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广州版 Module 6 教学设计.docx

1、广州版 Module 6 教学设计单 元 教 学 计 划单元名称Module 6教学设计教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1、能正确地听、说、读、写关于教室内物品名称和学校场所的词汇。 2、能理解、朗读并尝试表演对话。 3、能正确听、说、做:Put on /in / under / near /beside / behind / in front of / between 4、能唱本单元的歌曲、念小诗。(二)语言技能目标1、学生能熟悉自己学校的场所和教室的物品的名称,熟练运用指令并把教室的东西放在适当的位置。2、在实际情景中用句型Put on / in under / near /beside /

2、behind / in front of / between Where is / are ?及其答句。3、能较熟练地用英语向别人介绍自己的学校。(三)情感态度目标1、学生通过学习学校相关的场所和教室的物品名称,以及摆放东西的英语表达方式,学会如何整理教室,养成热爱集体、热爱自己学校的良好品德。2、学生通过各种形式的评价活动提高学习积极性,养成敢于开口、勇于实践睥良好的学习习惯。(四)文化意识目标通过对比英国的教室和自己的教室,了解中外学习环境布置的异同。课时划分6课时重 点难 点1、能听、说、读写“四会”掌握的单词。2、能熟练运用句型:Where s the ? Is it in ?及介词i

3、n, on, under, near, beside, behind, between3、能熟练运用祈使句型:Put in /on / under / between 课 类时 型新授主要教学方法1、学生通过录像、电脑软件、故事、游戏、歌曲、小组活动等感知课文并操练,积极运用所学的知识进行表达和交流,提高小组协作和自主学习的积极性。2、以旧引新,通过以前所学的知识,利用教室内的实物,引出新知识,并在真实情景中充分操作,从Whats in your bedroom?到Whats in your classroom? Is there a ?Are there any ?引出教室内的物品单词、介绍

4、教室内物品的摆放等等。学生应该在实际情况中操练和运用本课的句型。3、师生共创情景,学生当小导游,介绍自己学校的各场所,运用所学的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,养成大胆开口说英语、运用英语的良好习惯。4、学生通过故事、歌曲、小诗、游戏等形式,巩固和发展新知识,进一步提高学习兴趣。通过适当的笔头练习,巩固所学的与学校和教室相关的单词,逐步提高听、说、读、写的技能。5、学生与小组合作完成各项学习任务,增强合作意识。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题第一课时 Unit 16 Clean the Classroom Dialogue教 学目 标(一)语言知识1、能熟练运用祈使句型Put

5、 under /on.。2、能熟练运用句型 Wheres the ?Is it in ? 及介词in, on, under, beside.3、学习并能运用新句型 There it is .4、对词汇clean ,classroom ,exercise book ,between 要“四会”掌握,board rubber, tape recorder, dictionary要“三会”掌握。(二)语言技能流利地朗读并理解对话,好学生能看图复述对话或表演对话。(三)情感目标教育学生热爱劳动;提高学生的英语学习兴趣。教材分析重点1、新词的读、记。2、熟练运用句型Put under /on.。Wher

6、es the ? Is it in ?3、学习并能运用新句型 There it is 及介词in, on, under, beside, between的熟练运用。4、对话的理解、掌握。难点1、新词的认、读。2、新句型There it is . 的理解与运用。教具单词卡片、图片、实物(练习本、词典)金太阳课件、录音机,游戏用的小盒子。教学过程一 Leading-in1. 唱介词歌。2. Chant: Dont put the things here, Please put them away . Clean your room, dear , Keep it tidy every day .3

7、. 说口令,做动作复习祈使句型Put .Lets.教学过程二 Pre-task1、 利用情景(学校卫生文明班级评比)引出课题。2、 老师描述新词学生猜(用不同方式引出,激发学生学习兴趣)学习新词 classroom, board rubber, exercise book, tape recorder, between, dictionary. 3、 大小声游戏操练Wheres ?Is it in ?并引出新句型 There it is ,beside the exercise books/in that corner.4. Free talk:四人小组用Wheres the ?Is it i

8、n ?练习运用新词。三While-task1、提出问题,金太阳课件呈现课文,学生带着问题仔细听然后回答问题。2、学生再听录音,朗读课文。3、表演课文,小组评比。四Post-taska) 布置任务:让学生思考如何整理班容,把自己的意见用所学知识写一句话,然后随机抽、读,评出最佳点子。b) 小结。五Homework1. 抄Unit16的生词。2. 听录音熟读Unit16。3. 回家动手布置客厅或自己的房间,并写下来:至少三句话。布置作业1 抄Unit16的生词。2 听录音熟读Unit16。3 回家动手布置客厅或自己的房间,并写下来:至少三句话。教学后记在教学中,根据低年级学生的年龄特点,多采用游戏

