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1、建筑说明文字说明en本设计是根据建设单位的有关审批文件及工艺、电气、给排水等专业提供的设计资料为依据,遵照现行规范和规程而完成的施工图说明。The present notes for construction drawings are prepared based on the design information and conditions of such disciplines as process, electrical, water supply & sewdge, etc. and relevant documents approved by the authorities con

2、cerned, and following current codes and regulations as well. 一、工程概况1. Overview of the project 1、本工程为1.1 Project name:2、基础形式:建筑物框架为柱下独立基础,锅炉基础为柱下条基基础。1.2 Foundation: Buildings: Independent foundation under the framework ofBoiler: strip foundation under the column 3、结构形式:框排架结构。1.3 Structure: Bent fram

3、e二、设计基本数据2. Basic data for design1、建筑耐火等级:二级2.1 Fire resistance rating: II 2、结构安全等级:二级2.2 Safety rating of structure: II3、结构设计使用年限:50年2.3 Livetime of designed structure: 50 years4、基本风压:0.35KN/m2;2.4 Reference wind pressure: 0.35kN/m2 5、基本雪压:0.25KN/m2;2.5 Reference snow pressure: 0.25kN/m26、抗震设计参数:(1

4、)建筑物抗震设防类别:标准设防类(2)抗震设防烈度:八度(3)设计基本地震加速度值:0.20g(4)结构抗震等级:二级(5)场地土类别:2类2.6 Aseismatic design(1) Category of earthquake fortification: II(2) Seismic fortification intensity: 8 degree(3) Design basic acceleration of ground motion: II(4) Structure seismic grade: II(5) Site soil category: II 三、设计资料及依据3.

5、Design information and basis1、设计规范 3.1 Code for design建筑结构制图标准GB/T50105-2001“Standard Graphic Album for Structures” GB/T50105-2001建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准GB50068-2001“Unified Design Standard for Reliability of Buildings & Structures” GB50068-2001建筑结构荷载规范GB50009-2000(2006版)“Code for Load of Buildings & Structur

6、es” GB50009-2000(edition 2006)建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007-2002“Design Code for Foundation of Buildings” GB50007-2002建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2001(2008版)“Code for Seismic of Buildings” GB50011-2001(edition 2008)混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2002“Design Code for Concrete Structures” GB50010-2002国家现行其它有关设计规范、规程及施工验收规范Current national

7、 codes and reguations related to the design as well as acceptance code for construction work.2、国家建筑标准设计国集3.2 National Standard Design Album for Buildings 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(03G101-1)“Catographic Rules and Structural Details for Overall Representation Method of Construction Plan of Concrete St

8、ructures” (03G101-1)四、主要结构材料4. Material for main structures 1、混凝土强度等级:梁、板、柱、楼梯、基础:C30,垫层:C15。4.1 Rating of concrete strengthBeams, slabs, columns, stairs and foundations: C30Bedding: C152、钢材:4.2 Steel (1)钢筋:HPB235(!),钢筋强度设计值fy=210KN/mm2HRB335(),钢筋强度设计值fy=300KN/mm2直径12mm(除特别注明外),均要求采用HRB335级钢钢筋的抗拉强度实

9、测值与屈服强度实测值的比值不应小于1.25。钢筋的屈服强度实测值与钢筋的强度标准值的比值不应大于1.3。且钢筋在最大拉力下的总伸长率实测值不应小于9%。(1) Reinforcement: HPB235(!)Design value for rebar strength: fy=210kN/mm2 Diameter: 12mm (unless otherwise noted specifically)All rereinforcement shall be of steel HRB335 Ratio of actual tensile strength to actual yield stre

10、ngth shall not be less than 1.25Ratio of yield strength to characteristic value of strength shall not be more than 1.3Measured total tensile length at the maximum tensile force shall not be less than 9%(2)型钢和钢板:采用碳素结构钢(GB/700-2006)规定的Q235等级的碳素结构钢。(2) Profile steels and steel plates: Q235 specified u

