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仁爱版八年级下册新教学设计 U7T3p1.docx

1、仁爱版八年级下册新教学设计 U7T3p1Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 3 I cooked the most successfully. 教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Food Festival 为主题。第三话题是在前两个话题的基础上,继续学习副词的比较级和最高级。同时引入新内容的学习,包括订餐、接单、用餐等日常功能用语以及对比事物的表达法。该话题的句型主要有 “Enjoy yourselves!”, “Lets wish them success!”, “May I have the bill, please?”, “Thanks for your order.”

2、等。 此外,在语音方面将学习/u/,/4:/,/u:/的发音区别,帮助学生熟悉其读音规则,能够根据所学音标尝试着进行单词的拼读和拼写。最后通过Project的活动对本话题所学内容进行真实的应用。本话题建议用5课时完成。第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c第二课时:Section A2a, 2b, 3 Section B3a,3b第三课时:Section B1a, 1b, 1c, 2 第四课时:Section C1a, 1b, 2, 3第五课时:Section DGrammar and functions, 1a, 1b, 2, Project 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1

3、c)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section A-1。本节课的课型为听说课,主要活动是对1a 美食节开幕式主持词的学习和掌握。在Revision环节里,主要复习宾语从句的用法。利用美食节海报,指定话题的同时鼓励学生打开思路,利用宾语从句讨论美食节的准备过程。pre-listening环节里,首先通过对1a图片的讨论,学习词汇,同时猜测主持人说了什么。鼓励学生在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题, 并大胆地用英语表达出来。while-listening环节里第一个听力任务是听并找到主持人的开场白和结束语。第二个听力任务是听并完成1b表格。在post-listening环节里,强调对主持人

4、的感情及语音语调的模仿。之后设置不同的情境,要求学生角色扮演,主持不同活动的开幕式,从而达到运用目标语言并展示自我的目的。将1a改写成短文描述美食节开幕式是对所学语言的再一次巩固和输出。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇lady, gentleman, sale, for sale, guest, kind-hearted(2)学习如何致开幕词。2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关开幕的对话,识别主题,并获取主要信息。(2)能在教师的指导下,参与有关开幕的角色表演。3. Emotional aims:(1)有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,

5、乐于参与各种英语实践活动。(2)在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿。4. Culture awareness:了解西方的饮食文化。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:学习如何致开幕词。2. Difficult points: 进行有关开幕式的角色扮演。. Learning strategies1. 在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。2. 在接近真实情境中运用语言。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1 (3mins):Getting student

6、s ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning. Play a part of the video of Beijing Olympic opening ceremony.T: Good morning, everyone!T:Have you ever took part in any opening ceremonies?T: What do you thin

7、k of an opening ceremony?T: Good. Now lets watch the video of Beijing Olympic opening ceremony.T: Ladies and Gentlemen, do you feel the excitement?T: Today well take part in some other opening ceremonies. Are you ready?Focus their attention on the teacher.Ss: Good morning, MissS1: Yes. We have took

8、part in the opening ceremonies of the School Sports Meeting and the Art Festival.S2: Its often quite warm and exciting.Ss:Ss: Yes.Ss: Yeah!营造气氛,将学生的注意力聚焦在课堂。Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpo

9、se 1(Pair work)Show the poster of the food festival and encourage the students to ask and answer with the object clauses as much as possible.T: Hey, class. Just as you know, the Food Festival is open finally. Do you still remember what food the students will serve for the food festival? Look at the

10、poster. Please ask and answer about the food festival with object clauses as much as possible.T: Very good. Lets go to the opening ceremony!Talk about something about the Food Festival, asking and answering with object clauses in pairs.S1: Can you tell me if the chocolate cookies are from America?S2

11、: Yes, they are.S3: Do you think what food will be the most popular?S4: I think 复习宾语从句的用法。利用美食节海报,指定话题的同时鼓励学生打开思路,利用宾语从句讨论美食节的准备过程。Remark:指定话题自由讨论,可提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Stage 3(10mins):Pre - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Show the picture of 1a. Teach the ne

12、w words.T: What can you see in the picture?T:What do the students hold the Food Festival for?T: How kind-hearted they are, arent they? I mean they are very kind. Do you agree?T: And I think the guests are also kind-hearted. I hope they have a good time. Do you see the foods for sale? Can you guess w

