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1、光电仪器原理与设计光电仪器原理与设计MEA04007本课程是一门专业技术课,适合于近测控技术与仪器,光学工程类各专业。本课程的目的是通过光电仪器原理与设计课程的学习,培养学生光电仪器原理分析、仪器使用和仪器系统设计能力。本课程的任务是使学生以现有光、机、电、算基础知识为起点,通过常用光电仪器工作原理及设计原则的理论和方法的学习,从普遍规律和具体经验两方面提高对于光电仪器原理和设计的认知和掌握;熟知常用光电仪器的工作原理;掌握光电仪器重要组成部件的结构、功能及参数设计方法;培养学生进行总体设计的能力;为后续课程的学习和工程设计奠定理论基础和工程实践基础。Optoelectronic Instru

2、ment Principle and DesignMEA04007The objective of this course is to familiarize students with principles and basic design methods of commonly used optoelectronic instruments. Students will be trained to master the operating procedure of the instruments, distinguish the structure and function of each

3、 component, and present preliminary results of both overall design and parameter design.This course starts from basic physical principles adopted in optoelectronic instruments, and covers accuracy analysis of measuring instrument and modern instrument design methods such as ergonomics or optimum des

4、ign. The focused functional contents include light sources, optical elements, detectors and metrical standards. Micro displacement technology for precision instruments and common alignment schemes are also introduced. Examples of conventional instruments like interferometers or microscopes are propo

5、sed to train the students to solve specific practical problems.激光技术原理与实验本课程是测控技术与仪器专业一门理论与实验并重的专业基础课,其教学目的是通过该课程理论部分的学习,使学生系统掌握激光的基本概念和基础理论,掌握各种类型激光器和基本激光技术的工作原理与设计方法,了解激光器件和激光技术领域的发展趋势和技术前沿。通过实验环节的锻炼,进一步加深对激光器和激光技术基本工作原理的理解,认识和熟悉常见激光器的基本构造、工作特性和调试方法,掌握激光器主要特性参数的测试方法,并学会使用激光实验研究常用的测试仪器。以期通过本课程的学习,培养

6、学生理论联系实际、综合运用所学基础知识解决实际工程问题的能力。Principle and Experiments of Laser TechnologyThe course emphasizes on both theory and experiment of laser and laser technology for students. In the theory part of the course, the fundamental concepts and principles of laser will be introduced, followed by the presentat

7、ion of variety of lasers and the laser technology. The developing trend and cutting edge of lasers and laser technology will also be reviewed. In the experiment part of the course, students will carry out several experiments on the basic configuration of lasers, the output characteristics of lasers,

8、 and the measurement of laser parameters. 误差理论与数据处理OPT04032培养学生掌握测试与实验数据处理的基本理论与方法,正确估计被测量的值,科学客观地评价测量结果,并根据测试对象的准确度要求,对测试与实验方法进行合理设计,为后续专业课程及实验环节奠定理论基础。 本课程的主要任务是掌握误差理论和测量不确定度的基本知识,会正确地表达误差与测量结果;掌握粗差剔除、系统误差发现和随机误差统计分析的常用方法,会正确进行误差分析;掌握不确定度的两类评定、传播和合成的方法,会正确评定测量不确定度;培养应用概率统计和微型电子计算机分析处理多种测量数据处理问题的能力

9、训练。Theory of Error and Data ProcessingOPT04032The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the theory of error and measurement uncertainty to calculate the result accurately and evaluate the result scientifically. The main task of this course is to master the basic theory and knowled

10、ge of error and measurement uncertainty. Students will learn how to express the error and measurement results correctly, and grasp commonly used methods of statistical analysis of the gross error, systematic error and random error. Meanwhile they will also learn how to analyze errors properly, maste

11、r the two types of uncertainty evaluation and the combined standard uncertainty or expanded uncertainty. Finally they will be taught the basic theories of the least square method and its application in measurement and data processing.几何精度设计与检测本课程是一门实践性较强专业技术基础课,是联系机械设计类课程与制造工艺类课程的纽带,适合于仪器仪表类、机械类相关专业

12、。本课程的目的是通过几何精度设计与检测课程的学习,培养学生的机械零件几何精度的理解、设计及检测能力。本课程的任务是通过几何精度设计与检测相关理论和方法的学习,使学生掌握机械零件几何精度的理解能力及设计方法,同时掌握典型的几何量检测及数据处理方法;培养学生正确使用国家标准、规范及相关应用原则的能力。为后续相关专业课程的学习和工程设计奠定基础。Geometric Precision Design and TestingThe course is a professional and technical elementary course, which is basis of both mechan

13、ical design courses and manufacturing technology courses. This course is suitable for the instrument, mechanism and the other relative majors. The objective of the course is to help the students to acquire the fundamental knowledge, the capability of understanding, design and testing of the geometri

14、c precision.In order to help the students to acquire the capability of the understanding and the design of the geometric precision, both the relative theories and the main methods will be introduced. Meanwhile, the testing of the geometric precision and its typical data processing methods will also

15、be taught in the course. Moreover, the using of the national standards, criterions and application principle concerning to the geometric precision are also included in this course. Finally, the learning of this course will be the foundation for the following studying. 光电测控系统专项实验OPT04004光电测控系统专项实验是测控

16、技术与仪器本科专业的学科基础教育必修课。本课程采用理论与实验教学相结合的方式,目的是通过分析仪器原理和实际系统设计,使学生初步形成仪器设计和系统构成的基本思想,培养学生的动手能力和在实际工作中独立发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。并通过加强学生创新精神和工程实践能力的培养,逐步提高学生解决实际工程问题,特别是有关光电系统总体设计的能力。Optoelectronic Instrument Experiments on Measurement and ControlOPT04004As one of the required professional courses for students w

