请交至行政前台处登记、存档保留,隔日无效 (可另附教案内页) 大写:壹 贰 叁 肆 签章:惟学教育学科老师辅导教案惟学教育个性化教案(错题汇编)错题汇编:come back to Then he came back to the earth.然后他回到了地球。be proud of I was very proud of him.我为他感到自豪。be born in Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880.海伦凯勒于1880年出生在美国。couldnt

3、= could not She couldnt see or hear.她既看不见也听不见。teach +人+ to do She drew letters in Helens hand and taught her to spell.她在海伦的手里写字母,教她拼单词。learn to do Later Helen learnt to read, write and speak.之后海伦学习了阅读,写作和交谈。live to be+年龄 She lived to be eighty-seven.她活到了87岁。a role model for. She is a role model for

4、blind people, and also for you and me.她是盲人的榜样,也是你我的榜样。spend + 时间 He spent about twenty-one hours in pace.他在太空中度过了21个小时。Where was he born他在哪里出生 When were you born 你何时出生的be interested in Daming is very interested in space travel.大明对太空旅行很感兴趣buy +人+物 = buy +物+for+人 Simons mum bought him a present.= Simo

5、ns mum bought a present for him.西蒙的妈妈给他买了一份礼物。get from He got many presents from his family.他从他的家人那里得到很多礼物。show + 人+ 物 Daming showed Simon his birthday present.大明给西蒙看了他的生日礼物。ask + 人 + to doDaming asked him to read the book with him.大明邀请他和他一起读书。decide to do Then they decided to make a paper spaceship

6、.然后他们决定制作一艘纸质宇宙飞船。give + 人 + 物 = give + 物 +to + 人 They gave the spaceship to Simons mum.他们把宇宙飞船给了西蒙的妈妈。thank + 人 + for Daming thanked her for the birthday present. 大明感谢她的生日礼物。take+人、物+ to + 地点 It took us to the earth.它带我们去了地球。take+人/物+ into + 地点 It took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first t

7、ime.它首次搭载了一名中国宇航员进入太空。惟学教育个性化教案课本同步Unit7Summer holiday plans 一、单词Go back to回去 how long多久photo照片travel旅游 summer holiday暑假stay停留sound听起来,听上去Disney Park迪士尼乐园 Ocean Park海洋公园 Taipei台北traveler 旅游者travel around the world环游世界different不同的二、短语: holiday plans暑假计划2. talk about their plans for the summer holiday

8、谈论他们的暑假计划3. go back to London回到伦敦4. how long多久5. stay there呆在那儿6. stay there for a month在那里呆一个月7. visit their aunt and uncle拜访他们的阿姨和叔叔8. in Beijing在北京9. That sounds great那听起来真不错10. go to Beijing by plane乘飞机去北京11. go there by train乘火车去那里12. go to Hong Kong with my family和我的家人去香港13go to Disneyland去迪士尼

9、乐园14. go to Ocean Park去海洋公园15. What about you那你呢16. How about you 那你呢17go to Taipei去台北18. Thats wonderful!那真是精彩啊!19. show you some photos向你展示一些照片20. after the holiday节日后21. before Childrens Day儿童节前22. want to see the city想看看这座城市23. will be busy将会很繁忙24. in the summer holiday在暑假 in Australia住在澳大利亚 at

10、the little看看这个小男孩27. play with toys玩玩具28. really happy真的很开心29. full of joy充满欢乐30. Uluru in Australia澳大利亚的乌卢鲁巨岩31. the Grand Canyon in the US美国大峡谷32. Buckingham Palace in the UK英国的白金汉宫33. Niagara Falls in Canada澳大利亚的尼亚加拉大瀑布34. read a travel book读一本旅游书35. want to be a traveller想要成为一名旅行者36. talk about

11、his travel plans with her和她一起谈论他的旅行计划37. visit many places参观许多地方38. go with me和我一起去39. be excited about the plans对这个计划感到十分激动40. go to the US去美国41. get to the UK到达英国42. take a taxi乘出租车43. do many things做许多事情44. have a wonderful summer holiday有一个精彩的假期三、重点句型:1.你假期打算去哪儿我打算去香港。Where will you go for the h

12、olidayI will go toHong Kong.2.你将何时去我将在六月/七月/八月去。/我将在3月1日去。When will you goI will go there in June/July/August.I will go on the 1stof March.3.你将在那呆多久我将在那呆一个月。How long will you stay thereI will stay there for one month.4.你将做什么我将参观迪士尼乐园和海洋公园。What will you doI will visit Disneyland andOceanPark.5.你将怎样去那

