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1、四级笔试新题型模拟题011.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A) Customer and salesclerk. B) Teacher and student. C) Officer and soldier. D) Lawyer and client. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说:“我向你提问的时候,你要回答!我再问你一遍:士兵,你叫什么名字?”女士说:“长官,我叫Alison Bloomfield。”由此可以推断出,两名说话者的之间的关系可能是长官和士兵,所以选C。 ScriptM:D

2、o you know whenthe report about the economic crisiswill be giventomorrow?W: It will be givenat 9 in the morning. I willarrivethere ten minutes ahead. And the discussion will follow at 11 after the report.2.When will the woman arrive at the meeting place?A) At 8:50. B) At 9:00.C) At 9:10. D) At 11:00

3、. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说:“你知道关于经济危机的报告在明天几点吗?”女士说:“上午九点,我会提前十分钟到那儿的。”由此可以看出,女士会在明天上午八点五十到会议地点,所以选A。ScriptM: Would you like to go to London by train or by plane?W: I prefer to go there by train. Its much cheaper and safer.3.What does the woman imply about traveling by air?A) Its much cheaper and saf

4、er. B) Its much more convenient. C) Its expensive and not safe. D) Its safe but more expensive. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说:“你是想坐火车还是飞机去伦敦?”女士说:“我更喜欢坐火车,它更经济、更安全。”由此可以推断出,女士暗指坐飞机旅行会很贵而且不安全,所以选C。ScriptM:Maria, have you been finding your way around campus alright? It can be kind of confusing at first.W: N

5、o problems so far. I seem to have more problems remembering to take my room key with me than locating buildings on campus.4.What does the woman mean?A) She often gets lost on campus. B) She has lost her room key. C) She often forgets to take her room key with her. D) She has no problem at all. 正确答案为

6、C你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说:“玛利亚,你已经熟悉校园了吗?刚开始可能会有点难。”女士说:“没问题了,不过相比之下我现在更容易忘带房门钥匙。”由此可以推断出,这位女士经常忘记带房门钥匙,所以选C。ScriptW: Do you live in this student apartment?M: No, I live in the Foreign Experts Building. Mywife teaches in the English Department.5.Where does this conversation most probably take place?A) In a

7、 high school. B) At a university. C) In a shop. D) In a library. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说:“您在这所学生公寓住吗?”男士说:“不,我在外国专家楼住。我妻子在英语系任教。”对话中出现了“学生公寓”和“英语系”。由此可以推断出,这段谈话最可能发生在一所大学中,所以选B。ScriptW: Thats a lovely shirt you are wearing. I guess it must have cost you a lot of money.M: Yeah, but I thought it was r

8、ather unusual, so I decided to buy it.6.What does the man mean?A) The shirt is beautiful and very cheap. B) The shirt is quite different from others. C) The shirt is the right size for him. D) He likes the color of the shirt very much. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说:“你穿的这件衬衫真漂亮,我猜你花了很多钱吧!”男士说:“是啊,但我觉得它很与众不

9、同,所以我就决定买了。”由此可以看出,男士觉得自己的衬衫与其他衬衫很不同,所以选B。ScriptW: I think its very difficult to learn a foreign language when you get older. How old are you now? I expect you are in your thirties.M: Yes, youre right. Anyway, Im not too old to learn, I hope!7.What does the man mean?A) He is not too old to learn a f

10、oreign language. B) Its too late for him to learn a foreign language. C) Its too difficult for him to learn a foreign language. D) He is not interested in learning a foreign language. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说:“我觉得年龄大了学习外语很困难。您现在多大了?我猜三十多了吧”,男士说:“是啊,猜对了,不过我并没有老到不能学外语了,希望如此!”由此可以看出,男士的意思是他没有老到不能学外语,所以选

11、A。ScriptW:Im looking for a good dentist.Can you recommend one?M: If I were you, Id try Mr. Brown. Hes very good.8.What is wrong with the woman?A) The woman has some problems with her friend. B) The woman may suffer from toothache. C) The woman doesnt know Mr. Brown. D) There is something wrong with

12、her dentist. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说:“我在找牙医,你能推荐一位吗?”男士说:“如果我是你的话,我会去找布朗先生的。他非常好。”由此可以看出,女士可能是牙疼,所以选B。ScriptM: Here we are! They have the best sandwich on the planet! And their French toast is to die for! W: I think Ill go for the French toast.M: So you are from Washington, right?W: Yes, Im from a s

13、mall town about two hours north of Seattle. How about you?M: I am from Santa Barbara. You know, I actually have several friends who live in Seattle. Ive even visited there several times. Its so beautifulbut it rains too much for me!W: Yeah, me too. Thats why Im going to school in Southern California

14、!M: My friends sister is in your department. Her name is Andrea Miller. Do you know her?W: Yes! I know Andrea! Weve had a lot of classes together.M: What are your interests in study?W: Im actually getting my degree in Ethnic Studies with a minor in SouthAmerican Literature.M: Wow! I spent last summe

