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1、TED难民演讲There are times when i feel really quite ashamed to be a European有时候我真为自己是个欧洲人而感到羞愧 In the last year,more than a million people arrived in Europe in need of our help去年,一百多万的人来到欧洲寻求帮助And our response,frankly,has been pathetic,There are just so many contradictions而我们的反应,说实话,很让人觉得悲哀, 那么多自相矛盾的地方W

2、e mourn the tragic death of two-year-old Alan Kurdi and yet,since then,more than 200 children have subsequently drowned in the Mediterranean .一方面我们为一个两岁的小男孩Alan Kurdi的悲惨离世感到悲痛,另一方面,那以后超过两百名儿童落入地中海中丧命We have international treaties that recognize that refugees are a shared responsibility and yet we ac

3、cept that tiny Lebanon host more Syrians than the whole of Europe combined一方面,我们国际协议中明文规定国际社会对难民负有共同的责任另一方面,我们理所当然的接受在黎巴嫩,这片狭小的土地上收容比整个欧洲都要多的叙利亚难民的事实We lament the existence of human smugglers,and yet we make that only viable route to seek asylum in Europe.我们一方面对人口走私深恶痛绝,另一方面却堵死其他路,使得难民只能通过偷渡的方式来欧洲寻求

4、庇护We have labor shortages,and yet we exclude people who fit our economic and demographic needs from coming to Europe.一方面我们用工短缺,另一方面我们竭力排挤这些满足我们经济人口发展需要的人群来到欧洲。We proclaim our liberal values in opposition to fundamentalist islam,and yet- we have repressive policies that detain child asylum seekers,th

5、at separate children from their families,and that seize property from refugees. 一方面我们宣扬自己的自由价值观,反对伊斯兰原教旨主义但另一方面我们采取一系列的限制政策拘留儿童避难者拆散子女和父母扣押难民财产What are we doing?How has the situation come to this,that weve adopted such an inhumane response to a humanitarian crisis?我们在做什么?事情何以发展到如今这个地步,面对人道主义危机,我们怎么能

6、做出如此不人道的反应?I dont believe its bacause people dont because people dont care,or at least i dont want to believe its because people dont care. 我不相信所谓的人情冷漠或者说至少我不愿意相信人情冷漠I believe its because our poloiticians lack a vision,a vision for how to adapt an international refugees system created over 50 years

7、ago for a changing and globalized world.我认为造成现在的后果,是因为政治家们缺乏长远的眼光,他们未能及时调整50年前建立的国际难民系统,以适应当今不断变化中的全球化世界。/And so what I want to do is take a step back,and ask two really fundamental questions,that two questions we all need to ask.所以我想退后一步,提出两个基本问题,两个我们都应该发问的问题.First,why is the current system not wor

8、king?and second,what can we do to fix it.第一,为什么目前的难民系统失去作用?第二,我们应该如何补救?So the modern refugee regime was created in the aftermath of the Second World War by these guys.its basic aim is to ensure that when a state fails,or worse,turns against its own people,people have somewhere to go,to live in safet

9、y and dignity until they can go home. 现代社会的难民机制是第二次世界大战之后,由这些人着手创建。其主要目的是为了确保一个国家的灭亡,或者国家与人民为敌的时候,该国的人民有地方可以投奔,可以安全而又尊严的躲过浩劫,待余波平息后再重返家园。It was created precisely for situations like the situation we see in Syria today.该机制的创建正是为了要应对今天叙利亚出现的这种情况.Through an international convention signed by 147 govern

10、ments,that 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees,and an international organization,UNHCR,state committed to reciprocally admit people onto their territory who flee conflict and persecution.147国家政府共同签署了国际公约1951年关于难民地位的公约,并成立了国际组织联合国难民署,各国均承诺会互相接受为逃离冲突和迫害而进入自己国土范围内的人民。But today,that system is fail

11、ing。但如今,这一系统失灵了。In theory,refugees have a right to seek asylum。理论上,难民有权利寻求庇护。In practice,our immigration policies block the path to safety但实际上,我们的移民政策堵住了他们通往安全的道路。In theory,refugees have a right to a pathway to intergration,or return to the country theyve come from。理论上,难民有权利选择融入当地社会,或者选择重返家园But in p

