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1、牛津上海版七年级第一学期英语教材分析牛津上海版七年级第一学期英语教材分析 Unit 6 Beyond time and space一、 单元的主题。 本单元的主题是太空旅行和探险。二、 单元教材内容与目标。Section1 Reading1 本部分的教学目标是让学生阅读科幻故事Nobody wins(Part 1),了解太空历险这一主题及科幻文章的特点,激发他们对科幻文章的学习兴趣。教师可以通过Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading来训练学生的阅读技巧,指导学生通过跳读的方式和图片的观察,了解故事的背景,以及运用“判断故事的顺序”,“推测结果”等阅读策

2、略。Reading2(Kellys visitors)本部分的教学目标是让学生通过阅读女孩Kelly见到外星来客的经历,进一步熟悉单元话题。指导学生如何猜词义,运用“鉴别故事中的要素”这一阅读策略,分析故事发展的起因,经过和结果。Section 2 ListeningA Picture ordering 是一则关于一个外星人访问上海的小故事。教学目标是让学生能够根据听力材料将图片排序,再根据图片听关键词。对于这部分,教师可以先介绍故事情景,指导学生仔细观察练习A1的图片,对其进行大胆猜测,并根据所听到的具体人物描写、地点变化等重要信息判断、选择图片。学生在做A2时,教师要再次进行方法指导,让学

3、生根据空格前后内容预测空格中单词的词性。B About the future 是一位老师与学生之间关于未来生活的对话。教学目标是结合本单元话题与语法,为学生提供更多语言输入的机会。教师可以指导学生带着练习中的问题去听对话,这样更容易听出两人对话的具体内容,捕捉所需信息。Section 3 Language 是让学生学习由will +v的原形构成的一般将来时表示将要发生的事情,be going to+v的原形构成的一般将来时表示计划和打算,以及用于将来时态的时间状语,指导学生理解一般将来时的用法,掌握一般将来时的各种句式结构(肯定、否定、疑问及简略回答);注意in/on/at的用法,不加介词的时

4、间状语的用法,如this/next/that.Section 4 Speaking 主要是让学生复习并掌握三组音标:/和/:/、/和/、/和/,教师可以让学生多写、多模仿、多操练,能正确朗读音标。Section 5 Speaking 本单元写作是要求学生利用已有信息,根据时间顺序用一般将来时完成一篇关于在假日岛上度假的小短文。在学生写之前,教师要给予学生一些写作的技巧指导,写作时要注意:句子必须连贯,句与句之间的过渡必须自然,合符逻辑等。Section 6 More Practice是作为阅读练习和听力练习的复习,教师可以根据学生的实际可采用堂上或课后完成。三、 单元的教学重点与难点。1 本单

5、元教材的重点是:Reading 、Listening 、Language 、Writing.2 本单元教材的难点是:Reading 、Listening 、Writing. 四、 单元的课时安排。以每周5课时为基本教时,这个单元可安排2周进行教学,一共10课时。各课时的安排如下:Reading 1 1.5课时Reading 2 1.5课时Listening 1.5课时Language 1.5课时Speaking 0.25课时Writing 1课时More practice 1课时Project 0.25课时 另设1课时为单元测验,0.5课时为试卷评讲,一共10课时。 棋杆中学 李美莲 2007

6、年9月Teaching Plan(教学设计) Unit 6 Beyond time and spacePeriod 1一.Objectives1.阅读科幻故事,整体理解课文。2.结合会话课的功能,操练复述故事的技巧。3.分层阅读,训练学生的语言综合运用能力。二.Preparations1. SB 7A,page82 and 83.三.Teaching procedurePre-reading preparation1.Ask the students to look at the cartoon on page 81,SB. Ask them if they understand the me

7、aning of the cartoon.2.Ask the students: a)Do you think the planet is safe? b)What else can you see in the picture? c)Is it a monster?While-reading procedure1.Tell the students to look at the title, the introduction and the picture and then finish Exercise A1 on page 82.2.Ask the students to read th

8、e story in A2 and check the answers in A1.Tell the students to pay attention to the colored words in the passage and guess their meanings.3.Ask the students to read the following words from the story and choose the best meaning from those listed below.a)adventure 1)very bigb)land 2)answerc)planet 3)

9、make a loud soundd)pilot 4)calle)valley 5)an exciting or dangerous experiencef)cave 6)the low land between hills and mountainsg)huge 7)a large hole in a hill or under the groundh)reply 8)move round a star4.Check the answers orally. Ask the students to read the above words and expressions aloud. 5.As

10、k the students to read the conversation between Captain King and a reporter in Exercise A3. And find words in the story to complete the sentences.6.Check the answers .7.Play the recording. Students listen and repeat.Post-reading activities1.Invite some students to retell the story.2.Ask the students

11、 to guess if Captain King and his friends are going to die and give out some reasons.Consolidation1.Copy the new words.2.Read the story.3.Finish Exercise A,B and C on page 81 in Book B. Period 2一.Objectives1.复习巩固上节课的词汇。2.让学生复习并掌握三组音标。二.Preparation1.SB 7A, pages 89,90 and 95三.Teaching procedureRevisi

12、on1.Check the answers to the exercises in Book B.2.Have a diction about the important words and expressions in A2. Pre-task preparation1.Have students listen to the recording and make sure they can pronounce the words properly.2.Devide the whole class into several groups and have a game to look at w

13、ho can read out the words correctly.While-task procedure1.Ask the students to listen the words in A1. Then circle the words they hear.2.Tell the students to read the statements in A2 and underline the letters of the same sound in each sentence.3.Check the answers orally.Post-task activities1.Explain

