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1、八年级英语单元八单词讲解八年级单元八单词讲解 comment (n) 评论/意见comments I have some comments on the news.我对此新闻有一些评论.comment on对.评论报告comment 动词 (1) 注释(2) 评论、品头论足动词过去式:commented 过去分词:commented 现在分词:commenting 第三人称单数:comments I never comment on his work.我从来不评论他的工作.2 album集子、相片集、 唱片集 albums I have an album.我有个相片集。 3 personal

2、私人的/个人的 Personal cleanliness(清洁 .名词) is important for health.个人的清洁对健康是重要的. I have something personal to discuss with you. 我有点私事和你商量。 I have a personal computer我有一台个人计算机。4. special (1)特别的、特殊的、专门的。 more special-most special (2)特色菜She is a special friend of mine. 她是我一个特别亲密的朋友。5. receive接受/收到/迎接/遭受 动词过去

3、式:received 过去分词:received 现在分词:receiving 第三人称单数:receives I received a gift yesterday.昨天我收到了一件礼物.6 give动词过去式:gave 过去分词:given 现在分词:giving 第三人称单数:gives 7 guy (guys)Who is that guy ?那家伙是谁?8.spider (spiders )蜘蛛 I like spiders.9. mouse (mice ) When the cat is away, the mice will play. (谚语)猫儿一走耗子闹 I guess t

4、here are mice in the kitchen. 我猜想厨房里有老鼠。10.snake (pl ) snakes11.hamster.仓鼠 hamsters12.turtle 海龟 turtles13 child _ children15.pot- bellied 大肚子的。16.pig_ pigs17 advantage - advantages有利条件/利益/优势 Our school has many advantages.我们学校有很多有利条件. 动词过去式:advantaged 过去分词:advantaged 现在分词:advantaging 第三人称单数:advantag

5、es Advantage 反义词 disadvantage (disadvantages) 不利条件、 缺点 I have no disadvantages.我没有缺点18.perfect完美的、理想的 Everything is perfect.一些都很好. He speaks perfect English.他说一口极好的英语。谚语 ; Practice makes perfect.孰能生巧。动词过去式:perfected 过去分词:perfected 现在分词:perfecting 第三人称单数:perfects 动词;使。完美。改善19.rabbit _rabbitspany 伙伴 /

6、公司I work in a small company. 我在一家小公司工作。名词复数:companies 动词过去式:companied 过去分词:companied 现在分词:companying 第三人称单数:companies 伙伴 同friend21cost n. 代价,价值,费用( pl) costsv. 花费,值,需要动词过去式:cost 过去分词:cost 现在分词:costing 第三人称单数:costs The book cost 5 yuan.22.asleep 睡着的(不用在名词前) (同义词 sleeping /反义词awake 醒)The man is asleep

7、.这个人睡着了.23. fall asleepBecause I am tired, I fall asleep quickly. 因为我很疲劳,因此很快就睡着了。24. choose动词过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen 现在分词:choosing 第三人称单数:chooses (名词:chooser 选择者、选举人) He chose a most interesting book for me.他选了一本最有趣的书给我。25present(同gift) _presents1. n. 礼物,现在adj. 现在的,出席的,当面的2. How many people were pres

8、ent at the meeting? 有多少人出席会议?v. 赠送,提出,呈现 I presented an album to him. 我赠送给他一本相册。26. open(反义词 shut/close)动词过去式:opened 过去分词:opened 现在分词:opening 第三人称单数:opensn. 公开,户外,空旷 The students slept in the open.同学们睡在露天.adj. 开着的,开放的,公开的 The door is open.v. 打开,公开,开放 27.later (反义词 earlier) See you later.再见.28. give

9、away赠送/分发/泄露/放弃/出卖 动词过去式:gave 过去分词:given 现在分词:giving 第三人称单数:gives He has given away all money.他把所有的钱了出来.29. bench_ benches 长凳/长椅动词过去式:benched 过去分词:benched 现在分词:benching 第三人称单数:benches 30 rather than 而不是rather adv. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当rather than 可作连词词组使用,连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中间进行选择,意为“是 A 而不是 B ”、“要 A 不要 B ”、“宁愿 A

