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1、九年级英语第十一单元测试题九年级英语第十一单元测试题班级_ 姓名 _ 学号 _ 成绩_友情提醒:请认真审题做答,祝你们好运,取得好成绩!PART ONE 听力驿站 (LISTENING PART) 25%I. 巧断公案。25%第一节 听对话,选择图片。5%( )1. What time does the plane arrive in London? A. B. C.( )2. What kind of ticket does the man want to book? A. B. C. ( )3. What kind of present shall we give to Taiwan? A

2、. B. C.( )4. What is Mr King wearing? A. B. C. ( )5. How can the girl get to the bookshop? A. B. C. 第二节 听长对话,回答问题。10%听第一则长对话,回答第6-7两个小题。( )6. Where are the two speakers going this weekend? A. The City Zoo B. The City Museum C. The City Park ( )7. What are they going to see? A. The panda show B. The

3、dolphin show C. The monkey show 听第二则长对话,回答第8-10两个小题。( )8. Where did Peter go for his holidays? A. Dalina B. Hailan Island C. Ningbo( )9. What did they do on their first day? A. They went swimming B. They went hiking C. They went diving ( )10. How did it rain during their holidays? It lasted _.A. For

4、 two days B. For four days C. For five days第三节 听短文,回答问题。10%( )11. What kind of people do guide dogs help? A. Doctors B. Soldiers C. The blind ( )12. Whose pet dog was it? A. The doctors B. The soldiers C. Dorothys( )13. What kind of dogs are the best ones for the job? A. Strong B. Bright C. Old enou

5、gh ( )14. When did Germany start a program to teach dogs to be guides? A. After Dorothy went to Germany. B. After Dorothy wrote about it for a magazine. C. After the doctor taught a dog to guide a person. ( )15. How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide? A. Over 2 years B. 14 months

6、C. 4 weeksPART TWO 智力平台(WRITING PART) 95%II. 过关斩将。 15%( )1. -Excuse me. Is there _ park nearby? -Yes. Its over there next to _ post office.A. a, / B. a, the C. /, the D. the, a( )2. -Do you know where I can exchange money? -Sure, Theres a _ on the second floor.A. market B. cafe C. bank D. library( )

7、3. _adultsbegantolearnEnglishinthissmalltown.A. Thousand of B.Thousandsof C.Thousands for D. Thousand from( )4. We need to learn _ polite when we make requests.A. how to B. what to be C. what to D. how to be( )5. The music that his son is playing _ beautiful.A. sounds B. look C. taste D. listens( )6

8、. If you want to become a _ person, youd better try that way.A. politest B. more polite C. politer D. much polite( )7. I wonder _ he can come. But _ he comes, please tell me as soon as possible.A. whether, if B. if, weather C. weather, if D. whether, whether( )8. I live right next to a supermarket.

9、Its very _ .A. convenient B. beautiful C. safe D. delicious( )9. The Fine Arts Museum is _ interesting _ facinating.A. eitheror B. neitheror C. both and D. between and( )10. I like to spend hours _ with my son. A. play B. playing C. to play D. to playing( )11. Tom and his friends used _ at malls. bu

10、t now they go to a music club.A. hang out B. hung out C. to hang out to hanging out( )12. There are long white beaches _ in Hainan Island.A. to go with B. walking along C. going along D. to walk along( )13. If you want to _ the homework later, its better to ask the teacher beforehand.A. hand in B. h

11、and on C. hand over D. hand down( )14. -Could you please tell me _ the Bamboo Garden?-The day after tomorrow, I think.A. when will you visitB. when you will visit C. when would you visitD. when you would visit( )15. Canyoutellme_?A.howmuchdoesitcostB.howmuchitis C.howmuchitcostsD.BothBandCIII. 火眼金睛。

12、15%I was born and grew up in the small town of Peneville, which I left at the age of sixteen. Twenty years _1_ I found myself back on a visit. I went to see my old friend Tom Clark, who,_2_ as ever, was head of a readers club. He was busy getting ready to welcome a famous writer, who had been_3_ to

13、come to give a talk on novels at the public library that very evening. Since I happened to have read a book or two by this famous writer, when Tom asked me to go with him, I_4_ accepted(接受).Tom was going to introduce the writer to the audience. So we went to the library a little _5_ to welcome him.

