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1、六年级英语阅读理解10题篇训练题含答案六年级英语阅读理解10题篇训练题(含答案)1Mrs. Green is the mother of two children. She is a shop assistant(店员). She is very busy every day. Every morning, she cooks breakfast for her family. She cooks eggs for her daughter and makes bread for her son. At noon she eats hamburgers in her shop. Her chi

2、ldren have lunch in the school dining hall.In the evening, Mrs. Green gets home very late. When she gets home, her children get ready for dinner. Mr. Green cooks beef noodles for his daughter and cooks carrots for his son. And Mrs. Green usually buys some chicken from the supermarket. Its Mrs. Green

3、s favourite food.1Mrs. Green works a factory a shop a school a hospital2What does Mrs. Green cook for her daughter in the morning?A.Hamburgers. B.Bread.C.Eggs. D.Bread and eggs.3Where do her children have lunch?A.In the shop. B.At home.C.In a restaurant. D.At school.4Whats Mrs.

4、Greens favourite food?A.Beef noodles. B.Chicken. C.Carrots. D.Potatoes.5Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.Mrs. Green has three children.B.Mrs. Green gets home late in the evening.C.Mrs. Green cooks carrots for her son for dinner.D.Mrs. Green isnt very busy every day.【答案】1B2C3D4B5B【解析】【分析】试题分析

5、:这是一篇记叙文,讲述了格林夫人繁忙的一天。1题意:格林夫人在 工作。考查细节理解题。A. in a factory在工厂;B. in a shop在商店;C. in a school在学校;D. in a hospital在医院。根据短文第二句话She is a shop assistant.,可知Mrs. Green是店员,自然在商店工作,故选B。2题意:格林太太早上给她女儿做什么?考查细节理解题。根据She cooks eggs for her daughter,可知选C。3题意:她的孩子们在哪里吃午饭?考查细节理解题。A. In the shop在商店;B. At home.在家里;C

6、. In a restaurant在餐馆;D. At school在学校。.根据第一段的结尾Her children have lunch in the school dining hall.,可知选D。4题意:格林太太最喜欢的食物是什么?考查细节理解题。根据短文最后两句And Mrs. Green usually buys some chicken from the supermarket. Its Mrs. Greens favourite food.,可知Mrs. Green最喜欢鸡肉,故选B。5题意:根据文章内容,哪个是正确的?考查细节理解题。A. Mrs. Green has thr

7、ee children.格林太太有三个孩子;根据短文开头Mrs. Green is the mother of two children. ,可知她有两个孩子,故说法错误。B. Mrs. Green gets home late in the evening.格林太太晚上很晚才回家;根据第二段开头In the evening, Mrs. Green gets home very late.,可知说法正确。C. Mrs. Green cooks carrots for her son for dinner.格林太太给儿子用胡萝卜做晚饭;根据第二段句子Mr. Green cooks beef no

8、odles for his daughter and cooks carrots for his son.,可知做晚饭的不是格林太太,而是格林先生,故说法错误。D. Mrs. Green isnt very busy every day.格林太太不是每天都很忙;根据第一段的第三句She is very busy every day.,可知说法错误。综合以上分析,故选B。2True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)May and Peter are at a bird park. They are very happy to see th

9、ose lovely birds.May: Peter, look at those small birds.Peter: Where are they? I cant see them.May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont like noise. Oh, they fly away.Peter: Sorry, May. Sorry, birds.May: Look, Peter! That bird is catching a fish over there.Peter: And those two birds are flying together.Ma

10、y: Oh, theyre flying to their babies near the pond. Where are you going? You are walking so quickly.Peter: Im going to the pond. I want to see the birds and their babies.May: Dont run. You should(应该) walk slowly.Peter: All right.May: Do the birds eat a lot of fish, Peter?Peter: Sorry, I dont know. L

11、ets go and ask Miss Guo.1May and Peter are visiting a bird park.2May is talking loudly.3Peter is talking quietly and walking slowly.4There are some baby birds near the pond.5These birds all like to eat fish.【答案】1T2F3F4T5F【解析】【分析】May和Peter去了一个鸟类公园,在那里他们看到了很多可爱的小鸟。Peter说话声音很大,走路也很快,May提醒他不要大声说话、快速走路,否

