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1、自学考试综合英语二作文之三1. The most important thing I think I should learn at college.Patriotism means love for ones country.It makes one ready to sacrifice ones own life for ones country,and to do many other deeds which can bring benefits to his people.Its effect is very great when it is exercised by all the

2、people of a country.I think patriotism is the most important thing I should learn a college,because it makes our country strong,and her history glorious.It also improves a mans character and secures for him a widespread fame.To love our country,to work so as to make her rich,to support her governmen

3、t, to obey her law,to pay fair taxes into her treasury,to treat our follow-citizens as we wish to be treated ourselves this is to be a real Chinese patriot.If the people of a country are not patriotic,the country must be very weak. History tells us some countries of ancient times were, owing to lack

4、 of patriotism, conquered by other peoples and the people of the conquered countries were made slaves under. So patriotism is the most important thing I think I should learn at college .2.How do you distinguish the hero and the celebrity?The hero and celebrity are both famous people.however,they are

5、 not of the same kind.there are several ways to distinguish them.First, a hero becomes famous because of his uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others. In contrast, a celebrity becomes famous because of much publicity.Second, to become a hero, one n

6、eeds accomplishment, but to become a celebrity, one only needs luck. the hero was distinguished by his accomplishment; the celebrity by his image and trademark.Finally, there is another distinction: heroes inspire respect; celebrities inspire envy. the main reason is that the celebrities are like co

7、mmon people except for the attention they get from the media, and many people believe that they could become another celebrity with good luck.3.Why do Americans generally value time? give examples to show this attitude towards time.In the united states, many people keenly feel the shortness of each

8、lifetime. they are aware that once a day in their life is gone, it will never come back. and Americans believe no one stands still. if you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. So they value time and want every minute to count.This attitude towards time is shown in the fast pace of life in t

9、he country. whatever they do they always seem to be in a rush. You find people hurrying to get where they are going.they hurry to eating places for a meal and finish it as quickly as possible.Also American do what they can to save time. they produce a lot of labour-saving devices such as chothes and

10、 dish-washers; they rapidly communicate through phone call, telex and e-mail and cut down on personal contacts.4.How and why did Snyder prevent the other sailors from drinking the water in the canteen?Snyder and the other nine sailors have been drifting in a lifeboat for twenty days since their ship

11、 sank. The man were very thirsty and wanted to drink the remaining water in the canteen. Snyder, the Third Officer, knew that as long as the men could look forward to getting a drink they had something to live for .If that water were gone, the sailors would lose hope, and would not try to keep alive

12、. So for seventy-two hours, in spite of their curses and threats, he kept his gun pointed at the men, preventing them from rushing to get the water. But as he hadnt had any sleep for three days, he could no linger keep his eyes open. Before he fell into a deep sleep, he whispered to the nearest sail

13、or to take over from him the responsibility of guarding the precious water.5.Why do parents overindulge their children? what harm does overindulgence do to children?Four Reason (1)Parents overindulge their children out of a sense of guilt.(2)Other parents want their children to have everything they

14、had and those things they yearned for but didnt get.(3)Other are afraid to say no to their childrens endless requests for toys for fear that their children will feel unloved or will be ridiculed.(4)Parents are sometimes unable to stand up to their childrens unreasonable demands.Harm:Overindulgence m

15、akes children become greedy, self-centered, ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others, beginning with their parents. It undermines childrens respect for their parents.6.What is culture shock? what is it caused by and what are the major symptoms?Culture shock is a feeling of anxi

16、ety, loneliness and confusion that people sometimes experience when they move from one culture to another. It may be called an occupational disease. When people are suddenly transplanted into a new environment, they lose the things they are familiar with, and find the social system, beliefs, values

17、and ways of living are all different. They do not know how to cope with the new situation. They suffer from culture shock.An obvious symptom of culture shock is rejecting the new environment which causes the discomfort. Another symptom of culture shock is regression.We wont become accustomed to the

18、new place until we go through four stage: honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. When first arriving abroad, well feel very excited, and everything appears to be wonderful. But when moving to stage two ,we will come to notice that things are not so glorified as we expected. We not only begin to

19、 get homesick, but even want to give up. However, if we stick with the experience, well overcome the culture shock, adjust ourselves to and finally benefit from the new culture.7. Retell the story “The Model Millionaire” in about150 words and conclude your retelling with a one-sentence comment.Hughi

20、e Erskine was a kind-hearted young man who worried a lot about his marriage for lack of money. One day he met an old beggar at his friend Trevors painting room and he immediately began to feel sympathy for the beggar. Out of sympathy, Hughie offered him one dollar as some help. What Hughie thought m

21、ore was how poor the beggar was and wished to do something for him. Later Hughie came to know that the old beggar was Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe. The next morning, when Baron Hausberg sent for a representative to visit Hughie, Hughie decided that he was there for an apology. Bu

22、t out of Hughies expectation, the old man just solved his pressing need by offering him ten thousand pounds. Baron Hausberg is really a model millionaire, a gentleman, one who knows very well that one good turn deserves another .8.How did the author manage to get his diaries out of Nazi Germany?When

23、 the author was going to leave Berlin during world war second, he decided to get his diaries out of Berlin although he should have destroyed them. there was enough in his diaries to get him hanged, if the gestapo ever discovered them.He laid out the diaries in two big steel suitcases and placed a nu

24、mber of his broadcast scripts, each page of which had been stamped by the military and civilian censors. in addition,he put a few General Staff maps on top. he managed to get the Gestapo officials to check his suitcase in the headquarters. in the headquarters, the officials attention was attracted b

25、y the few General staff maps, which made these officials feel better to find something to seize. More over, they were impressed by the censors stamps. When they got to know that the author reported on the German army, they put Gestapo seals on his suitcases. At the airport, the author succeeded in p

26、reventing Gestapo officials from checking his suitcases with the help of the seals.In such a risky but clever way, the author managed to get his diaries out of Nazi Germany. 9.What do you think is the most admirable quality of the old washwoman?The washwoman was a dedicated person and had an indomit

27、able will. Although a small, thin and old woman, she did not want to become a burden to her son or the society. She could have begged at the church door or entered a home for the poor and aged. But there was in her a certain pride and love of labor. She managed make her own living by washing laundry

28、 for other. Every piece of laundry from her was as clean as polished silver and was neatly ironed. Even if she was serious ill, even if it was an icy wintry day ,she would return the laundry to its rightful owners and fulfill the task she had undertaken. From this dedicated washwoman, we can see the

29、 fine qualities of human being and an indomitable will.10.When and why was Andrew Carnegic so proud of the one dollar and twenty cents the first pay he brought home?Carnegie was very proud of the one dollar and twenty cents he earned for the first time in his life when he was only twelve. The money

30、though small in amount, meant a great deal.First, when he got his first pay he felt that he had grown up. He was no longer a boy who had to depend on his parents; he had become a man who was able help support the family, a contributing member. This was important because at that time life was hard fo

31、r the family and it was difficult for his parents to manage alone.Also, he thought the money was the direct reward of honest manual labor. it represented a week of very hard work. This money gave him the satisfaction of being rewarded for what he had done.Although the job was almost unbearable for a

32、 boy of his age, he experienced the greatest satisfaction he had ever felt in his life.11.What is the major contribution Rachel Carson has made to the protection of the environment?Rachel Carson is a scientist who made great contribution to the protection of the environment among which there is a great book Silent Spring , published in 1962.When she was aware of the harsh facts concerning the present and future dangers to the environment, Rachel Carson wrote a book known as Silent Spring. in this book, she sounded a startling warning to mankind. the book showed quite

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