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精译林版7B Unit1单词及知识梳理.docx

1、精译林版7B Unit1单词及知识梳理译林版7B Unit1单词及知识梳理单词:palacen. 皇宫,宫殿next toprep.紧邻,在近旁town n. 镇,城镇Canada n. 加拿大France n. 法国Japan n. 日本Russian. 俄罗斯UK abbr. (=United Kingdom) 英国London n. 伦敦country n. 国家capital n. 首都mile n. 英里garden n. 花园, 果园flat n. 公寓,套房centre n. 中心 =centerliving room n. 起居室,客厅share vt. 合用;分享bedroo

2、m n.卧室own adj. 自己的bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室balcony n. 阳台beach n. 海滩sean. 海dining room n. 餐厅zero num. 零hundred num. 百thousand num. 千million num. 百万foot n. (pl. feet)英尺square adj.平方的metre n. 米,公尺 =meter area n. 面积over prep.超过forkn. 叉,餐叉fridge n. (=refrigerator)冰箱knife n. (pl. knives)刀lamp n. 灯,台灯shower n. 淋浴

3、器;淋浴sofa n. 沙发video n. 录像;视频be full of满是some day将来有一天,总有一天message n. 消息,音信take a message传个话, 捎个口信double adj. 双的;两倍的studyn. 书房machine n.机器washing machine洗衣机at the foot of在脚下field n. 地,田invite vt. 邀请stay vi. 停留,逗留of someones own属于某人自己的may modal v. 可以;也许,可能call someone back回电话football field n. 足球场share

4、 with与某人合用/ 分享某物7B Unit1 知识梳理【重点词组】1.dream homes 理想之家2.would like to do sth.= want to do sth.想要做某事 to /beside a restaurant在饭店隔壁4.the capital of France法国的首都6.the biggest one最大的那个 Fifth Street在第五大街8homes around the world=homes all over the world世界各地的家9.learn /know a lot about sb./sth.=know s

5、b./sth well非常了解某人/某事10.on / at the weekend= on / at weekendson weekdays在周末在工作日11.a town 15 miles from London一个距离伦敦15英里的小镇 the centre/middle of the small town在小镇中心13.on the ninth/twelfth flooron the top/ground floor在九/十二楼在顶/底层14.Share happiness with my friends.share a bedroom with my sister和我的朋友

6、们分享快乐和我的姐姐/妹妹合住一个卧室15.listen to music in bed躺在床上听音乐16.wash ones face/ brush ones teeth洗脸/刷牙17.the best place to chat and watch TV一个聊天及看电视的最好的地方18.a home cinema 家庭影院20 .1,815 feet tall(1815英尺高)21. (91,000 square metres in size)方圆91,000平方米22.on the eighth of March / on March 8在三月八号23.the first (studen

7、t) to come to school第一个到校(的学生)25.Thanks for sth. / doing sth.为(做)某事感谢26.(be) different from /(be)the same as与不同/与相同27.(be) full of 满是;装满29.take a message (for sb)take a message to sb.(替某人)捎个口信捎个口信给某人30.ask/tell sb (not) to do sth叫某人(不要)做某事 sb back 给某人回电话32.last name = family name 姓33.first na

8、me名 the foot of a hill 在山脚下36.invite sb. to sp.invite sb. here / thereinvite sb. to do sth.invite my friends to watch films with me邀请某人去某地邀请某人来这里/去那里邀请某人做某事邀请我的朋友们跟我一起看电影【重点句型】1.Would you like to live in a palace ?你想住在宫殿里吗?2.The capital of France is Paris.法国的首都是巴黎。3.My favourite place is the ba

9、lcony.我最喜欢的地方是阳台。4.We love to sit on the floor and look out at the beach and sea.我们喜欢坐在地板上看外面的海滩和大海。5.My house is over a river.我家房子在河上。There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。6.I climb a ladder to get into my house. 我爬梯子进入我的房间=I get into my house with a ladder. = I use a ladder to get into my house.

10、7.My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.当妈妈做饭时,我和家人坐在厨房里。8.I have a dog .Its birthday is on the fifth of June.我有一只狗,它的生气是6月5日。9.I live with my family in a flat on a busy street.=My family and I live in a flat on a busy street我和家人一起住在一条繁忙街道的一间公寓里。10.I share a bedroom w

11、ith my sister.=My sister and I share a bedroom = My sister and I live in the same bedroom.我和姐姐共享一个卧室。11.Our neighbours are friendly/kind / nice to us.我们的邻居对我们很好。12.The garden is the best place to grow flowers.花园是种花的最好地方。13.The window is opposite the door.窗户在门的对过.14.I am arriving in Shanghai on Sunda

12、y.=I willarrive inShanghai on Sunday= I willget toShanghai on Sunday=I willreachShanghai on Sunday.我将在周六到达上海。arrive in + 大地点(范围内)arrive at + 小地点(具体地点) 当后接地点副词here, there ,home时要省略介词get home 到家(也要省略介词to) 当后无到达地点时,只用arrive而不用reach或gete.g.When will they arrive tomorrow? 他们明天什么时候到达?15.I cant wait to vis

13、it the Space Museum .我迫不及待参观太空博物馆。16.I think you would be tired after the long plane journey from London to Beijing.我认为你从伦敦到北京的长途飞机旅行后应该劳累了。19.I d like to take you to the Great Wall on Tuesday , the nineteenth of February.我想在2月19日星期二,带你去长城。20.Your house is really different from the flats in Beijing.

