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8B Note Book 英语笔记.docx

1、8B Note Book 英语笔记8B Note BookModule One Unit One The first period1. nature n. 自然 natural adj. 自然的2. environment n. 环境3. become a pear tree 变成一棵梨树4. Thats strange. 那很奇怪。 strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 stranger n. 陌生人5. an apple seed 一颗苹果种子6. interview on the next page 在下一页上的采访7. match sth with sth 把某物和某物配对8. l

2、iving things 活着的事物9. on the left 在左边10. the average ages 平均年龄11. mouse n. 老鼠 mice (复数)12. tortoise n. 乌龟13. human n. 人类 humans (复数)14. make things dirty and unhealthy 使东西脏且不健康15. which kind of pollution 哪中种类型的污染?16. help sb do sth = help sb to do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事17. fight, fought, foug

3、ht v. 斗争 fighter n. 斗士18. the following items 接下来的东西19. come from = be from 来自20. nut n. 坚果 21. cotton n. 棉花22. bean n. 豆子23. oil n. 油24. rubber n. 橡皮; 橡胶25. whale n. 鲸句子:1. If I plant this seed in the ground, will it become a pear tree? 如果我把这颗种子种在地里,它会变成一棵梨树吗?2. Pollution means the action of making

4、 things dirty and unhealthy. 污染是指使东西脏且不健康的行为。Module One Unit One The second period1. the best-known tree 最出名的树2. magnolia trees 玉兰树3. sweet-smelling flowers 芳香的花4. be known as 作为而被知道5. the city flowers of Shanghai 上海市花6. introduce v. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍; 简介7. probable adj. 可能的 probably adv. 可能地8.

5、use n. 用途,使用 v. 使用 useful adj. 有用的 useless adj. 无用的9. produce v. 制造 producer n. 制造商 product n. 产品10. air conditioner 空调 air-conditioned adj. 带有空调的11. pass sth to sb = pass sb sth 递给某人某物12. information un. 信息 a piece of information 一条信息13. one another = each other 彼此14. pollute v. 污染 pollution n. 污染1

6、5. collect sth for sth 为某物收集某物16. fact n. 事实 in fact 事实上17. class project on pollution 关于污染的班级计划18. scientist n. 科学家 science n. 科学 scientific adj. 科学的19. be interested in = be keen on = be fond of = show great interest in 对感兴趣20. on the Earth 在地球上21. What good are trees? 树木有什么好处?22. make streets mor

7、e beautiful and less noisy 使得街道更美丽和噪音更少句子:1 Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution. 朱迪正在为一个关于污染的班级计划收集一些事实。2 They make streets more beautiful and less noisy. 它们使得街道更美丽和噪音更少。3 What else can they do? 她们还能干什么?Module One Unit One The third period1. notebook n. 笔记本2. suppose v. 猜想

8、3. enjoy doing 喜欢做某事4. breathe pure, cool air 呼吸纯净的,凉爽的空气 5. breathe v. 呼吸 breath n. 呼吸 hold ones breath 病住呼吸6. of course = certainly 当然7. thank sb for sth 为某事感谢某人; thank sb for doing sth 为做某事感谢某人8. take sth from sth 从吸入9. harmful gases 有毒的气体10. release sth into sth 释放进入11. oxygen n. 氧气12. one and a

9、 half hectares of trees = one hectare and a half of trees 一公顷半树13. enough oxygen 足够的氧气 big enough 足够大 quickly enough 足够快14. keep your whole class alive and healthy 保持你的整个班级存活和健康15. for a whole year 有一整年16. Thats wonderful. 那太棒了。17. cool the air 使空气凉爽18. as well as 和19. A as well as B (主语是A, 就远原则); n

10、either A nor B (主语是B, 就近原则)not only A but also B (主语是B, 就近原则); either A or B (主语是B, 就近原则)both A and B (主语是A和B, 谓语复数)20do the job 做这份工作句子:1 The wood in your pencil, the rubber on the end of your pencil, the paper in your noteblook and the fruit in your bowl all come from trees! 你铅笔里的木头,你铅笔顶端的橡皮,你笔记本中