17、ho are major in measurement and control, Optoelectronic Instrument Experiments course aims to familiarize students with the principal ideas of optoelectronic apparatus design and train students to apply these knowledge to identify problems, analyze problems and solve problems in optoelectronic syste

18、m construction. The contents of the course consist of two parts: theoretical lectures and experiments. Several optoelectronic systems that come from real engineering projects are chosen as experimental subject. In this course, students will learn how to use different kinds of components and devices

19、to construct optoelectronic instruments. Working as several groups, they also need to design and complete some optoelectronic system by themselves. The purpose of this course is to help students to improve their engineering practical skills, as well as their team collaboration.光学测量与光学工艺OPT04010本课程是一

20、门专业基础课,适合于光信息科学与技术、光学工程、测控技术与仪器等专业。本课程的目的是通过光学测量、工艺课程的学习,使学生熟悉基本光学测量方法、相关技术及基本光学加工工艺。本课程的任务是培养学生在光学仪器设计、加工装调中对光学量和非光学量的光学测试能力,并使学生掌握在本专业领域正确使用标准、规范、图册、手册和查阅有关光学测量、光学工艺资料的能力;为后续课程的学习和工程设计奠定理论基础。Optical Test and Optical ProcessOPT04010The objective of this course is to familiarize students with founda

21、tions of optical test and get an elementary knowledge about optical measurement and process. This course includes the foundations of optical measurement(error analysis, focusing and autofocusing, alignment, angle measurement, focal length measurement, radius measurement, refractive index measurement

22、), image quality assessment(star test, resolution and optical transfer function measurement), interferometry (Twyman-Green, Fizeau interferometer, phase shifting interferometer), polarimetry(elements, stress induced birefringence measurement and ellipsometry), the new progress in optical metrology,

23、and the optical process techniques.The purpose of the course is to train students to apply these optical measurement and process techniques to resolve practical problems in optical engineering.光学测量实验MEA04027本课程是一门专业基础课的配套实验课程,适合于光信息科学与技术、光学工程、测控技术与仪器等专业。本课程的目的是通过对若干个具有典型代表性的光学测量实验的学习,使学生理解并掌握专业技术基础课

24、中所学的光学测量方法及相关技术。本课程的任务是培养学生在光学仪器设计、加工装调中对光学量和非光学量进行光学测试的实验动手能力,领会并理解所学理论方法,为后续课程的学习和工程实践奠定基础。Optical Test ExperimentMEA04027The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the key operation processes of typical optical measurement experiments. By the training of this course, students wi

25、ll be able to extend their abilities to solve different problems in the field of optical test.This course includes the experiments on focal length measurement, star test and resolution measurement, optical transfer function measurement, refractive index measurement, wavefront aberration measurement

26、by Fizeau interferometer, parallelism measurement of reflective prisms, radius of curvature measurement by autofocusing techniques, stress induced birefringence measurement by polarimetry. This course requires students to operate the instruments by themselves.The purpose of the course is to train an

27、d enable students to apply the primary optical measurement techniques to resolve practical problems in optical engineering.精密机械设计基础MEA04014本课程是测控技术与仪器专业的专业技术基础课,适合于近机械类各专业。本课程的目的是通过机械设计基础课程的学习,培养学生机构设计、机械零部件设计和机械系统设计能力。通过本课程的学习及6周课程设计,使学生掌握通用精密机械必备的基本理论、设计方法。以满足现代测控仪器的结构设计需要,适应现代设计理论和方法的发展。本课程的主要任务是

28、:1.掌握常用机构、零部件、传动系统的工作原理及特点。对于不同型式的机构和零部件具有分析、比较、选择的能力。2.掌握常用机构和零部件的设计、计算方法。能对基本零部件进行结构设计和改进设计,选择有关参数,必要的受力分析、精度分析,强度和刚度验算,绘制装配图和零件图。3.通过常用机构和通用机械零部件设计理论和方法的学习,掌握常用机构和典型机械零件的一般设计方法和分析方法;4.培养学生正确使用标准、规范、图册、手册和查阅有关机械设计资料的能力;为后续课程的学习和工程设计奠定理论基础和工程实践基础。Fundamentals of Precision Mechanical DesignMEA04014T

29、his course is one specialized fundamental technical course for the students in specialty of Measurement & Control Technology and Instruments. It is also suitable to other students of various quasi-mechanical engineering specialties. The objective of this course is to cultivate the students abilities

30、 in mechanism design, machine parts & components design and mechanism system design. Through the study of the course and a related course design which lasts 4 weeks, students can grasp the basic principles and techniques which are necessary to design general precision mechanics, so as to meet the re

31、quirements to design mechanism for modern measurement & control technology and instruments, to adapt the development of modern design theory and technique. Through learning the design theories and methodologies for common mechanism, general machine parts and components, the students can grasp the ge

32、neral design methods and analysis techniques for common mechanism and typical machine elements. To cultivate the students abilities to utilize standards, criterions, design charts, handbooks and related mechanical engineering design materials, this course establishes the theoretic foundation and engineering practice foundation for the continuous curricular and engineering design.自动控制理论本课程是一门专业技术基础课, 适合于测控技术与仪器等工科类各专业。本课程的目的是通过自动控制理论课程的学习,培养学生系统分析、系统设计和系统综合的能力。本课程的任务是通过自动控制理论和方法的学习,掌握典型控制环节和系统的分析方法及设计方法,熟悉反馈控制的

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