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1、邓小平文选第三卷中英文对照邓小平文选第三卷中英文对照.txt人生在世 ,难敌宿命,沉沦其中。我不爱风尘,似被前缘误!我只为我最爱的人流泪“我会学着放弃你,是因为我太爱你”赢了你,我可以放弃整个世界邓小平文选第三卷中英文对照)(一)中国共产党第十二次全国代表大会开幕词(一九八二年九月一日)同志们:中国共产党第十二次全国代表大会现在开幕。我们这次代表大会的主要议程有三项:(一)审议第十一届中央委员会的报告,确定党为全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面而奋斗的纲领;(二)审议和通过新的中国共产党章程;(三)按照新的党章的规定,选举新的中央委员会、中央顾问委员会和中央纪律检查委员会。完成这次代表大会的任务

2、,我们党对于社会主义现代化建设的指导思想就会更加明确,党的建设就能够更加适合新的历史时期的需要,党的最高领导层就能够实现新老合作和交替,成为更加朝气蓬勃的战斗指挥部。回顾党的历史,这次代表大会将是党的第七次全国代表大会以来的一次最重要的会议。一九四五年在毛泽东同志主持下召开的党的第七次全国代表大会,是建党以后民主革命时期我们党最重要的一次代表大会。那次大会总结了我国民主革命二十多 年曲折发展的历史经验,制定了正确的纲领和策略,克服了党内的错误思想,使全党的认识在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的基础上统一起来,达到了全党的空前团 结。那次代表大会,为新民主主义革命在全国的胜利奠定了基础。一九五六年召

3、开的党的第八次全国代表大会,分析了生产资料私有制的社会主义改造基本完成以后的形势,提出了全面开展社会主义建设的任务。八大的路线是 正确的。但是,由于当时党对于全面建设社会主义的思想准备不足,八大提出的路线和许多正确意见没有能够在实践中坚持下去。八大以后,我们取得了社会主义建 设的许多成就,同时也遭到了严重挫折。现在这次代表大会和八大时的情况有了很大的不同。正如七大以前,民主革命二十多年的曲折发展,教育全党掌握了我国民主革命的规律一样,八大以后社会主 义革命和建设二十多年的曲折发展也深刻地教育了全党。从十一届三中全会以来,我们党在经济、政治、文化等各方面的工作中恢复了正确的政策,并且研究新情 况

4、、新经验,制定了一系列新的正确政策。和八大的时候比较,现在我们党对我国社会主义建设规律的认识深刻得多了,经验丰富得多了,贯彻执行我们的正确方针 的自觉性和坚定性大大加强了。我们有充分的根据相信,这次代表大会制定的正确的纲领,一定能够全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面,使我们党兴旺发达,使 我们的社会主义事业兴旺发达,使我们的国家和各民族兴旺发达。我们的现代化建设,必须从中国的实际出发。无论是革命还是建设,都要注意学习和借鉴外国经验。但是,照抄照搬别国经验、别国模式,从来不能得到成功。这方面我们有过不少邓小平文选第三卷教训。把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国

5、特色的社会主义,这就是我们总结长期历史经验得出的基本结论。中国的事情要按照中国的情况来办,要依靠中国人自己的力量来办。独立自主,自力更生,无论过去、现在和将来,都是我们的立足点。中国人民珍惜同其他国 家和人民的友谊和合作,更加珍惜自己经过长期奋斗而得来的独立自主权利。任何外国不要指望中国做他们的附庸,不要指望中国会吞下损害我国利益的苦果。我们 坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,在平等互利的基础上积极扩大对外交流。同时,我们保持清醒的头脑,坚决抵制外来腐朽思想的侵蚀,决不允许资产阶级生活方式在 我国泛滥。中国人民有自己的民族自尊心和自豪感,以热爱祖国、贡献全部力量建设社会主义祖国为最大光荣,以损害社会

6、主义祖国利益、尊严和荣誉为最大耻辱。八十年代是我们党和国家历史发展上的重要年代。加紧社会主义现代化建设,争取实现包括台湾在内的祖国统一,反对霸权主义、维护世界和平,是我国人民在 八十年代的三大任务。这三大任务中,核心是经济建设,它是解决国际国内问题的基础。今后一个长时期,至少是到本世纪末的近二十年内,我们要抓紧四件工作: 进行机构改革和经济体制改革,实现干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化;建设社会主义精神文明;打击经济领域和其他领域内破坏社会主义的犯罪活动; 在认真学习新党章的基础上,整顿党的作风和组织。这是我们坚持社会主义道路,集中力量进行现代化建设的最重要的保证。我们党现在已经是一个

7、拥有三千九百万党员、领导着全国政权的大党。但在全国人民中,共产党员始终只占少数。我们党提出的各项重大任务,没有一项不是依 靠广大人民的艰苦努力来完成的。在这里,我代表我们党,向在社会主义现代化建设中辛勤劳动的全国工人、农民和知识分子,致以崇高的敬意,向保卫祖国安全和 社会主义建设的钢铁长城中国人民解放军,致以崇高的敬意。我国各民主党派在民主革命时期同我们党共同奋斗,在社会主义时期同我们党一道前进,一道经受考验。在今后的建设中,我们党还要同所有的爱国民主党派和爱国民主人士长期合作。在这里,我代表我们党,向各民主党派和无党派的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢。我们党的事业得到了全世界进步人士和友好国家的支持

8、和援助。在这里,我代表我们党,向他们表示衷心的感谢。我们一定要兢兢业业地做好自己的工作,加强同全国各族人民的团结,加强同全世界人民的团结,为把我国建设成为现代化的,高度文明、高度民主的社会主义国家,为反对霸权主义,维护世界和平,推进人类进步事业,而努力奋斗。OPENING SPEECH AT THE TWELFTH NATIONAL? ? ? ? ?CONGRESS OF ? ? ? ? ? ? ?THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA? ? ? ?September 1, 1982?Comrades, I now declare open the Twelfth Natio

