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外研版选修六Module 1《Small Talk》同步测试.docx

1、外研版选修六Module 1Small Talk同步测试Module 1 综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Xiamen is_most beautiful coastal city and I believe Ill come for_second time.Aa; theBthe; aCthe; the Da; a答案:D解析:a mosta very; a second time再次,泛指。2I didnt like the story, _, its too long, also it was

2、written by a writer I dont know.Afor one thing Bfor a thingCalthough Din one hand答案:A解析:for one thing意为“一则”,其后接第一个原因,接下来的also意为“而且,再则”,其后接第二个原因。其中also也可以用for another(thing)来替代。3Would you like to drink_more tea?No, thanks. Ive drunk too_already.Asome; many Blittle; muchCany; many Da little; much答案:D解

3、析:问句中表示询问对方是否再喝点茶,具有肯定意味,所以用a little或some,答语中的“太多”指的是tea,是不可数名词,所以用much。4Will you_me a favour and carry this box? Its too heavy for me.AgiveBmakeCdoDbring答案:C解析:do sb. a favour固定短语,“帮某人一个忙”。5The discovery of new evidence led to _.Athe thief having caughtBcatch the thiefCthe thief being caughtDthe th

4、ief to be caught答案:C解析:这句话的意思是:新证据的发现使得小偷束手就擒。to是介词,后面接了动名词的复合结构,the thief是动名词的逻辑主语。6I must apologize for_ahead of time.Thats all right.Aletting you not know Bnot letting you knowCletting you know not Dletting not you know答案:B解析:动词ing形式的否定式是在其前面加not。7_in the newspaper, Lina will win the Super Girl C

5、ontest.AIts reported BWhich is reportedCIts reporting DAs is reported答案:D解析:as作关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,as指整个主句内容,which引导非限制性定语从句不能放在主句之前。8Its easy to do the repair. _you need is a hammer and some nails.ASomething BAllCBoth DAnything答案:B解析:all为先行词,you need是定语从句,在从句中作宾语的关系代词that被省略。9Dont_the person whos talkin

6、g to you.Alook into Blook upClook away from Dlook down答案:C解析:look away from离开向别处看;look into调查,向里面看;look up查(字典),向上看;look down向下看,轻视。10You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is_I disagree.Awhy BwhereCwhat Dhow答案:B解析:disagree不及物动词,故排除代词what,由句意知,“这就是我不同意之处”,故用where。11No wonder you caug

7、ht a cold. You _out last night without a coat.I know how silly I was.Ashouldnt have gone Bmustnt have goneCcouldnt have gone Dmightnt have gone答案:A解析:本题考查“情态动词have done”结构的用法。mustnt have gone是错误的表达,couldnt have gone和mightnt have gone虽然也有“本不应该做却做了”含义,但其语气远比shouldnt have gone弱,且它们主要用来表示对过去是否发生某一行为进行推测

8、。12How do you find the film?_.AIn the cinema BJust in timeCWe were late DWonderful答案:D解析:How do you find.?意为“觉得怎么样”,答案中只有D项是对电影的评价。13He always thinks_he can do more for the people.AwhatBhowCof howDof what答案:B解析:及物动词do已有宾语more,故用疑问副词how表方式。14I_her to reply in the next few days, but so far no reply ha

9、s come to me.Ahoped BwaitedClook forward Dexpect答案:D解析:expect sb. to do sth.期盼某人做某事。hope无此用法;wait不及物动词;look forward to doing。15Lets go to the zoo and have a look at the pandas._AWhy? BWhy not?CNot at all. DYes, please.答案:B解析:why not“为什么不?”表示同意。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

10、I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother, _16_to look at each other. Soon, we lost the_17_and started playing with each other. In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was_18_family problems and I deserted her t

11、o be with the“cooler people”_19_of her new friends liked her as much as I did_20_they knew she had“problems”. However every summer we would_21_sit at each others house and watch soap operas and talk about everything we liked.It was last year when I_22_the problem. I guessed I was just to catch up in

12、 high school to realise she_23_someone there caring for her. She started cutting herself!She was diagnosed(诊断)as clinical depression. I was very_24_at first, but with the late night calls, we still stayed in_25_. I wanted to be there for her since her new best friends_26_deserted her since people we

