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人教版八年级英语上册期末串讲 课后练习2及详解.docx

1、人教版八年级英语上册期末串讲 课后练习2及详解学科:英语专题:期末串讲主讲教师:纪志杰 北京101中学英语教师题1:Charlie _ here next month.A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work题2:If it _ tomorrow, well go skating.A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine题3:Lets talk about _.A.something else B. else somethi

2、ngC. anything else D. else anything题4:If we have robots, we can finish the work with _ people and _ time.A.few; little B.a few; a little C.less; fewer D.fewer; less题5:1. We _ the computer in two hours.A. will repair B. repairs C. has repaired D. repaired2.Illbeready_anhour.A.later B. for C. during D

3、. in题6:Hardworkdoesnot agree_him.A.on B.with C.for D.to题7:He told us _ funny stories that we all laughed.A.very C.much D.such题8:Why did she _ your invitation?A.turn up B.turn on C.turn down D.turn to 题9:What would you like, please? Id like_.A.Two glasses of milk B. Two glasses of milksC. Two gl

4、ass of milk D. Two glass of milks题10:The sky is covered_ clouds.A. by B.for C.with D.from题11:My mother is out,so I _ look after the shop.A.cant B.have to C.may D.could题12:1.Please dont make so _noise.A.many B. much C. little D. few2. There are _ mistakes in this article.A. too many B. much too C. ma

5、ny too D. too much 题13:She sings _ but does not speak _enough.A. good;clearly B. well;clearly C. nice;clear D. wonderful;clear题14:_stop them (from) polluting the river?A.What about B.Would you like C.Why not D.Why dont题15:He always sleeps _ the windows open.A.with B. on D.for题16:I didnt hear yo

6、u _ in.A. come B. came C. coming come题17:I usually go to bed _ half past ten. B.on C.for D./题18:They often practise _.A. shoots B. to shoot C. shooting D. shooted题19:1.If you _ to the party, youll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going 2. Tom wants to know if you_ a picnic to

7、morrow. Yes. But if it _, well play chess instead. A. will have; rains B. will have;will rain C. have; is raining D. have ;rains 题20:What has changed _ few years? the past the first once题21:Are you _ in the _ movie?A.interesting, interested B.interested, interesting C.interesti

8、ng, interesting D.interested, interested题22:1.What _ did he say?A.other B.theother C.another D.else2. Some people like football, _ like volleyball.A.the other B.another C.others D.other 题23:1. When you finish_, please hand back the book.A. reading read C.being read D. read2. Ive been there alre

9、ady and dont want_ again.A. going go C. goes D. go题24:Start out right away, or you_ the first train.A. miss B. will miss C. missed D. misses题25:I cant understand _the boy alone. A. why she left B. why did she leave C. why had she left D. why had she left 题26:Is there _ you want?A. anything else

10、 B. something elseC. else anything D. else something 题27:我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。I _ with my sister.题28:这问题我们回家再谈。We can _ this question at home.题29:他的建议是我们应当向她学习。His suggestion is that we should _ her.题30:他穷得无法买新衣。He was _ a new coat.题31:如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。_, you must eat less bread. 题32:如果你打算带你的宠物去旅行,提前做好准备。If y

11、ou _, prepare ahead of time.题33:我跟这件事一点关系也没有。I have nothing _ the matter. 题34:昨天她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了。Her jokes _ yesterday.课后练习详解题1:答案:D解析:句意:查理下个月不在这里工作了。根据next month可知这里应该用将来时,故选D。题2:答案:C解析:句意:如果明天不下雨,我们将去滑冰。根据tomorrow叙述在是明天的事情,但是在条件状语从句里不能用将来时而用一般现在时来代替, 故选C。题3:答案: A解析:句意:让我们谈点别的什么吧。Something是不定代词,它的定语放在

