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中考英语人教新目标一轮复习方案第7课时 八年级上册 Unit 1Unit 2.docx

1、中考英语人教新目标一轮复习方案 第7课时 八年级上册 Unit 1Unit 2第7课时八年级上册Unit 1Unit 2单元话题语法链接Unit 1Holidays and vacations (度假)Unit 2Free time activities (休闲活动)1.不定代词 (P134)2一般过去时 (P164)3频度副词 (P152)基础自查【核心单词】1anywhere (adv.) 在任何地方somewhere (adv.) 在某处everywhere (adv.) 到处;处处nowhere (adv.) 无处2wonder (n.) 奇迹;奇观;奇人 (vt.) 对感到好奇;想弄

2、明白wonderful (adj.) 绝妙的,精彩的wonderfully (adv.) 极好地,精彩地3something (pron.) 某事;某物anything (pron.) 任何事;任何物nothing (pron.) 没有什么;没有一件东西4bore (vt.) 使厌烦boring (adj.) 令人厌倦的bored (adj.) 厌倦的;烦闷的5someone (pron.) 某人anyone (pron.) 任何人everyone (pron.) 人人;大家no_one (pron.) (没有人)6act (v.) 做事;行动;扮演actor (n.) 男演员actress

3、女演员action (n.) 行动active (adj.) 积极的;活跃的actively (adv.) 积极地;活跃地activity (n.) 活动7decide (v.) 决定;选定decided (过去式/过去分词)deciding (现在分词)decision (n.) 决定8try (v.& n) 尝试;设法;努力tried (过去式/过去分词)9build (v.) 建筑;建造built (过去式/过去分词)building (n.) 建筑物;房子10trade (v.) 交易;买卖trader (n.) 商人businessman (n.) (同义词)11different

4、(adj.) 差别的;不同的difference (n.) 差别;差异differently (adv.) 差别地;不同地 12wait (v.) 等待;等候waiter (n.) 男服务员;男侍者waitress (n.) 女服务员;女侍者13hunger (n.) 饥饿;渴望hungry (adj.) 饥饿的14like (v.) 喜欢;喜爱dislike (反义词) (v.) 不喜爱;厌恶hate (反义词) (v.) 恨;讨厌15swing (v.) (使)摆动;摇摆 (n.) 摆动;秋千swung (过去式/过去分词) 16health (n.) 人的身体(或精神)状态;健康heal

5、thy (adj.) 健康的healthily (adv.) 健康地17although (conj.) 虽然;尽管;即使though (同义词) (conj.)18such (adj.& pron.) 这样的;那样的;类似的so (近义词) (adv.) 这样19die (v.) 消失;灭亡;死亡died (过去式/过去分词)dying (现在分词)dead (adj.) 死的death (n.) 死;死亡 20write (v.) 书写;写字;写作writing (现在分词)wrote (过去式)written (过去分词)writer (n.) 作者;作家21none (pron.) 没

6、有一个;毫无no_one (pron.) 没有人;无人22little (adj.& adv.) 少less (比较级)least (最高级)much (反义词) (adj.) 多more (比较级)most (最高级) 【背记单词】 动物1hen (n.) 母鸡2pig (n.) 猪3bird (n.) 鸟 修饰语1enjoyable (adj.) 有乐趣的;令人愉快的2wet (adj.) 湿的;潮湿的;下雨的3full (adj.) 忙的;满的;充满的4online (adj.& adv.) 在线(的);联网(的) 代词1few (pron.& adj.) 不多;很少2myself (p

7、ron.) 我自己;我本人3yourself (pron.) 你自己;您自己 介副词1below (prep.& adv.) 在下面;到下面2enough (adj.& adv.) 足够的(地);充足的(地);充分的(地)3as (conj.) 当时;如同 (adv.) 像一样;如同4ever (adv.) 在任何时候;从来;曾经5maybe (adv.) 大概;或许;可能6through (prep.) 以;凭借;穿过7together (adv.) 在一起;共同8however (adv.) 不过;然而9than (prep.& conj.) 比10almost (adv.) 几乎;差不多