11、nder “Carbon Structural Steels” (GB/700-2006) shall be used for the project(3)焊条:E43型用于焊接HPB235级钢,E50型用于焊接HRB335级钢。(3) Welding rods: E43 for HPB235, and E50 for HRB3353、水泥:一般采用普通硅酸盐水泥,标号不得低于32.5Mpa。4.3 Cement: common portland cement in general and with a grade not be lower than 32.5MPa五、构造要求5. Struc

12、tual requirement1、楼板钢筋锚固5.1 Anchoring rereinforcement for floors(1)板的底部钢筋伸至支座中心线,并5d(d为钢筋直径);当为HPB235时,端部加弯钩,当为HRB335时,端部不加弯钩。(1) Bottom reinforcement in the floor shall reach the center line of support, and shall 5d (d refers to diameter of rebar). While the material is HPB235, the end of the bar s

13、hall be hooked, however for HRB335, hooked bar is not required. (2)板的边支座负筋要求伸到梁外皮留保护层厚度,并满足图集04G101-4第23页中纵向受拉钢筋的最小锚固长度laE的锚固要求。(2) reinforcement on side support of slabs which are bearing negative moment of slabs have to reach the outter surface of the beam, and therefore, thickness of protection c

14、over has to be reserved during construction. In addition, minimum length of anchor laE which is specified on page 23 of the Album 04G101-4 shall be satisfied. 2、钢筋接头5.2 Joint of bar(1)接头的形式及要求框架柱纵向钢筋采用竖向压力焊接接头,框架梁上部贯通筋的接长,宜优先采用对焊接头,以上焊接接头的质量标准应符合现行混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范GB50204-92和钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18-84的要求,并应进行接头

15、试验。(1) Type and requirement of jointLongitudinal reinforcement of the fram column shall have vertical pressure joints. The pass-through reinforcement on top of frame beam shall give priority to butt welding for the joints. Quality of the above-mentioned joints shall meet the requirement of “Construc

16、tion and Acceptance Code for Concrete Structure Project” (GB50204-92) and “Welding and Acceptance Regulations for Reinforcement” (JGJ18-84). Test on joints shall be carried out accordingly after welding. (2)接头位置及接头数量(2) Location and number of jointsa、接头位置宜设置在受力较小处,在同一根钢筋上应不超过三个接头。a. Joints shall be

17、placed where bears small load, and number of joints on same bar shall not be more than 3.b、受力钢筋接头的位置应互相错开,当采用非焊接的搭接接头时,在规定的搭接长度的任一区段内,和当采用焊接接头时,在焊接接头的35d且不小于500mm区段内,同一根钢筋不得有两个接头。有接头的受力钢筋总截面面积的百分率应符合下表规定:b. Joints on the bearing bar shall stagger with each other. In case of overlap joining instead o

18、f welding, within any area as per specified overlap length of not being less than 500mm, or while welding joints are necessary, within the area of not less than 35d of the bar, on the same bar, only one welding joint is possible. 接头区段内受力钢筋接头面积的容许百分率(%)Allowable percentage (%) of loaded bar joint are

19、a within the accepted joint section接头形式受拉区受压区Tensile or loaded area vs types of joints 绑扎搭接接头2550Bound lap joint 2550焊接接头50不限Welding joint 50 not limited 3、本建筑结构构件所处的环境类别为一类,受力钢筋的混凝土保护层厚度:柱30m,梁25mm,板15mm。5.3 Category of structural parts of this building is classifed as I.Thickness of concrete prote

20、ction cover for loaded reinforcement: Columm: 30m Beam: 25mm Slab: 15mm4、梁、柱箍筋末端应成135度弯钩且弯钩末端平直段长度应为于箍筋直径的10倍。4. Bottom of hooping of beam or column shall be bended as a 135o hook and the straight section of the hook end shall be 10 times of the diameter of hooping. 5、钢筋混凝土现浇板5. Cast-in-situ RC slab

21、(1)板的底部钢筋,短跨钢筋置下排,长跨钢筋置上排。板面钢筋,短跨钢筋置上排,长跨钢筋置下排。(1) For reinforcement at bottom of slabs, those with shorter span shall be arranged at lower row and those with wider spans on upper row. For reinforcement on top of slabs, those with shorter span shall be arranged at upper row and those with wider span