12、则会把鸟吓跑的。1根据短文开头May and Peter are at a bird park.可知,May和Peter现在一个鸟类公园。由此可知这句话是正确的。2根据短文中May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont like noise.可知,May让Peter不要大声说话,否则会把鸟吓走的,因此May没有在公园里大声说话,这句话是错误的。3根据上文Peter: Where are they? I cant see them. May: Shh, dont shout. The birds dont like noise.和下文May: Dont run. Yo

13、u should(应该) walk slowly.可知,May提醒Peter不要大声喊,走路要慢,由此可推测,Peter并没有小声说话、慢慢地走路,故这句话是错误的。4根据短文中May: Oh, theyre flying to their babies near the pond.可知,May看到两只鸟要飞到池塘边去找幼鸟。由此可知这句话是正确的。5短文中May: Do the birds eat a lot of fish, Peter? Peter: Sorry, I dont know.提到这些鸟吃鱼,但是没有提到公园里的鸟都喜欢吃鱼,故这句话是错误的。3My sister Cindy

14、 Green is an English teacher. She is 26 years old . Cindy speaks English and Chinese very well . She can play the piano, play soccer and swim. She often plays soccer with her students . she is good with them., and the students like her very much . Cindy is in Flower Music Club.She goes to the club o

15、n Sundays. There she helps the kids with the piano.1Cindy can _.Aplay the violin and swimBplay the guitar and play soccerCplay the piano and play soccerDplay basketball and swim2Cindy often plays _with her students .Athe piano Bthe guitar Cbaseball Dsoccer3How many languages can Cindy speak?ATwo BOn

16、ly one CThree DFour4Cindy is a _in Flower Music Club.Astudent Bteacher Crunner Dsinger5Cindy _in the club .Aplays soccer Bspeaks EnglishChelps the kids with the piano Dplays the guitar【答案】1C2D3A4B5C【解析】【分析】文章大意:我姐姐Cindy是一位英语老师,她26岁了,英语和汉语讲得都很好。她会弹钢琴、踢足球和游泳。她经常和她的学生踢足球,学生们很喜欢她。她星期天去花卉音乐俱乐部帮助孩子们弹钢琴。1细

17、节理解题。根据文中的信息She can play the piano, play soccer and swim.可知,Cindy会弹钢琴、踢足球和游泳,结合选项可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。2细节理解题。根据文中的信息She often plays soccer with her students .可知她经常和她的学生一起踢足球,故答案选D。3细节理解题。根据文中的信息Cindy speaks English and Chinese very well .可知,Cindy会说英语和汉语两种语言,故答案选A。4推理判断题。根据文中的信息There she helps the kids wi

18、th the piano.Cindy在花卉音乐俱乐部里教孩子们弹钢琴,可推知她是俱乐部里的老师,故答案选B。5细节理解题。根据文中的信息There she helps the kids with the piano.可知,Cindy在俱乐部里教孩子们弹钢琴,故答案选C。4Middle school students in America hear about twenty bells(铃声) every day. The first bell is the tardy(迟到的) bell. If the tardy bell rings(响) but students are not in t

19、heir seats(座位), they know they are late. Another bell rings at the end(结尾) of each class. Everyone leaves the classroom quickly and plays for ten minutes. Then the bell rings and they go to the next class.When students have a hard class, they are often happy to hear the bell ring. If the class is in

20、teresting, they do not want the bell to ring. Most students like the lunch bell best, because it is time to join their friends for lunch. They buy some food in the school dining hall or they bring their lunch from home.After a nice lunch, another bell is coming soon(不久), and then another bell.1Ameri

21、can students in middle schools hear about _ bells every day.A.two B.ten C.twelve D.twenty2The students are late if they _A.hear the bell ringB.are not in their seats when they hear the first bellC.hear the second bell in the classroomD.are in their seats before the first bell rings3The students are

