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1、综合教程V课后练习答案134579综合教程5练习答案1-9 KEY TO EXERCISES of Unit 1Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose. AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the fo!lowing statements are true or false. 1. T. Refer to Paragraph 1. 2. F. Refer to Paragraph l. What the author s

2、tated in the paragraph is that her sister graduated from high school. 3. F. Refer to Paragraph 3. They took a railroad train during the day. 4. F. Refer to Paragraph 5. The conditions of the dining car might not be like what the authors mother had told them. She said so for fear that her kids could

3、have been hurt by the fact that Black people were not allowed into railroad dining cars. 5. F. Refer to Paragraph 6. She simply did not go with the other girls in the class because, as the nuns had told her, they would be staying in a hotel which would not rent rooms to blacks. 6. T. Refer to Paragr

4、aph 12. 7. T. Refer to Paragraph 17. 8. F. Refer to Paragraph 18. Her father only promised she could type it out on the office typewriter, but whether she managed to send the letter to the president was not mentioned.III. Answer the following questions. 1. Refer to Paragraph 1. Washington D.C. is kn

5、own to all for its special position, as capital of the nation. The author, like many children who had never been to Washington D.C. before, could have only learned about it through story telling, as if it were a place existing in fables. 2. Refer to Paragraphs 3 and 4. A mobile feast implies a large

6、 quantity and variety of food in a box including two roasted chickens, packed slices of brown bread and butter, green pepper and carrot sticks, a spice bun and rock-cakes, iced cakes and tea, sweet pickles; dill pickles, and peaches, which were prepared by their mother for them to eat on their way t

7、o Washington, D.C. 3. Refer to Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5. She must be kind, prudent, responsible, considerate and caring for her family. 4. Refer to Paragraph 7. They lodged in one large room with two double beds, in a back-street hotel that belonged to a friend of her fathers who was in real estate. 5

8、. Refer to Paragraphs 8 and 9. She had long before realized the national day celebration in her country was nothing but mockery for the Black people. As a black girl, she was in that silent agony that characterized all of her childhood summers. Apparently she hated the Fourth of July, but in essence

9、, what agonized her was the racial discrimination and segregation. 6. Refer to Paragraph 16. The waitress dropped her eyes looking very embarrassed. 7. Refer to Paragraphs 17 and 18. Discrimination against the blacks had been a long-established, deep-rooted and widespread practice in the country. Be

10、ing black simply meant mistreatment. Therefore, the unfair treatment they received at Breyers was not surprising at all; as blacks they should have expected this and had no reason to feel shocked and indignant. 8. Refer to Paragraph 19. We can perceive the authors antagonism from such descriptions a

11、s the white waitress, the white counter, the white ice cream, and the white pavement, the white stone monuments, and the white heat in Washington D.C., all of which made her sick to her stomach for the whole rest of that trip. In a word, it was the racial discrimination suggested by the dazzling col

12、or, white, that drove the author mad.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text. 1. Mother meant to deliberately overlook whatever she did not like and could not change. 2. From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation. 3. Literarily, the writer wa

13、s unable to open wide her eyes due to the dazzling summer sunlight as well as her eyes defect. Figuratively, the freedom, equality and democracy all American citizens were allegedly entitled to were simply distorted images in the authors eye. 4. Mother was bright and father brown, and the three of u

14、s girls represented gradations from bright to brown. 5. Inside the Brayers, the soda fountain was so dim and the air so cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully lessened. 6. My forceful question got no response from my family; they remained silent as if they had done something wrong and shamefu

15、l walking into Brayers. 7. My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though. Writing strategies 1. Besides Paragraph 2, Paragraphs 6, 8 and 9 contain or involve flashbacks. 2. Heres one more example of symbolism: The waitress was white, a

16、nd the counter was white; and the ice cream I never ate in Washington D.C., that summer I left childhood was white, and the white heat and the white pavement and the white stone monuments of my first Washington summer made me sick to my stomach for the whole rest of that trip and it wasnt much of a

