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Unit 1 Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测.docx

1、Unit 1 Section 课时跟踪检测.单词拼写1I wonder if youll congratulate (庆祝) them all on their success.2He suggested that we take adequate (充足的) food for the holiday.3She worked hard so that she could win her fathers approval (赞成;认可)4Your technical assistance (援助) in the project is greatly appreciated.5There are

2、four emergency exits (出口) in the department store.6Were working with a team of architects (建筑师) on the plans for the new building.单项填空1Western countries were engaged in joint attacks on the country to fulfil their goal of forcing its present president to _.Adismiss BresignCtremble Dresist解析:选B考查动词辨析

3、。句意:西方国家联合攻击这个国家的目的是迫使它的现任总统辞职。resign意为“辞职”,符合句意。dismiss“解雇”; tremble“颤抖”; resist“抵抗”。2The lack of an _ education denies them a chance to get a good job.Aaccurate BadequateCurgent Dexcessive解析:选B考查形容词辨析。句意:缺乏足够的教育使得他们没有机会找个好的工作。accurate“准确的”; adequate“足够的;充分的”; urgent“紧急的”; excessive“过多的;过分的”。故选B。3I

4、 would rather _ to see a film than _ at home watching TV.Agoing; stay Bgo; stayCwent; stay Dgo; staying解析:选B考查句型。would rather . than .表示在两者间选择,应用平行结构,即连接两个同类的词或词组。4John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next monty.Oh, _!Acheer up Bwell doneCgo ahead Dcongratulations解析:选D考查口语交际。句意

5、:“我和约翰下个月将庆祝我们结婚四十周年。”“噢,恭喜恭喜!”cheer up“打起精神”; well done“做得好”; go ahead“开始做”; congratulations“祝贺;恭喜”。5Its said that the cycling race around the Qinghai Lake was very hard.So it was. Only a handful of cyclists made _.Aone BitCthat Dthem解析:选B考查习惯表达。句意:“据说环青海湖自行车赛很困难。”“的确。只有少数人完成了比赛。”make it“到达目的地;成功;做

6、成”,符合句意,故选B。6The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.Aaccess BpassageCway Dapproach解析:选A考查固定短语。句意:新设计的系统能够让学生便捷、容易地搜索到图书馆的电子资源。give access to是固定词组,意为“能得到;能进入”,故选A。7He finally became a member of the famous basketball team with the_of his

7、classmate.Aassistance BresistanceCassignment Drequirement来源:1ZXXK解析:选A考查名词辨析。句意:在同学的帮助下,他终于成为了这支著名篮球队的一员。with the assistance of .“在的帮助下”,符合句意。resistance“反抗”;assignment“分配”;requirement“要求”。8I think Im coming down with a bad cold._AOh, dont say that again.BThen youd better see a doctor.CWell, I sugges

8、t you had a rest.DBut you should go up a list.解析:选B考查情景对话。要注意一些常用的口语表达方式, come down with“得病;染上”,其反义词不是go up而是get well。C项宾语从句应用(should)do表示虚拟语气,故选B项。9The young man was sad, for his proposal didnt meet with the boss _.Asuggestion BshareCapproval Dfailure解析:选C句意:这个年轻人很难过,因为他的提议没有得到老板的认可。suggestion“建议”;

9、 share“分享”; approval“赞同”; failure“失败”。来源:110Youre eighteen years old. You should _ your family.Aindependent of Bdepend onCbe independent of Dbe independent from解析:选C考查形容词短语辨析。句意:你已经18岁了,你应该从家庭里面独立出来了。depend on“依靠”; be independent of“脱离独立”。.完形填空Our family has had many different pets over the years. C

10、C (my 7yearold grandchild) has always been very _1_ to all of them as she loves animals very much. When we _2_ there was a shelter in the area that was run _3_ just volunteers, she couldnt wait to get _4_. This was an excellent opportunity for her to learn about and _5_ many different animals. The a

11、nimals in the shelter would live at the center until they were _6_. If it took months or a year for them to find a home, it didnt matter.CC learned that it took a lot of work and _7_ to take care of the animals. It was a lot more work than she had _8_. The mop (拖把) used to clean the rooms stood 3 fe

12、et taller than her. She didnt _9_, because she learned how important it was to keep cages _10_ for them. Her favorites were the cats. The dogs _11_ her but she didnt shy away from doing what she could to help them. We were _12_ to see such a caring side of her.We wanted to show CC that her volunteer

13、 work at the center was _13_ nice to do. When she was too tall for her bicycle, we decided to _14_ her a new one. We asked her if she wanted to get a new bike _15_ we went to the shelter. The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that. But her _16_ was that we could always get a _17_ but the a

14、nimals needed to be tended to _18_. At a time when many children are considered uncaring about the world they live in, this made us _19_. Children learn from what adults take the time to _20_ them. In turn, they often teach us the things in life that really matter the most.语篇解读:作者的小孙女对动物非常友善,经常去动物庇护