12、它的后面。题4:答案:D解析:句意:如果我们有机器人,我们能够用更少的人和更少的时间。这里是暗含比较,有机器人的前后作比较,第一空修饰可数名词所以用fewer;第二空修饰不可数名词time所以用less。题5:答案:1.A 2.D解析:1.句意:我们将能够在两小时内修好这台电脑。2.句意:我将一个小时以内准备好。在(时间)以内。题6:答案:B解析:句意:艰苦的工作对他不适宜。表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对适宜”。题7:答案:D解析:句意:他对我们讲了那么些有趣的故事,我们全都哈哈大笑。suchthat如此以致于。that后引导的是状语从句。such+形容词+名词+that。题8:答案:C解析:

13、句意:她为什么谢绝你的邀请? A.turn up出现; B.turn on打开;C.turn down关小,拒绝; D.turn to 求助于。根据句意故选C。题9:答案: A解析:句意:-你想要什么?-我想要两杯牛奶。milk是不可数名词,不能用复数。 题10:答案:A解析:句意:天空乌云密布。be covered by被所覆盖,用by强调的是被动。题11:答案:B解析:句意:妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。A.cant 不可能; B.have to 不得不;C.may 可以; D.could能够。根据句意故选B。题12:答案:1.B 2.A解析:1.句意:不要制造那么多噪音。much修饰

14、不可数名词,故选B。2. 句意:这篇文章错误太多。too many修饰可数名词,故选A。题13:答案:B解析:句意:她唱得不错,只是口齿不够清楚。这里第一空是修饰动词sings,所以用副词;第二空是修饰动词speak,所以用副词。题14:答案:C解析:句意:为什么不阻止他们污染这条河呢?Why not+do?为何不 . (用来提建议)?题15:答案: A解析:句意:他总是开着窗子睡觉。这里是with的复合结构,with+sth+形容词。题16:答案:A解析:句意:我没听见你进来。hear sb do听见某人做了某事。题17:答案:A解析:句意:我通常十点半睡觉。表示在几点用at。题18:答案:

15、C解析:句意:他们经常练习射击。practise doing练习做某事。题19:答案:1.C 2.A解析:1.句意:如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得开心。if引导的状语从句的时态。if 意为“如果”。引导条件状语从句,主将从现。故选C。2. 句意:-汤姆想要知道是否明天去野餐。-是的,如果明天下雨,我们将去下棋。第一空是if引导的宾语从句,根据tomorrow可知改用将来时;第二空是if引导的状语从句的时态。if 意为“如果”。引导条件状语从句,主将从现。故选A。题20:答案:A解析:句意:在过去的几年里发生了什么事? in the past+时间段常常和现在完成时连用。题21:答案:B 解析:句

16、意:你对这部有趣的电影感兴趣吗?interested表示“对感兴趣;interesting有趣的,修饰物。题22:答案:1. D 2.C解析:1.句意:他还有什么可说的?else常接在疑问代词,不定代词后,表示other的意思。2.句意:有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。others泛指别人,可与some连用。题23:答案:1. A 2.B解析:1. 句意:阅后请将图书递还。finish doing完成做某事。2. 句意:我曾到过那,不想再去了。want to do想要做某事。题24:答案:B解析:句意:马上出发,要不然的话你就会错过第一列火车。“祈使句 + or + 陈述句” or表示“否则”

17、、“要不然的话”, or可用or else或otherwise替换, 从反面来预测结果。题25:答案:A解析:句意:我不能理解为什么她把这个男孩独自留在那里。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,故选A。题26:答案:A解析:句意:你还要些别的什么吗? anything是不定代词,一般用于否定句中,它的定语放在它的后面。题27:答案:have a lot in common 解析:have a lot in common with和某人有很多相同之处。题28:答案:discuss about解析:discuss about关于进行讨论。题29:答案:learn from解析:learn from sb 向某人学习。题30:答案:too poor to buy解析:tooto太而不能。题31:答案:If you want to lose weight解析:lose weight减肥。题32:答案:plan to take your pet on a trip解析:take sb或sth on a trip带着某人或某物旅行;ahead of time提前。题33:答案:to do with解析:have nothing to do with sth和某事无关。题34:答案:made us all laugh解析:make sb +do使某人做某事。

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