13、儿我将乘飞机去那儿、How will you go there I will go there by plane.6.你将去香港吗是的,我将去。我将去香港。不,我不去,我不去香港。Will you go toHong KongYes, I will.I will go toHong Kong.NO, I wont.I will not go toHong Kong.7.你将去美国吗是的,我去的。我将去美国。/不,我不去。我将不去美国。Will you go to theUSAYes, I will.I will go to theUSA.No, I wontI wont go to theUS

14、A.8.她将去英国吗是的,她去的。她将去英国。/不,她不去。她将不去英国。Will she go to theUKYes, she will.She will go to theUK.No, she wont.She wont go to theUK.9.他将去澳大利亚吗是的,他去的。他将去澳大利亚。/不,他不去。他将不去澳大利亚。Will he go toAustraliaYes, he will.He will go toAustralia.No, he wont.He wont go toAustralia.10.他们将去台北吗是的,他们去的。他们将去台北。/不,他们不去。他们将不去台北

15、。Will they go toTaipeiYes, they will.They will go toTaipei.No, they wont.They wont go toTaipei.惟学教育个性化教案(内页) 惟学教育1对1出门考(_年_月_日 )学生姓名 学校 年级 等第 一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不相同的写“D”。(10分)( )1.boy who ( ) toy( ) stay ( )4.full bus( )5.Chinawith( )6.flower enjoy( )7.boy enjoy ( )8.snowdown( )9.

16、hair chair ( )10.pair their二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 暑假计划 6. travel around the world2. 待在那里 7. go with you3. 假期后 8. show you some photos4. 住在北京 9. go in July5. 谈论 10. take a plane三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Lets make some ( plan ) for this term .2. Welcome back ( school ) .3. Ill stay in Guangzhou for two ( week ) .4

17、. The idea ( sound ) good .5. I will ( no ) go shopping on Sunday.6. My family ( be ) in Hong Kong now .7. I want ( see ) Ocean Park .8. Please show ( we ) your pictures .9. I will ( am ) busy this weekend .10. Look , she is ( Mike ) grandmother .四、单项选择。(10分)( )1. She goes to watch a film after scho

18、ol . timesB. sometimesC. some timeD. sometime( )2. A: you happy during the holiday B: Yes , I . ; was ; wereC. Was ; was ; were( )3. We will stay Nanjing for a few days. A. on B. for C. in D. of( )4.Where your grandparents live They live in Shanghai. A. are B. is C. do D. does( )5. My teacher will t

19、ake some for us . A. photoB. photoesC. photosD. photos( )6. He will to Xiamen . A. go B. went C. goes D. going( )7. My little brother is with toy . A. playing ; he B. playing ; hisC. play ; heD. play ; his( )8. Miss Li some new books on the desk just now . A. find B. found C. findsD. look for( )9. T

20、ina is a travel book in the bedroom. A. read B. reads C. readingD. to read( )10. Will you go your friends ? A. and B. at C. with D. of五、从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。(5分)( ) are your plans A. It was Monday.( )2. Will she go dancing . B. Well go to Canada next week .( )3. How will you get to the airpor

21、t C. Yes , she will .( )4. What subjects do you like D. I like Chinese and Maths .( ) day was it yesterday E. By taxi .六、找出句中的错误,并加以改正。(5分)( ) your sister goes to the park ? A B C( )2. We have different plan for this Sunday . A B C( )3. I will go to there by car with my friends . A B C( )4. Let he t

22、ake a taxi to the library . A B C( )5. Bobby is look for his English book. A B C一、英汉互译1、回到伦敦_ 2、坐火车去_3、和我去的家人一起去_ 4、想要呆在那里_5、住在台北_ 6、小男孩_7、full of joy _ 8、Sounds great! _9、different plans _ 10.谈论_11.乘出租车_ many beautiful places_ around the world_ holiday plans_二、单项选择( ) 1. Did you _ your summer holid

23、ay plans?A.making B. make C. made( ) you go to Nanjing next summer holiday?A.Will B Did C. Are( ) will_ his grandparents with his family.A.visits going to visit C. visit( ) _ go to the cinema this evening,but my father_.,will ,isnt ,wont( ) plan _ great. ( ) will go to the park _ Ill go _foot.,on ,b

24、y ,on( )ll work_ Australia_two ,for B. in ,of ,in( ) will have a party_June. ( ) teacher_my parents this calling call ( ) go to Hong Kong last summer holiday? ( )11. _you going to see a play?A. Will B. Are C. Do( ) 12. Will you go to Shanghai by train No, _ .A. I will B. you wont C. I wont( )13. Its Sunday today. What about _a film?A. to watch B. watching C. watches( ) 14. Im excited _ his pictures.A. about B. with C. to

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