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哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 3 Whos on Trial 1.docx

1、哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 3 Whos on Trial 1Unit 1 Chapter 3 Whos on Trial?Analysis of the Students 教学对象分析授课对象:词汇提高5班、词汇提高6班、词汇提高7班、词汇提高8班2012级在校本科生先修课程:大学英语(一)、(二)、(三)拓展课(2-1) 学生来源:机电工程学院、法学院、化工学院、经济与管理学院、航天学院、建筑学院、能源科学与工程学院、材料科学与工程学院、理学院、航天学院、大学二年级,大学第四学期学生人数:102人Teaching Objectives 1. develop the students

2、ability to acquire new words in different contexts; 2. reinforce the memory of the ten words through the feedback exercises: matching test and three checks;3. gain new insights into various associations and word formations, esp. the ability to use the roots and derivatives . Time Allotment & Teachin

3、g ContentsSection 1Warm-up activities5 minutesSection 2Studentsinvolvement activities15 minutesSection 3Explanation and Practice around words in Chapter 3, further development for ROOT / PREFIX / SUFFIX information25 minutesSection 4quiz5 minutesKey Words Chapter 3deleteimpartialintegritylegitimatel

4、enientmenacemoralenaiveovertundermineAdditional Words 3 illegibleilliterateimmature inaccessibleinflexible irrelevantirreconcilableunderdevelopedmoralunderstatement1. Warm-up Activity (5 minutes)Exercises in the text book2. Studentsinvolvement activities(15 minutes) The students do multiple choice a

5、nd translation of sample sentences in turn around 10 words in Chapter 3, at the same time teacher may help them to explain some new words or useful expressions. 3. Interactive Word Study in Context: (25 minutes) Aim: applying the theory of lexicology in class; give the students very clear clues of c

6、ertain words and their meanings; teach the students how to learn English vocabulary and train them skills of how to memorize the new words.Teaching Steps:1. perform the activities interactively based on guessing the meaning of the 10 words in context, try to make class lively;2. apply the theory of

7、lexicology to sense relations in the ten words, T may explain and enlarge something important. Skills of Vocabulary Learningantonyms in context synonyms in context common sense (general knowledge)cultural information create word power on words from example sentence X collocationrelated forms word fo

8、rmation on roots and affixation phrases and expressions from example sentence synonym discrimination1.delete: vt. to strike out or remove (sth written or printed) :related form:deletion: n. create word power on invitation:a letter of invitation邀请函at the invitation of sb.应某人的邀请send sb. an invitation

9、to a party向某人发出参加聚会的请贴a standing invitation=an open invitation长期有效的邀请create word power on fair:fair and square公正地;正中目标;公平合理fair play公平的比赛fair trade公平(互惠)贸易the fair sex女性,妇女syn: remove, eraseanto: add, put in2. impartial: adj. not partial or biased: Judge Bao is an impartial and incorruptible judge.包

10、公是一名铁面无私的法官。词缀记忆(im不,无+partial偏心的不偏心的公证的)词缀 in-, il- im- ir-= not, un-illegible a. 难读的,难辨认的;字迹模糊的;潦草I could read most of the signatures, but a few were illegible. Can you see what this note sayshis writing is almost illegible.你能看出这个便条上写些什么吗?他的笔迹几乎无法辨认。legible的其他例句1.Her handwriting was clearly legibl

11、e. 她的字清晰可辨。2.The price must be legible to a purchaser.价格要写得清楚些,让买家一眼能辨认出。3. This book is legible for children. 这本书小孩子很容易看懂。4.His handwriting is barely legible.他的字真难认。5. The inscription was still legible. 铭文仍清晰可辨。illiterate a. 不识字的,文盲的 There are still 800 million illiterates globally, and the majorit

12、y are women. 全球仍有8亿文盲,其中大部份是女性。 n. 文盲; 无知其他例句1.An illiterate,later he received some schooling.他原先大字不识一个,后来接受一些学校教育。2.I was an illiterate in the old society, but now I can read.我这个旧社会的文盲,今天也认字了。3.There 50 percent or more of the population is illiterate.那里50%或更多的群众是文盲。4.There are still many illiterate

