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1、形容词形容词Adjective 一、 形容词作定语后置问题1. 有前缀a-构成的形容词作定语时定语要求后置常见的有:afraid, ablaze, alive, alone, ashamed, asleep, afloat, awake等。He is the only man awake at that time.他是当时唯一醒着的人。The house ablaze was next door to him.The boat afloat was not seen by the enemy.这些词当它们本身带有副词修饰时,又可作前置定语。a really alive student 一个非常

2、活跃的学生a very ashamed girl 一个十分害羞的女孩a somewhat afraid boy 一个有点害怕的男孩a fully awake patient 完全醒着的病人the half asleep girl 半睡半醒的女孩2. 修饰由no, some, any, every构成的复合不定代词的形容词要求后置something new nothing interestingThere is nothing wrong with the watch.3. past, next, last, previous等表示时间的形容词可以后置on Friday next on Tues

3、day lastin time past for a month previous4. 某些形容词作非限定性定语时可以后置The boy, silent, stood at the door.那个男孩一声不吭地站在门旁。The woman, nervous, walked past me.那位妇女神情紧张地从我身边走过。5. 形容词短语一般要后置Have you found a man suitable for the work.(形容词+介词短语)I didnt know she was a woman so difficult to please.(形容词+不定式)I have never

4、 seen a face so sweet, happy and beautiful.(两个以上并列形容词)我从未见过如此甜蜜、快活、美丽的面容。It was an army ten thousand strong.(数量词+形容词)He is a man (who is) so noble and strong-minded that even his enemies admired him.(so + 形容词 +that + 从句)某些形容词如果本身有修饰语,有时可前置或后置,意义上没有变化。a 300-metre high buildinga building 300-metre hig

5、ha difficult job to doa job difficult to doa more complicated problem than the previous onea problem more complicated than the previous one一个比前面问题更复杂的问题so good a chance as not to be misseda chance so good as not to be missed一个不能失去的好机会前后置定语的两点补充说明不定式作定语必须后置,但用连字符的不定式被动式要前置;用连字符的介词短语要前置。a much-to-be-l

6、onged-for place一个非常令人向往的地方an impossible-to-be-satisfied wish一个不能满足的愿望a never-to-be-forgotten face一个难忘的面容an after-supper talk一次晚饭后的谈话a quarter-past-eight train一次8点一刻的列车一般来讲,前置形容词同中心词结构紧密,表示该中心词的较永久的特征,而后置定语形容词多表示暂时的特征。the stars visible在特定情况下才能看见的星星the visible stars在一般情况下能看见的星星actor suitable适合某种角色的演员(

7、本人不一定常演戏)suitable actor合适的演员He is a man insane.他是一个一时失去控制怒火万丈的人。He is a insane man.他是一个疯了的人。二、当形容词(一个或几个)与其他词类共同修饰一个名词时,其排列次序为:1. 冠词或指示形容词(a, an, the, this, that, there, etc.)2. 所有格(my, our, Johns, etc.)3. 序数词4. 基数词5. 表示特性或性质的词(good, pretty, etc.)6. 大小、长短、高低(little, big, long, etc.)7. 年龄、温度、新旧(young

8、, hot, warm, etc.)8. 形态、形状(round, square, etc.)9. 颜色10.国籍、地区、出处(British, southern, Italian, etc.)11.物质、材料(wooden, rocky, tin, etc.)12.用途、类别、目的(medical, writing, etc.)all the ten strong young Chinese boy studentsthe first three fine big old red English stone plantation houses出处+过去分词A Chinese made coa

9、t现在分词+出处A fast-running Japanese sports carlittle居于old之前A little old manbeautiful居于new之前,而ugly居于new之后A beautiful new chairA new ugly chair同类形容词-读音短的在前,读音长的在后A tired, hungry, (and) sleepy old manA blue and white glass vaseA low gentle continuous noiseThe shy evasive untrustworthy smile(含糊其词的) 有些形容词,排列

10、位置不同,意义也不同。比较:a German criminal lawyer一位德国刑事律师(分类性)a criminal German lawyer一位犯有刑事罪的德国律师(描绘性)American dirty magazines 美国的淫秽杂志(分类性)dirty American magazines被弄脏的美国杂志(描绘性)有些形容词的位置可以互换。a thin dark facea dark thin face有些同等重要的形容词常用逗号或and隔开。a tall, plain, shy mana true and loyal and personal friendship有些固定说法