11、的纸和你碗里的水果都来自于树木!2 Then you must thank trees for that too (as well). 然后你必须也为那个感谢树木。3 They take harmful gases from the air, and release oxygen back into the air. 它们从空气中吸入有毒气体并把氧气释放回空气。4 One and a half hectares of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class alive and healthy for a whole

12、year. 一公顷半树能制造出足够的氧气保持你的整个教室一整年存活和健康。Module One Unit One The fourth period1. run almost all day 运行几乎一整天2. know a lot about trees 关于树木知道很多3. real adj. 真的 really adv. 真地 realize v. 意识到4. begin to do sth = begin doing sth 开始做某事 beginning n. 开端5. understand, understood, understood v. 理解6. for example 举例

13、7. attack a tree 袭击一棵树8. warn its neighbours 警告它的邻居们 warning n. 警告9. protect oneself 保护某人自己 (myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves)10. by doing sth 通过做某事; by not doing sth 通过不做某事 (用how 提问)11. produce a chemical 制造一种化学物质12. chemistry n. 化学 (chemistry teacher, c

14、hemistry exercise) chemical adj. 化学的 (chemical change) n. 化学物质13. make sb do sth 使得某人做某事14. taste nasty 尝上去很另人不悦15. join their roots together underground 把它们地下的根连在一起16. communicate with sb 和某人交流 communication n. 交流17. be in danger 陷入危机 dangerous adj. 危险的18. cut down 砍伐 19. burn, burnt, burnt v. 燃烧20

15、. replace = take the place of v. 代替句子:1. Trees cool the air as well as clean it. 树木使空气凉爽并且净化空气。2. Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners running almost all day. 三棵树能做15台空调运行一整天的工作。3. Scientists are only now beginning to understand them. 科学家们仅仅现在才理解它们。4. When insects attack a tree, it can

16、warn its neighbours. 当昆虫们袭击一棵树的时候,它会警告它的邻居们。5 The trees can then protect themselves by producing a chemical that makes their leaves taste nasty. 这些树木能够通过制造出一种使它们的叶子尝上去另人不悦的化学物质来保护它们自己。Module One Unit One The fifth period1. destroy = damage v. 损坏, 摧毁2. best fighters against pollution 和污染做斗争的最好的斗士3. c

17、hemist n. 药剂师 at the chemists 在药店4. exchange information with sb 和某人交换信息5. take away 拿走6. let out = release 释放7. almost none = hardly any 几乎没有8. something else 一些其他的东西9. connect things together 把东西联系在一起10. true adj. 真的 truly adv. 真地 truth n. 真相 tell the truth11. make four mistakes 犯了四个错误12. make, ma

18、de, made 13. correct Judys mistakes 纠正朱迪的错误 correct adj. 正确的14. much, far 多; even, still 更 a little 一点点 (加比较级)15. heat the air 加热空气16. protect oneself against sth 保护自己对抗某物17. main adj. 主要的 mainly adv. 主要的18. get sth from sth 从得到19. two main things 两样主要的东西20. except prep. 除了 exception n. 例外的东西21. hav

19、e a shower 冲一个凉22. lie on the beach 躺在海滩上23. at the moment = now 现在,此刻句子:1 Some trees can join their roots together underground, and pass food and water to each other. 一些树能够在地下把它们的跟连在一起,并且把事物和水分传给彼此。2 We replace hardly any of them. 我们几乎不替(补种)换任何的树木。3 Judy cleaned the table and mopped the floor as we

20、ll. = Judy cleaned the table, she also mopped the floor. = Judy cleaned the room, she mopped the floor, too. = Judy not only cleaned the floor but also mopped the floor. = Judy cleaned the table as well as mopped the floor. 朱迪擦桌子和拖地板。Module One Unit One The sixth period1. die - dying; tie- tying; li

21、e- lying2. on holiday 度假3. practice the guitar 练习吉他4. contain v. 包含 container n. 容器5. belong to sb 属于某人6. all the time = always 始终7. case n. 箱子8. take part in = join in 参加(活动)9. a tree-planting campaign 一次植树的活动10. attract v. 吸引 attractive adj. 具有吸引力的 attraction n. 吸引人的东西或事物11. make a poster 做一份海报12.