15、所做义工。1 A.polite BkindCsimilar Dstrange解析:选B从后面的“as she loves animals very much”可知CC对宠物们应该很友善。2 A.decided BnoticedCconcluded Dthought解析:选B从后面的she couldnt wait to .可知我们一注意到有一家动物庇护所CC就迫不及待地要采取行动。3 A.on BatCby Dlike解析:选C这家动物庇护所是由志愿者们经营的。4 A.involved BpersuadedCmentioned Dawarded解析:选A从下面一段可知CC去庇护所帮忙了,可知此

16、处表示她迫不及待地想参与进去。5 A.comment on Bturn toCcare for Dbelieve in解析:选C去动物庇护所帮忙需要照顾那里的动物。6 A.appreciated BcollectedClearned Dadopted解析:选D从后面一句“If it took months or a year for them to find a home, it didnt matter.”可知此处是表示在被收养前,动物们可以一直住在这里。7 A.determination BconfusionCsituation Dimpression解析:选A从“CC learned t

17、hat it took a lot of work . to take care of the animals.”可知照顾动物并不容易,此处需要填写表示努力、决心等的词语。8 A.raised BfoundCshown Dexpected解析:选D需要付出的努力比CC预期的要多。9 A.know BuseCmind Dunderstand解析:选C从后面的“because she learned how important it was to .”可知CC意识到了事情的重要性,因此对需要付出的努力不介意。10A.wet BwarmCbig Dclean解析:选D使用拖把是要把笼子打扫干净。11

18、A.frightened BfollowedCharmed Drespected解析:选A从后面的“but she didnt shy away from doing what she could to help them”可知狗应该给CC带来了一些不好的感受。12A.clever BproudCangry Dsurprised解析:选B看到孙女如此有爱心的一面,家人应该感到骄傲。13A.finally BreallyCfortunately Dregularly解析:选B作者和家人想要对CC的行动表示肯定,告诉她她所做的事情确实是件好事。 BlendCbuy Dpromis

19、e来源:1解析:选C从后面的“The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.”可知是要买一辆新自行车。15A.before BuntilCunless Dbecause解析:选A从后面的“The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.”可知作者是打算在去庇护所之前买自行车。16A.mistake BplanCresponse Dexpression解析:选C前面提到“We asked her if .”,此处正是CC的回答。 BbikeCshop Dshelte

20、r解析:选B这是对买自行车一事的答复。18A.rapidly Bgradually来源:Zxxk.ComCfirst Dafterwards解析:选C无论何时都能买自行车,但是应该先照顾动物们。19A.wave BwaitCsucceed Dsmile解析:选DCC的行动与那些不关心周边环境的孩子们不同,这让作者和家人们感到高兴。20A.leave BseeChear Dteach解析:选D从后面的“In turn, they often teach us .”可知此处是大人教孩子东西。.选做题 阅读表达(山东专用)1 Teenagers who drink lots of soft drin

21、ks get into more fights and carry more weapons than their peers who drink fewer, a new study found.And while the study couldnt determine whether soft drinks actually cause violence, the findings add to a growing body of research on the effects of nutrition on behavior.2“We hadnt expected to see such

22、 a large effect,”said David Hemenway, director of the Harvard School of Public Health s Injury Control Research Center in Boston.3 There has long been interest in how diet affects behavior.A 2019 study in Norway found that teens who drank a large quantity of soft drinks suffered from worse mental he

23、alth compared to those who drank fewer.A study published earlier this year found higher levels of antisocial behavior in American college students who drank the most soda.4 For the latest study, Hemenway surveyed more than 1,800 students in Boston public schools.During 40minute sessions, kids answer

24、ed questions about how much nondiet soda they had drunk in the past seven days, whether they had been violent towards others, and whether they had carried a knife around in the previous year.5 Nearly 30 percent of respondents reported consuming more than five cans of soda each week.23 percent of tee

25、ns who drank less than one soft drink a week reported carrying a weapon, compared to 43 percent who drank five or more cans a week.Also, violence towards peers rose from 35 percent in the lowconsumption group to 59 percent in the heaviest sodadrinkers.6 Its far too soon to claim that soda causes vio

26、lence, and the new study only shows a link, says Bernard Gesch, who researches diet and behavior at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.Still, there is growing evidence that _ some of the blame.1What would be the best title for the passage?(no more than 6 words)_答案:Do soft drinks cause vi

27、olence?2What did David Hemenway think of his findings?(no more than 5 words)_来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K答案:They were surprising.3What did the 2019 study in Norway focus on?(no more than 10 words)_答案:The link between soft drinks and teens mental health.4How did David Hemenway carry out his study?(no more than 12

28、 words)_答案:He surveyed more than 1,800 students in Boston public schools.5Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(no more than 8 words)_来源:Z。xx。k.Com答案:soft drinks should take 阅读表达(江西专用)1 Every country has many good people who help to take care of others. Some high school and college students

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