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1、习语整理二1. be all ears 全神贯注的听,聚精会神的听2. be out on your ear 被迫离开,被撵出去 3. be up to yours in sth 深陷于,埋头于4. sth comes to/reaches sbs ears 传到某人的耳朵里5. sbs ears are burning 耳朵发热6. sbs ears are flapping 某人正竖着耳朵听7. go in one ear and out the other一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出 8. have sth coming out of your ears 有的事物9. have sbs ear

2、/have the ear of sb 使某人听得进去 10。 I am all ears 我洗耳恭听 11. keep/have your ear to the ground 掌握最新情况 12. play sth by ears 凭记忆演奏,不看乐谱演奏13. play it by ear 见机行事,随机应变14. shut/close your ears to sth 充耳不闻,置之不理15. smile/beam from ear to ear 眉开眼笑,笑的合不拢嘴 16. with half an ear 捷足先登者17. at your earliest convenience

3、尽早,尽快18. the early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有食吃19. it is early days 为时尚早,言之过早20. early on 早先,在初期,在早期阶段21. earn a/your crust 谋生,赚钱糊口22. earn your keep to do 为有栖生之所而工作23. in earnest 严肃的,认真地24. out of earshot of sb 在听力范围之外25. within earshot 在听力范围之内26. come back/down to earth 从睡梦中清醒过来,回到现实27. charge/c

4、ost/pay the earth 收很多钱28. go to earth/ground 躲藏起来,以免被抓住29. how/why/where/who on earth 到底,究竟30. be/feel/look/taste like nothing on earth 非常糟糕31. on earth 在世界上,在人世间 32. run sb/sth to earth 终于找到33. at (your)ease 舒适,自由自在 34. (stand) at ease 稍息 35. put sb at(their) ease 使不受拘束36. as easy as anything 十分容易3

5、7. easy money 来的容易的钱38. easy on the ear/eye 悦耳,悦目39. have an easy time 过得舒服,毫无困难40. I am easy 我无所谓41. of easy uirtue 水性杨花42. on easy street 环境舒适43. take the easy way 快到斩乱骂45. be easy said than done 说时容易,做时难46. easy said, easy go 易得则易失 47. easy does it 小心些,别急48. go easy on sb 对某人温和些49. in mitigation

6、意在开脱罪名 50. be/get mixed up in sth 与谋事有牵连51. be/get mixed up with sb 与不合适的人交往52. mix and match 混合重组53. mix it (with sb) /mixed it up (with sb) 找某人的茬 54. mix sth in 掺入55. mix sth into sth 掺和56. a good/bad mixer 擅长/不擅长交际的人57. the heavy mob/bridge 保镖团58. put the mockers on sth/sb 告吹,使倒霉59. model yoursel

7、f on sb 以某人为榜样 60. model sth on/after sth 模仿,仿照61. any moment 很快,随时 62. at this moment in time 现在,此时此刻63. for the moment/present 目前,暂时64. have your moments 有短暂的好时候65. the moment of truth 关键时刻66. the moment (that) 一 就67 not for a/one moment 一点也不68. of moment 非常重要 69. of the moment 红极一时70. be in the m

8、oney 有钱71. for my money 以我看72. get your moneys worth 钱/时间值的花73. good money 辛苦赚来的钱74. have money to burn 钱多得花不完75. made of money 及其富有 76. make money 赚钱获利 77. make/lose money hand over first 赚大钱,破大财78. money for jam/old rope 容易赚的钱财79. money is no object 钱不成问题 80. money talks 财大气粗81. on the money 正确的,准

9、确地 82. put money into sth 投资于83. put your money on sb/sth 在马或狗子下赌注84. put your money where your mouth is 用行动证明自己的话85. throw your money about/around 肆意挥霍,大手大脚86. throw good money after bad 继续花钱打水漂87. throw money at sth 在某事上白扔钱88. I dont give a monkeys 我压根不在乎89. make a money (out) of sb 捉弄,愚弄90. throw

10、 a monkey wrench in/into sth 破坏阻挠计划91. in a month of Sundays 遥遥无期,根本不会发生 92. the full monty 所期望的一切,全部93 ask/cry for the moon 翔遥却得不到的东西94. many moons ago 很久以前 95. over the moon 欣喜若狂96 Moon about/around 闲逛,消磨时光97. moon over sb 痴痴的思念所爱 98. do a moonie 当众露屁股 99. a moot point/question 有争议的问题100. mop sth/