12、ractice,they get stuck in almost indefinite limbo。但实际上,他们深陷两难困境,无路可逃In theory,refugees are a shared global resonsibility。理论上,难民是国际社会共同的责任。In practice,geography means that countries proximate the conflict take the overwhelming majority of the worlds regees.但实际上,因为地理原因,最临近冲突的国家往往成为绝大多数难民蜂拥前往的地方.The sy

13、stem isnt broken because the rules are wrong,its that were not applying them adequately to a changing world,and thats what we need to reconsider。系统并非因规则有误而失灵,实际是因为我们没有充分将规则适用于当今不断变化的世界,这是我们需要重新思考的。/So i want to explain to you a little bit about how the current system works.所以我想和大家简单解释一下目前的系统是怎么运作的Ho

14、w does the refugee regime actually work?难民机制实际情况如何?But nit from a top-down institutional perspective,rather from the perspective of a refugee.我采取的不是自上而下的政策角度,而是从一个难民的角度出发.So imagine a Syrian woman.Lets call her Amira. 假设有一名叙利亚妇女,我们叫她Amira。And Amira to me represents many of the people Ive met in the

15、region.Amira 对我来说代表很多我在难民区遇到的人Amira,like around25 percentof the worlds refugees,is a woman with children,and she cant go home because she comes from this city that you see before you,Homs,a once beautiful and historic city now under rubble。和世界上其他25%的难民一样,Amira 是孩子的母亲。她无家可归,因为她的家园就是你眼前的这座城市霍姆斯,曾经美丽而古

16、老的城市如今到处都是残垣瓦砾And so Amira cant go back there。所以Amira 无法回去But Amira also has no hope of resettlement to a third country,because thats a lottery ticket,only available to less than one percent of the worlds refugee。但Amira也没有希望移民到第三国去安置定居,因为那就像一张彩票,世界上只有不到1%的难民才能有幸获得。So Amira and her family face an alm

17、ost impossible choice.所以Amira和她的家人基本上别无选择。They have three basic options。他们有三个基本选项The first option is that Amira can take her family to a camp。(encampment)In the camp,she might get assistance,but there are very few prospects for Amira and her family.第一,Amira可以带她的家人去难民营。在那里,她可能会得到救助。但住在那里对Amira一家来说前景渺

18、茫。Camps are in bleak,arid locations,often in the desert.难民营都安置在荒凉贫瘠的不毛之地,多在沙漠地区 In the Zaatari refugee camp in jordan,you can hear the shells across the border in Syria at nighttime.Theres restricted economic activity.Education is often of poor quality.约旦的扎塔利难民营里,夜间你还能听到边境那边叙利亚境内的炮弹声,在营地范围内,经济活动受到限制

19、,教育质量也非常有限。And around the world,some percent of refugees who are in camps have to stay for at least five years.It a miserable existence,and thats probably why,in reality,only nine percent of Syrians choose that option并且世界上80 %住在帐篷里的难民都需要在帐篷里生活5年以上,这是极其悲惨的生存状态,这也是为什么,现实中,只有9%的叙利亚人选择难民营Alternatively,A

20、mira can head to an urban area in a neighboring country ,like Amman or Beirut或者,Amira 可以去邻国的城市,比如安曼或者贝鲁特Thats an option that about 75 percent of Syrian refugees have taken .But there,theres great difficult as well.75%的叙利亚难民选择了这条路,但这条路也不好走Refugees in such urban areas dont usually have the roght to wo

21、rk.They dont uaually get significant access to assistance这些城市地区的难民一般都没有工作的权利也无法获得足够的救助。And so when Amira and her family have used up their basic savings,theyre left with very little and likely to face urban destitution.因此,当Amira 一家花光了原有的积蓄之后就所剩无几,陷入极度贫困之中。So theres a third alternative,and its one th

