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1、初中英语短语大全)a balanced diet 均衡饮食 at the bank在银行a birthday present一份生日礼物 at the beginning of在。开始时a bit late有点晚 at the bottom of在。的底部aboutminutes大约。分钟 at the moment此时,现在above all最重要的是 at the same time同时,然而according to按照,根据 at the top of在。的顶部a couple of两个人或事物,几个人,几件事物 a wonder of the world世界奇观addto增加 banf

2、rom禁止某人做某事add up把。加起来 be against反对a distance of一段。的距离 be ashamed to do对做。感到羞愧after class课后 be blind to忽视,对。视而不见afford sth.支付得起,买得起 be fond of 喜欢 against the rule违反规则 beg ones pardon请再说一遍,请某人原谅again and again反复地,再三地 be in pieces成碎片all in all总的说来 be in trouble陷入麻烦 all kinds of各种各样的 belong to属于all the

3、best一切顺利,万事如意 be lost 迷路的,迷失的all the way一路上,完全地 be off to动身去某地all the year round一年到头 be over 结束 all over到处,遍及 be replaced by被。代替a moment ago刚才 be sick in bed 卧病在床and so on(列举)等等 best of all 最重要的是answer the question回答问题 be up to取决于,由。负责。胜任a picture of一张。的图片 be wanted on the phone有电话找某人as far as远到,直到,

4、就。而言 be weak/poor in 在。方面弱as for关于,至于 be welcomed by受到欢迎ask a favour请求帮忙 break the record打破纪录ask sb. For sth.向某人要某物,请求某人某物 break the rules违反规定As long as只要 bring along带来as usual像往常一样 bring back拿回来as you know如你所知 bringwith随身带着 at a high speed以很快的速度,高速 build sb./sth. up使某人增强(体质),吹捧。at a price以高价 bump i

5、nto撞上,偶然遇见at around oclock在大约。点钟 by air mail寄航空邮件at Christmas在圣诞节 by and by不久以后,很快at first最初,首先 by day日间,在白天at home在家 by mistake错误地at home and abroad在国内外 by oneself靠自己at Lantern Festival在元宵节 by the window在窗边 at midnight在午夜 call out喊叫at ones back在(某人的)后面支持某人 call up打电话,回忆起,应征入伍 at school在学校 call the

6、police报警at sunset日落时分 cant wait to do等不及做at tea在喝茶 catch ones eyes吸引某人的注意at the airport/train station在飞机场,火车站 catch the ball接住球at the back of在。后面,在。背后 celebrate the new year庆祝新年at the bus stop在公交车站 do the dishes 洗餐具 at the foot of 在。脚下 do the jobs做工作at the entrance在。的入口 do the laundry洗衣服at the meeti

7、ng在会上 downloadfrom the internet从因特网下载 change ones life 改变某人的生活 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节check in登记,报到 dream of梦想,梦见check out检查,核实,结账退房 dream about梦见。clear up 整理,收拾,(天气)放晴 drive a car开小汽车complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事 create friendship with和。建立友谊 change into把。变成,转换成 drop out of school 辍学 chat with

8、和。聊天 during the daytime在白天check the email查收邮件 during the rush hours在(上班的)高峰时间cheer sb. on为某人喝彩 early in the morning一大早,清早Childrens Day儿童节 earn ones living谋生Choose to do选择做 East China华东Clean the house打扫房子 eating habits饮食习惯Climb out of 从。爬出来 enter for报名参加Climb up爬上 eat up吃光Come out发生,产生 even though即使,

9、纵然Come along进步,出现,跟某人去 ever since 从那时起一直到现在 Come and go来来去去 face to face面对面Come down下来 fall behind落后Come from来自 fall ill 患病 Come to oneself苏醒,恢复常态 fall in love with爱上Communicate with和。交流 family name姓氏Comparewith把。和。进行比较 far away遥远的Congratulation sb. on sth.祝贺某人某事 feed on sth.以。为食Count down倒计时 fillwi

10、th用。填充Cut down砍到 figure out 想出,理解(某物) Cut off切断,中断 fill in 填Cut ones hair剪发,理发 find a part-time job找到一份兼职工作Cut the price砍价 finish off吃完,用完Cut up切碎 finish school学校毕业day and night日日夜夜 fit into 使适合 deal with对付,解决 flyto the moon发送。去月球decorate with用。装饰 flight number飞机航班号die out消失,灭亡 fly home乘飞机回家divide u