11、sb up 吸干净,吸取的水分101. mope about/around 闷闷不乐的闲荡102. takeclaimseize the moral high ground 声称自己的论点在道义上的优势103. more and more 越来越多104. more or less 几乎差不多,大概 105. what is more 更为重要的是 106. go through/show your paces 展示自己的能力107. keep pace(with sb/sth) 与 并驾齐驱108. off the pace 在领头人之后109. put sb/sth through the

12、ir/its paces 考验某人的能力 110. pack a punch 拳击手111 Pack your bags 永远离开112. on the same page 目标一致 113. turn the page 翻开新的一页114 Put paid to sth 使终止,使破灭115. no pain, no gain 不劳则无或116. on/under pain of sth 违则,以 论处117. a pain in the neck 极讨厌的人118. be at pains to do sth 花大力气119. for your pains 作为回报120. take/go

13、 to great pains to do sth 兢兢业业地做某事121. take(great) pains with/over sth 小心翼翼的做某事122. paint a picture of sb/sth 给人以什么印象123. paint the town red 花天酒地的玩乐124. paint sth with a broad brush 大致的描述 125. a pair of hands 一个能做事的人 126. in pairs 成对的 127. pale beside/next to sth/pale in/by comparison/pale into insi

14、gnificance 相形见绌128. beyond the pale 令人不能容忍129. have sb in the palm of your hand 完全控制某人130. go down the pan 被浪费 131. panic stations 慌乱的状态132. press/push the panic button 惊慌失措133. bore scare the panic off sb 把 烦死134. on paper 理论上135. below/under par 不太好136. in parallel(with sth/sb) 与 同时137. pardon me

15、原谅我138. pardon me for doing sth 原谅我不得不做某事139. the best/better part of sth 绝大部分 140. for the most part 多半,通常141. for my/his/their part 就我而言142. part company(with/from sb) 离开,分手143. in particular 尤其144. a/the parting of the ways 分手时刻 145. parting shot 临去的放话146. be(a) party to sth 参与,参加 147. come to pa

16、ss 发生,出现148. pass your lips 未说话149. pass the hat round/around 凑份子150. pass muster 达到要求151. pass the time of day(with sb) 与某人寒暄152. pass water 小便153. come to such a pass/come to a pretty pass 陷于不妙的境地154. make a pass at sb 与某人调情155. in passing 顺便156. past It 过老而无用157. pat sb/yourself on the back 表扬。称赞

17、158. a pat on the baxk for sth/for doing sth 表扬,赞许159. haxe/know sth off/down pat 了如指掌160. stand pat 固执己见161. be not a patch on sb/sth 远比 逊色162. on your pat 单独,独自163. the patter of tiny feet 小宝宝的脚步声164. give (sb) pause 认真考虑 165. pave the way(for sb/sth) 创造条件166. in pawn 被抵押167. the devil/hell to pay

18、 大麻烦168. he who pays the piper calls the tune 财大气粗 169. pay court to sb 献殷勤170. pay dividends 产生效益171, pay for itself 新系统172. pay good money for sth 为 花费很多钱 173. pay its way 不负债174 Pay your respets 表示敬意175. pay through the nose 付过高的价格176. pay your way 自食其力177. you pay your money and you take your ch

19、oices 如何选择有你做主 178. in the pay of sb/sth 被 收买179. hit/stike pay dirt 暴富 180. on payment of sth 付款后181. hold your peace/tongue 保持沉默182. make(your) peace with sb 与人和解183. cast throw pearls before swine 明珠暗投184. a pearl of wisdom 妙语如珠185. go pear-shaped 出毛病 186. a/the pecking order 等级排序187. keep your p

20、ecker up 振作精神 188. to put/place sb on a pedestal 把某人奉为完人189 Off the peg 成品的 190. bring/take sb down a peg 杀某人的威风191. a peg to hand sth on 借口192. (at) full pelt 急速193. the pen is mightier than the sword 笔诛胜于剑伐194. put pen to paper 动笔195 Every penny 所有的钱 196. in for a penny in for a pound 一不做,二不休197.