9、,歌曲,chant,实物辅助教学,寓教于乐。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题第 二 课 时 Unit 16 Work with Langaue教 学目 标1、 语言知识:1)words: blackboard, chalk, board rubber, tape recorder, map, teachers desk, dictionary, exercises book, in, on, under, beside, 2)drills: where is/are ? and its answer2、 语言技能:1) 能看课本75页的图片,正确的把单词贴在相应的图旁边2

10、) 能看物品快速而准确的说出单词3) 能看图,阅读对话,补充对话中所缺的词。4) 能听命令,做出相应的动作,部分学生能发布命令。3、 情感态度:教育学生爱惜自己的学习用品,用完要摆放整齐4、 学习策略:学生通过图片,实物,身体语言来学习和记忆新知识教材分析重点1、 方位介词的理解和运用2、 学习用品的单词的记忆和理解难点1、 方位介词的理解和运用2、 学习用品的单词的记忆和理解教具图片,实物教学过程一 leading-in:1. Sing a song: in our classroom2. Read U16 dialogue in roles.二 pre-task:1. Listen to

11、the orders, do the action, learn the new words:1)T: put the book on the teachers desk. Put some chalks on my book. Put your hands on the blackboard.2) Read the words in different ways, such as groups, one by one.2. Play a game: flash words(老师快速转动单词卡,学生认真看并说出单词,单词有:blackboard, chalks, board rubber, t

12、ape recorder, map, teachers desk, dictionary, exercise book)教学过程3. Find out the objects in the classroom(请学生朗读单词,并在教室里找到相应的物品,找对加分,找错的话请朋友帮忙)4. Books open, do the sticker quickly 5. Tell a story about a mouse:One day, Bobby saw a mouse in the classroom, he is so scared, he cries: Ah, a mouse! Mr Leo

13、 heard his crying , came and asked: “where is the mouse?” Bobby: “Its on the desk.” Mr Leo: “where is the mouse?” Bobby:” its on the chair, now.” Mr Leo: “where is the mouse?” Bobby: ”its under the desk.” Mr Leo:” where is the mouse?” Bobby:” its in that corner.” Mr Leo :” where is the mouse?” Bobby

14、: “ Ah, there are two mice, theyre beside the blackboard, ah , look, there are some little mice in the old box.” Mr Leo: “wow.” (老师利用图片,不同的声音,引导学生理解故事的内容。)1)和老师一起看图复述故事,请同学们表演故事。2)小组讨论,完成75页看图补充对话联系。三 While-task and post-task:1. do exercise in activity book page 42. discuss in groups2. check answer四

15、 homework 1. 抄写单词2. 完成活动手册的练习布置作业1. 抄写单词2. 完成活动手册的练习教学后记在教学中,注意运用学生已有的基础,由浅入深,以旧带新,设计情景和游戏环节,将故事化简为易,降低难度。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题第三课时 Unit 17 Visit Our School Dialogue教 学目 标1、知识技能:1) To give further practice in “ Where is ? ” questions2) To introduce vocabulary of places in the school. E.g: the

16、playground, the library, the toilet, the canteen, the teachers room etc .3) Can act out the whole dialogue.4) Can talk about their own schools place.2、综合技能:通过学习,培养学生仔细观察身边事物的好习惯。教材分析重点会用“Its in/ on/ opposite /between and .” 回答问句“ Wheres .”难点单词“teachers room” 的读音,拼写及理解。教具校园地图,单词卡,教学软件教学过程Step 1. Revi

17、sion.1 Sing the song- Our School follow the software.2 Free talk:1) T: Wheres your pencil penbook board rubber .S: Its in on between and .2) T: How many bookscircles are there?S: There is one . There are two .Step 2. Presentation.1.Show the picture of our school and lead in the subject : Unit 17 Vis

18、it Our School.2.Learn the new words through the word cards.3. Show the words “in”, “on”, “opposite”, “between and” through the software. 4 Look at the picture of our school, ask the following questions, and lead them to answer these questions .1) How many buildings are there in our school?2) Wheres

19、the library?教学过程3) Wheres the teachers room? Wheres the toilet?4) Wheres the headmasters office? Wheres the canteen?5.Visit a new school about Sallys , show the dialogue through the king sun software twice. 6.Show following questions, encourage the children to listen to the text and find out the ans

20、wer by themselves:1) Where are the classrooms? Where is the library?2) Where are the toilets? Where is the teachers room?3) How many classrooms are there in the school? 7 Read the dialogue after the software.Step 3 .Summing up. The key sentences: Wheres the ? Its opposite . Its between and .Step 4 E

21、xercise.1. Ask the children play the different roles and try to read the text by the help of teachers gesture.2. Encourage the children to act out the text.3. Listen to the rhyme at page 79 and ask the children to come out and learn how to chant.Step 5 Development.1. Two in groups, free talk with qu

22、estions: “Wheres ?” or “Where are .”2. Games:Six in groups, one close eyes, the others hiding things, then guess “Where is the ?”Step 6 Homework.1. Copy the new words.2. Recite the dialogue.3. Follow the text, draw a map of Janets school and name the parts of it in English.布置作业1. Copy the new words.