22、happy to have _A.easy classes B.hard classesC.all the classes D.interesting classes4Why do most students like the lunch bell best?A.Because they dont like their classes at all.B.Because they want to have another class.C.Because they can join their friends for lunch.D.Because they can have lots of fo

23、od to eat.5The students usually have their lunch school the home their friends houses【答案】1D2B3D4C5A【解析】【分析】美国中学生每天大约听到20次铃声,第一个是迟到的铃声,当这个铃响了,学生不在座位上,就是迟到了,然后是每节课的下课铃,学生能出去玩10分钟,铃再次响起,学生回教室上课,如果是一节难的课,学生很高兴听到铃响,如果是一节有趣的课,学生不想听到铃响,学生最喜欢的是午饭的铃声,因为他们能和朋友一起吃午饭,午饭后不久,铃又响了,一次

24、又一次。1细节理解题。根据Middle school students in America hear about twenty bells(铃声) every day.可知每天大约20次;故选D2细节理解题。根据The first bell is the tardy(迟到的) bell. If the tardy bell rings(响) but students are not in their seats(座位), 当迟到铃响了,学生不在座位上,就是迟到了,故选B3细节理解题。根据If the class is interesting, they do not want the bel

25、l to ring.可知学生愿意上有趣的课;故选D4细节理解题。根据Most students like the lunch bell best, because it is time to join their friends for lunch.可知因为他们能和朋友一起吃午饭,故选C5细节理解题。根据They buy some food in the school dining hall or they bring their lunch from home.可知学生通常在学校吃午饭;故选A5Name: KarishmaAnimal type: Asian elephantAge: 11W

26、eight(重量): 2,300 kgFavorite food: fruit and cakesName: LumpurAnimal type: Asian tigerAge: 11Weight: 130 kgFavorite food: chickenName: EllishAnimal type: African giraffeAge: 4Weight: 750 kgFavorite food: grass and leavesName: SpikeAnimal type: African lionAge: 7Weight: 200 kgFavorite food: beef1Where

27、 does Karishma come from?AAsia. BAfrica. CAustralia. DSouth America.2Whats Lumpurs favorite food?ACakes. BFish. CBeef. DChicken.3How old is Ellish?A3. B4. C7. D11.4What animal is Lumpur?AA tiger. BA lion. CA giraffe. DAn elephant.5Whats the weight of Spike?A130 kg. B200 kg. C750 kg. D2,300 kg.【答案】1A

28、2D3B4A5B【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了几只动物的类别,年龄,体重和最喜欢吃的食物。1题意:Karishma来自哪里?A. Asia.亚洲;B. Africa. 非洲;C. Australia. 澳大利亚;D. South America. 南美洲。 根据左一图Animal type: Asian elephant可知Karishma来自亚洲,选A。2题意:Lumpur最喜欢的食物是什么?A. Cakes.蛋糕; B. Fish鱼;C. Beef.牛肉;D. Chicken.鸡肉。根据右一图中Favorite food: chicken可知Lumpur最喜欢的食物是鸡肉,选D。3题意:E

29、llish几岁了?根据左二图Age: 4可知Ellish4岁了;选B。4题意:Lumpur是什么动物?A. A tiger老虎;B. A lion.狮子;C. A giraffe.长颈鹿;D. An elephant.大象。根据右一图中Animal type: Asian tiger可知Lumpur是老虎;选A。5题意:Spike的重量是多少?根据右二图中Weight: 200 kg可知Spike中200千克。选B。6When you go to the US, someone often says “give me five”. What should you do? Do not get

30、five dollars from your pocket! It will make them laugh! They are not asking for your money, but your fingers. In the US, “give me five” or “give me the high five” is a popular gesture(手势). You can see it often in movies or on TV. It means hitting each others right hands together.People do it when th

31、ey meet for the first time or something happy happens(发生). For example, when a student gets good grades in tests. If a football team wins a game, the players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrateThis gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising(举起) the right arm for the king. This showed the person raising his arm did not have a sword(宝剑) in his hand.Why not try to give the high five to you

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