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1、人教版七年级英语下册全套教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from? 一、单元教材分析 本单元的中心话题是pen pals。主要语言功能项目是talk about countries, cities and languages。语法结构为 Wherefrom; Wherelive and what languagespeak。先以Activity1复习语言与国家的配对练习入手,Activity2a, 2b一个综合的听力训练来展示学生的听力能力,并以听力内容为基础,通过Activity2c中假设的两人对话操练来培养学生的交

2、流能力,同时也引导学生多沟通与多交流。Activity3a是一篇email形式的阅读文章,并有相关问题由学生在阅读后进行回答Activity3b 是根据提供的信息进行填空的写作练习,Activity3c是一篇模仿写作,让学生给自己的笔友写一封关于本人信息的email。我在各课时教学中设计各种各样的小活动,通过Discussion,Classifying,Guessing等不同方式让学生掌握本单元的知识点,用学会的知识与外国的笔友自如的交谈是学习本单元的目的。二、教学目标分析1、语言目标a. 重点词汇: Countries: Canada, China, France, Japan, the U

3、nited States, Singapore, Australia, The United Kingdom, Paris. Cities: Sydney, New York, Toronto, Toyo, LondonLanguages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese.b. 重点句型: Wherefrom? ShesHes fromWhere doeslive? SheHe lives in What language does she A 1a2dPeriod 2 Section A 3aSection B2cPeriod 3 Section B 3

4、a-3cPeriod 4 Summing up Section A and B and the grammar.五、教学过程设计The First PeriodTeaching aims: 1Learn to express the main countries and cities. 2Know something about the countries.3Master where- sentence structure.Key points: 1. Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Si

5、ngapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo world2.Sentences: -Where is your pen pal from? -Hes from Australia.-Where does Paris-Where is Johns pen pal from ?Teaching aids:Some cards with cities and countries.Teaching procedures:Step 1.Leadin (1a&2a)First greet the

6、students. Then teacher begins the topic with the Spring Festival. Do you use the fresh pictures through computer to teach the students names of countries, cities. Divide the students into groups, then show the flags and pictures, let them guess the names of countries and cites. At last finish 2a on

7、page2. 通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生每个国家的地图,让学生猜出国家名称及相应的城市,学生能有意识的记忆国家及城市的名称,并为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在看图片时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。Step2.Practice(1c&2d)Teacher says: I goes to many places during the Spring Festival, so I pals from different countries. One of my pen pals is Sandy. She is from the UK. She

8、 lives in London. Ask the students: Do you pal? Some say yes, some say no. Then go on with “Where is she pairs.Make a Survey to understand your classmates better. NameCountryCity上面这些句型的操练都是为了最后一个任务作铺垫。操练的过程中可以及时纠正学生的错误。然后让学生填写调查表,了解全班同学的笔友分别来自哪个国家以及居住在哪个城市,同时让学生认识和了解一些国家和城市相关地理文化知识,拓展学生的视野, 激发他们的兴趣。

9、在完成任务的过程中运用wherefrom和wherelive引导的特殊疑问句, 综合运用目标语言, 询问并回答人们的国籍和住处。Step3.Listening comprehension(1b,2b&2c)After practice, do a lot of listening exercises. Finish 1b on page 1 and 2b & 2c on page 2.在口头练习的基础上,在他们熟练掌握本课时句型以后再做这些听力应该是不难了,这样可以增加他们学习英语的信心。并且这些听力材料的设计也是层层递进,由易到难,充分考虑到了学生的层次,起到了很好的巩固作用。Step4.H

10、omeworkRevise Section A1a2dMake a similar dialogue about pen palsThe Second PeriodTeaching aims:1. Go on to learn the countries and cities.2. Master where- sentence structure.3. Learn the new sentence structure: -What language does she English.2. Sentences: -What language do they speak?-What languag

11、e does she (Brain Storm)Use fresh maps of some countries, let the students say the names of these countries as quickly as possible.用这样一个小小的游戏,既复习了上一课时的单词又活跃了课堂的气氛,也为这一节课新知识的教授作好了衔接。使新课的导入自然又轻松。Step2.Leadin (3a&SectionB1)The teacher says we the names of these countries, but do you know what languages

12、 do people speak in these countries? Lets look at the map and guess. Then do a matching exercise to consolidate the knowledge. At last do 3a and sectionA1.通过一系列的活动,让学生知道那个国家讲什么语言,学会说这些语言的单词,为下面的任务做准备。Step3.Listening comprehension (SectionB2a&2b)Do some listening exercise to review what we learned be

13、fore.通过这个听力练习,巩固前面所学的知识,也为下一步的学习举了一个范例,相当于一小步导入。Step4. Practice(3b&SectionB2c)Choose your favorite pen pal and say something about or activities:1 Teacher shows the power point to students and introduces the new structures.Name:MariaGenderSex:FemaleBe from:CanadaBorn:On 29th July, 1990Live:TorontoLa

14、nguage:English and FrenchLike:Dancing, basketball, English, thrillers,Family:No brothers or sistersMy pen pal is Maria. She is from Canada. She is Canadian. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English and French. She likes dancing, basketball, English and thrillers. She of pen pals from different count

15、ries to students and asks them to choose their favorite pen pals, then Ss introduce their own pen pals.The structures::My pen pals name is. Heshe is from. HeShe lives in. HeShe speaks. HeShe likes.3Discuss with your deskmate.4Make a survey about the information about other students pen pals, includi