17、graduation present after all. The repeated description of whiteness further reveals the phony democracy of the United States and the false freedom of colored people, which drove our writer mad andindignant. Language workI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. at the beg

18、inning of 2. The whole family were already either actually busy making preparations or enjoying the ambience. 3. a large enjoyable meal on the train 4. as if we had never been mistreated for being Black 5. had partially caused 6. was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by people feeling a si

19、milar anger II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them. bruise scar Explanation: Both verbs pertain to external physical injury and other sorts of damage. Bruise indicates an injury of the surface flesh,

20、caused by a blow that does not necessarily break the skin and that results in a marked skin; the word can also suggest the tendency to turn black-and-blue from small impacts. Scar refers to the forming of a mark over a healed wound or suggests the doing of damage that will leave a lasting mark. 1. b

21、ruise 2. bruised 3. scarred 4. scar dampen soak Explanations: Dampen is to make or become somewhat wet, emphasizing the moist condition that results. In a figurative sense, the word means to depress. Soak means to wet thoroughly, implying immersion. To soak something is to place it in liquid and lea

22、ve it long enough for the liquid to act upon it. 1. soaking 2. Dampen 3. soaked 4. dampen acknowledge admit Explanation: Both words agree in meaning to accept openly, though with some reluctance, the truth or existence of a fact, condition, etc. Admit is a bold acknowledgment of implication in somet

23、hing one has formerly tended to deny or to equivocate about. Acknowledge is to accept responsibility for something one makes known, and we acknowledge something embarrassing or awkward, and usually not voluntarily; more often, the acknowledgment is extracted from one more or less unwillingly. 1. adm

24、it 2. acknowledged 3. acknowledge 4. admitted agony anguish Explanation: Both words can refer to intense suffering of the body or mind. Agony represents suffering, the endurance of which calls forth every human resource. Its severity is of such extent that the word is often used to denote the strugg

25、le and pain that may precede death. Anguish points to the extremity of grief which so terrifies the spirit as to be insupportable. 1. agony 2. anguish 3. anguish 4. agonyIII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box, using its appropriate form. 1. The local council

26、 has decreed that the hospitals that are not able to reach the service standards should close. 2. When Hamlet murmured To be, or not to be, he was faced with an agonizing dilemma. 3. The young mother smiled approvingly at her son who asked to play outdoors. 4. The Prime Minister is now firmly enscon

27、ced in Downing Street with a large majority. 5. We need a manager with plenty of flair to run the business in China. 6. It is noticed that quick-minded people suffer no vulnerability to criticism. 7. It was a relief to be outside in the fresh air again after staying weeks-long underground. 8. The go

28、vernments avowed commitment to reduce tax has been largely appreciated.IV. Make a sentence of your own for each of the given words with meanings other than those used in the text. You may change the part of speech of these words.1.Liani presented me with the challenge, and I took it up.2. To open a

29、supermarket demands a large amount of capital.3. Well, its your turn to shuffle the pack and deal the cards.4. It would be a wise move to check the market first.5. The results of the test ran counter to expectations.6. Is there a drop of tea left in the pot?V. Fill in each blank with a definite, ind

30、efinite, or zero article. 1.The 2./ 3. a 4. A 5./ 6./ 7./ 8./ 9./ 10. an 11. a 12. / 13. the 14. a 15. the 16. a 17. a 18. / 19. theVI. Put a word in each blank that is appropriate for the context. 1. black 2. behave 3. mind 4. meant 5. mercy 6. though 7. before 8. worse 9. what 10. experiencedTrans

31、lationI. Translate each of the following sentences into English, using the words or expressions given in the brackets. 1. I havent seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a really good movie. 2. The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces. 3. No one can function properly if they are deprived o

32、f adequate sleep. 4. He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred. 5. It was scorching outside; all the tourists escaped into the fan-cooled hut. 6. Ive come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about. 7. Im not a teacher proper, since I havent been trained, but Ive had a lot of teaching experience. 8. Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the examination.II. Translate the following into Chinese. 如果美国对此时此刻的迫切性视而不见,低估黑人的决心,

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