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1、西南大学网络教育专业英语AADDC DBBDC CCCCC BBCDD21、A computer system includes a computer, peripheral devices, and software. The electric, electronic, and mechanical devices used for processing data are referred to as hardware. In addition to the computer itself, the term “hardware” refers to components called pe

2、ripheral devices that expand the computers input, output, and storage capabilities. Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool. To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to per

3、form a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other computers in a network so users can share information.答:一种计算机系统,包括计算机、外围设备和软件。用于处理数据的电气,电子和机械设备被称为硬件。除了计算机本身,术语“硬件”是指称为外围设备的组件,它扩展计算机的输入、输出和存储能力。计算机硬件本身并没有提供一个特别有用的思维工具。为了便于使用,计算机需要一套指令,称为软件或计算机程序,它告诉计算机如何执行特定的任务。计算

4、机在连接到网络中的其他计算机时变得更加有效,以便用户可以共享信息。22、请选择下列一个题目写一篇不低于150个词的英文短文.1. The advantages of computer2. How to work with computer?3. How computers change our life?4. My view on chat on the Internet5. My view on computer security答:how to work with computer?now the computer is very common, the correct of the co

5、mputer, can promote the extension of the life of the computer1 to the correct boot shutdownthe computer can correct the switch, the service life is greatly improved2 when the computer needs to pay attention to whatcomputer into the desktop, you should wait for about 30 seconds nd then run a variety

6、of procedures3 environmental aspectsthe computer for the of the environment is required, bad environmental conditions, will affect the of computers, nd even ca damage to the computer, so you should pay attention to the following environmental factors:(1) power supply(2) prevention of thunder nd ligh

7、tning(3) temperature nd humidity(4) electrostatic(5) dust23、Explain the abbreviationB2C答: business to customer24、2. Please translate the following into English.计算机不止桌面电脑和笔记本电脑。你家里的每一个角落都有计算机。比如藏在微波炉、电视机、盒式磁带录像机,DVD播放机里面的微型电脑。甚至在小汽车里面也有使其运行更好的微型电脑。答:computers are not just desktops nd laptops. compute

8、rs are everywhere around your home. there are tiny computer inside microwave ovens, television sets, nd videocassette recorders (vcrs) r digital video disc (dvd) players. there are even tiny computers in cars to help them run better.25、Please translate the following into English从前的玩具仅仅必须好玩。但现在,它们必须具


10、upon a time, toys just had to be fun. now they have to be smart to impress todays demanding children. even when you take into account that robot dogs dont need to be walked r fed, its still hard to explain why people want them so badly. this year sonys aibo sold out in less than two weeks ,even thou

11、gh it costs mre than some laptop computers. tigers i-cybie may not be as smart as aibo, but at $149.99 its a lot cheaper, nd its cuter too. like most of tigers interactive toys, i-cybie displays emotions such as fear, surprise, happiness nd anger. the best part may be that when i-cybie is tired(i.e.

12、 when its batteries are running low),it heads to its recharging station nd plugs itself in. lets see you teach your old dog that trick.26、Explain the abbreviationMSDOS答:Microsoft Disk Operating System27、Explain the abbreviationRAM答:random access memory28、Explain the abbreviationO2O答:Online to Offlin

13、e29、2. Please translate the following into English.病毒的一个变种是蠕虫病毒。这种破坏性程序用自我复制的信息填满计算机系统,以阻塞系统,使系统的运行减慢或停止。其中最臭名昭著的是因特网蠕虫。1988年,它行遍北美,途中使成千上万的计算机瘫痪。答:a variant on the virus is the worm. this destructive program fills a computer system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its

14、operations are slowed r stopped. the most infamous is known as the internet wrm. in 1988, it traveled across nrth america, stopping thousands of computers along its way30、Explain the abbreviationCRT答:Cathode ray tube31、object-oriented language答:面向对象语言32、Explain the abbreviationANSI答:American Nationa

15、l Standards Institute33、Explain the abbreviationBIOS答:Basic Input Output System34、需求分析答:requirement analysis35、Explain the abbreviationLAN答:Local area network36、storage register答:存储寄存器37、A kinder, Gentler Net: MSN Companion Web appliancesKnow a grandmother who doesnt know a URL from a UFO but still

16、wants to e-mail the grandkids? The new MSN Companions are directed at her and people like her, folks who have no use for PCs other than to write e-mail and surf the Web . Designed for simplicity and ease of use, these home Internet appliances instantly connect to the Web when you press the power but

17、ton, and they dont take ages to boot up. The first two off the assembly line are Compaqs iPaq Home Internet Appliance, which comes with a wireless keyboard and a sleek mini-monitor that also acts as a digital photo frame, and the eMachines Companion($400,or free with three years of MSN service, moni