15、r in Brazil with my family! Maybe you can recommend some interesting books on South American literature to me?W: Sure, no problem. Ill lend you some of my books. Oops! Look at the time. Wed better head on back to school! Dont worry about the billits on me this time around!M: Thanks! Next time, its m

16、y treat! When we get back to school, can you drop me off in front of the bookstore?W: Sure thing. I hope you have your credit card with you! Textbooks are so expensive! 9.Where did the conversation most probably take place?A) On the street. B) At a bookstore. C) In a library. D) At a restaurant. 正确答

17、案为D你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说到Here we are! They have the best sandwich on the planet! And their French toast is to die for(我们到啦!这有世界上最好吃的三明治!他们的法式吐司也很诱人)。女士说I think Ill go for the French toast(我觉得我会去吃法式吐司)。由此可以推断出,这段谈话最有可能发生在餐馆里,所以选D。 10.Where is the womans hometown?A) California. B) Washington. C) Santa Bar

18、bara. D) Brazil. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士问So you are from Washington, right(你从华盛顿来,对吗)。女士回答说Yes(是啊)。由此可以看出,女士的家乡是华盛顿,所以选B。 11.What is the man going to do after the meal?A) Buy some books. B) Go back to his dormitory. C) Attend a meeting. D) Have a class. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说Thanks! Next time, its m

19、y treat! When we get back to school, can you drop me off in front of the bookstore(谢谢啦,下次我请客!我们回学校的时候,你可以顺便把我载到书店吗),女士说Sure thing. I hope you have your credit card with you! Textbooks are so expensive(当然可以,我希望你带着信用卡呢!现在书太贵了)。由此可以看出,吃完饭后男士准备去买些书,所以选A。 ScriptW:I know no women were allowed to take part

20、 in the OlympicGames in ancient Greece. But Ive read somewhere that girls were allowed to compete in or even watch the games in those days.M: You mean unmarried girls? Thats right. Unmarried girls could compete in a separate festival.W: Whats the name of the festival? M: It was called the Hera Festi

21、val,which took place every four years just like the Olympic Games.W: Unmarried girls certainly enjoyed certain advantages over married women in those days. Were girls allowed to watch mens and boys competition during the Games?M: Yes. But married women were not permitted to participate in the games,

22、 and they were not even allowed to watch the games.W: Thats true. Do you know when women athletes could compete in the Olympic Games for the first time?M:If I am not mistaken,it was not until the 20th century that female athleteswere permitted to participate in the same Olympic Games with men.W:Hey,

23、 you arepretty good. It was in 1900 that events for women were first added to the modern Olympic Games.M: 1900? Then it must have been the Paris Olympics.W: Thats right.12.What is true about the Olympic Games in ancient Greece?A) All the people could participate in the games. B) Only men were allowe

24、d to compete in the games. C) All the men and women could watch the games. D) Married women could participate in the games. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说I know no women were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games in ancient Greece(我知道在古希腊女人不允许参加奥运会)。由此可以看出,在古希腊只有男人才允许参加奥运会,所以选B。13.How often did the Her

25、a Festival take place?A) Every year. B) Every two years. C) Every three years. D) Every four years. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:在音频中,男士说It was called the Hera Festival, which took place every four years just like the Olympic Games(它被称为赫拉盛会,和奥运会一样,每四年举行一次)。由此可以看出,赫拉盛会每四年举行一次,所以选D。14.When were women first allowed

26、to participate in the Olympic Games?A) In 1890. B) In 1900. C) In 1901.D) In 1919.正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,女士说It was in 1900 that events for women were first added to the modern Olympic Games(1900年,女性才第一次参加现代奥运会)。由此可以看出,女性在1900年第一次被允许参加奥运会,所以选B。15.Where was the Olympic Games held in which women were allo

27、wed to compete for the first time?A) In London. B) In Paris. C) In Los Angeles. D) In Athens. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:在音频中,在谈及女性第一次被允许参加奥运会的时候,男士说1900? Then it must have been the Paris Olympics(1900年?那么一定是巴黎奥运会了)。由此可以看出,女人第一次被允许参加奥运会是在巴黎,所以选B。Section B Understanding PassagesDirections:In this section, you wi

28、ll hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).本题得分:-/10分Script The World Health Organization (W

29、HO)says alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death in the world. A new WHO report says the harmful use of alcohol kills two and one-half million people a year. And officials say action is needed totackle the problem. The WHO released the Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2011 last we

30、ek. The report shows young people at risk. It says320,000 people between the ages of15 and29 die yearly from alcohol-related causes. That is nine percent of all deaths in that age group. The WHO report finds that six percent of all male deaths worldwide are related to alcohol. This is true in only o

31、ne percent of female deaths. There are four main causes of alcohol-related death. Injury from car accidents or violence is one. Diseases like cancer, heart and blood system diseases are the others. The WHO report says alcohol abuse also adds to the development of200 other diseases. The WHO has a plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. It includes raising taxes on alcohol, reducing the number of places to buy alcohol and raising the drinking age. Officials say other measures include effective drunk d

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