22、s on lower row.(2)当板底与梁底平时,板的下部钢筋伸入梁内时,应置于梁下部纵向钢筋之上。(2) While the slab bottom is on an equal footing with the beam bottom, and the lower reinforcement of slab are inserting the beam, the said reinforcement shall be on above of longitudinal reinforcement at lower part of the beam.(3)板上孔洞应预留并做翻边,避免事后凿

23、打。当孔洞300时,应将板内钢筋由洞边绕过,不得切断。(3) Slabs shall be reserved with openings having turnup rims so as to avoid any opening work afterwards. If the size of opening is less than 300, bar in the slab shall bypass the opening instead of having it cut.(4)楼板与梁的混凝土宜一次浇筑,当浇筑时间超过砼初凝时间而形成施工缝,施工缝隙作法及位置应符合施工及验收规范的规定。(4

24、) Concrete of floors and beams shall be one-time completed. If construction joints are formed due to extremely long pouring time which goes beyond intial setting time of concrete, the way and location of doing the construction joint shall follow the rules of construction and acceptance code.(5)板内预埋管

25、须敷设在板内上下两层钢筋网之间,当埋管处无板面筋时,则须沿管长方向加!8200钢筋,如右图:(5) Pipes to be built in the slabs shall be laid between the two layers of steel mesh inside the slabs. While steel mesh is not available in the slab, !8200钢筋 reinforcement shall be arranged along the pipe direction. See the drawing at right side for det

26、ails(6)板的分布筋为!6200。(6) Distribution reinforcement of slab: !6200(7)板面筋应特别注意架空高度,严防踩踏。(7) Slab steel mesh shall be elevated to avoid any step or tread(8)其余构造要求详标准图集04G101-4。(8) Refer to Standard Album 04G101-4 for other structural details.6、梁5.6 Beam(1)当梁高800时,梁内吊筋的弯起角度为60度While the beam height is 80

27、0, the bend angle of hanging steel bar inside the beam shall be 60o.(2)主、次梁高度相同时,次梁的下部纵向钢筋应置于主梁下部纵向钢筋之上。(2) When the secondary beam is as high as the girder, the lower longitudinal bar of the secondary beam shall be arranged above of that of the girder. (3)架立钢筋与受力钢筋的搭接长度为250mm。(3) Length of lap join

28、t of auxiliary steel bar and tensioned bar shall be 250mm(4)当梁与柱、墙外皮齐平时,梁外侧的纵向钢筋应稍做弯折,置于柱、墙主筋内侧。(4) When the beam is flush with the crust of column or wall, the longitudial bar at outboard of the beam shall bend a little and be located inboard of reinforcement of column or wall. (5)框架梁的腰筋当为构造设置时,一般将

29、两端锚入柱内或墙内20d,但配置抗扭箍筋梁的腰筋两端应锚入柱内或墙内laE。If beam stirrup is to be arranged, both ends of the stirrup shall be anchored 20d inside column or wall. However, the stirrup for the antitorque laterally reinforced beam shall have both ends anchored laE inside column or wall.(6)其余构造要求详见标准图集03G101-1。(6) Refer t

30、o Standard Album 03G101-1 for other structural details.7、柱5.7 Column(1)钢筋混凝土现浇框架柱、边框柱中钢筋的锚固长度为laE,搭接长为l1E。(1) Length of anchor bar in the cast-in-situ RC frame column or jambpost shall be laE,and the lap joint length shall be l1E. (2)柱中纵向钢筋接头宜优先采用电渣压力焊,接头位置及接头数量详图集03G101-1第36页中的“焊接连接”。Electroslag pr

31、essure welding is preferable for vertical steel joint inside column. Refer to the Welded Connection on page 36 of the “Album of Details” (03G101-1) (3)柱中箍筋均为封闭箍,当设有拉筋时,拉筋宜紧靠纵向钢筋并勾住封闭箍筋,当柱纵向钢筋的总配筋率超过3%时,箍筋应采用焊接。Closed hoops are to be used in the column. Tie bar to be used in the column shall be next to vertical reinforcement and hook the closed hoops. (4)其余构造要求详见标准图集03G101-1。(4) Refer to Standard Album 03G101-1 for other structural details.8、框架梁、柱节点5.8 Beam-to-column joints in the framework (1)梁、柱节点区混凝土

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