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本文(届高三英语精品资源江苏高三第一轮复习资料模块三 语法专练主谓一致.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

届高三英语精品资源江苏高三第一轮复习资料模块三 语法专练主谓一致.docx

1、届高三英语精品资源江苏高三第一轮复习资料模块三 语法专练主谓一致模块三 语法专练:主谓一致【考点透视】 在近年高考英语试题中,单项填空部分直接涉及到主谓一致的内容不是十分频繁,但是这并不是说主谓一致不重要,一方面在试题的其他方面有一定程度的体现,另一方面说明在今后的单选命题中考查主谓一致的几率更高。有关主谓一致的考点主要分布在:语法结构对主谓一致的影响;充当主语的词汇意义对主谓一致的影响;复合句中的主谓一致等。 主谓一致指的是谓语动词与主语在人称和数方面的一致。主谓一致有三项原则,即:语法一致、意义一致和就近一致原则是在特殊情况下对语法一致的补充。这里就一些情况作如下说明:(一)当名词词组中心

2、词为表示度量、距离、金额、时间、书名等复数名词时,谓语常用单数。如:Five minutes is enough to do this exercise.(二)不定代词each,every,no所修饰的名词即使以and或逗号连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍用单数。如:Each boy and each girl wants to serve the people in future.(三)不定式、动名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。(四)从句作主语时:1what引导的主语从句,谓语动词视情况而定。 What we need is more time. / What we need are more tea

3、chers.2在“one of + 复数名词 + who / that”引导的从句中的动词用复数,但当one之前有the only等修饰语时,从句中的动词则用单数。如: This is one of the girls who were late for the meeting. This is the only one of the girls who was late for the meeting.(五)以and连接的两个名词作主语时谓语动词通常用复数。如:Walking and riding are good exercises.但在以下几种情况中用单数: 1当被修饰的两个单数名词在意

4、义上指的是同一个人、物或概念时。如: The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor. 2当被连接的两个单数名词表示的是一副用具时。 A knife and fork is on the table.(六)有些以-s结尾的名词作主语时,根据其意思来决定谓语动词的单复数:1表示学科名称的名词单数; 2国家或团体名称单数; 3the Olympic Games复数; 4当复数同形的名词,如:means,works等。 Every means has been tried. / All means have been tried.(七)集体名词作主语时,

5、视其意义来决定谓语动词的单复数: 1police,people等名词复数; 2clothing,equipment,furniture等名词单数; 3family,class,public,population等名词表示个体时单数;表示单位成员时复数;(八)all,most,half,the rest等不定代词作主语时,视其所代的名词或意思来决定谓语动词的单复数。(九)a lot of/ lots of,a large quantity of等量词 + 名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由这些量词后的名词决定。如:A large quantity of people are needed here

6、. 但large quantities of修饰可数或不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如: Large quantities of food / books are on the table.(十)a kind ofkinds of作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由kind决定,type也是这样。如: This kind of men is dangerous. / Men of this are dangerous.(十一)分数或百分数 + 名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由分数或百分数后的名词决定。(十二)more than one .,many a .作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Many

7、 a student has read the book.(十三)or,either . or .,neither . nor .,not only . but (also) .等连接并列主语时,谓语动词与就近的主语一致。(十四)主语后面跟有like,as well as / with/ along with/ together with,except/ but / rather than, including/ besides/ in addition to等词组时,谓语根据主语而定。如: The teacher together with his students was excited.

8、【题例精析】【例1】 Mike, what did our monitor say just now? Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who _ to visit the museum _ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. (2007南京一中卷)A. is; isB. are; areC. is; areD. are; is【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是要理解题干结构,把握以every, no, each 等限定的并由and连接的两个并列名词用作主语时的

9、主谓一致以及定语从句中的主谓一致。【要点精析】该题为一个带有定语从句的复合句,句中作定语的关系代词who指代先行词teachers,为复数,故谓语动词该用are;as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词要根据前一个主语决定;由 every, no, each 等限定的并由and连接的两个并列名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。【答案】D【例2】 What the remote areas need _ education to children and what the children need _ good textbooks at the moment. (2007山东枣庄3月交流卷

10、)A. is; areB. are; isC. was; wereD. were; was【易错点悟】解答该题关键是要注意由特殊疑问词what引导的主语从句作主语时的主谓一致关系。【要点精析】一般情况下,what引导主语从句,常表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式,但当它所指的具体内容是复数意义时,谓语动词要用复数形式。该题强调现在,用一般现在时态。【答案】A【专项检测】1. Whom _ this pair of glasses belong to and whose _ the glasses on the table? A. does; is B. do; are C. does; are

11、D. do; is2. There _ a pen, two pencils and three books on the desk.A. are B. is C. has D. have3. The United States of America _ one of the most developed countries in the world.A. is B. are C. was D. were4. “All _ present and all _ going on well,” our monitor said.A. is; is B. are; are C. are; is D.