9、nal Congress of the Communist Party of China. There are three main items on our agenda: (1) to consider the report of the Eleventh Central Committee and decide on the Partys programme for opening up new prospects in all fields of socialist modernization; (2) to consider and adopt the new Constitutio

10、n of the Communist Party of China; and (3) in accordance with the provisions of the new Party Constitution, to elect a new Central Committee, a Central Advisory Commission and a Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. When these tasks have been accomplished, our Party will have clearer ideolog

11、ical guidelines for socialist modernization, our efforts to build the Party will conform more closely to the needs of the new historical period, and new cadres will be able to cooperate with old cadres and succeed them in the Partys highest organs, which will thus provide even more vigorous and mili

12、tant leadership. A review of the Partys history will show this Congress to be one of the most important since our Seventh National Congress. The Seventh Congress, held in 1945 and presided over by Comrade Mao Zedong, was the most important in the period of democratic revolution after the founding of

13、 our Party. The delegates summed up the historically significant experience gained in the course of the twists and turns of that revolution during the preceding quarter of a century, formulated a correct programme and correct tactics and straightened out the wrong ideas inside the Party. They thus a

14、chieved a unity of understanding based on Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and as a result, the Party became more united than ever before. It was the Seventh Congress that laid the foundation for our nationwide victory in the new-democratic revolution. The Eighth Congress of the Party, held

15、in 1956, analysed the situation after the socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production had been basically completed and set for the nation the task of all-round socialist construction. Its line was correct. However, because the Party was still inadequately prepared ideolo

16、gically for all-round socialist construction, that line and the many correct views put forward at the congress were not fully implemented. After the Eighth Congress we achieved many successes in socialist construction, but we also suffered grave setbacks. The present congress is being held in circum

17、stances vastly different from those prevailing at the time of the Eighth Congress. Just as the quarter century of twists and turns in our democratic revolution before the Seventh Congress taught the Party the laws governing that revolution, so the quarter century of twists and turns in our socialist

18、 revolution and construction since the Eighth Congress has taught the Party other profound lessons. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the Party has returned to its correct policies in the economic, political, cultural and other fields. In addition, after a study of t

19、he new situation and new experience, it has adopted a series of correct new policies. Our Party now has a much deeper understanding of the laws governing Chinas socialist construction than it did at the time of the Eighth Congress, and it has become much more experienced, purposeful and determined t

20、o implement correct principles. We have every reason to believe that the correct programme that will be decided on at this congress will create a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization and bring prosperity to our Party, our socialist cause, our country and the people of all our natio

21、nalities. In carrying out our modernization programme we must proceed from Chinese realities. Both in revolution and in construction we should also learn from foreign countries and draw on their experience, but mechanical application of foreign experience and copying of foreign models will get us no

22、where. We have had many lessons in this respect. We must integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete realities of China, blaze a path of our own and build a socialism with Chinese characteristics - that is the basic conclusion we have reached after reviewing our long history. Chinas a

23、ffairs should be run according to Chinas specific conditions and by the Chinese people themselves. Independence and self-reliance have always been and will always be their basic stand. While the Chinese people value their friendship and cooperation with other countries and other peoples, they value

24、even more their hard-won independence and sovereign rights. No foreign country should expect China to be its vassal or to accept anything that is damaging to Chinas own interests. We shall unswervingly follow a policy of opening to the outside world and increase our exchanges with foreign countries

25、on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. At the same time, we shall keep clear heads, firmly resist corruption by decadent ideas from abroad and never permit the bourgeois way of life to spread in our country. We, the Chinese people, have our national self-respect and pride. We deem it the highe

26、st honour to love our socialist motherland and contribute our all to her socialist construction. We deem it the deepest disgrace to impair her interests, dignity or honour. The 1980s will be an important decade in the history of our Party and state. To accelerate socialist modernization, to strive f

27、or Chinas reunification and particularly for the return of Taiwan to the motherland, and to oppose hegemonism and work to safeguard world peace - these are the three major tasks of our people in this decade. Economic development is at the core of these tasks; it is the basis for the solution of our

28、external and internal problems. For a long time to come, at least for the 18 years till the end of the century, we must devote every effort to the following four undertakings: to restructure the administration and the economy and make our ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger, better educated

29、and more competent professionally; to build a socialist society that is culturally and ideologically advanced; to combat economic and other crimes that undermine socialism; and to rectify the Partys style of work and consolidate its organization on the basis of a conscientious study of the new Party

30、 Constitution. These will be the most important guarantees that we shall keep to the socialist road and concentrate on modernization. With 39 million members, ours is now a huge Party playing a leading role in the exercise of state power. However, Communist Party members will always be a minority in

31、 the population as a whole. None of the major tasks proposed by the Party can be accomplished without the hard work of the people. Here, on behalf of the Party, I wish to pay high tribute to all the workers, peasants and intellectuals who have worked diligently for socialist modernization and to the

32、 Peoples Liberation Army - that Great Wall of steel safeguarding the security and socialist construction of our motherland. Chinas democratic parties fought beside our Party in the period of the democratic revolution, and together with us they have advanced and been tested in the socialist period. I

33、n the construction work ahead the CPC will continue its long-term cooperation with all patriotic democratic parties and individuals. On our Partys behalf, I wish to express sincere gratitude to all the democratic parties and to all our friends without party affiliation. The cause of the CPC has enjoyed the support and assistanc

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