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2、SSIONS工作信息提交资料8.PIPING MATERIALS管道材料9.FABRICATION/CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS加工/施工要求10.PREVENTION OF RUST 防锈11.ACCESS OPENINGS检修孔SECTION 1 General requiremnnts第1章 总体要求1.GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR承包商的总体责任1.1Details to be Submitted拟提交的详图The Plumbing systems shown on the Drawings are schema

3、tic only and indicate the minimum requirements for achieving the desired performances as stated in this Specification and Drawings.图上所示的卫生管道系统仅是示意图,表明出了实现本技术规范和图纸中规定的期望性能的最低要求。In order to develop these requirements into comprehensive systems the Contractor shall:为了在综合系统中制定这些要求,承包商应:a.submit fully de

4、tailed shop drawings of all aspects of the systems.提交系统各个环节的全面详细的制造图纸b.submit full details of all materials and equipment to be used .提交拟用的所有材料和设备的全面细节。c.provide all other necessary information.提供需要的其它所有信息。The submissions shall supplement the information contained in the Drawings and Specification a

5、nd subject to the Engineers approval to ensure that the overall design criteria, intent and cost parameters are being adhered to.提交资料应补充图纸和技术规范中包含的补充信息,并经工程师批准,以确保遵照总体设计准则、意图和成本参数。In all aspects of this work the responsibility will rest with the Contractor whether or not the details are provided by

6、his subcontractor.本工程各个环节的责任均由承包商承担,无论其分包商是否提供详图均如此。In addition, the Contractor in the execution of the Works, shall supply and install all auxiliary materials and equipment incidental to the work to ensure complete, functioning installations and systems.另外,执行工程的承包商应提供并安装与工作完全相同的所有辅助材料和设备,以确保设施和系统完备

7、,能发挥作用。Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed Method Statement describing the labour, materials and Contractors Equipment to be used and the method of work execution and obtain the Engineers written approval. The Statement shall also describe the safety precautions to

8、 be adopted and all measures for compliance with environmental requirements.开始工作前,承包商应先编写详细方法声明,描述劳动力、材料、拟使用的承包商设备以及工作执行方法,并获得工程师书面批准。声明还应描述拟采用的安全预防措施以及为符合环境要求所采取的各项措施。1.2Manufacturers and Suppliers制造商和供应商Manufacturers and suppliers shall have regularly produced, manufactured and/or installed materi

9、als and equipment of the same or similar type for at least 10 years. The type of materials and equipment proposed for approval shall have been in commercial service for at least 5 years and satisfactory performance have been proven on actual application and operation制造商和供应商应定期生产、制造和/或安装同类或相似类型的材料和设备

10、至少10年时间。拟供批准的材料和设备的类型应能至少投入商业运行5年时间,并在实际应用和运行中证明其性能令人满意。1.3Scope of Work工作范围The Contractor shall furnish all labour, materials, equipment, tools, services, temporary works and storage, install, test and hand over in good working condition and maintain during the Defects Liability Period as detailed

11、on the drawings and described in the specifications. 承包商应提供所有劳动力、材料、设备、工具、服务、临时工程,并存贮、安装、试验和以良好的工作状态移交,并在缺陷责任期内进行维护,如图纸上的详细显示和技术规范中的描述。1.4Information to be Submitted拟提交的信息In compliance with the above, the following submissions shall be made by the Contractor, prior to manufacture and fabrication.根据上

12、述内容,承包商在加工制造前应提供以下提交资料:a.Full documentary description of materials, equipment and goods with results of all testing carried out to demonstrate suitability. 材料、设备和物品的完整资料性描述,以及为证明适宜性开展的各项试验的结果。b.Full shop drawings showing detailed dimensions, layouts, sizes, methods of laying, securing and installing

13、 materials and equipment.完整的制造图纸,显示布置、固定和安装材料与设备的详细尺寸、布置图、规格和方法。c.Samples of materials, equipment and goods as required including color samples.要求的材料、设备和物品的样品,包括颜色样品在内。d.Priced lists of recommended spares for two (2), five (5) and ten (10) years by the manufacturer or supplier.制造商或供应商提供供两(2)后、五(5)年和

14、十(10)年使用的建议备件定价清单。e.Schedules and methodology for factory testing of materials and equipment.材料和设备工厂试验的时间表和方法论。 f.Schedules and methodology for site testing and commissioning of materials and equipment. 材料和设备现场试验和调试的时间表和方法论。g.Details of companies in Sri Lanka who have the capability of providing mai

15、ntenance services and can supply spare parts and the necessary consumables for the equipment. 在斯里兰卡有能力提供维护服务并能提供设备备件和所需耗材的公司的详细情况。1.5Testing试验As soon as possible after the receipt of the Notice to Proceed the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a program of testing and commissioning all mechanic

16、al materials, equipment and systems. 在收到开工通知后,承包商应尽快向将所有机械材料、设备和系统的试验与调试方案提交给工程师。The program shall be monitored and amended as necessary and resubmitted for approval by the Engineer during the course of testing. 测试期间,工程师应对该方案进行监测,并根据需要进行修改,然后再重新提交批准。The Contractor shall prepare forms on which to rec

17、ord all test procedures and results for the approval of materials, equipment and systems. 承包商应编制表格来记录材料,设备和系统的所有期试验程序和结果供批准。1.6Operation and Maintenance Manuals运行维护手册The Contractor shall provide instruction manuals for the installation, operation and maintenance of all equipment and systems provided