23、2. Follow the text, draw a map of Janets school and name the parts of it in English.教学后记寻找学生熟悉的环境,运用图片和身体语言,设置情景导入新课,充分利用多媒体教学软件吸引学生的注意力,使其较好掌握新知识。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题第 四 课 时Unit 17 Work with Language教 学目 标一)语言知识:1.三会词:flowerbed, statue ;2.方位介词 in, near, opposite, beside, behind, in front of,

24、 betweenand的正确使用3. 句型:Where is ? Its near/opposite/beside/behind/in front of/betweenandIs the near/opposite/beside/behindthe .?二)语言技能:1.能听、说、读flowerbed, statue ;2.能看简单的学校平面图,能正确运用所学学校设施场所的英语词汇和方位介词描述学校;三)情感态度:小组合作,培养他们的合作精神。通过学习,增强学生对学校的荣誉感和责任感。教材分析重点1.学校设施场所名词的巩固、记忆和运用。2.方位介词的正确理解和运用难点就学校平面图,能用所学的句

25、型、学校设施场所名词和方位介词进行问答。教具课件、单词卡、简单的学校平面图教学过程一、Warming up:1. Sing a song “Our School” 2. Read the rhyme二、Revision:1、Unit 17 Dialogue的学校设施场所英语词汇; 2、复习已学过的方位介词in, near, opposite, beside, behind, in front of, betweenand; 3、看Unit 17 Dialogue 的动画,分角色配音。三、Presentation and practice:1、创设情景:Boys and girls, this

26、is our friend Lily. Lets visit Lilys school. OK?教学过程Headmasters officeClinicTeachers roomFlowerbedSchoolbuilding 2GateSchool building 1StatuePlaygroundSwimming poolCanteenLibrary 2、学习三会词:flowerbed, statue3、老师边呈现学校设施场所边向学生说明方位。eg. There are two school buildings in Lilys school. There is a statue in f

27、ront of the school building 1. The playground is between the school buildings. The clinic is beside the teachers room.4、看Lily 的学校平面图,老师提问学生。eg. Is there a statue in Lilys school? Where is it? How many school buildings are there in the school? 5、学生看着Lily 的学校平面图,分小组进行问答。老师巡视检查学生的问答情况。四、Development: Lo

28、ok at the picture and answer the questions. (Book 2 Unit 17 Work with Language P80 exercise 2) 学生独立完成里面的6道题,然后进小组检查,老师巡视。老师评讲练习。五、Homework:画出你所在学校的平面图,尽你所能用英语标出各处的名称,并用英语向家长、朋友介绍自己的学校。布置作业画出你所在学校的平面图,尽你所能用英语标出各处的名称,并用英语向家长、朋友介绍自己的学校。教学后记创设情景,遵循从易到难、由浅到深的原则,通过小组合作,让学生更好地学习。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题

29、第五课时 unit 18 Lets Go Further教 学目 标1 通过故事,培养学生听,说和读的能力。2 通过故事,培养学生的想象力和语言表达能力。3 了解外国的文化知识。教材分析重点1 会听,说,读故事。2 能分角色表演故事。难点能了解外国的文化和中国文化的区别。教具配套的金太阳课件教学过程一 warmming upSing a song .二 Presentation 1 呈现课件声音,让学生感知故事。2 再次呈现课件,让学生观看故事,激发学生的兴趣。3 听与看相结合,让学生模仿课件,跟读故事三次。4 小组分角色朗读课文。5 请接受能力较强学生分角色表演课文。三 Practice and development1 完成Project.2 了解外国文化知识 Did you know?3 完成活动手册unit 2 and 3.四 Homework1 表演故事给爸爸妈妈听。2 五分钟练习。布置作业1 表演故事给爸爸妈妈听。2 五分钟练习。教学后记拓展学生的知识和文化知识,并通过评价让学生及时了解自己的学习情况,及时查漏补缺,提高学习质量。课 时 计 划 第 周 星期 第 节 年 月 日课 题第六课时 Lets Learn Together, Did you know ?

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