11、p分配 fly to乘飞机去divideinto把。分成 focus on 集中注意力于do a good deed做一件好事 fold the clothes 叠衣服do a survey of做。的调查 follow sb. to do跟随某人做do an interview采访 for a year or two一两年do a project做一个课题,设计一个方案 for a visit参观,访问do ones homework做作业 for breakfast作为早饭do morning exercises做早操 for ever 永远do physics experiment做物理

12、实验 forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人某事for the first time第一次 half way 半路,在。的中间,让步from morning till night从早到晚 hand down 把。传下来get a wrong number拨错了电话号码 hand in 上交get back from从。回来 hand out分发get enough sleep获得足够的睡眠 hands up举手get good grades获得好成绩 hang out 。闲逛get information获得信息 hardly ever 很少,几乎从不get mad变得恼怒 hav

13、e a bad/good effect on 对。有坏、好的影响get ready准备好 have a party举行。聚会get rid of去除,除掉,摆脱 have a conversation with和。进行对话get on well with和。相处得好 have a/an class 上一堂。课get through通过,拨通(电话) have a/anending 有个。的结尾get together聚在一起 have a fight with 和。打仗get up起床 have a gift for 对。有天赋give/have a lecture做演讲 have a goo

14、d time1过得愉快give an interview接受采访,给予面试机会 have a habit of有。的习惯give a warm welcome to sb.热烈欢迎某人 have a pain in(身体某部位)疼give birth to生 have a sports meet开运动会give concerts举行音乐会 have a sense of humour有幽默感give lessons to给。上课 have a word with和。说话give sb. a chance给某人一个机会 have confidence on sb.对某人有信心 give sb.

15、a surprise给某人一个惊喜 have classes上课go all out全力以赴 have enough money有足够的钱go along继续,进展,发展 have(got) sth. 有,拥有go away走开,离开 have(got) to do 必须做go by过去 have one day off有一天休假go down沿。走,下楼,下沉 have sth. Done完成,使发生go for a ride去骑自行车 have sth.on穿着,让机器运作着go in for参加,喜欢 have to do with和。有关good idea好主意 have troubl

16、e with 在。方面有问题、困难good luck祝。好运 hear of/about听说,知道go off走开,变质,(机器等)停止 heavy rain大雨go on aride以某种方式旅行 help oneself(to)随意使用 go out出去,(火。灯)熄灭 help sb. out帮助某人解决困难go past经过 hold on坚持,别挂(电话),抓紧不放go straight一直向前 hold up 承受住 go there到那儿去 hurry off 匆忙离开go the wrong way走错了路 hurt oneself 伤到自己 go through浏览,翻阅,通

17、过 if possible如果可能的话go to bed上床睡觉 improve ones English提高某人的英语水平go to college上大学 in a day 在一天go to concerts去听音乐会 in all总共go to sleep入睡 in a minute很快,立刻go to town去镇上 in a school在一所学校go to work上班 in answer to 答复,来回答go wrong出错,坏掉,出毛病 in bed卧床in class在课堂上 keep out阻止(某人或某物)进入in common共同,共有 keep quiet保持安静in

18、 danger陷入危险 knock at 敲(门,窗等) in debt欠债 knock down撞到,击倒in fact事实上 knock into sb. 撞到某人的身上in heaven在天堂 know about理解,知道in high spirits情绪高涨 Labour Day劳动节in ink用墨水 last a long time持续很长时间in June 在六月 last name姓、最后的名字in sb.s opinion以某人的观点 last night昨晚in need of需要。缺少 laugh at 嘲笑in order按顺序 lead a/an life过着。的生

19、活in other words换句话说 lead to通向in peace安静地,宁静地 leave out漏掉in person亲自,本人,本身 learn about了解 in public当众 learn from向。学习in recent times在近代 leave ones job 离职in return作为报答 leave work下班in silence安静地 letin让。进来,放进in size在大小方面 let out 泄露,放掉in space在太空中 lie down 躺下in spite of尽管 little by little逐渐地in style流行的,款式

20、listen to the radio 听收音机in surprise吃惊,惊讶 listen up注意听in the day在白天 live a/an life过着。的生活in the end最后,终于 live on 以。为食,继续活着,存在in the everyday life在日常生活中 live to be活到in the future在将来 look across to 向对面看in the open air在户外 look ahead 向前看,展望未来in the past 在过去 look at看。(后面跟宾语)in the same class在同一个班里 look bac