18、tor not include)答:更亲切,更体贴的网络:MSN伴侣网络工具,你可能认识这样一位祖母,她对电脑知识一窍不通,但却想给自己的孙子孙女发送电子邮件。新推出的“MSN伴侣”正是针对她以及像她这样的用户,也即那些使用电脑仅仅是为了写电子邮件和上网冲浪的人。这些家庭互联网装置设计简便易用,只要掀一下电源按钮就可以马上与互联网连接,而且花费的启动时间不长。最先推出的两款产品,其一是康柏的iPaq家庭互联网装置,它带有一个无线键盘和一个时髦的微型显示器,这个显示器能当作数字照片像框,另一款是e-Machines伴侣(它的价格是400美元,或者可以享受三年免费MSN服务,但显示器不包括在内)。

19、38、Explain the abbreviationWAN答:Wide area network39、artificial intelligence答:人工智能40、cell phone答:移动电话41、3.Please translate the following into English.在计算机科学中,编程语言是用来编写可被计算机运行的一系列指令(计算机程序)的人工语言。与英语等自然语言相类似,编程语言具有词汇、语法和句法。然而,自然语言不适合计算机编程,因为它们能引起歧义,也就是说它们的词汇和语法结构可以用多种方式进行解释。用于计算编程的语言必须具有简单的逻辑结构,而且它们的语法、

20、拼写和标点符号的规则必须精确。答:programming languages, in computer science, are the artificial languages used to write a sequence of instructions (a computer program) that can be run by a computer. similar to natural languages, such as english, programming languages have a vocabulary, grammar, nd syntax. however,

21、natural languages are not suited for programming computers because they are ambiguous, meaning that their vocabulary nd grammatical structure may be interpreted in multiple ways. the languages used to program computers must have simple logical structures, nd the rules for their grammar, spelling, nd

22、 punctuation must be precise.42、软件工程答:software engineering43、white box testing答:白箱测试44、存储芯片答:Memory chip45、Explain the abbreviationPBX答: Private branch exchange46、1.Please translate the following into English.软件首次由开发者/程序员小组开发。通常,在它需要修改之前会使用一段时间。由于软件中错误的发现、规则的改变或公司本身的变化都导致软件需要经常修改。为长久使用考虑软件应该被修改。使用和修

23、改,这两个步骤一直进行下去直到软件被废弃。“废弃”意味着因效率低下、语言过时、公司重大变化或其他因素而导致软件失去它的有效性。一些软件开发的例子就经历了这样的周期,比如:学生注册系统、账务系统、会计系统。答:software is first developed by a group of developers/programmers. usually, it is in for a while before modifications are necessary. modification is often needed due to errors found in the software

24、, changes in the rules r laws, r changes in the company itself. the software should be modified before further . these two steps nd modify, continue until the software becomes obsolete. by obsolete, we mean the software loses its validity beca of inefficiency, obsolescence of the language, major cha

25、nges in the company, r other factrs. some examples of software developments that nrmally go through this cycle are student registration systems, billing systems, nd accounting systems.47、Explain the abbreviationB2B答:Business to Business48、Explain the abbreviationb2b答:Business to Business49、Explain t

26、he abbreviationROM答:read-only memory50、Explain the abbreviationCMOS答:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor51、writingMy ideal computer答:my ideal computer is very magical, although its appearance is ordinary lcd computer, but it is the upper right corner of the keyboard has a fingerprint identificat

27、ion system, which respectively by your familys fingerprint. as long as you want to the family computer, put the finger on the fingerprint of their own, you can easily open the computer, do not need to enter a password, so as not to forget the password. if the bad guys want to steal is an important d

28、ocument in your computer, when he put a finger on it when the computer will not find the family of the fingers, sound the alarm will stretch out two respectively on both sides of the computer manipulator, firmly grasp the bad guys. until the family put the bad guys catch bad guys, such important doc

29、uments does not dare to steal your you have to worry about stolen for your qq number? never mind, the future of the computer to help you solve this problem. this computer has the worlds most advanced the recognition system, if hackers want to put your qq number stolen, it will never be possible. whe

30、n you register qq, the computer program will let you set a fingerprint login, you only need to put the finger on the keyboard in the upper right corner of it, in this way, hackers want to invade your qq, it must be through the level of fingerprint recognition, fingerprint error if hackers, it can no

31、t enter, nd his computer will crash. at that time, hackers can not invade your computer! also, this computer functions more than this! when you press a button on the host the button that is generally open to cd-rom, then put up the dishes. this is not the case, cd-rom not through this, can be replaced by other methods. when you press this button, the host will separate the lower right corner, will jump out rom a separate crack in the surface enumerate the computer, the robot is very powerful oh! jingle bell, the alarm clock rang, looked up suddenly i found that i was dreaming! but

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