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本文(中学联盟甘肃省武威第十八中学学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中学联盟甘肃省武威第十八中学学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题高二第二次月考英语试卷第卷 AOnce upon a time a man became a great archer(射手).He asked the king to declare him as the greatest archer of the country. The king was about to do so when an old servant of the king said, “Wait, sir. I know an old man who lives in the forest. He is a much

2、greater archer. Let this young man go to him and learn from him for at least three years.” The man could not believe that there could be a greater archer than him, but he went and found the old man and he was! For three years he learned from him. Then one day, when he thought he had learned everythi

3、ng, the thought arose in him:“If I kill this old man, then I will be the greatest archer.” The old man had gone to cut wood and he was coming back carrying wood on his shoulder. The young man hid behind a tree, waiting to kill him. He shot an arrow(箭). The old man took a small piece of wood and thre

4、w it. It struck the arrow and the arrow turned back and wounded(刺伤) the young man. The old man came, took out the arrow and said, “I knew that someday or other you were going to do this. Thats why I have not taught you this secret. There is no need to kill me. My master is still alive, and Im nothin

5、g before him. You must be with him for at least thirty years. And he is very old, so go fast! Find the old man!” 1. The underlined word in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”.A宣布 B建议 C赞美 D承认2. The young archer wanted to kill the old man because_.Ahe had nothing more to learn from himBth

6、e old man refused to teach him everythingChe could then become the greatest archerDthe kings old servant ordered him to do so3. What do you think would most probably happen next?AThe young archer died from the wound soon after. BThe young archer set off to look for the old mans master.CThe young arc

7、her found the old mans master and killed him.DThe king declared the young man the greatest archer.4. What lesson can you learn from the story?AAlways use a piece of wood to protect yourself from an arrow.BYou must never try to become better than your teacher.CThe older a man is, the better archer he

8、 usually becomes.DTheres always someone better than you in this world.BIn the world today, all of the people need recreation (消遣). We cannot work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life. Everyone has his own way of relaxing(放松). Perhaps the most popular form is to take part in sp

9、orts. There are team sports, such as basketball and football; There are also individual (个人的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoor. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people

10、like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing. It doesnt matter whether we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and e

11、njoy some forms of recreation. 5Which is the most popular form of recreation?ASleeping. BWatching TV.CSports. DSinging and dancing. 6People want to take part in sports in order to _. Amake friends Bkeep healthy and enjoy lifeCfind a good job Dmake more money7Outdoor sports include _.Awatching TV Bsi

12、nging and dancingCskating and mountain climbing Dlistening to the radio 8The passage mainly tells us that _.Abasketball is a kind of team sportBeveryone who enjoys sports should take part in themCindoor recreation is not as important as outdoor sports Ddifferent people have different ways of relaxin

13、gC Mr. Black and Mr. White were two very famous artists in the city. Their drawings were also very popular in the city. But they tried to see who could draw the best picture. One day they asked an old man to be the judge(裁判). Mr. Black drew an apple tree. He put his picture in the field. Soon the bi

14、rds came and tried to eat the apples. The old man saw it and said, “You have certainly won. Mr. White cannot draw so good a picture as yours. But we will go to see his picture.” They went to Mr. Whites house. There were nothing but red beautiful curtains on the wall. The old man asked, “Where is you

15、r picture, Mr. White?” He said, “Lift the curtains, and you will find my picture.” The old man tried to lift the curtains but found that they were drawn there. They were Mr. Whites picture. The old man said, “Birds thought the apples were real. Men thought the curtains were real. So Mr. White won. H

16、is picture is the best one.”10. Mr. Black drew _.Abirds Bthe best picture Ccurtains Dan apple tree11. The old man thought Mr. Blacks picture was good because _.Ait was in the field Bit was an apple treeCthe birds thought it was real Dthe birds liked it12. Mr. Whites picture was _. Aan apple tree Bcu

17、rtains Cnothing Dan old man13. Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe birds came and ate the apples up.BThe curtains on the wall were real.CThe two pictures were not so good.DThe old man said Mr. Whites picture was the best one at last.D If you travel by air across the center of Africa or So

18、uth America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees. They are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animal. However, the world forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need woo

19、d, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old de

20、serts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of forests. 13. The passage mainly tells us about _. A. the importance of ta

21、king care of our forests B. the result of cutting down the trees C. the world of great forests D. the reasons for forming the deserts 14. What will happen in 20 or 30 years in some peoples view?A. Well have more and great forests. B. Well have enough land to support our people. C. Well have no fores

22、ts like those in the center of Africa.D. Well have enough wood to do some cooking.15. The writer thinks _. A. it necessary for people to cut down the forests B. it necessary for people to protect the forests C. it impossible for people to take care of the world D. it important for everyone to keep a

23、nimals 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Now, its time to return to school. Both Chinese and American students are getting ready for the first day of school, but not in the same day. _16_, while US schools dont. Classes can begin any time between August and September. Ea

24、ch school can decide when their classes will start. Except for the first-year students, every year most Chinese students see the same teachers and classmates. _17_ In American high schools, subjects are divided into different levels. _18_This means that every year US students go to different classes

25、. Also, students of your age in the US go to school a few days early to pick their own schedule. _19_For first-year students, the first day of school also means they can get their own lockers. _20_But once they make it to junior high, they finally have their own place to store bags and coats.A. Both

26、 of them have decided the courses.B. Students can choose their favorite teachers and courses based on their interests.C. US students, however, see some big changes.D. Elementary school students in the US have to share lockers with their classmates.E. Then they get a big welcome.F. Most Chinese schoo

27、l start on the same day in September.G. it is fun to have their own lockers for the students.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It was a sunny dayA city man was driving along a country road with a new wagon(马车)and a beautiful pair of horsesHe didnt pay a lot of _21_ to where he was goi

28、ngPretty soon he _22_ that he was lost,but he _23_ to drive,expecting to find his way or to _24_ someone who could tell him how to get back to the _25_ It was a long _26_ roadFor many hours he kept on driving. When it was almost _27_,he saw in a _28_ a tall farmer ploughing(犁地) the land He stopped h

29、is _29_ team of horses near the fence and called out,“Hello, farmer” “Hello,yourself,”the farmer replied,_30_ ploughing “Where does the horse _31_?”he asked without knowing his language errors(错误)“I havent seen it go anywhereIt _32_ stays right where it is,”said the farmer,_33_ stopping his work “Ho

30、w far is it to the next town?” said the city man,speaking a little _34_“Dont knowI never _35_ it,” replied the farmer By this time the city man was getting _36_“What do you know? Youre the biggest fool I _37_ saw”_38_ the farmer stopped , turned and looked for a long time _39_ at the city manThen he

31、 said,“Maybe I dont know much_40_ I am a fool But at least Im not lost!”21. A. signs B. orders C. attention D. direction22. A. realized B. recognized C. accepted D. received23. A. stopped B. used C. wanted D. continued24. A. miss B. meet C. look D. lose25. A. town B. country C. capital D. village26. A. lonely B. busy C. dirty D. crowded27. A. at noon B. at night C. raining D. dark28. A. truck B. pile C. field D. store29. A. strong B. tired C. wea

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