13、 people in our country.在我国还有许多文盲。 5. If you stop learning, you will become an illiterate of modern time.你若停止学习,将会成为现代文盲。immature a. 未成熟的;未完成的;粗糙的;幼小。He was a young fellow, very green, very immature.他是个年轻人,没什么经验,很不成熟。其他例句1.Beside Shakespeare,Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist,especially in h

14、is comic scenes.和莎士比亚相比,马洛给我们的印象是一个不成熟的戏剧家,特别是他的喜剧场面。2.He is still too immature.他还是嫩得很。3.Lord Kiertons going to say Im being immature again.基尔顿勋爵又要说我不成熟了。4.Tony seemed very shallow and immature.托尼看起来好像很肤浅,不够成熟。 5. Despite this, the m-commerce market remains immature.尽管如此,移动商务市场仍不成熟。inaccessible a. 不

15、可及的;难见到的;不能接近的;无法理解的For most of the year, the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible, except by air. 一年中大部分的时间,除了乘飞机外,人们无法达到北魁北克地区爱斯基摩人的定居点。其他例句1.The top of Mount Everest is the most inaccessible place in the world.珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最难到达的地方。2.This formerly inaccessible place can now be reache

16、d by road and rail.这里过去是穷乡僻壤,现在铁路公路都畅通了。3.This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。4. The scientist discovered the plant in the most inaccessible reaches of the jungle. 这位科学家在丛林深处最难进入的区域发现了这种植物。5. My memory of her feels contained within servers and hard drives, locked away

17、 and inaccessible我对她的记忆仿佛保存在服务器和硬盘中,被好好地上锁而难以接近。 inflexible a. 僵硬的,不可弯曲的;不屈服的;不能转变的;坚定不移的。Hes completely inflexible on the subject. 他在这个问题上寸步不让。 其他例句 1. His attitude is inflexible.他态度坚定。2.Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.威胁与利诱均不能改变他坚定的决心。3.The new plastic is com

18、pletely inflexible.这种新塑料是完全不可弯曲的。4.This man is very stiff ( or inflexible).这个人好刻板。5. He is inflexible in pursuit of his own cause. 他执著地追求着自己的事业。irrelevant a. 不相关的;不恰当;缺乏时代性的,落后于潮流的;牛头不对马嘴Stick to the topic, dont make irrelevant remarks. 其他例句1. Her statement is irrelevant to this case.她的陈述与这件事情无关。2.I

19、t was all irrelevant, but I didnt dare interrupt him in midflow.他说的事情全都不相关,但我还是不敢中途打断他。3.Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head.一些毫无干系的荒唐想法在她的脑海里涌动。4.Please concentrate on the business at hand and dont drag in irrelevant issues.请你集中谈这件事,不要牵扯其他问题。5.That is completely irrelevant to the su

20、bject under discussion.这跟讨论的主题完全不相关。irreconcilable a. (观点、目标或争议)不可调和的,不相容的After Romeo and Juliet died, their families, who had been irreconcilable enemies, became friends. 其他例句1.These practices are irreconcilable with the law of the Church.这种做法与教规是相悖的。 2. This is an irreconcilable conflict. 这是一个不可调和

21、的矛盾。 3. These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life. 这些陈旧的观念与现代生活格格不入。4. The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable.这三组人的目标是完全不可调和的。 5. They are absolutely irreconcilable enemies.他们是不共戴天的仇敌。related form:impartiality: n.impartially: adv. synonym discrimination:lawyer一词是一个很笼

