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本文(美国歌手YG的歌曲遇见劫匪Meet the Flockers歌词完整版.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

美国歌手YG的歌曲遇见劫匪Meet the Flockers歌词完整版.docx

1、美国歌手YG的歌曲遇见劫匪Meet the Flockers歌词完整版三一文库(XX)美国歌手YG的歌曲遇见劫匪(Meet the Flockers)歌词完整版据香港经济日报网站9月22日报道,这首由美国非洲裔Hip Hop歌手YG创作的歌曲为遇见劫匪(Meet the Flockers),歌词煽动抢劫华人,并扬言因华人有钱不存银行,而且有事不报警。 Meet the FlockersFirst you find a house and scope it out第一步 找到一个房子 打量一番Find a Chinese neighborhood找到一个中国人的社区'Cause they

2、 don't believe in bank accounts因为他们从来都不相信银行啊Second you find a crew and a driver第二步 找到一伙人和一个老司机Someone who ring the doorbell还有一个按门铃的人And someone还有一个That ain't scared to do what it do不害怕干这事的人Third you pull up at the spot第三步 在那个地方停下Park watch停车 观察Ring the doorbell and knock按门铃 敲门Four make sure

3、nobody is home第四步 确认没人在家They gone okay it's on他们走了 游戏开始Don't be scared nigga you're in now别害怕 黑鬼 你现在可是参与在其中啊If the police come you gonna find out如果警察来了 你就会发现Who your friends now现在谁是你的朋友That ain't them talking别让它们说话了That's your mind playing tricks on you这是你的意念在和你玩把戏啊You're con

4、scious你是很清醒的'Cause you know you got nines因为你知道你有九条命With two clips on you还有俩个弹夹But fuck that motherfuck that plasma去他的操蛋的等离子电视And fuck that laptop去他的笔记本电脑Go and get that jewelry box去拿首饰盒子吧You tryna get paid你不过是想得到钱而已Go take that jewelry box to the Slauson带着首饰盒子去Slauson街道They'll give you cash

5、back in the same day他们当天就会给你现金Meet the motherfucking flockers遇见操蛋的劫匪吧Make some noise搞点动静吧If you've ever stole something in your life如果你这辈子曾经偷过什么东西Don't be ashamed别感到羞耻啊It's okay baby这没事 宝贝儿Make some noise搞点动静吧If you've ever stole a dollar如果你曾经偷过一美元Out your mama's purse从你妈妈的钱包里Whe

6、n she wasn't lookin她也没看到While y'all was in Church当你们所有人在教堂里Niggas don't know the history黑鬼们才不知道这段黑历史呢'Bout the flock关于这抢劫的Put the flathead in the door把傻瓜弄进门Pull it make it go flock拉着门 我们好抢劫Hit the first drawer搞开第一个抽屉Grab a nigga some socks给一个黑鬼扔点袜子That nigga in the car那个在车里的黑鬼Better

7、be listening to that box你最好听听盒子里的动静Ay I ain't staking out shit nigga诶 我可没监视你 黑鬼Eeny meeny miny诶尼咪尼蜜Moe and ding dong ditch莫 叮咚嘀Ain't a safe I can't crack这可不是一个我敲不开的保险柜Nigga that's on Crip黑鬼 这事是Crip帮派干的I'm with my Pirus from Compton我可是和来自Compton的Piru帮派一伙的We gon' pass and get r

8、ich我们又开启了新的篇章 我们发了50 racks three niggas 65 a split50,000美金 三个黑鬼 每人32.5%Let some weeks go by过几个礼拜We at the dealership我们就能开个厂子了I never took notes我可从来不记录东西Nigga I need the pink slip黑鬼 我需要车辆使用证明Hit Icey making up for my bullshit来点可卡因 我好胡诌啊Spent about ten cash花了10块钱We jumped into the whip我们就跳进了豪车里And did the whole dash就全部逃之夭夭了Deez-Lo my nigga my nigga嘘 我的黑鬼们 我的黑鬼们Hit my first lick pass with my niggas就这么着完成了第一次抢劫 和我的黑鬼们更多相关歌词推荐:

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