11、必须用and或连字符。a blue-and-white flagnext, last与基数词连用时,next, last可以同基数词互换位置。the last three questions to answerthe three last questions to answer最后要回答的3个问题the next fivethe five next后5个三、形容词的有关句型、用法1. as + 原级 + as和not + so / as + 原级 +as前者意为“和一样”,表示肯定意义,为等量比较;后者意为“不及”,表示否定意义,为不等量比较。两个as之间通常为表示数量、程度、性质的词如man

12、y, much, little, few, good, tall等。The tree is as tall as the building.这棵树和那栋楼一样高。There is as much milk as (there is) water in the bottle.He knows as little about music as I know about painting.Your coffee is not so / as good as mine.2. 比较级与than连用,用于两者之间的比较,意即“比更”。She made fewer mistakes than you (di

13、d).她比你犯的错误少。She knows more about history than I know about literature.她对历史的了解比我对文学了解的要多。The room is longer than it is broad.这个房间的长大于宽。She is more mother than wife.她是贤妻,更是良母。It will do you more bad than good.它对你害多益少。more than常有“不止,超过”等含义。She is more than pretty.她何止是漂亮。(她十分漂亮)You are more than welcome

14、!非常欢迎你!I more than saw it. I touched it too!我不仅仅看见它了,我都摸到它了。He is more than unfair. He is mean.他岂止是不公正,他是卑鄙。比较级用于否定结构意为“最不过”。There is nothing better.最好不过了。The situation couldnt be worse.形势再糟不过了。You could give her no greater pleasure.你使她再满意不过了。(十二分的满意)3. the + 最高级 + in / of结构用于三个以上的人或物之间的比较This is th

15、e oldest house in the neighborhood.这是该地区最古老的房子。She is the youngest of the family.她是家中最小的(女儿)。4. 比较级 + and + 比较级结构表示逐渐增加或减少Our country is getting stronger and stronger.我们的祖国越来越强大。The weather is getting warmer and warmer.天气越来越热了。5. 形容词比较级(或副词比较级)可用much, far, hardly, no, a lot, still, ever, a little, t

16、hree times等修饰The book is a little more difficult than that one.这本书比那本书稍难。They made ten times more cars this year than they did last year.他们今年的小汽车产量比去年增长了十倍。Your bicycle is far more better than mine.你的自行车比我的好多了。6. 在senior, junior等形容词后要用to,不用than这类形容词有:senior年长于,junior年幼,superior优于,inferior劣于,低于,prior

17、先于,posterior后于,anterior早于等。上述形容词相应的名词如senior (或seniority), junior (或juniority), superior (或superiority), inferior (或inferiority), priority, posterity, anteriority也表示比较意义,但均不用than。We are inferior to others in many respects.我们在许多方面不如人家。This engine is superior to that one.这台发动机(质量)优于那一台。Her arrival at

18、the town is posterior to that of others.她比其他人后到那个小城。She had a superiority over her friends.她有比她的朋友优越的地方。He is ten years her senior. (=He is her senior by ten years.)他比她大十岁。7. as great as, if not greater than 结构有时,为了表达意思的需要,同一句中同时使用原级和比较级两种形式。这时,要特别注意比较结构的完整性,既不能疏忽原级比较的asas,也不能漏掉比较级的than,而且总是原级结构在前,比

19、较结构置后。在一个比较结构未完之前,不要插入另一个比较结构。This watch is as good, if not better than, as the watch I lost.(误)This watch is as good as, if not better than, the watch I lost.(正)至少可以说,这只表和我丢失的那只一样好。This is one of the most interesting, if not the most interesting, films I have ever seen. (误)This is one of the most i

20、nteresting films I have ever seen , if not the most interesting. (正)至少可以说,这是我看过的最有趣的电影之一。8. too + 形容词(或副词)+ to do结构具有否定意义,表示“太不能,太不会”Its too late for us to catch the train.太晚了,我们赶不上火车了。She is too careless to have noticed it.她太粗心了,不可能注意到那一点。有时候,当tooto结构中的不定式既可以作及物动词,又可作不及物动词时,含有tooto结构的句子往往产生歧义。The m

21、an is too selfish to help.The man is too selfish to help others.The man is too selfish to be helped by others.这个人太自私了,别人不肯帮助他。She is too good a woman to kill.She is too good a woman to kill others.她是个好人,不会杀人的。She is too good a woman for others to kill her.她是个好人,别人不会杀她的。too.for也表示否定,相当于tooto,意为“太不适合”

