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1、6硕士研究生学位英语考试PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 minutes, 15 points)Section A (1 point each)1. A. He cant read French novels without the help of his teacher.B.He has no problems understanding French novels.C. He cannot do away with dictionaries when he reads French novels.D. He fell on a dictionary wh

2、en he is reading a French novel.2. A. Shed like to take a later flight.B. hey wont arrive late.C. They should leave for the airport immediately.D. She isnt afraid to travel alone.3. A. To apply for a job.B. To find out her position in the company.C. To offer her a position in the company.D. To make

3、an appointment with the sales manager.4. A. She has to get ready for her speech.B. She doesnt like sea food.C. She thinks the restaurant is too expensive.D. She will accompany the man to the restaurant.5. A. Its no longer of any use to her.B. She feels the mans apology is enough.C. It does have a ba

4、ck cover.D. She is a generous woman by nature.6. A. To a guest house.B. To the theater. C. To a hotel.D. To a restaurant.7. A. To remind him of the time for the film. B. To tell him she is busy. C. To ask him to go to the movies.D. To invite him to sing.8. A. He is curious. B .He is satisfied. C. He

5、 is exhausted.D. He is impatient.9. A. Looking for a job. B. Looking for an apartment. C. Taking a suburban excursion.D. Asking the man for his opinions.Section B (1 point each)10.A. Intellectual challenge. B. Social challenge. C. Physical challengeD. Economic challenge.11.A. Building pyramids. B. E

6、xploring the spaceC. Making plans for transportation. D. Painting a picture.12. A. They face them.B. They are interested in them.C. They accept and enjoy them.D. They ignore them13. A. Its a new method to measure a countrys production.B. Its a way to study the economies of different countries.C. Its

7、 a new system to help make economic decisions.D. Its a means to understand a countrys economic changes.14. A. GDP does not include earnings of companies operating in foreign countries.B. GDP counts only goods and services produced within the nations borders.C. GDP refers to earnings from home-made p

8、roducts.D. Earnings by foreign-owned companies are not included in GDP.15. A. Because economic experts generally approve GDP.B. Because most industrial countries used GDP.C. Because GDP provides a truer measure of a countrys economy.D. Because GDP is easier to be understood.PART IIVOCABULARY ( 15 mi

9、nutes, 10 points)Section A (0.5 point each)16. Reports of torture and mass execution in the concentration camps have outraged the world religious leaders.A. irritated B. slashed C. ragedD. reminded17.Thousands of English words derive from Latin. A. obtain B. detect C. decode D. originate18.I have al

10、ways regarded him as a man of integrity. A. character B. integration C. kindnessD. uprightness19.What a tremendous party its been! I have enjoyed every minute of it.A. humorous B. fortunateC. content D. wonderful2 0. Jefferson believed in human rights. He approved of the French Revolution.A. joined

11、B. opposedC. devoted D. was in favor of21. People are understandably wary of the new government. A. grateful B. hostile C. cautious D. ironic22. She gave a cordial reception to her guest.A. welcome B. partyC. invitationD. overcoat23. This is one of several extraordinary scenes in the movie, includin

12、g the sudden murder of a young man that triggers the suppressed desire between George and Lucy.A. activatedB. wipedC. meddledD. posed24. William E. Boeing, founder of the company that designed the 747, had to resort to manufacturing bedroom furniture to survive some lean years.A. come to B. turn toC

13、. add to D. apply to25. These changes have made the campus an easier place for people with handicaps.A. disabilities B. casualtiesC. obstacles D. injuriesSection B (0.5 point each)26.If you want to know the train schedule, please_ _ at the booking office.A. acquireB. inquire C. request D. require27.