13、re calling her_27_, and I knew I still_28_her like a sister.Yesterday she came_29_me and said this:“I never knew what a best friend was_30_you were the only person that would stop me from cutting; the only person that ever made me feel better about myself and my_31_. You dont know this but I was try

14、ing to kill myself, one night you_32_me and I was crying. I_33_you so much, and you didnt even know you were_34_me.”We both cried. And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is never to_35_on your friends.16A.pleased BexcitedCscared Ddisappointed答案:C解析:根据hid behind my mother and she hid behind

15、 her grandmother可知两个孩子初次见面感到害怕。A.pleased“高兴的”,不合题意。B.excited“兴奋的,激动的”,不合题意。C.scared“恐惧的”,与前半句照应,是正确选项。D.disappointed“失望的”,不合常理。17A.happiness BkindnessCshyness Dsadness答案:C解析:上一句提到两个孩子见面有恐惧感,结合儿童的天性可知双方没有了最初的羞怯感。soon一词也体现了这一心理变化过程。A.happiness“幸福”,不合题意。B.kindness“友善”,不合题意。C.shyness“羞怯”,与前一句照应,是正确选项。D.

16、sadness“悲伤”,不合题意。18A.working out Banswering forChelping with Dgoing through答案:D解析:lose touch with与失去联系,desert作动词表示“抛弃,遗弃”。作者之所以抛弃她的原因是她精神有问题,第二段最后一句“She started cutting herself!”也提供了暗示。A.working out“做出,解决”,她只是一个孩子,不能解决家庭问题。B.answering for“负责”,不合题意。C.helping with“帮助”,与下文不符。D.going through“经受”,与前一句照应,

17、是正确选项。19A.Someone BNoneCEveryone DAnyone答案:B解析:前面提到即使像作者这样的好朋友都不愿意同她在一起,其他人更不会喜欢她了。A.Someone“有人”,一般用在肯定句中。B.None“没有人”,表示否定,前后照应,是正确选项。C.Everyone“每个人”,不合题意。D.Anyone“任何人”,一般用在否定、疑问或条件句中。20A.because BandCif Dyet答案:A解析:根据后半句可知此处表示原因,而且前面也提到过。A.because“因为”,与后半句照应,是正确选项。B.and“并且”,表示递进关系,不合题意。C.if“如果”,表示条件

18、,她有病是众所周知的结果。D.yet“然而”,表示转折,不合题意。21A.sometimes BseldomCjust Dalways答案:D解析:would过去经常,soap opera肥皂剧,talk about everything we liked谈论我们喜欢的一切。根据every summer和would可知是经常发生的动作。A.sometimes“有时”,不合题意。B.seldom“很少”,表示否定意义。C.just“仅仅;只是”,不合题意。D.always“总是”,强调经常发生,是正确选项。22A.solved BnoticedCfaced Dunderstood答案:B解析:w

19、hen在句中引导时间状语从句,不可与强调句型“it is/was.that.”混淆。她的病情在恶化,作者才意识到问题的严重性。下文“She started cutting herself!”也提供了暗示。A.solved“解决”,不合题意。B.noticed“注意到”,与下文照应,是正确选项。C.faced“面对”,是她生病而不是作者需要面对这一问题。D.understood“理解”,不合题意。23A.asked BneededCcalled Dleft答案:B解析:was just to即将,catch up赶上。根据她的病情表现可知她需要有人照顾。A.asked“问;要求”,不合题意。B.

20、needed“需要”,与下一句照应,是正确选项。C.called“打电话”,不合题意。D.left“离开”,不合题意。24A.mad BcarelessChopeful Dupset答案:D解析:好朋友生病,作者自然会为此不安。A.mad“发疯的”,不合常理。 Bcareless“粗心的”,与上下文无联系。C.hopeful“充满希望的”,不合题意。D.upset“不安的”,与前一句照应,是正确选项。25A.touch BbedChospital Dlove答案:A解析:根据上下文,他们在夜间用电话保持联系。A.stay in touch相当于keep in touch保持联系,与前半句打电话

21、照应,是正确选项。B.stayed in bed表示“卧病在床”,不合题意。C.stayed in hospital表示“生病住院”,而作者并没有生病。,他们只是孩子,与爱情无关。26A.luckily BsuccessfullyCbasically Dcalmly答案:C解析:be there for her陪伴她。作者想照顾她的原因是她的新朋友基本上把她遗弃了。A.luckily“幸运地”,不合题意。B.successfully“成功地”,与后面的“抛弃”搭配不当。C.basically“基本上”,与下文照应,是正确选项。D.calmly“冷静地”,体现不出她承受的沉重打击。2