10、而不愿 B ”等,后面可以接名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词和动词不定式等。 1. 名词。例如: He is a writer rather than a teacher. 与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。 The job will take months rather than weeks. 完成这项工作需要几个月,而不是几个星期。 2. 代词。例如: You,rather than she,are my guest. 你是我的客人,而不是她。 3. 形容词。例如: The color seems green rather than blue. 这颜色似乎是绿的,而不是蓝的。 It was m

11、ade shorter rather than longer. 它被缩短了,而不是加长了。 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子与其说漂亮,不如说舒服。 4. 副词。例如: The ship sank quickly rather than slowly. 船沉得很快,而不是很慢。 He usually gets up early rather than late. 他经常起得早,而不是起得晚。 5. 动词。例如: She left rather than stayed at home. 她不是呆在家里,而是走了。 6. 介词

12、短语。例如: Id prefer to read in the library rather than at home. 我宁愿在图书馆看书,也不愿在家里看书。 Id prefer to do it in this way rather than in that way. 我喜欢这样做,而不愿意那样做。 He went to the park in the evening rather than in the morning. 他喜欢晚上去公园,而不喜欢早上去。 7. 动词的 ing 形式。例如: She likes dancing rather than singing. 她喜欢跳舞,而不喜

13、欢唱歌。 It is snowing rather than raining outside. 外面在下雪,而不是在下雨。 She is laughing rather than crying. 她是在笑,而不是在哭。 8. 过去分词。例如: He had the house rebuilt rather than repaired. 他宁愿重建房子,而不愿修缮。 9. 句子。例如: We should help him rather than he should help us. 我们应该帮助他,而不是他应该帮助我们。 A rather than B 作主语,谓语要与A在人称,数上保持一致性

14、.例如:He rather than you is wrong .是他而不是你错了.31 Sweden 瑞典 Swedish (1) n.瑞典人,瑞典语(2) 形容词; 瑞典语的/瑞典的/瑞典人的swede n. 瑞典人n. 瑞典甘蓝,一种黄色大头菜1. He is a Swede. 他是瑞典人。She can understands Swedish quite well. 她懂瑞典语。 不同国籍人的单复数 国籍 中国人 瑞士人 澳大利亚人 俄国人总称(谓语用复数) the Chinese the Swiss the Australians the Russians单数 a Chinese/

15、a Swiss/an Australian/ a Russian复数 two Chinese/ two Swiss /two Australians /two Russians意大利人 希腊人 法国人 日本人 美国人the Italians the Greek the French the Japanese the Americansan Italian a Greek a Frenchman a Japanese an Americantwo Italians two Greeks two Frenchmen two Japanese two Americans印度人 加拿大人 德国人 英国

16、人 瑞典人the Indians the Canadians the Germans the English the Swedishan Indian a Canadian a Germans an Englishman a Swedetwo Indians two Canadians two Germans two Englishmen two Swedes名称总称(谓语用复数)一个人两个人中国人the Chinesea Chinesetwo Chinese瑞士人the Swissa Swisstwo Swiss澳大利亚人theantwoAustraliansAustralianAustra

17、lians俄国人the Russiansa Russiantwo Russians意大利人the Italiansan Italiantwo Italians希腊人the Greeka Greektwo Greeks法国人the Frencha FrenchmantwoFrenchmen日本人the Japanesea Japanesetwo Japanese美国人the Americansan Americantwo Americans印度人the Indiansan Indiantwo Indians加拿大人the Canadiansa Canadiantwo Canadians德国人th

18、e Germansa Germantwo Germans英国人the Englishan EnglishmantwoEnglishmen瑞典人the Swedisha Swedetwo Swedes30. instead 代替/而不是 Give me this instead.换这个给我吧。instead of代替/而不是instead作副词,是“代替”、“顶替”的意思。如: Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如: (1)I will clean the

19、 window instead of him. (2)We will skate instead of playing football.He went swimming instead of studying.他不学习而是去游泳。Instead 和instead of 的区别?instead是副词,意为代替,顶替,需要在一定的上下文中使用,如 He is tired. Let me go instead.他累了,让我代他去吧。 注意:它一般位于句首或句尾,但不能位于祈使句的前面,也不能位于句中。 instead of 是介词短语,意为代替,而不是,后面常接名词,代词,动名词和介词短语。如,W