22、at increasing numbers of Syrians are taking.还有第三条路,这也是越来越多的叙利亚人选择的一条路。Amira can seek some hope for her family by risking their lives on a dangerous and perilous journey to another country,and its that which were seeing in Europe today.Amira 拖家带口踏上一段极其危险的未知之旅以希望在其他国家可以为自己和家人寻得一点希望,我们今天在欧洲所见的也就是这个情况。A

23、round the world,we present refugees with an almost important choice between three Options:encampment,urban destitution and dangerous journeys.偌大的世界,我们只给难民提供了三条路,条条都让人感觉无路可走:投奔难民营地,沦落市区贫民,踏上危险旅途。For refugees,that choice is the global refugee regime today but i think its a false choice.i think we can

24、reconsider that choice.对于难民来说,当今世界的难民机制就是这三个选择,但我认为这是一个错误的选择,我们有必要重新考虑这些选择。The reason why we limit those options is bacause we think that those are the only options that are available to refugees,and theyre not.我们之所以只有几个限定的选择是因为我们以为这些是难民唯一可以选择的道路,事实并非如此。Politicians frame the issue as a zero-sum issu

25、e that if we benefit refugees,were imposing costs on citizens.政治家们将难民问题设定为零和问题,即如果我们给难民提供好处,就会给市民增加负担We tend to have a collective assumption that refugees are an inevitable cost or burden to society。我们通常会共同假定难民必然会给社会带来负担和代价。But they dont have to。they can contribute.但其实不然,他们也可以贡献自己的力量。So what i want

26、to argue is there are ways in which we can expand that choice set and still benefit everyone else:the host states and communicaties,our societies and refugees themselves.所以我想说的是其实我们有办法可以扩大选择范围同时使众人受益:包括难民收容国家和社区,我们的社会和难民自己。/And i want to suggest four ways we can transform the paradigm of how we thin

27、k about refugees我有四条建议可以改变我们看待难民的固定模式。All four ways have one thing in common:therere all ways in which we take the opportunities of globalization,mobility and markets,and update the way we think about the refugee issue.这四条建议有一个共同点:它们都是我们充分利用全球化,流动性和市场化的机遇改变我们以往对难民问题的看法。The first one i want to think

28、about is the idea of enabling environments,and it starts from a vary basic recognition that refugees are human beings like everyone else,but theyre just in extraordinary circumstances.第一条我所想到的建议是创建有利的环境,这条是基于一个基本认识,即难民与其他人一样,都是常人,他们只是身处特殊情况。Together with my collegues in Oxford,Weve embarked on a res

29、earch project in Uganda,looking at the economic lives of refugees.我与牛津的同事一起参与了乌干达的一个研究项目,研究当地难民的经济生活。We chose Uganda not because its representative of all host countries.its not.its exceptional.我们选择乌干达,并非因为它是所有难民收容国的代表.并非如此,选择原因在于它的与众不同.Unlike most host countries around the world,what Uganda has don

30、e is give refugees economic opportunity。It gives them the right to work。It gives them freedom of movement.和世界上其他收容国不同的是,乌干达,给难民提供经济机会。它赋予难民工作的权利和迁移的自由.And the results of that are extrordinary both for refugees and the host community。这使得难民和收容国最后都收获非常卓越的结果。In the capital city,Kampala,we found that 21

31、percent of refugees own a business that employs other people,and 40 percent of those employees are national of the host country首都坎帕拉,我们发现21%的难民有自己的生意和雇员,而他们40%的雇员是收容国的国民。In other words,refugees are making jobs for citizens of the host country。换言之,难民在为收容国的居民提供就业机会。Even in the camps,we found extraordi

32、nary examples of vibrant,flourishing and entrepreneurial businesses.For example,in a settlement called Nakivale,we found examples of Congolese refugees running digital music exchange businesses。即使在帐篷里,我们也找到很多充满活力,欣欣向荣的创业企业的杰出事例。比如在纳基瓦莱安置点,我们发现很多刚果难民在经营数字音乐交换的生意。We found a Rwandan who runs a business thats available to allow the youth to play computer games on recycled games consoles and recycle

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