22、7A.selfish BcrazyCbrave Dlonely答案:B解析:她病情发作时会自残,因此人们认为发疯了。A.selfish“自私的”,文中没有任何地方可以表明此意。crazy“发疯的”,上下文“She started cutting herself!”照应,是正确选项。C.brave“勇敢的”,不合常理。D.lonely“孤独的”,她还有作者这位朋友,因此不孤独。28A.believed in Bwaited forCcared about Dreplied to答案:C解析:朋友生病,应悉心照顾。A.believed in“信任”,不合题意。B.waited for“等待”,与后

23、面like a sister不符。C.cared about“照顾”,与下文及二人之间的关系联系紧密,是正确选项。D.replied to“回答”,她并没有向作者提出任何问题。29A.with BafterCupon Dto答案:D解析:上文提到两人在晚上用电话保持联系,因此可推断她是来找作者。A.come with表示“和一起来”,不合题意。B.come after表示“跟踪”,显然不对。C.come upon表示“突袭”,显然错误。D.come to表示“来”,与上下文呼应,是正确选项。30A.until BwhenCsince Das答案:A解析:此句实际上是“not.until.”句型

24、。A.“not.until.”句型是正确选项。B.when“当时”,不合题意。C.since“自从”,前后不连贯。“因为;当时”,不合题意。31A.mistakes BparentsCfriends Dproblems答案:D解析:make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,feel better about oneself自我感觉好了一些。上面多次提到她有精神问题,而她肯定会为此闷闷不乐。作者的关心给她树立了信心,让她不再为此而苦恼万分。A.mistakes“错误”,因病情发作而有非常举动是情不得已。B.parents“父母”,不合题意。C.friends“朋友”,她只有作者一个

25、朋友。D.problems“问题”,前后呼应,是正确选项。32A.visited BencouragedCcalled Dprevented答案:C解析:前面提到用电话同她保持联系。A.visited“拜访”,应该是她来拜访作者。B.encouraged“鼓励”,文中没有提到作者对她的鼓励。C.called“打电话”,与前面照应,是正确选项。D.prevented“阻止”,作者并不知道她要自杀。33A.tell BoweCgive Dshow答案:B解析:她生病后,作者并没有嫌弃她,而是无微不至地关怀她,所以她为此感激不尽,觉得欠作者很多。A.tell“告诉”,文中没有提到她告诉过作者很多事情

26、。B.owe“欠”,与上文及她现在的心情照应,是正确选项。C.give“给”,她没有给作者很多东西。“展示”,不合题意。34A.cheating BpraisingCreminding Dhelping答案:D解析:作者只是同她保持朋友之间的纯真友情,没想到一个电话竟然无形中挽救了她的生命。A.cheating“欺骗”,不合题意。B.praising“表扬”,不合题意。C.reminding“提醒”,作者只是同她保持正常来往,并没有提醒她要注意些什么。D.helping“帮助”,与她此时的心情照应,是正确选项。35A.give up Blook backCdrop in Dlook

27、 down答案:A解析:总括全文,呼应主题。A.give up on sb.表示“对某人的康复不再抱有希望”,与主题呼应,是正确选项。B.look back表示“回忆”,不合题意。C.drop in表示“顺便拜访”,显然错误。D.look down表示“轻视”,干扰性很强,但文中多次提到desert,显然作者意在表明任何情况下都不要放弃自己的朋友。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AOne fine afternoon I was walking along the Fifth Street, when I remembe

28、red that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. Why I wished to buy only one pair was unimportant. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old came forward, “What can I do for you, sir?”“I wish to buy a pair of socks.”

29、His eyes shone. There was a note of excitement in his voice,“Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?”I had no idea of that, as my entrance had been accidental. “Come with me,”said the boy, eagerly. I followed him to the back of the shop, and he began to pull d

30、own from the shelves box after box showing their contents for my choice.“Hold on, lad, I am going to buy only one pair!”“I know that,”said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Arent they wonderful?” There was on his face an expression of seriousness and pride and delight as if he were showing to me the secrets of his religion. I became far more interested in him than in the socks.

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