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三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit2 Whats your name教案 新版外研版.docx

1、三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit2 Whats your name教案 新版外研版2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit2 Whats your name?教案 (新版)外研版一、教学目标1、 技能与知识目标:(1)能听懂并会说、会读Good afternoon 和Whats your name? Im x x的句型。(2)能听懂并会说、会读词汇 your, name, afternoon.(3)能利用所学的对话进行语言交流。如:Good morning! / Hello! / How are you? Im fine .And how are you?Im

2、fine ,too . Thank you.2、运用能力目标:能在不同时间段,正确地向他人问好。(上午:Good morning!下午:Good afternoon!)能用Whats your name?来询问他人姓名。并可以用Im x x. 对他人的提问进行回答。 3、素质教育目标:使孩子在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人,做到有礼貌;使学生知道Mr.不仅可以指男教师,还可以表示对男士的尊称; Ms.不仅可以指女教师,还可以表示对女士的尊称。通过歌曲的学习培养孩子的乐感与美感,增强学科间的融合。 二、教学重点能听懂并会说会读Good afternoon! Whats your name? Im及词

3、汇your ,name, afternoon三、教学难点 name 中的 /m/ 与 afternoon中 /n/的发音。四、教学过程1.启动运用所学问候语进行师生间,生生间对话练习。“Good morning! Im ” “How are you? Im fine. And how are you? Im fine ,too. Thank you.”同学们今天表现不错,那我们一起来做个游戏吧。当老师说“boys”时男生起立,再说“boys”时男生坐下。同样说“girls”时女生起立,再说“girls”时女生坐下,此活动是帮助学生分清“boys与girls”的用法。活动速度由慢到快,老师指令可

4、交替进行,活动进行一段时间后可让学生来发指令。2.导入(任务呈现)OK!boys and girls youve done a good job. Look老师左右手各持一手偶,通过变换音调来演一段对话,引出本课重点:Whats your name ?手偶1:Hi, Im Ms.Li . Whats your name?手偶2: Hello, Im Sam.(此活动可进行遍。)3呈现(2分钟)同学们现在我是Mr.Li不是Ms.Yu,老师说话的声音变粗。老师将Mr. Li的头饰带在头上与学生对话:Mr. Li: Hello! Good morning.Ss: Good morning.Mr. L

5、i: whats your name?Ss: Im x x.(老师提醒)4. 操作指导放一遍录音,要求学生听录音指图片。再次播放对话,要求学生跟读23遍;老师纠正学生的发音。让学生以小组为单位开始朗读对话内容,并对个体学生进行抽查;5完成任务1 传话游戏同学们大家在班里男女生之间要用礼貌的语言互相问候,下面这个游戏就是看男生与女生谁的礼貌用语说的最好。向学生解释当老师说:“Good morning.”时女孩向男孩问好:“Good morning, boys.”男孩回答说:“Good morning, girls.”用“Good afternoon”做同样的练习。解释“Whisper”和“low

6、”的意思告诉全班,当你说“whisper”时,他们就耳语,向别人问好;你说“low”时,他们低声向别人问好。举例:老师:Girls whisper.女孩:(耳语)Good morning, boys.老师:Boys low.男孩:(低声说)Good morning, girls.用“Good afternoon”做同样的游戏。6.完成任务2 游戏:你是谁?(5分钟)老师站在教室中间说:“Im Miss Yu. Whats your name? ”,学生集体拍手说“Im x x. whats your name?”,老师走到其中一位同学面前问:“whats your name?”,学生回答“Im

7、 xx.”如果他/她回答对了,老师就坐在这个学生位子上当学生,这位学生做老师刚才做的活动。7完成任务3 歌曲“Good morning!”(5分钟)同学们今天我们要学习一首好听的英文歌曲“Good morning”。学完后让学生四人小组把歌词进行改可将“Good morning!”改为“Good afternoon”。由四人小组向大家表演改编后的歌曲,评出优秀小组。8复习总结(4分钟)让学生将今天所学的新语言进行总结让学生在早起时用英语跟他们的父母问候,比如:“Good morning .”如果他们在下午看见父母,他们应说:“Good afternoon.”恰当地运用“Whats your n

8、ame?”来向他人询问姓名,并且可以用Im xx”回答别人的问语。教学反思附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 7(3 periods)教案 广州版The 1st periodLanguage knowledge:1. new words: pencil, desk, bed, pencil-case, table, in, on,2. new drills: Where is my ?Is it ?No, it isnt.Here it is.Language skill:1. be able to look at the objects or picture

9、s to tell the words2. be able to ask and answer questions with those drillsAffect: 教育学生要养成自己的学习用品要自己放好的习惯,做一个爱护自己的财物的好学生Learning strategiesRaise the abilities of speaking and readingProcedure:Warm-up 1. Sing two songs: this is the way and clap, clap, clap our handsPresentation2. learn “pencil” and “