14、_6_ the writer hadnt arrived yet, I left Tom and went into the reading room. A large number of people had already been there. I was sorry to find that I didnt know a single person. So I found a_7_ in the corner and sat quietly waiting.When it was just about time for the _8_ to begin, I saw Tom stand

15、ing at the door making a sign for_9_ to come out. He looked _10_ something, so I got up right away and went to him. He said that he had just had a telephone call from the writer. He had_11_ his flight and would not be arriving!_12_ we were thinking about the problem, Tom suddenly asked me if I_13_ m

16、ind giving a talk instead of the writer. I_14_ had time to think about it when all at once I found I was being pushed back into the reading room to_15_ to the waiting audience!( )1. A. ago B. later C. earlier D. before( )2. A. active B. lucky C. serious D. careful( )3. A. told B. made C. invited D.

17、allowed( )4. A. suddenly B. gladly C. neatly D. strongly( )5. A. later B. earlier C. quicker D. slower( )6. A. After B. As C. If D. When( )7. A. room B. table C. friend D. seat( )8. A. talk B. show C. party D. movie( )9. B. everybody C. me D. them( )10. A. pleased with B. worried about C. excit

18、ed about D. happy at( )11. A. taken B. caught C. lost D. missed( )12. A. During B. Although C. While D. Because( )13. A. could B. would C. can D. will( )14. A. hardly B. almost C. never D. only( )15. A. greet B. speak C. say D. readIV.智力冲浪。30%(C、D篇各%)(A)One day Mrs Wilson went shopping with Tracy an

19、d Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center.“Why do you buy things here?” Tracy wanted to know. “Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home.” Mrs Wilson said. “Help me check the prices, please.”The wilsons were not rich and Mrs Wilson was always careful w

20、ith her money. She looked carefully after the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, “We dont think you saved money by going to the supermarket.”“Of course I did.” Mrs Wilson said. “Everything was cheaper there.” “We know,” the children

21、 said , “But we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you save.”Mrs Wilson added everything up. Her children were right.( )1. The things at the corner store were _ than those in the supermarket.A. cheaper B. nicer C. more expensive D. better(

22、)2. Mrs Wilson _ in the end.A. spent more money B. paid less money C. lost some money D. saved a little money( ) 3. Fromthepassageweknowthechildrenwere_.A.happyB.cleverC.tiredD.lazy( ) 4.Mrs.Wilsonwill_.A.nevercallataxi B.goonbuyingthingsinthesupermarketC.buythingsnearherhome D.notgoshoppingwithherc

23、hildren( ) 5. Thebesttitleforthepassageis_.A.CuttingPrice B.CornerStore C.Supermarket D.Shopping(B)I was in a strange city, besides I could not speak a word of the language. After having spent my first day in the town center, I decided to lose my way on my second day, since I believed that this was

24、the surest way of getting to know the strange city. I rode on a bus for several stops, then got off it and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. I wanted to ask the way. But the trouble was that the only word I knew of the languag

25、e was the name of the street my hotel was in.I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. The pol

26、iceman listened to me carefully. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed. About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were seen on either sid

27、e of me. I knew the only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest railway station.( )1. The writer believed that if you wanted to get to know a strange city, _.A. You should go everywhere on foot. B. You should have a mapC. You should ask people the way D. You should get lost( )2. The newspap

28、er-seller _. A. could understand what he said B. didnt know what he saidC. laughed at him D. didnt want to take the money( )3. The writers real trouble was that _.A. he couldnt speak the language B. he followed the policemans directionC. he took the wrong bus D. he left the town-centre( )4. The policeman _.A. didnt help him B. pointed at him C. didnt understand what he really meant D. didnt know the way( )5. Towards the end of the story, the writer _.A. got closer to his hotel B. found that he was much farther away from the hotelC. got to the hotel with the help of the

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