22、。He is too young for the work.他太年轻,干不了这项工作。The place is too far for a one-day holiday.那个地方太远了,一天的假期去不了。tooto do表示的是否定含义,这种结构也可以加以变更,表示肯定含义。有两种方法:一是在too前加not,构成not tooto do,通过否定整个tooto do结构而表示肯定含义,意为“并不太所以能”;另一种方法是在不定式to do前加not,通过否定不定式而表示肯定含义,意为“太不会不”。The book is not too difficult to read.这本书并不太难读。S

23、he is not too angry to speak up.她不太生气,能够说出话来。He is too kind not to be stupid.他太善良了,难免有些愚蠢。She is too careful not to have noticed it.她那么细心,不会不注意到那个。The man is too ambitious not to make another try.那人雄心勃勃,不会不再作努力。9. 如果too前面有only, all not, but, never, simple, just等词,too后面是eager, anxious, pleased, kind,

24、 willing, apt, ready, inclined, glad, quick等词,tooto句型表示肯定概念在这种用法上,too意为“extremely, very(非常)”。He is too ready to promise.他总是轻易许诺。She is only too glad to help you.她非常乐意帮助你。You know but too well to hold your tongue.你深知少说为妙。One is too apt to overlook ones own mistakes.人们总是很容易忽略自己的缺点。10. not so much A as

25、 B和 more A than BJames is not so much a writer as a reporter.与其说是作家,不如说是记者。The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说分离了世界,倒不如说是连结了世界。not so much A as B是部分否定结构,意为“与其说A,不如说B”。She is more shy than unsocial.与其说她孤僻,不如说她太腼腆。Everything in the world should be regarded more as in motion th

26、an as at rest.世界上万物都应该看成是在运动之中,而不是处于静止状态。more A than B为部分否定,意为“与其说B不如说A”。注意这个句型与not so much A as B所强调重点的位置不同。11. be kind of sb. to do sth. 和 be difficult for sb. to do sth.It was very kind of him to lend me some money.It was very difficult for him to lend me some money.“It is + 形容词 + of + 代词 + 不定式”是

27、一种使用率很高的句型,它表示说话人对客观事物的高兴、惊讶、懊悔、难过等情绪,表现的是人的性格、品质或特征等。这种句型实际上相当于感叹句,多用于日常话语中。It is extraordinarily friendly of you to do it for me.你为我做那件事,真够朋友。It was wrong of you to say like that.你那样说话就不对了。It was foolish of him to waste so much time.It was boring of Jim to make so much noise.It is + 形容词 + for sb.

28、+ to do sth.句型是一个陈述句,表示说话人对客观事件(for sb. to do)的决断性,多用于正是、庄重的场合。用于此句型的形容词大致有两类。一类是表示难易程度的,如:hard, difficult, easy, possible, impossible, dangerous, useful, useless等;另一类是表示判断、意念的,如:right, advisable, common, unusual, enough, wrong, reasonable, normal, strange, necessary, important, sad, convenient等。本部分

29、开头的两个例句结构相同,但一句用of,一句用for,不可换用。在类似的结构中,究竟是用of还是for,可以用下述规则加以鉴别:把句子中的it, of或for去掉,将表示sb.的词作句子的主语,表语不变,后接不定式,组成一个句子。若该句子是正确的,则原句中用of,若该句不正确,则用for。上面的第一个例句可以改成:He was very kind to lend me some money.这个句子是正确的,故用of。而第二个句子如果变成:He was very difficult to lend me some money.这个句子是错误的,因此要用for.It is + 形容词 + of s

30、b. + to do sth.可以转换为sb. + is + 形容词 + to do sth.It was stupid of him not to take her advice.He was stupid not to take her advice.It is + 形容词 + for sb. + to do sth.常可转换为To do sth. is + 形容词结构It is not good for you to live alone.For you to live alone is not good.It is advisable to wait.To wait is advisa

31、ble.12. She is as kind as her brother is honest.的含义asas可用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相等或相当,意为“而”。上面的句子意为:她弟弟很诚实,而她则很友善。He was as experienced as his brother was green.他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful.他非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。另外,asas还可以表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既又”。She is as kind as honest.她既诚实又友善。The problems are as numerous as (they are) trivial.问题又多又繁琐。The hall is as long as (it is) wide.这个厅长宽尺寸一样。The girl plays the piano as skillfully as she

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