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1、高考英语书面表达美文背诵ING AdvertisementsAdvertisements can be seen everywhere in modern society. Large billboards(广告牌)are built on the roadsides or on top of the high buildings. Newspapers become thicker and thicker, for pages of the paper are covered with advertisements. TV shows us endless advertisements da

2、y and night. Advertisements force people to notice their products.It is a good way to promote their new products(推销产品). When a new product is developed, it is the manufacturers or sellers duty to let the public know what the new product is; what the specialties(特点,特别之处) are and what the manufacturer

3、s or the sellers guarantees(保证, 承诺)are to the products. Surely, advertisements are like bridges between customers and manufacturers or sellers.But false or deceptive advertisements (虚假广告)can also be found at the same time. When a person has been cheated once, he cant believe advertisements once more

4、, or at least he cant believe advertisements fully. People have become wiser and learn to use their brains when facing a beautiful and attractive advertisement.广告在现代社会随处可见。路边或高楼顶上都建有大广告牌。报纸变得越来越厚,因为很多页都被广告所覆盖。电视一天到晚不停地播广告。广告使得人们不得不注意他们的产品。这是个好办法来宣传他们的新产品。当一个新产品被开发,那就是厂家或销售商的任务来让大众了解这个新产品是什么,有何特别之处,以

5、及厂家或销售商对产品都有何保证。当然,广告就象连接顾客,厂家和销售商的桥梁。但是我们也能发现有虚假广告。当一个人被欺骗一次,他就不再会相信广告,或者至少他不会完全相信。人们面对精美和吸引人的广告,都变得更精明,也学会仔细考虑了。 On Test and Test Taking The purpose of a test is to check how much we students have learned about a subject. It not only helps make our newly acquired knowledge (新获得的知识)permanent, but a

6、lso enable us to find what needs to spend more time improving.But some students do not deal with test correctly. Some of them are afraid of failing in a test(考试不及格). They cheat even at the risk of being caught on exams. Though cheating might give one “better grades”, it adds nothing to ones knowledg

7、e. This dishonest behavior will do more harm than good. I think that we go to college in order to have our further studies, and prepare us to be qualified for the future job. Therefore, we should take a correct attitude towards test. As long as we study diligently(勤奋地)and review our lessons regularl

8、y, we are sure to serve its real purpose.考试的目的是为了检查我们学生对于一门科目学习了多少。它不仅能让我们巩固新学的知识,也能帮我们发现我们该在哪方面花更多的时间来提高。但有的学生并没有正确对待考试。他们中有些害怕考试不及格。他们甚至冒着被老师抓到的危险来作弊。虽然作弊也许能带来高一点的分数,但你本身什么也没有学到。我想我们上大学是为了能继续我们的学业,为自己将来的工作做准备。所以,我们对考试应该采取正确的态度。只要我们勤奋学习,及时复习,我们肯定能达到考试的真正目的。The DictionaryThe dictionary is a living t

9、eacher. Whenever you come across a new word, just consult (查找,参考)it and you will get a clear definition(定义,解说). Every student, whether attending school or self-taught(自学的), should always have a dictionary at hand(随身有). As a study aid(辅助工具), a dictionary is convenient, inexpensive and almost omniscie

10、nt(无所不知的).Language skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries. The more you use them, the more familiar you will become with them. Sooner or later, you will be quite skilled in finding the page, scanning the entries and locating the exact meaning of the new words. But you sho

11、uld have one thing in mind. As a language student, you can never become too much attached to (太过于依赖)dictionaries; basic language skills do not come from dictionaries, but from your practice. Expose yourself to the language by listening, speaking, reading and writing more, and that is the only way to

12、 the mastery(掌握) of a language.字典就是个活老师。每当你遇到一个新词,查字典你就能得到一个清楚的定义。每个学生,不管是上学还是自学的,都应该随身备个字典。作为一种学习辅助工具,字典是方便的,廉价的,也几乎是无所不知的。随着你常用不同的字典,你的语言能力也会随之提高。你用的越多,你就对它们越熟悉。你迟早能熟练地找到页码,浏览所有词条,找到那些新词的确切意思。但你们要记住一点:作为学语言的学生,你永远不能太过依赖字典,基本的语言技能不是来自字典,而是来自于练习。让你自己通过多听,说,读,写来接触这门语言,这也是掌握语言的唯一途径。 The Way to Achieve

13、 Success Many people say that they owe much of it (their success)to(把归功于)the cultivation of certain good habits in early life. In forming good habits, I think we should pay attention to four things, that is honesty, industry(勤奋), enthusiasm(热情)and thrift(节俭).“Honesty is the best policy.” This is a p

14、roverb to which we must pay attention. There are so many temptations in society that through a little carelessness we may go astray(走入歧途). But when we are honest, people will not be dishonest to us.Industry gives every man and woman, every boy and girl, proper work to do. To do nothing is going to r

15、uin oneself.Enthusiasm is a great force. Ones soul will expand(激发 膨胀)if one devotes oneself to a noble cause(高尚的事业). The difficulties in our way are tremendous, but what can we not accomplish, if with enthusiasm?There are many proverbs which set forth(阐明, 宣布, 提出) the advantages of thrift. Since we l

16、ive in the world in which money is a very powerful thing, we should always try to save a portion(部分)of our earnings for future use.There are the four things to which we must pay attention. It is only by this way that we can achieve success.许多人说他们把他们的成功的大部分归功于幼年时好习惯的形成。在形成这些好习惯的过程中,我想我们应该注意四点:诚实,勤奋,热