18、 under this Contract.承包商应提供根据本合同所供所有设备和系统的安装、运行与维护说明书。The manuals shall in English and contain all information required by the Employers operating and maintenance personnel.此说明书应为英文,包含雇主运行维护人员需要的所有信息。The manuals shall be indexed and divided into sections such that information can be located quickly

19、and easily. 5 (five)copies of manual shall be submitted separately for individual equipment and systems.此说明书应有索引,分为若干章节,以便快速方便地找出信息。应为各设备和系统单独提供五(5)份说明书拷贝。The manuals shall contain, but shall not be limited to, the following: Complete and accurate technical description of the system and all equipmen

20、t contained in the system by either drawings or text. Manufacturers technical literature may be included if appropriate. 此说明书应包含,但应不限于以下内容:图纸或正文提到的系统中包含的所有设备和系统的完整精确技术描述。如合适,可包括制造商的技术文献。a.The function of each part of the system within the system.系统内系统各部分的功能。b.Operating procedures from start-up to cl

21、ose-down with all intermediate stages.从启动到停机及所有临时阶段的操作步骤。c.Complete list of all modules, components and parts of equipment within the system giving the manufacturers name, address and part number and type. Names and addresses of Sri Lankan firms who are able to provide spare parts.系统内设备所有模块、组件和部件的完整

22、清单,列出制造商名称、地址和件号及型号。能够提供备件的斯里兰卡公司的名称和地址。d.Complete list of all consumables, or suitable alternatives, with the name and address of the original supplier and the names and addresses of Sri Lankan firms who are able to provide these materials .所有耗材或合适替代件的完整清单和原始供应商的名称及地址以及能够提供这些材料的斯里兰卡公司的名称和地址。e.The m

23、anufacturers recommendations for routine inspection and preventive maintenance .制造商关于例行检查和预防性维护的建议。f.Step by step fault finding and rectifying procedures for systems and equipment together with all safety precautions to prevent accidents to personnel or equipment.系统和设备的分步故障查找与校正步骤以及防止对人员或设备造成事故的所有安全

24、预防措施。g.Comprehensive set of drawings of the system and equipment as called for in Clause “As -built” drawings”.“竣工图”条款中要求的系统和设备的全套图纸。It is acknowledged that final version of the manuals cannot be completed until after the system has been fully accepted. However, information which will be contained i

25、n the manuals shall be made available at various stages of installation or testing as required and appropriate.各方认可在完全认可系统前无法完成最终版本的说明书。不过,在安装的各个阶段,说明书中将包含的信息应按要求适当可用。1.7Spare Parts备件a.Spare parts sufficient for two years normal operation shall be provided under the Contract. The Contractor shall be

26、 responsible for providing replacement of defective parts during the Defects Liability period and the “two year normal operation” shall therefore be deemed to be the period after the end of the Defects Liability period. The list of spare parts shall be based upon the recommendation of the manufactur

27、ers and entirely subject to the approval of the Engineer, who shall retain the right to request reasonable changes to the list of spare parts , at no extra cost.应根据合同提供足够两年正常运行使用的备件。在缺陷责任期内,承包商应负责提供缺陷部件的代替件,因此,应将“两年正常运行”看成缺陷责任期结束后的期限。备件清单应基于制造商的建议,并全部提交工程师批准,工程师应有权请求对备件清单免费进行合理变更。b.The Contractor sh

28、all furnish written statement(s) by manufacturer(s) concerned ensuring availability of spare parts or substitutes of equal or better quality for a period of at least 10 years after the issuance of the Taking Over Certificate.承包商应提供相关制造商的书面声明,确保在颁发移交证书后至少10年有备件或质量相当或更高的可替代品可用。c.All spares to be suppl

29、ied shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing at the Site. Each package shall be clearly marked or labeled on the outside of its packing with its description and purpose and, when more than one spare is packed in a single case ,a general description of the contents sh

30、all be shown on the outside of such case and detailed list inside. Also, they shall be suitably marked and numbered for easy identification.拟提供的所有备件应包装起来以便在现场主导气候条件下长期贮存。每个包装的外面均应有明确标记或标签及其描述和目的,以及,如果一个箱子中包装的备件不止一个,还应在此类箱子外面显示所装物品的一般描述,并在箱子里面附详细说明。同时,箱子上还应有合适的标记和编号以便识别。d.All such cases, containers,

31、cable drums or other packages may be opened for examination of the contents by the Engineer. All such opening and subsequent repacking shall be at the expense of the Contractor.所有此类箱子、集装箱、电缆卷筒或其它包装均可打开来让工程师检查其中的内容。所有此类开箱和后继重新包装的费用应由承包商承担。1.8Special Tools专用工具Any tools, which are purpose made to opera

32、te or maintain any piece of equipment shall be provided by the Contractor.承包商应提供操作或维护某台设备专用的工具,Two (2) complete sets of such tools, in suitable containers shall be supplied. The cost of special tools and containers shall be included in pertinent rates for the equipment, unless such are itemized separately in the Bill of Quantities.应在合适的集装箱中提供两(2)整套此类工具。应在设备的相关费率中包括专用工具和集装箱的成本,除非在建筑工程清单中单独对其列举。1.9Maintenance Services维护服务In seeking approval on a manufacturer, supplier etc. the Contractor shall submit details of the maintenance service

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