20、e will go there on foot instead of by bus. 注意:它具有否定意义,指没有做的事。rather than和instead of的用法?重点句型rather than + n名词/pron代词 do动动doing动名词instead of + n. /pron./ doing两个都有而不是的意思. instead of也有代替的意思。是个介词词组,后面通常跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式等。 I want to be a tour guide rather than an English teacher. I will play basketball in

21、stead of swimming. rather than 它的意思是而不是。常用于平行结构,用来连接两个词性相同的,并列的成分。 rather than后跟动名词时是个介词短语,表示“而不是,”相当于instead of .31 enter 进入/参加 enterenters- entering- entered- entered They entered this school last year.他们去年进入了这个学校。 We saw him enter the room.我们看见他走进那个房间。32nearly(1)几乎 Everyone nearly likes English i

22、n our class.(2)大约 Its nearly 10 oclock now .现在大约10点种.33.sing sings-singing-sang- sung I love to sing songs.我们爱唱歌。 34clearly He speaks English clearly.他说英语很棒。35Stage (pl.) stages He is standing on the stage. 他正在舞台上。 36 native(1) 本国的/本地的 My native language is Chinese。我的本国语言是汉语。(2)本国人/本地人(Pl)natives He

23、 is a Beijing native. 他是土生土长的北京人。 The native people here are black.这里的本地人是黑人36 native speaker 说本族语的人、 以某种语言为母语的人Are you a native English speaker? 你的母语是英语吗?Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?37.win_wins-winning- won-won打赢、赢得 winner 获胜者,得胜者I am the first prize winner.我是一等奖获得者。38.modest 谦虚的/

24、谦逊的。适度的;端庄的Dont be so modest. 别这么谦虚。be modest about对不夸耀/对。谦虚 He is modest about his success.他对自己的成绩很谦虚。modesty(n) 谦虚;朴素 Modesty helps one to make progress, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind.whereas (h)wrz conj.&adv. 然而

25、,却,反之conceit knsi:t自负( lag behind落后The children always lag behind when we go for a walk. 我们出去散步时,孩子们总是落在后面。39.interest(1)(动词)使发生兴趣、使注意 The book interested me very much.这本书使我产生了兴趣。(2)(名词) 兴趣、爱好、关心、利益 I have an interest in collecting stamps.我有收集邮票的兴趣40 be(become)interested in 对。有兴趣41 interesting (adj)

26、 more interesting most interesting42. encourage(V)鼓励/激励(反义词) 43. discourage encourages -encouraging - encouraged encouragedThe teacher encourages us to work hard.老师鼓励我们努力学习。1. progress (1)(U)进步、进展/前进/改善。改变。 词组。in progress 进行中(2)动词。进步/进展(规则动词) make progress 2. Study well and make progress every day.

27、好好学习,天天向上。44. 45. hear of /about 听说 hear-hears-46. hearing-heard-heard 47. 48. I have never heard of/about him.我从来没有听说过他的事情。hear sb .do sth.hear sb. doing sth45.suggest(名词)(1)建议、提出 (2) (动词) 建议/提出/(计划.意见等) 动词过去式:suggested 过去分词:suggested 现在分词:suggesting 第三人称单数:suggests I suggested going for a walk. 46

28、.Beijinger(s) 北京人47. take/show/have an interest in show interest 表示对.表现出兴趣,如She shows interest in TV. interested in表示一种状态,就是对.有兴趣Im interested in reading. become interested in强调动作,就是变得对.有兴趣When I grow up,I become interested in collecting stamps. take/have an interest in =become interested in即对.有兴趣,如

29、When he was a boy,she took an interest in sience.48.besides而且/除之外besides 除之外,还有.是肯定的.如,All came back besides Kate.除了凯特之外,其他人都回来了。(加法)except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分,强调的是除去。用于表示同类事物之间的关系,后面可以接名词,动词,副词,介词和从句等We gets up early every day except Sunday.除星期天外,他每天早起。 2 .All came here except Kate. (减法)49.make friends

30、 with 与.交朋友 动词过去式:made 过去分词:made 现在分词:making 第三人称单数:makes I want to make friend with you. 50. statement(s)Their statement was right/correct. 他们的说法是对的51 mention-mentions-mentioning-mentioned-mentioned (2)n. 提及,说起 There was no mention of it in the paper.报上没有提到此事。 You may mention my name to him. 你可以向他提起我的名字。Dont mention it.不用客气.

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