14、你的房子真的不同于北京公寓。21.I ll call you when I am free.当我有空时,我将打电话给你。22.What kind of home do you live in?你住在什么样的家里?23.There are no other rooms on the second floor.三楼没有其他的房间了。other 和some,any, many, no等限定词连用时,常放在它们的后面Ask some other students 问问别的同学们吧24.May I speak to Daniel, please? 我可以和Daniel通话吗?This is Daniel

15、 (speaking). Whos calling, please? 我就是,你是谁?25.Its + adj + (for sb) + to do sth 做某事对某人来说是的Its nice to sit in it and watch TV 坐在里面看电视是很好的26.Itsmy first timetocome to Beijing 这是我第一次来北京序数词前一般要用定冠词,但是当序数词前有my, his,her等形容词性物主代词或this,that等指示代词,则不用再加the.【重点语法】1. Would you like to do sth?肯定回答:Yes,Id like to/

16、Sure, that sounds great.否定回答:Id love to, but ./Thank you, but Im afraid I.2. Would you like sth?肯定回答:Yes, please.否定回答:No, thanks.3. one & itone: (1)基数词 序数词 first(2)代词 代替上文提到的同类人或物中的一个(同类不同一;复数为ones.)It:代词,指代的上文提到的那个事物 (同类且同一)4. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.我和我的家人经常坐在那里享受喝茶的

17、乐趣。family (1) 家庭 作主语谓语动词用三单 Jims family isnt very big.(2) 家人 作主语谓语动词用非三单形式5.look out at the beach向外看着海滩(1)Look out ! =Be careful! = Take care! 当心/小心(2) look out“向外看/眺望外面”,后接宾语要用介词。look out of the window/the door 向窗/门外看look(out) at the tree(向外) 看着那棵树look out of sth. at sth.从某处向外看着某人/物6. the best plac

18、e to chat and watch TV一个聊天和看电视的最好的地方to chat and watch TV 动词不定(to do)作后置定语7. Cardinal numbers (基数词)易错词:4 /14/ 40: four/ fourteen/ forty9 /19 /90: nine/ nineteen/ ninety8. 分隔号的含义1,234,567,890one billion two hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety规

19、则:从右向左第一个逗号表示thousand,第二个逗号表示million 第三个逗号表示billion.9. 基数词的读法:与十位或者个位连接加and.2,007 two thousand and seven2,000,302 Two million three hundred and two10. hundred, thousand, million 前有具体的数字时,它们不能加“s”.11. hundred, thousand, million前无具体数字时,后加”s”和of 表示概数12.数词+hundred/thousand/million/billion of +the+n.(复数)

20、 这儿的of表示的是“其中的”类似的结构有:Some of the students 其中一些学生,many of the teachers, most of the subjects 大部分的科目, all of the classrooms13.Ordinal numbers (序数词)序数词用来谈论日期、楼层、结果等。e.g.March 18th 三月十八号14.序数词拼写口诀:1,2,3特殊记,一般 加上th,(first ,second ,third , fourth, seventh, hundredth)8少t 9去e, ve要用f 替ty结尾整数字,y 变ie 也容易15. t

21、he/ones+序数词+n. 表示“第几个/某人第几”16.a/an+序数词,表示“又一,再一”. Please give me a second chance.请再给我一次机会 The woman had a third baby.那位妇女生了第三个宝宝。17. ask sb (not ) to do sth 叫某人(不要)做某事 Ask them to here18. Each room has a new computer. 每个房间都有一台新电脑。(1) adj. 用作定语,each + n. (单),谓语动词用三单形式。(2) pron. 用作主语/宾语,each of the +

22、n. (pl.)。作主语,谓语动词用三单形式。(3) n. 用作同位语,跟在主语后,谓语动词与主语保持一致。19. It is great fun to do sth. =have fun doing sth.做某事很有趣。fun为不可数名词。20. mile n. 英里 1 mile 1.6 km表示距离用:A is mile/kilometre (away) from B.21.have fun (playing)with my doghave fun doing sth.=have a good/great time doing sth.做某事很开心have fun= enjoy oneself=have a good time(donging)玩得开心,过得愉快oneself 某人自己22. centre n. 中心 在市中心in the centre of the city= in the city centre23. share vt.share sth with sb. 与某人分享、合用某物24. my own bedroom=a bedroom of my own 我自己的卧室have ones own+n.=have +n.+of ones own拥有某人自己的某物see sth. with ones own eyes 亲眼所见

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