8、 串联句1(咖啡可以使头脑清醒,但结果不利于人的身体。)1coffee (n.) 咖啡2mind (n.) 头脑;心智3result (n.) 结果;后果4body (n.) 身体 串联句2(我在小山旁骑自行车,似乎看到山顶上有一个人打着伞在和小鸭子玩。)1hill (n.) 小山;山丘2bicycle (n.) 自行车;脚踏车3seem (v.) 似乎;好像;看来4top (n.) 顶部;表面5umbrella (n.) 伞;雨伞6duck (n.) 鸭 串联句3(上网和看电视节目不是完全无用的东西。)1Internet (n.) (国际)互联网;因特网2television (n.) 电视

9、节目;电视机3program (n.) 节目4junk (n.) 无用的东西;无价值的东西 其他1diary (n.) 日记;记事簿2housework (n.) 家务劳动;家务事3swing (v.) (使)摆动;摇摆 (n.) 摆动;秋千4percent (n.) 百分之5dentist (n.) 牙科医生6magazine (n.) 杂志;期刊7point (n.) 点;得分 (v.) 指;指向1stay_at_home 待在家里2go_to_summer_camp 去夏令营3something_special 一些特别的事4quite_a_few 相当多;不少5the_first_ti

10、me 第一次6of_course 当然;自然7seem_to_be_bored 似乎厌倦了8decide_to_do_sth. 决定做某事9feel_like 给的感觉;感受到10because_of 因为11bring_enough_money 带足够的钱12hardly ever 几乎从不13once a week 每周一次14have piano lessons 上钢琴课15swing dance摇摆舞16at least 至少;不少于;起码17junk food 垃圾食品18be good for your health 对你的健康有益19fifteen percent 百分之十五20

11、such as 例如;像这样21more than 多于22less than 少于1我们在那儿拍了很多照片。We _ _ _ _ photos there.答案:took quite a few2你买了什么特别的东西吗?_ you _ _ _?答案:Did; buy anything special3天气晴朗,气温很高,所以我们决定去我们宾馆附近的海滩。It was _ and hot, so we _ _ _ _ _ _ near our hotel.答案:sunny; decided to go to the beach4我想知道以前这儿的生活是什么样的。I wonder _ _ _ _

12、 here in the past.答案:what life was like5我的爸爸钱带得不够,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。My father didnt bring _ money, _ we _ _ one bowl of rice and _ fish.答案:enough; so; only had; some6只有百分之二的学生每周看一到三次电视。_ _ _ of the students watch TV one _ three _ a week.答案:Only two percent; to; times1Where did you _ _ _? (你去哪里度的假?)I w

13、ent to New York City.答案:go on vacation2_ you _ _ with anyone? (你和别人一起出去的吗?)No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.答案:Did; go out3_ _ the food? (食物怎么样?)Everything tasted really good!答案:How was4_ _ you _ do _ _? (你通常在周末干什么?)I always exercise.答案:What do; usually; on weekends5_ _ she do _ _? (她周末

14、做什么?)She sometimes goes shopping.答案:What does; on weekends6_ _ do you go _ _ _? (你多久去看一次电影?)I go to the movies maybe once a month.答案:How often; to the movies考点汇聚考点1We took quite a few photos there. (八上P2) 我们在那儿拍了很多照片。1This is a very old song, so _ young people know it.答案:few2There arent many oranges

15、 here, but you can take _ if you want.答案:a few3There is _ water in my glass. Would you give me _?答案:little; a little4Mr Smith is quite busy today. He has _ meetings to attend (参加)答案:a few5There is _ milk in the fridge, so we will go to the supermarket and buy some.答案:littlefew “很少”表否定,修饰可数名词。a few “

16、几个”表肯定,修饰可数名词。little “很少”表否定,修饰不可数名词。a little “一点儿”表肯定,修饰不可数名词。(1)few, little, many, much修饰名词时,其前面用so而不用such。如:so many people;so little water等等。(2)当little 用作“小”之意时,前面用such而不用so。如:such little goats, such little kids等等。考点2Did you buy anything special? (八上P3) 你买了什么特别的东西吗?1Linda, what about _ to eat?答案:

17、something2I agree with most of what you said, but not _.答案:everything3Be quiet! I have _ important to tell you.答案:something4The bottle is empty (空的). Theres _ in it.答案:nothing5There isnt _ interesting in the movie, so I left before it ended.答案:anything考点3It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to