21、not a penny 根本不用钱 198. the penny drops 茅塞顿开199. a penny for your thoughts/them 你在寻思什么200. turn up like a bad penny 冤家路窄 201. two/ten a penny 普通的不值钱202. put in your two pennyworth 发表意见 203. of all people 惟有204. as persth 按照205. as per normal/usual 照常206. do sth at your(own) peril 自冒风险207. perish the

22、thought 下辈子吧 208. in perpetuity 永远 209. about/on your person身上带着 210. in the person of sb 某人体现 211. take the personally to be offended by sth 认为其实针对自己而不悦212. per vert the couse of jusdice 作伪证213. sbs pet hate 特别厌恶的东西214. take a pew 坐下215. in phase/out of phase 不协调216. be on the phone 再打电话中217. pick

23、and choose 精挑细选218. pick sbs brains 讨教219. pick a fight/quarrel(with sb) 找茬220. pick holes in sth 挑刺 221. pick a lock 开锁222. pick sbs pocket 扒窃223. pick up the pieces 恢复224. pick up speed 加速225. pick a winner 认为胜利者226. in a pickle 处于困境227. be no picnic 不是好玩的228. be/look a picture 好看 229. get the pic

24、ture 明白230. in/out of the picture 在局外 231. put/keep sb in the picture 介绍情况 232. pie in the sky 幻想的事233. a/some piece of work 与众不同的人234. fall to pieces 变得破旧不堪 235. make a pigs ear(out) of sth 把事情办砸236. (buy) a pig in a poke (买)未看过的东西237. a pig of a sth 挠头的是238 Pigs might fly 太阳从西出 239. be sbs pigeon

25、指某人的职责240. come down the pike 发生,显现241. (at the) bottom/top of the pile 举足轻重的地位242. make a/your pile 赚很多钱243. pile on the agony gloom 雪上加霜244. sugar/sweeten the pill 缓解苦痛245 Be driven pushed from pillar to post 被迫四处碰壁246. for two pins 恨不得247. pin all your hopes on sb/sth 完全依赖 248. pinch pennies 一毛不拔

26、 249. at a pinch 必要时250. take sth with a pinch of salt 半信半疑251. in the pink 容光焕发252. be on pins and needles 253. in the pipeline 准备中254. pique sbs interest curiosity 兴趣盎然255. piss yourself laughing 大笑不止256. be on the piss 暴饮257. take the piss out of sb/sth 拿 寻开心258. as pissed as a newt 烂醉如泥259. be t

27、he pits 是拙劣典型 260. the pit of your/the stomach 心底261. make a pitch for sb/sth 决心获得262. pitch a story/line/your(to sb) 对某人变谎话263. mores the pity 不幸的264. all over the place 到处265. change/swap places(with sb) 交换处境266. fall/slot into place 理出头绪267. give place to sb/sth 被代替268. be plain sailing 一帆风顺269.

28、in plain English 用平白的语言270. (as) plain as day 一清二楚271. have enough/a lot/too much on your plate 问题成堆272. have money time to play with 有的是钱273. what is sb playing at 某人在搞什么名堂274. in/out of play 在 区域275. make a play for sb/sth 处心积虑做某事276. make great/much play of sth 强调 277. a play on words 双关语 278. if

29、 you please 请279. please the eye 十分悦眼280. please god 但愿老天帮忙 281. please yourself 悉听尊便282. please yourself/do as you please 能够随心所欲283. as pleased as punch 自满自足284. far from pleased 不悦,气氛 285. only too pleased to do sth 十分情愿286. pleased with yourself 自鸣得意 287. at your sbs pleasure 随意288. my pleasure 不

30、客气 289. sign/take the pledge 发誓解酒290. plight your forth 以身相许291. lose the plot 不知所措 292. the plot thickens 情况变得复杂起来 293. under the plough 作农田的294. plough a lonely your own furrow自耕孤畴 295. pluck sth out of the air 脱口而出 296. pluck up (the) courge to do 鼓起勇气 297. plumb the depth of sth 深入 深处298 Take the plunge 果断行事299. plus or minus 大约300. ply your trade 从事工作301. ply for trade/hire/business 招徕顾客302. be in sbs pocket 受某人的控制303. be/live in each others pocket 形影不离304 Have sb in your pocket 让 听使唤305. have sth in your pocket 稳操胜卷306. in/out of

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