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1、初中英语六大时态练习及答案初中英语六大时态练习及答案一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1、He_ swimming in the river every day in summer、 (go)2、It_you are right、 ( seem )3、 Look, the children_ basketball on the playground、 ( play )4、 He _to the radio when I came in、 ( listen )5、It is very cold、 I think it_ 、 ( rain )6、 I need some paper 、 I _ some

2、 for you、 ( bring )7、I cant find my pen 、 Who_ it ? ( take )8、He said that he_ back in five minutes 、 ( come )9、I didnt meet him、 He_ when I got there、 ( leave )10、I_my bike, so I have to walk to school、 ( lose )11、He_down and began to read his newspaper、 ( sit )12、He is very hungry、 He_ anything fo

3、r three days、 ( not eat )13、I_with you if I have time 、 ( go )14、We will go to the cinema if it_fine 、 (be )15、I will tell her the news when she_to see me next week、 (come)16、 When_you_the car ? In1998 、 ( buy )17、We_good friends since we met at school 、 (be)18、What_you_ at five yesterday afternoon

4、? (do)19、The bike is nice 、 How much _it_? (cost)二、选择最佳答案填空 ( )1、Well go swimming if the weather _fine tomorrow、A、 is B、 was C、 will be D、 is going to be ( )2、It_five years since he has left for Beijing、A、 was B、 has been C、 is D、 is going to be( )3、Please dont leave the office until your friend _ba

5、ck、A、 came B、 comes C、 have come D、 will come( )4、By the end of last year he _about1500 English words、A、 learns B、 learned C、 was learning D、 had learned( )5、Listen ! Someone _in the next room 、A、 cried B、 crying C、 is crying D、 has cried ( )6、You must tell him the news as soon as you _him、A、 see B、

6、 sees C、 will see D、 is seeing( )7、He told me that he _to see us the next day、 A、 comes B、 came C、 will come D、 would come( )8、We cant find him anywhere 、 Perhaps he _home、A、 is going B、 went C、 has come D、 would come( )9、The teacher told us that the sun _bigger than the earth、A、 is B、 was C、 has be

7、en D、 will be( )10、Could you tell me where the railway station_?A、 was B、 is C、 will be D、 would be( )11、We_to the Great Wall several times、 A、 go B、 were going C、 have gone D、 have been( )12、It seemed that the old man _for something over there、A、 looks B、 looked C、 was looking D、 has looked( )13、He

8、 was sure that he _his wallet in the office 、A、 left B、 would leave C、 had left D、 has left( )14、You must study hard if you_ want to fail the exam、A、 wont B、 dont C、 havent D、 hadnt( )15、 Im afraid you cant sit here 、- Sorry, I _know、A、 dont B、 wont C、 cant D、 didnt( )16、 As she _the newspaper, Gran

9、ny _asleep、A、 read , was falling B、 was reading; fell C、 was reading , was falling D、 read , fell( )17、 Jim is not coming tonight 、 But he_ !A、 promises B、 promised C、 will promise D、 had promised( )18、 Whats her name? I_、A、 forget B、 forgot C、 had forgotten D、 am forgetting三、动词时态能力综合测试 ( )1、He ofte

10、n _his clothes on Sundays、A、 washing B、 washes C、 has washed D、 wash( )2、Im Chinese、 Where _from?A、 do you come B、 you are coming C、 you come D、 are you coming( )3、May_to school、A、 never walks B、 is never walking C、 walk never D、 never is walking( )4、We will start as soon as our teacher_ 、A、 comes B

11、、 will come C、 come D、 is coming( )5、How long ago _playing football?A、 have you stopped B、 had you stopped C、 did you stop D、 do you stop( )6、It_ hard when I left my house 、A、 is raining B、 rains C、 was raining D、 will rain( )7、I think this question _to answer、A、 easy B、 is easy C、 was easy D、 will

12、easy( )8、 Dont talk so loudly 、 Your father _、A、 sleeps B、 is sleeping C、 slept D、 had slept( )9、How many people does the doctor know who _of the disease ?A、 are dying B、 is dying C、 has died D、 dies( )10、I_my homework now、A、 finish B、 finished C、 have finished D、 had finished( )11、He_for three year

13、s、A、 has joined B、 has been in the army C、 joined D、 has served the army( )12、His grandfather _for thirty years、A、 died B、 was dead C、 has been dead D、 has died( )13、I_ from my brother for a long time、A、 not have heard B、 have not heard C、 have heard not D、 do not hear( )14、Maths, one of the most im

14、portant subjects, _always interested him、A、 has B、 have C、 are D、 is ( )15、Did your brother go to America last year? _、 A、 No , he did never go there B、 No , he has never gone here C、 No , he never was there D、 No , he has never been there( )16、He_ that factory since1958、A、 has left B、 has worked in

15、 C、 has gone from D、 has come to( )17、Our teacher _to Beijing three times、A、 went B、 had gone C、 has gone D、 has been( )18、Last week John_his leg、A、 felt and broken B、 fell and broke C、 feels and breaks D、 fallen and broken( )19、Jack_his thick coat because it was snowing、 A、 puts on B、 put on C、 tak

16、es on D、 took on( )20、He_the picture on the wall、A、 hanged B、 hung C、 has hanged D、 was hanged( )21、Next month_twenty five、A、 has my sister B、 my sister will be C、 my sister shall have D、 my sister is going to be( )22、You_her again in a few weeks、A、 will see B、 have seen C、 had seen D、 have been see

17、n( )23、 By the end of last term we_English for two years、A、 have studied B、 have been studied C、 would studied D、 had studied ( )24、Mrs Brown_in New York for three years before she went to London、A、 lived B、 had lived C、 has lived D、 will live( )25、When we arrived , the dinner_、A、 already began B、 h

18、as already begun C、 had already begun D、 was just begun( )26、I will go home for the holiday as soon as I_ my exams、A、 will finish B、 finish C、 finishing D、 finished( )27、When_, Ill talk to him、A、 does Peter come B、 Peter will come C、 Peter comes D、 can Peter come( )28、My sister_to see me 、 Shell be here soon、 A、 comes B、 is coming C、 had come D、 came( )29、They said they_our answer the next day 、A、 had heard B、 would hear of C、 would hear D、 will hear( )30、The old man said that light_faster than sound、A、 went B、 will go C、 travels D、 will travel 二ABBDC ADBAB DCCBD CBB三、BAAAC CBBAC BCBDD BD

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