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1、英文的环保标语英文的环保标语导读:本文是关于英文的环保标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、学校一片绿,学生心中一片春。The school is green and the students are in the middle of spring.2、环境保护,人人有责。Environmental protection is everyones responsibility.3、人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。Mans life is limited, and the environment is infinite.4、坚持团结治水,构建和谐流域。Uphold unity and w

2、ater control and build a harmonious watershed.5、从小树立环保意识,做绿色人生使者。From childhood to environmental awareness, green life messenger.6、为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。For the life of the earth, save our environment.7、郁郁葱葱,创新州。Lush and innovative states.8、绿化环境,净化心灵。Greening the environment and purifying the mind.9、尊崇自然,

3、敬畏生命。Reverence for nature, reverence for life.10、珍惜自然资源,共营生命绿色。Cherish natural resources and share the green of life.11、绿色是一种品牌,绿色是一种时尚,绿色是生命力的象征。Green is a brand, green is a fashion, green is a symbol of vitality.12、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。But keep fangcunde and stay with the child sungeng.13、珍惜资源永续利用,绿化环境净化心灵

4、。Cherish resources, sustainable use, green environment, purify the mind.14、芳草依依,大家怜惜。The grass is clinging, and everyone feels pity for it.15、为了校园一片绿,珍惜脚下每颗草。In order to campus a green, cherish every grass at the foot.16、学会做人,学会学习,保护自然。Learn to be human, learn to learn, and protect nature.17、人类离不开花草

5、,就像婴儿离不开母亲的怀抱。Human beings can not leave the flowering grass, just like the baby can not do without the mothers arms.18、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。Adhere to harmony between man and water, and build ecological civilization.19、为了美丽家园,请从小事做起。For the beautiful homeland, please start with minor matters.20、老毛病,要根治,小问题

6、,要重视。Solve old problems radically and treat small problems attentively.21、提高环保意识,自觉保护环境。Raise awareness of environmental protection, consciously protect the environment.22、绿色消费,消费绿色。Green consumption, green consumption.23、小草对您微微笑,请您把路让一让。The grass smiles at you, and will you please let the way pass.

7、24、环境卫生的洁净,有您的一份文明。Clean environmental hygiene, you have a civilization.25、与自然重建和谐,与地球重修旧好。The reconstruction of harmonious with nature, and the earth reconciled.26、鸟语花香,爱赏共享。A shared love birdstwitter and fragrance of flowers.27、当你不要我时,请把我送回家。Please send me home when you dont want me.28、美化校园环境,就是美化

8、我们的生活。To beautify our campus environment is to beautify our life.29、栏杆拦人,人自拦心。Railings block people from the heart.30、娇娇小草,请足下留情。Jiao Jiao grass, please you.31、保护绿色摇篮,你行,我能。Protect the green cradle, you can, I can.32、要想校园净又美,健康文明记心里。Want to campus net and beauty, health, civilization remember.33、珍惜水

9、,保护水,让水造福人类。Cherish the water, protect the water, and let the water benefit the human race.34、保护环境,刻不容缓。It is imperative to protect the environment.35、全面规划,统筹兼顾,推进水利协调发展。Overall planning and overall planning to promote coordinated development of water resources.36、鸟语花香的家园,需要我们共同去创造。The birdstwitter

10、and fragrance of flowers we need to create a common homeland.37、我知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。I know Chinese food is hard.38、愿君莫伸折枝手,鲜花亦自有泪滴。Wish you not to stretch hand picked flowers, also own tears.39、学校是我家,保护环境靠大家。校园是我家,卫生靠大家。School is my home, protecting the environment depends on everyone. Campus is my home, he

11、alth depends on everyone.40、树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。Trees have green, and the earth has a pulse.41、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。Use your hands, garbage everywhere.42、美丽的校园,美丽的家,永远的美丽靠大家。Beautiful campus, beautiful home, eternal beauty depends on everyone.43、保护学校环境,共创学生圣地。Protect the school environment and create a sacred plac

12、e for students.44、保护树木,就是保护我们人类。To protect trees is to protect us.45、小草青青,花香飘飘;青草鲜花,应当爱惜。The grass is green and the flowers are fluttering; the grass and flowers should be cherished.46、请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。Please hold feet, dont hurt a grass.47、如果没有树木,世界将会暗淡无光。If there are no trees, the world will be dim a

13、nd dark.48、只要给予一些爱,就能给你带来郁郁葱葱的绿荫。Give a little love and it will give you a green shade.49、科技发展无限好,只是地球太难堪。The development of science and technology is infinitely good, but the earth is too embarrassing.50、用我们的爱心,迎来校园的一片绿。With our love, ushered in the campus of a green.51、小草刚钻出地面,请自觉保护弱小。The grass ha

14、s just drilled out of the ground, so please protect the weak.52、花香阵阵,鸟鸣声声。琅琅书声,浓浓情深。The fragrance of flowers, the sound of birds singing. The sound of reading, strong love.53、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。To protect the green is to protect ourselves.54、创建绿色学校,促进可持续发展。Building green schools to promote sustainable deve

15、lopment.55、让河水更清澈,让家园更美好。To make the river clearer and make our homes better.56、节能源自心中,环境大家爱护。Energy saving from the heart, the environment, we love.57、少一个脚印,多一个生命。One footprint, one life.58、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。Use our hands to protect our earth.59、保护一片绿色,净化一片天空。Protect one piece of green, purify one sky

16、.60、保持地球生态平衡,就是保护人数自身。Conservation of the earths balance is the protection of the numbers themselves.61、赏花爱花花更美,观景惜景景更幽。Flowers love flower is more beautiful, more secluded landscape view Xijing.62、你珍惜我的生命,我还你一片绿荫。You treasure my life, I give you a shade.63、只有一个地球,人类应该同舟共济。There is only one earth, a

17、nd man should be in the same boat.64、破坏环境,就是破坏我们赖以生存的家园。To destroy the environment is to destroy the home we live in.65、做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她。Be a good mother earth mother, protect her.66、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。With the construction of a green campus, sharing birdstwitter and fragrance of flowers.67、今天节约一滴水,留给后人一滴血。

18、Save a drop of water today, leaving a drop of blood for posterity.68、清扫清洁坚持做,亮丽环境真不错。Clean, clean, keep doing, beautiful environment, really good.69、你来绕一绕,我来笑一笑。You go around and Ill smile.70、每人少扔一张纸,地球就会更美丽。Each person drops a piece of paper, and the earth will be more beautiful.71、手上留情花自香,脚下留意草如茵。

19、Flowers from the hands of the benefit of incense, green grass at the foot of attention.72、让校园阳光普照,让绿色神圣美妙。Let the campus sunshine, let the green sacred wonderful.73、土壤不能再生,防止土壤污染和沙化,减少水土流失。Soil can not be recycled to prevent soil pollution and desertification, and to reduce soil erosion.74、让花儿含笑,让草儿

20、传情,让心儿绽放。Let the flowers smiling, let the feelings, let the heart bloom.75、草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好。Grass green, flowers laugh, fresh air, good environment.76、呼吸绿色,感恩生命。Breathe green, appreciate life.77、我们只有一个地球,拯救地球就是拯救未来。We have only one earth to save the earth is to save the future.78、拯救地球,一起动手。Save the earth and do it together.79、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are seedlings, we all need to take care of.80、莫踏青草,勿采红花。Dont go hiking, dont pick red flowers.

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