17、情,节俭。“诚实是明智之举(诚实是上策)”,这是我们必须注意的箴言。社会上有这么多的诱惑,一个小小的疏忽也许会让我们步入歧途。但是当我们诚实做人,别人也不会欺骗我们。勤奋,使每个人,男人和女人,男孩和女孩,都有合适自己的事去做。无所事事就把自己毁了。热情是一种巨大的力量。如果一个人全新投入一项高尚的事业,人的心胸会变宽广。阻挡我们前进的困难是巨大的,但如果有热情,我们有什么不能完成的呢?有许多格言都提到过节俭的好处。既然我们住在一个金钱万能的世界,我们应该尽力把收入的一部分存起来以备将来不时之需。这四样就是我们必须注意的,只有这样,我们才能取得成功。TV- a Blessing(福) or a

18、 Curse(祸,诅咒)?As TV enters into more and more families, people begin to wonder about its advantages and disadvantages. Some believe it is a blessing, others hold(持观点) that it is a curse to society.TV, as a mass media(大众媒体), can bring to people new information on economics, culture, arts, and many oth

19、er fields. People can enjoy their favorite programs at home. In some countries, some TV stations provide such programs as looking for dangerous criminals (罪犯) and lost children, helping to find an ideal (理想的) lover, which are quite beneficial to society, and others provide various useful seminars (研

20、讨会)for people of various ages and social status. But on the other hand, TV may exert bad influence on people. Some programs are full of violence. As a result, people, especially juveniles (青少年), are led to commit crimes (犯罪). An increasing number of people are so indulged in (沉湎于) TV programs that s

21、ome even neglect (忽略) their duties. In my opinion, the attitude toward TV all depends on oneself. People should choose those programs which are useful, and can bring to them the sense of beauty. 随着电视进入越来越多的家庭,人们开始考虑它的优缺点。有人认为它是福,也有人认为它对社会是祸。作为一种大众媒体,它能给人们带来经济、文化、艺术及其他很多方面的信息。人们能足不出户地欣赏自己最喜爱的节目。在一些国家

22、里,有些电视台提供节目如寻找危险罪犯和走失儿童,帮助寻找理想伴侣等,都对社会有益。另有些电视台则给不同年龄层及社会地位的人们提供各种不同的研讨会。但另一方面,电视也可能给人们带来不好的影响。有些节目充满暴力。所以人们,尤其是青少年,会被引上犯罪的道路。越来越多的人沉迷于电视节目而忽略了他们的责任。在我看来,对电视的态度完全取决于个人自己。人们应该选择那些有益的,能给人们带来美感的节目。On Learning Learning is ones own business, which can not rely on others. As we know, learning is a process

23、 of accumulating knowledge. It is ones life-long task, which cannot be accomplished in one move. A successful learner is an independent one, who has both an indomitable (不屈不挠的) will and amazing endurance. He will try to discover his own way of learning. Instead of waiting for the teachers help, he w

24、ill make efforts to create favorable conditions on his own initiative. It will certainly be of great help, if there is good environment, sufficient books and equipment, as well as instructions from teachers and beneficial friends. But even if one has got all these favorable conditions, one cannot be

25、 sure to succeed in learning. 学习是自己的事情,不能依赖别人。就像我们所知道的,学习是积累知识的过程。它是终生的任务,不能一蹴而就。成功的学习者是独立的,具有不屈不挠的意志和惊人的耐力。他会尽力寻找适合自己的学习方式。如果有好的环境,足够的书本和设备,以及老师和益友的指导,他会主动地努力创造有利条件,而不是等待老师的帮助。但即使一个人具备所有这些有利条件,也不是肯定就能成功。Is Failure a Bad Thing? Failure is a common occurrence (发生的事情) in our daily life. Whatever we do

26、, there are always tow possible results: success or failure. Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries, sometimes failure cant be avoided. Different people hold different attitudes toward failure. When faced with it, some can stand up to it, draw a useful lesson from it and try their best

27、to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in. They do nothing but complain about themselves and objective conditions. As a popular saying goes, “Failure teaches success.” In my opinion, what really counts is not the failure itself, but the proper attitude we sho

28、uld take after it. I trust that as long as we keep to what is right and correct what is wrong, that is to say, learn a lesson form failure, we will be certain to succeed. So I am of the opinion that failure is not a bad thing. On Todays Education I think one of the main problems with todays educatio

29、n is that too much emphasis is placed on test score. It has become the most important criterion (标准) for college enrollment (入学). A student, however creative and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college for his total scores are just one point less than required. It is also one of the crucial

30、 (至关重要的) factors either in job assignment (分派) or in employment competitions. The competition for high scores among students becomes intense. Students find themselves concentrating more on strategies(策略)to achieve high scores than on acquiring the knowledge. They will play truant (逃学) of some subsid

31、iary (辅助的) courses and skip over the substance which will not be tested on. Teachers are apt (有倾向的) to give their students high scores. As their job is judged mainly by the students performance in terms of scores, some teachers tend to set easy papers to test their students on or narrow down the sco

32、pe (范围) of the exam, even give them the hint (提示) to exams, or favor their students with highter score.As a result, the competition for high scores becomes so intense that it actually affects our education results. Knowledge and Power Knowledge and power are the two things most desired by man. There is close connection between these two things. The man having done his best in acquiring knowledge, will easily get a high position and perform it successfully. Power depends on knowledge. Knowledge to power is just like a compass to a ship, by which her sailing

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