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本文(六千吨酱油工厂初步设计.doc)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 年产六千吨酱油工厂初步设计 中 文 摘 要酱油始创于我国,至今已有2 000多年的历史。它以营养丰富、风味优良而成为国际、国内市场上不可缺少的调味品。本设计说明书主要是关于年产6000吨的酱油工厂设计的具体内容。对酱油酿造的相关工艺、技术和设备做了较详细的研究。主要包括以下方面:1. 酱油生产发酵工艺采用低盐固态发酵工艺。符合多种微生物酶的作用条件的一种科学、合理的生产工艺。酱酿的酿造过程,就是充分发挥有益微生物的作用,促进生产原料主要成分的分解,促进各种风味物质产生的生化过程能正常进行。同时能抑制、防止有害微生物的活动,避免异常发酵,防止不良风味的产生。2. 各个工艺工段的操作 以大豆为主

2、要原料的酱油生产主要有四个阶段:原料处理,制曲,发酵,精制。 原料处理是酿造酱油的第一道工序,手要把原料按一定配比进行处理,达到原料适度变性(蒸熟),包括原料粉碎,润水(加水),蒸煮三个内容。 制曲的技术关键 (1)要选择新鲜而优良的种曲。 (2)原料润水要适当。 (3)原料蒸煮蛋白质变性适度,过度变性会使熟料发粘及产生有碍米曲霉生 长的因子。 (4)凡接触熟料的工具,设备,输送设施及环境等,须清洁卫生以防止杂菌污染。 (5)接种要均匀,特别是连续送了的设备。 (6)制曲温度要管理。 (7)制曲过程要注意控制管理。(8)每次制曲完毕,要注意作好曲室,曲池及输送管道,工具等的清洗,卫生工作。发酵


4、能力的增强。良好的酱油风味的改善,还原糖和氨基酸含量的减少,可挥发性成分的蒸发,都是加热过程中主要的变化。酱油的配兑关系到企业的经济效益和消费者利益。为了适应地方及传统风味的特殊需要,有时也添加甜味剂,如蔗糖、葡萄糖、液体糖浆、冰糖蜜、饴糖及甘草粉等;添加酸味剂,如有机酸类(醋酸、琥珀酸)及盐类物质;还可添加谷氨酸钠、肌甘酸钠和鸟甘酸钠等核酸类风味剂。酱油配兑时,一般应控制三项主要指标,即全氮、氨基酸态氮和无盐固形物。在三项指标中,以最低的质量指标作为配兑的依据。3. 各阶段设备操作规程如原料处理设备、制曲、发酵和包装等设备的操作。4. 车间平面布置,车间管道布置设计原则以及通风采光和卫生指标

5、。关键词:酱油,制曲,发酵,操作规程ABSTRACTPioneer sauce in the country and has been there for 2,000 years of history. Its nutrient-rich, excellent flavor as the international and domestic markets indispensable condiment. The manual is designed with an annual production capacity of 6,000 tons of soy sauce factory de

6、sign of the specific content. Soy sauce to the relevant processing technology and equipment a more detailed study. Mainly include the following :1. Soy sauce fermentation production of the high-salt liquid fermentation. High salt, liquid-state, low-temperature (room temperature), the long-cycle Ferm

7、entation is brewing with a variety of microbial growth law microbial enzymes with a variety of conditions for a scientific and rational production processes. Bean sauce brewing process, bring into full play the role of useful microorganisms, raw materials for production of major components of the de

8、composition, Flavor promote the biochemical processes can be carried out normally. Also can inhibit and prevent harmful microorganisms and avoid abnormal fermentation and prevent unscrupulous flavor production.2. Technology Section of the various operations Soy-sauce production of raw materials has

9、four main phases: raw materials handling system works, fermentation, purification. Raw materials handling brewing soy sauce is the first process, should hand a certain proportion of raw materials for processing, raw materials to achieve moderate degeneration (steamed), including raw material crushin

10、g, carry water (water), three elements of Cooking. Koji of key technology (1) To choose fresh and excellent starter. (2) Raw materials Run water should be appropriate. (3) Cooking protein denaturation raw materials appropriate, excessive variability will clinker sticky and have hindered the growth o

11、f Aspergillus oryzae factor. (4) Where the clinker contact with the tools, equipment, transportation facilities and the environment, to be clean to prevent bacterial contamination. (5) To uniform coverage, especially for delivery of the equipment. (6) Starter temperature management. (7) Starter to t

12、he attention of management control. (8) Every time starter finished, it is necessary to make room curly, curly pond and pipeline, the tools of cleaning, sanitation work.Fermentation process conditions of high salt, low-temperature fermentation and long cycle. High salt inhibit the growth of lactic a

13、cid bacteria, and other important means to prevent the sauce mash pH drop fast, neutral, Alkaline Protease best working conditions. Hypothermia mean temperature fermentation, lactic acid bacteria also inhibit the activities of the important conditions. In high-salt, low-temperature conditions, exten

14、ded fermentation cycle is inevitable, long cycle is conducive to bacterial fermentation of autolysis products and exquisite flavor.Refining first sauce Organization for the press, as is the liquid sauce Organization, we must exploit. Squeeze the juice sauce Organization Lane also contain very minor

15、part of the solids need to be clarified. Will squeeze the juice sauce Organization sent tanks to clarify a few days, the above raw soy sauce extracted. After filtrate of the fermentation temperature of 70-80 C, so that most microorganisms and enzyme lost vitality. Through heating, can be ideal, and the brown sauce, and hot condensed the separation,

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