14、 One of the rumors_ at the moment is that the company is about to go bankrupt.A. evaporatingB. circulating C. emitting D. elaborating28. This candidate has an impressively_ _ range of interests and experience.A. diverse B. reverse C. adverse D. controversial29. China will continue to be the most_ _

15、economic region in Asia.A. effectiveB. intermediate C. practical D. dynamic30. May I_ that if we dont leave now we shall miss the bus?A. point outB. pick out C. wipe outD. make out31. The patient condition has _ since he had a heart attack.A. deterioratedB. decrease C. treatedD. diagnosed32. The pol

16、iceman stopped him when he was driving home and _ him of speeding.A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. weary33. The poverty of some of the districts is an_ _ to good education.A. objectionB. obstacle C. obligationD. obsession34. It has become necessary to develop new and better tools of market researc

17、h in order to _sales with greater certainty because production and purchasing has to be adjusted to sales expectations.A. foster B. forecast C. calculateD. promote35. In the past few years the workers have_ a lot of suggestions, some of which are being put into practice. A. put downB. put off C. put

18、 outD. put forwardPART IIICLOZE TEST ( 20 minutes 15 points)President Hu Jintaos call for accelerated social security reforms in both urban and rural areas demand the full attention of all departments 36building a better social safety net.If the country is to create a development opportunity out of

19、the current economic 37 , the policymakers concerned must 38 their efforts to overhaul the social security system 39 peoples increasing needs.40the global financial and economic crisis hit the countrys exports hard late last year, the Chinese authorities have recognized the 41 to move away from reli

20、ance on export and investment for growth. And, to 42 domestic consumption as a key growth engine, a national consensus has been developed on a more universal, 43 and efficient social security net to cushion people against hard times.The central government has planned to44 728 billion yuan ($106 bill

21、ion) this year - an increase of 29.4 percent year on year for 45 directly related to the peoples 46such as education, medical and health care, social security, employment, low-income housing and culture. The country has also achieved considerable progress on expanding 47of basic social security in b

22、oth urban and rural areas.However,48 the massive outlay needed, the current social security coverage remains meager. 49, most people are keen to save money for keeping in the bank50spend it without worrying about old age or costly medical treatment.36.A. in charge ofB. responsibleforC. controllingD.

23、 accused of37.A. setbacksB. troublesC. crisisD. difficulties38.A. promoteB. enhanceC. raiseD. speed line withB. according toC. based onD. depended on40.A. IfB. SinceC. WhileD. Although41.A. requirementB. demandC. necessityD. possibility42.A. liftB. boostC. developD. accelerate43.A. versati

24、le B. susceptibleC. flexibleD. fresh44.A. makeB. takeC. assignD. allocate45.A. itemsB. termsC. listsD. projects46.A. well-offB. well-beingC. well-to-doD. welfare47.A. insuranceB. fundsC. coverageD. reports48.A. despiteB. asC. supposingD. given49.A. As a resultB. In a wordC. Generally D. all in all50

25、.A. instead of B. would ratherC. as well asD. rather thanPART IVREADING COMPREHENSION (60 minutes, 30 points)Passage 1Gopher Prairie, in which the action of Sinclair Lewis Main Street (1920) takes place, is a town of 3, 000 inhabitants, smug, dull people whose one idea is to get on materially. They

26、have no use for anyone who wishes something better for them; they oppose civic(市政的) reform, cultural and educational projects. The most honored citizens are bankers. Carol, who has been to college and held a position as a librarian, comes to Gopher Prairie to live with her doctor husband. Appalled b

27、y the stagnant(停滞的) life of the town, and failing to become adjusted to it, she tries a number of cultural ideas. Her efforts to establish a little theater meet with no encouragement. Indeed, the people merely think she is putting on airs. Her affection for her husband wanes(衰落), and she takes up wi

28、th Erik Valborg, in whom she sees a spirit akin(类似的) to her own. She leaves the little town for Washington, D. C., where she works as a government clerk. Later she returns to Gopher Prairie, better equipped than before to understand the forces which shape Main Street.At the time of its first appeara

29、nce, Main Street provoked a storm of protest on the ground that the novelist libeled(诽谤)good Americans. Today, no one thinks of repeating this charge. Indeed, as Lewis Gannett points out, Main Street has in no way changed except externally; it is the same Main Street; yet, doubtless it reads Sinclair Lewis novels as eagerly as the rest of the nation. At the time when Main Street was published Lewis was ac

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