18、the beach near our hotel. (八上P5)天气晴朗,气温很高,所以我们决定去我们宾馆附近的海滩。1.昨天我们一家人做了一个决定,今年寒假在海南度假。(完成译句)Yesterday my family and I _ _ _ to go to Hainan on vacation this winter holiday.答案:made a decision2这部智能手机太贵了,我决定不买了。(完成译句)The smart phone is too expensive, and I _ _ _ _ it.答案:decide not to buy3这个周末怎么过你们决定了吗?(

19、完成译句)Have you _ _ _ _ this weekend?答案:decided how to spend(1)decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事(2)decide on/upon sth. 决定;选定(3)decidethat clause 决定(4)decide疑问词to do 决定做(5)decision n. “决心;决定”;make a decision “做决定” 考点4My sister and I tried paragliding. (八上P5)我和我姐姐尝试了驾驶滑翔伞。1.Dont be afraid. You can have a

20、 _.Atop BtryCsleep Ddiary答案:B2Please try _ noise because the baby is sleeping.Ato make Bnot to makeCmaking Dnot making答案:B3我们应该尽力每天阅读。(完成译句)We should _ _ _ every day.答案:try to read4请尝试用两分钟时间记住这个新单词。(完成译句)Please _ _ the new word in two minutes.答案:try remembering(1)try (ones best) to do sth. 意为“设法、尽力做

21、某事”,强调付出一定的努力。(2)try doing sth. “尝试做某事”,不强调“努力做”。(3)have a try “试一试”,try为名词。考点5I hardly ever watch TV. (八上P9)我几乎从不看电视。1.How often do you use the Internet?_ ever.AHard BHardlyCAlways DOften答案:B2Well have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will _ forget the days we spent together.Aalways BoftenCne

22、ver Dusually答案:C3My father _ goes to the gym with me although he dislikes going there.Anever BhardlyCseldom Dsometimes答案:D4These people are really nice.Yes, they _ show respect for our feelings.Aseldom BneverCalways Dalready答案:C(1)频度副词按频度高低依次为:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never。 (

23、2)表示次数:once, twice, three times . 。(3)频度副词一般放在系动词、情态动词、助动词之后。放在句首则表示强调。(4)表示频度的疑问词:how often。考点6Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. (八上P13)尽管很多学生喜欢看体育类节目,但是游戏类还是最受欢迎的。1.I cant learn English well _ I always work hard.Aalthough BifCbut Dso答案:A2_ Jack is short,

24、 _ he can run fast.AAlthough; but BIf; butCAlthough; / DBut; /答案:C(1)although与though同义,引导让步状语从句。(2)although也与though一样,不可与but同用在一个句子中。随堂演练1(2018B卷)It rained _ yesterday. I had to stay at home.Aheavily BquietlyChardly Dquickly答案:A2(2010)Last Sunday my aunt _ at home with me. We were watching TV all da

25、y.Awas BwereCis Dare答案:A3May I use your camera?Sorry, theres _ with it.Anothing wrong Bwrong nothingCsomething wrong Dwrong something答案:C4Did you buy the car ten years ago?Yes. _ its old, it still works well.AThough BBecauseCBut DAnd答案:A5_ is it from your home to the school?Its about 25 minutes walk

26、.AHow far BHow oftenCHow soon DHow long答案:A6The physics problem is too hard, so _ students can work it out.Alittle BfewCa little Da few答案:B7That was a mistake. Well _ do it again.Aalways BoftenCnever Dusually答案:C8Why not try _ some sugar? Maybe it is more tasty.Aput BputtingCto put Dto putting答案:B9E

27、verything _ ready. We can start now.Ais BareCbe Dwere答案:A10I am given more chances to decide _ in my free time.Awhat to do Bhow to doCto do Dwhat doing答案:A1(2015A卷)The English dictionary is 25_dollars. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is the English dictionary?答案:How much2以前我们上学时,我并不太喜欢他。(完成译句)I didnt like him _ _ when we were at school.答案:very much3那个盒子里有什么特殊的东西吗?(完成译句)Is there _ _ in that box?答案:anything special4一开始我考虑给他写信,但是后来我决定去看他。(完成译句)I first consi

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