16、ng their names, ages, nationalities, countries, cities, languages, likes and dislikes. Step5.Homework1. Revise Section A3aSectionB2c2. Write a short passage about your friends pen pal according to the survey.The Third PeriodTeaching aims:1. Listen 2a , 2b 2. learn a letter and write answers to the q

17、uestion3. Make an information card.4. Write an email to your pen pal.Key points:1. Words: any, dislike, dislike2. Sentences: -Does she pal?-I like going to the movies and playing sports.-Can you write to me soon?Teaching aids:Some cards with cities and countries.Teaching procedures:Step1.Revision Re

18、vise the names of the countries, cities and languages by fill in a form.通过这个复习目的在于让学生牢牢掌握,因为这些词汇很难,要不停反复地记。Step2. Reading (3a)1. The students open the books, turn to Page 5 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer six simple questions. 2. The students read after the tape and go on

19、asking and answering some more questions in pairs. 通过这一步的练习,作好热身运动,为下面更多内容的阅读作好准备。 Step3. Pairwork (3b) 1. The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen pal they like.2.The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pals letter and then “ID card of my p

20、artners pen pal.”3. Do a report. My partners name is _. His new pen pals name is _. He is _ years old. He is from _. He lives in _. At school, be my partners pen pal. Do you think so?4. Finish 3b in page 5.Step 4.Big Task (3c) School new term just begins, would you like to write an e-mail to your pe

21、n pal? Write about yourself and something about your school.这一步是全单元的重心所在,全面所有的工作都是为了现在所作的努力,学生掌握的如何也可以从这里看出,所以我们可以给予学生充足的时间,让他们在课堂上慢慢写,这样如果在写作过程中出现错误,我们也可以及时给于他们纠正。Dear friend, I pal. I I think I can be your good friend. I . Yours, Step5 Homework 1. Write to your pen pal to talk about yourself.2. Tr

22、y your best to send it.The Fourth PeriodTeaching aims:1. Review the all words.2. Describe classmates.Key points:1. Key word check Imagine and describe the new students 2. Just for Fun! Teaching aids:Some pictures. Teaching procedures:Step1.Revision 1. Free talk with the learnt sentences.Check 1. Lea

23、rn all the sentences in this unit.-Where are you from? -where is your pen pal from? 2. Review all the main structures and countries, cities and languages by pictures. Step3. Practice1. Practice all the main sentences in this unit in class.2. Ask Ss to act out their own dialogues.3. Correct the mista

24、kes. Step4. Consolidation1. Make some exercises.2. Give more words in Just For Fun!Mars 火星 Martian-火星人,语言类Step5.Homework:1. Review the whole unit. 2. Preview next unit. Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 一、 单元教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是通过运用一些方位介词来询问某一场所的位置.其主要内容都是围绕问路、指路的一些语言项目展开的,例如:Where引导的特殊疑问句和Is there?句型等。通过本单

25、元的学习,学生不仅要进一步掌握方位介词的用法和一些建筑物的名称,并用要学会阐述某一场所中各个建筑物之间的位置关系;同时能够利用地图向他人介绍自己所居住的社区,并能够识别简单的路线图。并培养学生在实际生活中辨别方向的能力,养成热心助人的确品质。二、教学目标分析1、认知目标1)重点词汇* post office, , quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy* left, right, next to, across from, near, between 2). 语言目标* Is there a bank near Center Street.* Wheres th

26、e supermarket ? Its next to the library.* Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood ? Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right.* Where 引导的特殊疑问句* 肯定陈述* 表示方位的介词3)语言功能 在街道上问路与指路2、能力目标1 能够为他人指明去某一场所的路线,学会画路线图。2 培养学生在生活中辨别方向的能力以及向他人介绍处所的能力。3 能够设计自己理想的居住环境。3、德育目标 通过学习本单元的内容,使学生在实际生活中能够识别方向,差养成乐于助人的好习惯。三、学生学情

27、分析学生现有的能力与已掌握的知识:学生在上学期已经学过词汇:big, small, old, new,句型: Where is? Its in on under 指路问路对地点特征描述都可以用到上述的词汇和句型。经过上半学期的学习学生已经积累了一定的词汇,掌握了一定的目标语,已经具备了一定的听说读写能力。四、教学重难点1重点:1)表方位的介词:near、across from、next to、between、on2)问路与指路的基本语句 2难点:1)本单元词汇量较大( 生词表中列出44个单词,9条短语;课文中还有一些短语)。2)个别句子有一定难度,如:Is there a big superm

28、arket near where you live?Turn left off the busy First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.There is a small interesting garden. Bridge Street is a good place to .五、课时安排: 五个课时.六、教学过程设计:The First PeriodStep 1: Warming up1. Greeting First wish the class 1. Leading-in For example: (

29、say to myself) I go to Nanping Park. I go down the Shanhu Avenue, There is a left and go straight to the Jiefang Street. Its on my right. Draw a picture and write down some places on the blackboard as I am talking.2. Teaching the new words.Post office, video arcade, pay phone, bank, supermarket, , l

30、eft, rightStep 3: Practice1. Ask students to act out about turn leftright. (each team every time, at last only one who wins gets a award.)2. Section A 1a readingAsk Ss to read the places and match the words with the pictures.3. Guess the place where I am.For example:I am standing Bridge Street and t

31、urn left at the first crossing. Go along Fifth Avenue. Its on my right. Its next to library. Where am I going?Show them in the screen.4. Ask Ss to follow the conversation above and complete the conversation.5. Have the line in the classroom as the street and desks as the buildings and practice the conversation above. (1). Teacher tells four students each time to act out, others judge if they

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