10、pencil-case”1) T: (take a new pencil behind) I have a pencil, where is my pencil? Here it is. (show pencil)2) Read the “pencil” in different ways3) Sing a song: I have a pencil4) T: look, I have a pencil. I put my pencil in my pencil-case. (do the action) this is my pencil-case.5) Read “pencil-case”

11、 in different ways6) Game: listen and show, T can speak out the words quicker and quicker. E.g. show me your pencil.3. Learn: “Where is my ? Its in/on “1) Ps look and listen for at least 3 times. T: Where is my pencil? Its in my pencil-case.(do action when speaking)2) Kids try to understand “in”, re

12、ad the word with gestures3) Ps look and listen for at least 3times. T: where is my pencil? Its on my pencil-case.(do action when speaking)4) Kids try to understand “on”, read the word with gestures.5) Practice: A: Where is my pencil?B: Its on/in the pencil-case.4. Learn: “Is it on/in ? No, it isnt.”

13、1) show 3 different pencils, this is Janets pencil, this is Sallys pencil, this is Bens pencil, 2) Show a picture on the blackboard, in the picture there is a table, desk and a bed; its a picture of bedroom.3) Put those pencils in different places in the picture, talk to the kids, “where is Janets p

14、encil? Is it in the pencil-case?” lead the kids to answer: No, it isnt. Its on the table. (use this method to learn “table, desk, bed”)4) Read words in different ways5) Use picture and pencils to practice “Is it on/in ? No, it isnt.”5. present the text1) one day, Ben cant find his pencil, he asked h

15、is mum Mrs Webb, and his sister Janet, can Ben find his pencil at last?(stick the pictures of Ben, Janet, Mrs Webb)2) Listen for the first time; give them some notes such as gestures to help them more easily to understand the text.3) Listen for the second time, try to answer these:Where is Bens penc

16、il?Where is Bens pencil-case?4) Read the text in different ways, such as read together, in groups, in roles, in pairs.Develop6. Try to act out the dialogue in three.7. Kids look, listen and give comment on their acting.Homework8. read the text at least 3 times9. copy the new words and textThe 2nd pe

17、riodLanguage knowledge:1. new words: pen, chair, box, rubber, pencil-sharpener, ruler, bag2. Drills: 1) Where is ? Its on/in 2) The is on/in the .Language skill: 1. Be able to speak out the words with pictures or objects.2. Be able to look at the picture in P33 and tell where the stationeries are.3.

18、 Be able to look at the words and do the sticker correctly without looking at the books.Affect:学会爱惜自己的学习用品,要养成保持自己的房间整齐的好习惯Learning strategies:Raise the abilities of speaking and readingProcedure:Leading-in:1. Sing a song: Where is the Pencil? (text book P32)2. play a guessing game:1) Show the pictu

19、re of a bedroom, there is a bed, a desk and a table in it. (its the picture you used in last period)2) ask P1 come out and cover his or her eyes3) The others look at the picture; T puts pencil on the desk. Ps: where is the pencil? P1 guess: Is it on the table? Ps: No, it isnt. Its on the desk.4) If

20、the answer is right, the kid can get points.Pre-task:3. Try to recite the unit 7 with some meaningful gesture or pictures.4. learn the new words:1) Do you want to visit Janets bedroom, let go and have a look, ok?2) Draw as you speak. T: look, there is a bed in Janets bedroom, here is a table and her

21、e is a chair, where is Janets pencil? Look, its on the bed; the pencil is on the bed. Where is Janets pencil-case? Look, its on the table; the pencil-case is on the table. Where is Janets rubber? Its in the pencil-case. The rubber is in the pencil-case. Where is Janets ruler? Look, its on the chair.

22、 The ruler is on the chair. Where is Janets pen? Its on the ruler. The pen is on the ruler. Where is Janets pencil-sharpener? Its in the box. The pencil-sharpener is on the box. Where is Janets bag? Its on the table. The bag is on the table.3) Listen and show. T: show your pen. (you can ask all the

23、kids listen and show their own stationeries, or you can ask some kids come out , listen and show, which one is faster will get point)4) Read the words in different ways.5) Look back the picture of Janets bedroom; tell what you can see, such as: the bag is on the table.6) Cover the picture. Kids try

24、to tell what you remember.7) Janets bedroom is messy.(教育学生要学会自己整理自己的房间,做一个自己的事情自己做的人)While-task and post-task5. Do work with language P33. 11) Show the pictures of those stationeries, read them quickly.2) Cover them on the blackboard. Play a remember game. T:where is the pen? P1 (come out and point)

25、: it is here.3) Books open, do the sticker.4) check6. Do work with language P33. 21) Look at the picture and tell what you can see in the picture in groups.2) Try to write down what your can see in the picture in groups3) Ask some kids come out and write.4) Check.Homework7. copy the new words8. Tell your parents how do the stationeries call in English?The 3rd periodReview the words and drills, and then do the exercises in activity book, pay attention to know the kids if they have known the methods of doing exercises. (在做练习的过程中要注意培养学生读题和做题的能力,学会独立理解题目的要求)

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