22、统的称呼。凡在法庭上代人出庭辩护或就各类法律问题为人提供咨询的人,都可以用这个词来指称。有些律师只接办某一方面的案件,比如医疗事故或公司法;也有些律师能够处理各种不同类型的案子。在美国,律师也叫attorney,意思是一样的。counselor一词在美国也指律师,尤指在法院工作的律师。在法庭上和律师说话时就可以用这个词来称呼他们。barrister在英国,出庭的辩护律师。solicitor主要是在办公室或事物所内工作的律师。syn: unbiased, unprejudiced, candid, just, fair, even-handed, equalanto: biased, discr

23、iminating, favoring, partial, prejudiced, unfair, unjust3. integrity: n. a. (more formal than honesty) honesty: He s a man of integrity ; he won t break his promise b. completeness or wholeness: We must protect the integrity of our nation.collocation:in ones integrity 完整, 原封未动related forms:integrate

24、: vt.create word power on bribe:take(accept, receive) a bribe收受贿赂offer/give a bribe行贿bribe sb. into + N./ to do贿赂某人做某事create word power on 旷课cut classes skip schoolplay truantabsent from class/schoolmiss a classsyn: a. uprightness, moral soundness, goodness, virtue b. unity, wholeness, entireness, e

25、ntirely, completeness, soundnessanto: a. dishonesty b. imperfect4. legitimate: adj. a. normal, regular: business practices b. lawful, allowed or admitted by law: 合法的 The thief has a perfectly legitimate business as a car salesman. He is the legitimate heir to the property. c. (very formal) (of an ar

26、gument or deduction etc) reasonable or logical, valid or acceptable: 正当的,合理的 Sickness is a legitimate reason for a childs being absent from school. related forms: legitimately: adv. legitimacy : n. legitimation: n. legitimize, se: vt.create word power on safe:safebreaker撬窃保险箱的盗贼=safecrackersafe-depo

27、sit box贵重物品存放处(通常指银行的保险箱)safe house(避难用的)安身藏身处safe-keeping妥善保护,妥善保管syn: acceptable, legal validanto: illegal,illegitimate,invalid, unlawful 5. lenient: adj. not strict, as in disciplining, soft: 宽大的,仁慈的 He is a lenient judge. She is lenient with her son.collocation:be lenient towards or with sb.rela

28、ted forms: leniency: n. lenience: n. leniently: adv. lenity: n. 宽大;仁慈;温和create word power on dog:bloodhound大警犬(嗅觉十分灵敏,常用于追踪人)canine犬齿; 犬牙; 犬科动物cur杂种狗,劣种狗poodle长毛狗,贵妇犬pekinese 小狮子狗,哈巴狗pup小狗 whelp狗崽,幼犬 compound words on dog:dog days三伏天,大热天dog-eared卷角的(书等)dog-end烟头;剩余物品dog-fight狗打仗;(战斗机的)空战dogged顽固的,坚持

29、不懈的 doggy bag剩菜袋饭店打包 dogs body英勤杂工dogs dinnerbreakfast英,贬,俚弄得一团糟的事dog house(AmE)=kennel(BrE),狗屋,狗窝dog show赛狗会the Dog Star 天狼星(大犬座的主星)idioms on dog:a dogs chance极有限的一点机会希望(用于否定句)dogs life潦倒,苦难的日子,悲惨的生活die a dogs death=die like a dog死得很惨go to the dogs(口语)没落,堕落,灭亡in the doghouse(美俚) 受冷遇,失宠,丢脸put on the

30、 dog(俚语)装腔作势,摆架子syn: indulgent 纵容的;放纵的, 宽容的;过于宽厚的, mild, tolerantanto: severe, strict6. menace: n a. sth. that threatens to cause evil or harm: 威胁 A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.In dry weather, forest fires are a menace to human being. b. a very annoying person: That woman is a me

31、nace ! Keep her away from this machine vt. to threaten: He menaced the bank manager with a gun. Floods menaced the valley towns with destruction. collocation:menace to + n. menace sb. with + n.under menace受威胁related forms:menacing: adj. menacingly: adv. 用法说明:rain雨是指云层的降水;hail雹是水滴或小冰块降下的;snow雪是以凝结而成的白色软结晶的形式降下的;sleet雨夹雪是指部分融

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