22、 reason n. 原因 reasonable adj. 合理的13. provide sb with sth 提供给某人某物14. ways to fight pollution 和污染做斗争的方式15. put rubbish in rubbish bins 把垃圾放入垃圾箱16. stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事17. use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth 用某物做某事18. plastic bags 塑料袋19. anything else 任何其它的事20. make our classrooms less

23、noisy 使我们的教室噪音更少21. in prison 坐牢22. choose to do sth 选择做某事23. by e-mail 通过e-mail句子:1. Trees can share food and water among themselves. 树木能在它们之间分享食物和水。2. Ive heard that one tree has the power of 15 air conditioners. 我听说一棵树有15个空调的力量。3. Bob is asking her what all their friends are doing. Bob正在问她她所有的朋友正

24、在干什么?4. This book belongs to May. = This book is Marys. 这本树是Mary的。Module One Unit One The seventh period1. a group leader 一个组的领导者2. arrange v. 安排 arrangement n. 安排3. ask sb (not) to do sth 要求某人做(不做)某事4. agree with sb 同意某人5. a newspaper article on a new outdoor area 一篇关于一个新的室外地方的报纸文章6. on their lorry

25、 在他们的卡车上7. dig holes in the ground 在地上挖洞 dig, dug, dug v. 挖8. plant a tree in a hole 在一个洞里种一棵树9. a large container 一个大的容器10. put earth into 把泥土放入11. water the flowers 浇花12. write a short report 写一篇短的报道13. add some details 加一些细节14. work hard 努力地工作15. remove dust 移走灰尘16. reduce v. 减少17. sound pollutio

26、n 噪音污染18. urban areas 市区19. add sth to sth 把某物添加到某物20. beauty n. 美丽;美人 beautiful adj. 美丽的21. care about = take care of = look after 在乎;照顾22. at least 至少23. the importance of protecting trees 保护树木的重要性24. go outdoors 去户外25. fierce typhoon 猛烈的台风句子:1. The Earth will be too hot to live on. 地球将会太热而不能居住。Mo

27、dule One Unit One The eighth period1. soil n. 土壤2. wash away 冲走3. shelter n. 庇护所4. provide sth for sth 为某物提供某物5. both humans and animals 人类和动物6. supply sth for sth 为某物提供某物7. material n. 材料8. paper products 纸制的产品9. important ingredients 重要的材料10. medicine n. 药11. cure illness 治疗疾病12. in the last 200 y

28、ears 在过去的200年中 (用于现在完成时)13. make a difference 形成了一个不同的地方14. help protect our environment 帮助保护我们的环境15. warm adj. 温暖的 warmly adv. 热诚地16. join sb in this project 加入我们在这个计划中17. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想做某事18. in the next 10 years 在将来的10年中19. find out 弄明白20. send sb sth = send sth to sb 寄给某

29、人某物21. an e-mail 一封e-mail22. have lots of fun 有很多的快乐句子:1. We warmly welcome anyone who would like to join us in this project. 我们热诚地欢迎任何想加入我们这个计划的人。2. We hope you will have lots of fun with us. 我们希望你们将和我们度过快乐的时光。3. Its nice to live in the countryside and breathe fresh air every day. 住在乡下并且每天呼吸新鲜的空气是不

30、错的。4. Many people dont know how to use a video camera. 很多人不知道如何使用一个照相机。Module One Unit Two the first period1. value n. 价值 valuable adj. 有价值的2. gold n. 黄金 golden adj. 金色的3. two litres of water 两升水4. daily adj. adv. 日常的/地5. the amount of water 水的量 (amount修饰不可数名词的量)6. increase v. 增加7. decrease v. 减少8.

31、remain the same 保持原样9. freeze, froze, frozen v. 冷冻;冰冻 in freezing weather, frozen food10. liquid n. 液体 11. solid n. 固体12. gas n. 气体13. be covered with 被覆盖14. one third 三分之一; two thirds 三分之二15. the chemical symbol for water 水的化学式16. put these sentences in the correct order 用正确的顺序给下列句子排序17. flow into the sea 流入海洋18. run into streams and rivers 流入小溪和河流19. fall as rain 作为雨落下 fall, fell, fallen v. 落下句子:1. I didnt put any water in it. = I put no water in it. 我在里面

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