12、 is; are5. I have finished a large part of the book, the rest of which _ very difficult.A. is B. are C. was D. were6. The trouble with such resources as coal, oil and gas _ that they are not renewable.A. has been B. are C. have been D. is7. More than one example _ necessary to make the students unde

13、rstand this rule clearly.A. should be B. is C. are D. have been8. Although many of the houses in the small town _ still in need of repair, there _ lots of improvement in their appearance.A. are; has been B. is; have beenC. is; are D. are; was9. Going to bed early and getting up early _ a good habit.

14、 A. is B. are C. were D. was10. The police _ asked that anyone who saw the accident should get in touch with _.A. have; them B. has; himC. have; him D. has; them11. My friend and classmate Paul _ horse-riding in his spare time.A. practice B. practicesC. is practiced. D. is practicing12. People like

15、beautiful things, but the beautiful_ not always the useful.A. is B. are C. was D. were13. Are you very anxious? Yes. Ten minutes _ like an hour when you are waiting for a phone call.A. seem B. seems C. do D. does14. On the wall _ two large pictures of his parents.A. hangs B. hanged C. hanging D. han

16、g15. Thats the one of the subjects that _ to start a conversation.A. intends B. intendC. are intended D. is intended16. I, who _ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your study.A. be B. am C. are D. is17. Not only my brother but also I _ good at painting. Both of us _ good painters. A. ar

17、e; are B. am; are C. is; is D. are; is18. Setting fire to the public buildings _ highly dangerous and forbidden by law.A. areB. is C. has D. were19. _ visitors to the UK were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the British people were.A. The number ofB. A number ofC. Numbers ofD.

18、Any numbers of20. The first two questions were easy, but the rest of them _ not.A. wasB. wereC. beingD. to be21. “The public _ the best judge.” means “the public always _ their thoughts correctly.”A. are; expressB. are; expressesC. is; expressD. is; express22. This kind of cakes _ good while cakes o

19、f that kind _ different.A. taste; areB. tastes; areC. smells; isD. look; are23. Where to find the teacher and where to do the experiment _.A. are not known B. is not knownC. has not known D. have not known24. The manager or his secretary _ to give you an interview. A. is B. are C. was D. were25. Tha

20、t they have cheated the boys _ now clear to us all. A. is B. are C. was D. were26. The old _ taken good cave of in our country. A. is B. has C. are D. have27. It seems to me that what Lucy saw and heard _ very interesting. A. was B. were C. is D. are28. Every means _ tried, but in vain. A. have been

21、 B. has been C. are D. is29. Many a boy and many a student _ looking forward to visiting the United States of America at present.A. are B. were C. is D. was30. E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play31. Though smal

22、l, the ant is as much a creature as _ all other animals on earth.A. are B. isC. doD. have32. Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that _ not fully understood.A. areB. wereC. isD. was33. Everybody in our country, men and women, old and young, _ sport

23、s and games.A. are fond of B. enjoysC. go in for D. take part in34. There are _ flowers shown in the park and _ people go to have a look.A. varieties of; various B. a plenty of; manyC. various; many a D. quite a few; quite a little35. An iron and steel works, with some satellite factories _ to be bu

24、ilt here.A. is B. are C. was D. were36. The engineer and worker referred to _ to design something.A. be going B. are going C. be likely D. is going37. As a result of destroying the forests, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. A. number; has B. quantity; hasC. number; have D. quantity; have38. Th

25、e education system rather than the teachers _ to answer for the overburden on the students. I agree. I hope the reform being carried out in our country will hang about the _ results.A. me; desired B. is; desiredC. are; desiring D. is; desiring39. His Selected Poems _ first published in 1986.A. were

26、B. was C. has been D. is40. Writing stories and articles _ what she enjoys most.A. is B. have been C. was D. were41. Each of the students in our class _ great interest in English and they each _ a copy of A New English-Chinese Dictionary.A. shows; have B. have; hasC. is; have D. takes; has42. The fa

27、ctory, including its machines and buildings, _ burnt last night.A. is B. are C. were D. was43. The White family _ very large. All the family _ animal lovers.A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are44. Large quantities of fruit _ all over the world from China today.A. is shipped B. are shippedC. has Shipped D. have shipped45. In our country each boy and each girl _ the right to receive a good education.A. is B. are C. has D. have 【答案解析】

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