13、hat they are?T: I agree with you. Anything else?Talk about the opening ceremony of the Food Festival. Learn the new words.S1: Some students and some guests.S2: To help Free the Children build a school in Kenya.Ss: Yes.S3: I think many different delicious foods are for sale. There must be fried rice

14、and dumplings.Ss:讨论美食节开幕式图片,学习新词汇。2(Pair work)Talk about what the hosts will say in the opening ceremony.T: Do you see the two hosts? What are they doing?T: What are they saying? Try to guess.Talk about what the hosts will say in the opening ceremony.S1: They are hosting the opening ceremony. S2: La

15、dies and gentlemen, welcome to the Food Festival.S3: I hope you like our foods and have a good time.Ss:仅利用图片对文章主题进行猜测和讨论。3(Individual activity)Ask the students to read the form in 1b and predict the answers. T: The form in 1b may help you understand 1a better. Now read it and predict the answers.Rea

16、d the form in 1b and predict the answers.Ss:读1b表格,预测答案。Remark:在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。Stage4(5mins):While - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a.T:Lets listen to 1a and find the useful expressions that the hosts used at the begin

17、ning and the end of the opening ceremony.T: You did quite well. Id like you to remember these useful expressions. Listen to 1a and find the useful expressions that the hosts used at the beginning and the end of the opening ceremony.S1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to S2: Thanks for coming. I hope e

18、veryone has a wonderful time!S3: Enjoy yourselves!听对话,找出主持人的开场白和结束语。2(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1b. T: Now listen again and fill in the blanks in 1b. T: Check the answers with your partners.Listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1b.Ss:再听对话,完成

19、1b表格。Remark:设置不同难度的听力任务,降低听力难度。Stage 5(19mins):Post- listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play the tape recording of 1a.T: Lets follow the tape and read 1a aloud. Please pay attention to the emotion and intonation.Follow the tape and try to imitate. Pay atte

20、ntion to the emotion and intonation.Ss:跟读并模仿,注意主持人的感情和语音语调。2(Pair work)Show some pictures. Ask the students to act as hosts according to the following situations. T: We usually admire the attractive hosts on TV. Today you have a good chance to act as a host and show yourselves to all of us. Please c

21、hoose one of these situations and act as hosts with your partners. T: Who would like to have a try?Choose one situation and act as hosts in pairs.Ss:.S1: We choose the Parents Meeting.S1: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Class Fives Parents meeting. S2: First, Ill thank you for your coming and I hop

22、e we can share our opinions about how to educate children.S3: I hope everyone can learn something from each other.S4: Have a meaningful time.设置不同的情境,学生角色扮演,主持不同活动和风格的开幕式,从而达到运用目标语言并展示自我的目的。3(Group work)Ask the students to change 1a into a short passage with the help of 1b.T: Good job! Can you descri

23、be the Food Festival? You can have a discussion with your group members and write a short passage to describe the food festival according to 1a and 1b. T:Who would like to have a try?change 1a into a short passage with the help of 1b.Ss:S1:Let me have a try. The first International Food Festival is

24、open today. A lot of guests come to the Food Festival. Many different delicious foods are for sale, such as fried rice, apple pies and India curries. All the guests enjoy them. The students are very busy but happy. They are so kind-hearted that they will send all the money to Free the Children for a

25、 school in Kenya. Lets wish them success. I hope everyone has a wonderful time.将1a改写成短文,达到对目标语言再一次巩固和练习的目的。Remark:在真实情景中运用语言。采用角色扮演的方式激发学生学习英语的积极性和学习兴趣。Stage 6(3mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the

26、key points T: Class will be over soon. We should summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Lets begin!Summarize what they have learned today. S1:we learned some new words: lady, gentleman, sale, for sale, guest, kind-heartedS2: We learn some functions about how to host an activity or a festival

27、. For example, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Thanks for coming. I hope everyone has a wonderful time! Enjoy yourselves!培养学生归纳总结的能力,再次复习巩固本节课的重点知识。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to remember the new words and phrases. Act out 1a as hosts with your partner after clas

28、s so that you can act it out tomorrow in class. Dont forget preview Section A2a, 2b, 3 and Section B3a,3b.Finish the HMK.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI . Blackboard design第一课时 (Section A1a,1b,1c)Some new words and phrases:lady, gentleman, sale, for sale, guest, kind-heartedSome functions about how to host an activity or a festival. 1.Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2.Thanks for coming. 3.I hope everyone has a wonderful time! 4.Enjoy yourselves!

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