21、k回顾,回头看in the sun在阳光下 look down向下看in the universe在宇宙中 look into调查,向里面看introduce sb. to把某人介绍给 look over快速地查看in turn轮流 look through 浏览,看穿in vain白费力 make a face做鬼脸Its hard to say很难说. make a fire 生火Join a/anclub参加。俱乐部 make a plan制定计划Junk food垃圾食品 make a promise承诺,答应just now现在,刚才 make money挣钱keep ones wo

22、rd信守诺言 make the bed 铺床keep back止住,留下 make up ones mind 下决心keep ones voice down降低声音 mix up 混合keep off防止,挡住,避开 mobile phone 移动电话,手机keep on继续进行 more or less几乎,差不多,或多或少keep a secret 保密 move to搬到must be一定是 or else 否则,要不然name after以。的名字命名 or so大约near by在。附近 ought to 应该near the sea在海洋附近 over the river在河上ne

23、ck and neck肩并肩 overkilometres超过。公里next door在隔壁 over and over again一遍又一遍,反复next to紧接着,相邻 pay a visit to拜访。访问no doubt无疑地 pay back偿还(借款等)North America北美 paint red把。漆成红色nothing strange没什么奇怪的 part-time job 兼职工作no wonder难怪 pass away去世obey the rule遵守规则 pass by经过of cause当然 pass on 传递offer sb. sth.向某人提高某物 pa

24、y off偿清(借款等)Offer to do主动做 persuade sb. to do说服某人做on a trip/camp在进行旅行,野营 pick out选出on board在船,火车上 place of interest名胜 on business出差 play a joke on开某人的玩笑on duty值日,值班 play a solo独奏one day将来有一天,一天 play chess下象棋ones own某人自己的 play games玩游戏onethe other一个,另一个 play sports 做运动on farms在农场 play with和。一起玩on foo

25、t步行 pocket money零花钱on medicine关于药品的 point out指出on ones face在某人的脸上 pop music流行音乐on sale出售 post office 邮局on show展出 pour into把。倒入,涌入on television通过电视 press the button按下按钮on (the)average平均按平均计算 pretty healthy相当健康on the desk在桌子上 primary school小学on the edge of在边缘 protect the environment保护环境on the first da

26、y of在。的第一天 pull out拉出来,离开on the Great Wall在长城上 put ones heart into全神贯注于on the hills在山上 put on weight増重on/over the radio通过收音机 quite well相当好on the right/left side of在,的右,左边 quarrel with sb.和没人争吵on the same day在同一天 quarrel about sth. 为某事争论on the website在网站上 rain heavily/hard下大雨on the safa在沙发上 raise mon

27、ey 筹钱open a museum开办博物馆 reach out伸出open a document打开一个文档 read books看书open up开业,建立 read after跟读opposite the square在广场对面 refer to 提及,涉及,有关orbit the earth绕地球转 refuse to do无法,拒绝做order food订餐,订购食物 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事remind sb. to do 提醒某人做某事 sweep away去除rest for a while 休息一会儿 sweep the floor扫地review

28、 for为。而复习 swimming club游泳俱乐部rob sb. of sth.强力某人的事物 suffer from遭受,受苦run after 追赶 symbol of。的象征run through通过,穿过 take a shower 洗淋浴save ones life 挽救某人的性命 take a vacation度假save the document保存文档 take for 以为,误认为save up储蓄,节省 take photos/pictures照相school day上学的日子 take sth. with sb.随身带着scores of很多,大量 take out

29、 取出see a car accident目睹一场交通事故 talk about 谈论see a dentist看牙医 talk show访谈节目,脱口秀sell out卖完,卖光 Teachers Day教师节send up发射 telephone number电话号码separate from分开 tell apart辨别,区分settle down定居,平静下来 tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事several times a day每天几次 tell sb. a story给某人讲故事shake hands with和。握手 thank-you note感谢信sho

30、w off炫耀 the Childrens Palace 少年宫 shout at朝着。叫喊 the capital of。的首都,省会shut down关闭,停业 the day after tomorrow后天side by side肩并肩,一起 the day before yesterday前天smile at朝。笑 the first half of the match比赛的上半场,前半场solve a problem解决问题 the first time第一次someothers一些。另一些 the first/last to do 第一个/最后一个做。的sooner or later迟早,早晚 the flight to去。的航班South America南美洲 the head of。的领导Space Museum太空博物馆 the last day 最后一天space station太空站 the main idea of。的主要观点speak highly of高度赞扬 the most dangerous way最危险的方式speak to对。说 the name of。的名字speech contest演讲比赛 the other day 前几天,某日 speed up加快速度 the o

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