14、 the situation and divide the class into groups. They must plan a party, and one person must report their plans to the class.2.Tell the students to think about food, drink, games, where to go, how many children to invite, etc. Then the class about their decisions.Project1.Introduce the project by ta

15、lking about inventions in the past. Ask students if they know of any famous inventions and inventors who invented them.Consolidation1.Finish Exercise A and B in Book B.Period 3一.Objectives1 通过阅读女孩见到外星来客的经历,进一步熟悉单元话题。2 训练学生阅读理解短文的技巧。二.Preparation1.SB 7A, pages 83 and 84三.Teaching procedurePre-reading

16、 preparation1.Tell the students to play a game in groups before reading the story in B2. If a spaceship lands in front of you, what will you ask the people in the spaceship? Encourage their imagination and have some of the students give a show before class.a)Where do you come from?b)What do you do?c

17、)Do you have water and food on your planet? etc.While-reading procedure1.Tell the students that they are going to read a story about Kellys visitors. Ask the students some questions.a)Have you ever seen any UFOS?b)Do you believe if there are some aliens on the earth?c)Can aliens speak Chinese?2.Ask

18、the students to read the story and find out the answers to the questions in B2.3.Check the answers and ask the students to find out the new words and expressions.1)move across 越过2)see.doing something 看见正在做某事3)in front of 在某物体外面的前面 in the front of 在某物体内部的前面。Post-reading activities1.Get the students r

19、ead the story after the tape.2.Ask the students to do Exercise A and C on page88 and 90 in Book B.3.Check the answers.Consolidation1.Copy the new words.2.Finish Exercise B on page 89 in Book B.Period 4一.Objectives1.让学生能够根据听力材料将图片排序,以及根据空格前后内容预测空格中单词的词性。2.训练学生带着问题听,捕捉所需信息。二.Preparation1.SB 7A, pages

20、85 and 86.三.Teaching ProcedurePre-task preparation1.Ask the students some questions about aliens.2.Ask the students to look at each picture and say what is happening, and where in Shanghai it is or might be.While-task procedure1.Play the tape for the students to listen carefully and use the descript

21、ions of what “Gorkella” is doing, and the place references in the text, to help them select the right picture.2.Expain the difficult words in Exercise A2 as necessary to make sure students understand the task. Play the recording twice for the students to fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers orally

22、.4.Tell students that they are going to listen to a conversation about the future between a teacher and a student.5.Ask students to read through the questions.6.Play the tape for students to listen and answer the questions.7.Check the answers.Post-task activities1.Explain the useful expressions. 1)i

23、n the future 2)be able to 3)in a moment 4)get sick 将来 能够 一会儿 生病 5)come true 6)rather than 7)run out of 8)from now on 成为现实,实现 而不是 耗尽,用完 从现在起Consolidation1.Copy the new words.2.Read the conversation.Period 5一.Objectives1.用Book B的听力练习加强学生捕捉信息的听力技巧。2.学习由will+v的原形表示的一般将来时。二.Preparations1.Book B 7A, pages

24、85and 86.2.SB 7A, pages 87.三.Teaching procedurePre-task preparation1.Ask students to read through the questions and make sure that they understand the statements.While-task procedure1.Play the tape for the students to listen and decide if the following statements in A1 are true or false.2.Check the

25、answers orally.3.Ask the students to look at the pictures and guess their meanings.4.Play the tape for the students to listen and put the pictures in the correct order.5.Check the answers orally.6.Play the tape again and ask the students to fill in the blanks in B2.7.Check the answers.8.Ask the stud

26、ents to read the following sentences chosen from Reading2 and Listening B. 1)I will discover something important in the future. 2)The people in the spaceship will want to talk to me. 3)Will I be able to understand them? 4)Well live longer than ever. 5)Why will we have to travel by train instead of b

27、y plane?2.Tell the students that we can use will plus a verb to refer to the future. Will can be used with all persons of the verb. Note the short forms of will and will not. And give some examples about how to ask questions and answer with “the simple future tense”.1)Ill/Youll/Hell/Shell/Well/Theyl

28、l. 2)I/You/He/She/We/You/They wont. 3)When will the concert start?Itll start at five thirty. 4)Will Sue sing at six?No, she wont. /Yes, she will.Post-task activities1.Ask the students to do the exercises in Exercise A on page87.2.Check the answers orally.Consolidation1.Finish Exercise A1 and A2.Peri

29、od 6一.Objectives1.学生学习并掌握由be going to +动词原形表示的一般将来时。2.学习表示一般将来时的时间状语,以及in , on, at的区别用法。二.Preparations1.SB 7A, pages 87 and 88.三. Teaching procedurePre-task preparation1.Check the answers to Exercise A1 and A2 in Book B.2.Ask the students to correct the following sentences.1)Well will go there. 2)Sh

30、e will walks to school. 3)He not will finish the work. 4)How are you will do that? 5)Do you will visit your uncle?No, Ill not.While-task procedure1.Tell the students that we can use be going to with a verb when we plan for something to happen in the future or when we think something will probably ha

31、ppen in the future.2.Ask the students to look at the table on page87.3.Put these verbs on the board. Tell students that you will describe a situation. They must tell you what is going to happen using the verbs below. Give an example. eat drink have rain4.Ask students to tell you two or three things they plan to do today/tomorrow/next week/next year.5.Ask students to work in pairs to do the exercises in Exercise B on page 88. Check the answers with them.6.Note that time words are commonly used when talking about the

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